Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1140 End in person

Yang Ming was lying in front of the computer, flipping through posts, and calling Li Dongxu.

Do I need to report this to my boss?

Now the impact is getting bigger and bigger.

As a result, Li Dongxu didn't know what he was doing. The line was always busy and the call couldn't be made at all.

Yang Ming put down his phone and looked through the comments under the post.

"Can Fucheng Chun be successful? It's a shame that I have been living in the capital for more than ten years. When something happens, I only know how to contact the official to delete the post. Apart from making small moves behind my back, what else will you do?"

"I hope Fucheng Chun can send someone to speak out. Why is it starting to transform after getting the title of intangible cultural heritage approved by the state?"

"If the lamb and scorpion pot really represents the signature dish of your store, then it is only a special dish of your own store and cannot represent the entire capital. Isn't it difficult for everyone to understand? I don't believe that you, a restaurant specializing in fish from other places, cook lamb and scorpion The hotpot is better than Donglaishun, a century-old mutton restaurant in our capital!"

Finally, when the trend of the post began to gradually turn into a debate over regional differences, a big boss with a level 9 certification in the website post bar stood up!

"First of all, there is one thing that I need to clarify here! This video is a collection of videos I edited on the official website of the National Science and Technology Exhibition. The purpose of posting it in my personal post was because our country's food has won international recognition. It was recognized by my friends and promoted, and I felt very proud!

Several customers in the video were interviewed at the Science and Technology Exhibition Center at different times. I just specially edited their remarks about tasting the food.

Therefore, the authenticity is beyond doubt! "

The following is the official website of the Science and Technology Exhibition Activity Center that the level 9 boss attached to download the video.

“My original intention in editing this video was because I felt that the food exhibition was very successful and served the purpose of promoting the country’s cuisine. As a member of the food circle, I am very excited and proud!

As for those people who can't even get tickets to the Science and Technology Activity Center, let alone have the opportunity to taste delicious food, but arbitrarily reprint videos edited by others and question the authenticity, I can only continue to appeal to the website administrator!

Finally, I have to emphasize that the original purpose of editing and releasing this video is simply to inspire people and let everyone know that our domestic food and cooking technology has been developing rapidly. The techniques and special dishes are excellent even internationally!

Now, our country's food has been recognized internationally. This can also provide some inspiration to those who really love cooking and devote themselves to researching innovative dishes. At the same time, it can serve the purpose of circulating industry news and communicating with each other! "

"I have re-edited the previously edited video. This time, I have added the information of several interviewed guests. This is the complete version. I will contact the official to pin it to the top, and resolutely resist the private reprinting of my video and post it everywhere. , people who keep causing wars on the Internet with unknown purposes!

As for other people who have been questioning the authenticity and whether Fuchengchun Hotel has changed its business direction, I can only say sorry for touching your blind spot of knowledge!

Please don’t think that what you can’t do, others can’t do either.

Please don’t impose your ideas on others!

Finally, because this video triggered a series of online rumors and turmoil, which affected the reputation of Fuchengchun Hotel and even the International Science and Technology Expo, I will make a public apology online later! "

Later, the level 9 boss directly posted the edited video under this post.

Within a few minutes, this post was officially pinned to the top!

After that, several posts with related content that were originally trending were blocked one after another.

The crowd of onlookers who commented on the post had no space to leave comments and opinions. They immediately rushed to the pinned post and started to comment wildly!

“What age are we in, and we still don’t allow others to have freedom of speech!”

"That's right, no one from Fuchengchun Restaurant has come forward to explain. Why are you, an outsider, so excited? It is reasonable to suspect that you are the chef in charge of Fuchengchun!"

"Can a lamb and scorpion pot represent the delicacies of our country? Can you really put yourself in a good position? Is this Fuchengchun's special dish? If you have the ability, can you explain clearly, where did you learn this dish?"

Just when the post was ridiculed by a large number of malicious replies, another post was soon upvoted!

"I am Guan Xinbo, the deputy director of the International Science and Technology Exhibition Planning Service Activity Center. The whole story of Fuchengchun's introduction of sheep and scorpion pot dishes actually originated from a ceremonial banquet hosted by the activity center for representatives of Inner Mongolia technology companies. "Order"

Deputy Director Guan explained the whole thing in detail, and after he appeared, the event center planning team also expressed their gratitude to Fucheng Chun Stall for their temporary help, and clarified various comments on the Internet.

The official stepped down in person, and the trend of public opinion changed instantly.

After this post, some people stood up to defend Fucheng Chun one after another, accusing the original poster of being disgusting and inciting public opinion.

The original poster was also dismissed, and those who followed the trend in one reply were all the indignant netizens who had helped to find trouble.

Both sides argued and judged each other tit for tat.

At this time, another new post was published!

"I am Lu Zhanlong, the chef of Donglaishun Restaurant. Yesterday I went to the Science and Technology Exhibition Fucheng Chun stall to taste this lamb and scorpion hotpot. The taste is indeed very good and authentic. It is worth trying.

Sheep and scorpion pot is a traditional delicacy in my country, and it does occupy a place in the local catering market in the capital.

However, this dish does not belong to any particular restaurant. In recent years, the cooking method of sheep and scorpion pot has been improved, and the flavor and variety have been expanded, so there are many restaurants selling related dishes.

Being able to promote and innovate this special dish is a good thing, both for restaurants that specialize in such dishes and for the majority of dining customers!

Fucheng Chun Stall was fortunate enough to participate in the food promotion event of the International Science and Technology Exhibition, which is a very glorious thing in itself.

The dishes they cook can contribute to hosting technology company representatives from international parties, which is also a very good publicity for us in the food circle. "

Below Lu Zhanlong, another post was posted!

"Fuchengchun Restaurant is a catering company representing the province's intangible cultural heritage. It has been cooking fish banquets and has no plans to change the types of dishes for the time being!

The dish launched this time is Sheep and Scorpion Pot, and Fu Yu, the chef who came to the store for further training, was specially invited to help cook the dish. After this event, this dish will no longer be launched. "

The official explanation of Fuchengchun Restaurant appeared and instantly caused an explosion on the official website of the National Food Association.

After all, the reason why the previous posts caused controversy was mainly because Fuchengchun changed the categories of the store in order to make money privately because of his status as an intangible cultural heritage issued by the state.

In addition, it was because of a customer's comment that it was the best and most authentic in the capital, which triggered a controversy over the taste of the local Sheep and Scorpion restaurant.

Now the relevant personnel have come out to refute the rumors.

These explanations and proofs immediately silenced those who doubted it!

However, some people are still unconvinced. You know, there are many half-hearted people in any circle who are half-full of bottles!

When this group of people had nothing to talk about, they quickly found a point to refute the attack!

Although lamb and scorpion pot is a very traditional delicacy, knowing how to make it and making it well and making it authentically are two different things!

The stew of mutton itself requires very high cooking skills of the chef, and the lamb and scorpion pot even more tests the chef's skill in controlling the heat.

In the food circle, strength has always spoken!

The strength will only come from the older generation of chefs who are talented, willing to work hard, and are dedicated to gourmet cooking. They have studied for many years and have very rich experience.

The chef in charge, Fuchengchun, has been revealed. He is a newcomer in the industry who is in his early twenties.

Very powerful, very powerful.

Otherwise, there would be no opportunity to study at Fuchengchun Hotel.

However, the need for further training means that the strength is indeed there, but it still needs to go further.

This makes people subconsciously feel that he is just a very good newcomer in the industry, but he is far from the strength of a big boss.

Especially since this newcomer comes from a small city in another province.

They themselves feel that the food scene in the capital is stronger and better than that in other provinces!

I even feel that these restaurants from other places are far inferior to the local time-honored brands in the capital in terms of business philosophy and cooking level.

It is undeniable that the capital's food circle did develop earlier than other places, but other provinces have also caught up with their own specialty food.

This kind of geographical division is originally a very narrow idea.

Extreme netizens continued to cover their ears and only said what they wanted to say.

"Sheep and Scorpion Hotpot occupies a place in the capital's local food circle and has a long history of development! Fuchengchun's birthplace is a city that mainly specializes in river fish cuisine. Their restaurant has only been in the capital for more than ten years. No matter how skilled the chef is, Can it be compared to local cuisine that has been cooked for hundreds of years? Is it possible?”

"Customers who would comment like this must have never had the opportunity to taste other delicacies in the capital. How come a lamb and scorpion pot has become a special delicacy that represents the capital?"

Just as the topic opened up a new battlefield, a big boss suddenly appeared!

That's He Jie!

“Yesterday, I went to the Fucheng Chun stall with Lu Chu from Dong Lai Shun to taste the lamb and scorpion hotpot. The chef did it very authentically. The taste is different from the authentic local recipe in the capital, but it is also very delicious.

The dish of lamb and scorpion pot does not represent the authentic cuisine of the capital, but it can be used as a national specialty for international promotion.

This is an event that has gained popularity in our food circle. We should be proud of it instead of just doubting or speculating.

This time, Fucheng Chun Stalls can try to cook a dish that its own restaurant is not good at in order to assist the event center in hosting international partners. This is a good act in itself.

In particular, the lamb and scorpion pot they make is indeed very authentic and delicious, and has won praise and love from customers.

Instead of just questioning it, why not go to the activity center and taste it in person to see what it tastes like, what’s good about it, and what’s bad about it.

Now that you have such time to show off your ignorance on the Internet, you should calm down and learn more about cooking skills in the food circle, improve yourself, expand your horizons, and improve your personal qualities.

Don't be like now, where just a video or a comment on a post can be easily incited and people will discover your shallowness and ignorance! "

What He Jie said was very rude, but people didn't dare to refute it easily.

His identity and status are displayed there. He is a very famous boss-level figure in the circle. He is powerful and represents authority!

One after another in the food industry, big names came forward to publicly spread rumors, which immediately made everyone shut up.

And He Jie's last remarks surprised everyone.

The lamb and scorpion pot is so good that it is praised by all the big names in the food circle. Who is in charge of it?

Even the chef Dong Laishun from the capital’s century-old restaurant was full of praise, which shows that the cooking is indeed very authentic!

This issue has suddenly become the most concerning thing for everyone!

And just when the Internet was abuzz and everyone started asking about the chef, the person involved, Fu Yuzheng, happily hugged his wife and covered himself with a quilt, sleeping soundly.

This night, many people are destined to have insomnia!

Li Dongxu noticed that he missed the call and thought something had happened. He went back and heard Yang Ming talking about the posts on the website, so he contacted his boss Liu Yongping.

When He Jie and Lu Zhanlong saw the message from Liu Yongping, they were immersed in studying the summary information sent by Fu Yu, and the admiration in their hearts grew more and more!

When they heard that someone was slandering Fu Yu's cooking on the Internet, the two of them were immediately filled with indignation and took time out of their busy schedules to go to the website to help prove it.

Then he continued to look through the information.

This collection of information on fire control skills is so comprehensive and extremely detailed!

There are dozens of analytical data during actual cooking. Any situation that affects the cooking state of ingredients will be analyzed and compared in detail.

Fu Yu even gave this guide a serious name.

[How to control cooking heat - Mastering heat is an important skill in cooking and a basic skill for chefs]

It's a very common question, but the content includes all the methods and details about fire control. This requires a lot of practical practice.

There are only a few pages of information, but the content is very insightful, and almost every sentence is thought-provoking.

It can be seen that when compiling these data, sufficient preparations, detailed operational experiments and summaries were made. (End of chapter)

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