Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1139 Life is tiring and sweet

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu suddenly felt his breathing become rapid.

Lu Zhanlong and Master He Jie were even more excited.

Fu Yu promised to send them information at night.

He Jie and Zhang Chi also quickly exchanged contact information with Fu Yu.

After adding Fu Yu's WeChat account, He Jie belatedly realized that Lu Zhanlong, an old boy who looked honest and upright, actually had a lot of evil intentions.

For example, he had Fu Yu's phone number before, so he didn't think about adding WeChat. Anyway, he probably wouldn't have much chance to interact with her in the future.

And if anything happens, just call.

But now I think about it, how convenient it is to send messages!

Everyone works in the kitchen, and we all know how busy we are.

I don't have time to make phone calls during the day, and it's almost midnight when I get home at night. If I make a phone call, I'm afraid it will affect the other person's rest.

Sending messages is different. Once you have said what you need to say, the other party will naturally reply when they have time.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Zhanlong is pretty good at it!

After getting off work in the evening, the first thing Fu Yu did when he got home was to collect all the information, including the cooking guide on fire control skills he had obtained, as well as some of his experiences during the entire compilation period of this guide, and the key points of each step. Point operation and analysis, including adjustment of heat and ingredients, how to judge time and heat size

Wait, every step of the operation is a corresponding analysis.

When Fu Yu rearranges it himself, he still feels a surge of emotion.

These are all the cooking experience he has compiled through his own efforts.

Now, your efforts can immediately enter the stage of being appreciated, recognized, learned, and even promoted!

Fu Yu was very happy.

He was particularly active in sending out all the information.

The few people who received the information were very excited after reading it!

It turns out that it is really possible to create a cooking guide with fire control skills!

Several people sent messages to Fu Yu one after another to express their excitement.

Fu Yu politely sent a group message in reply: "After you finish reading, we can find an opportunity to communicate."

Everyone has their own work to be busy with, but Fu Yu believes that as long as they have time, they will definitely take the time to come over and communicate with him to exchange opinions about the guide.

I sent this message and did not receive a reply immediately.

Several people are busy sorting out information.

He Jie had a printer at home, so he could directly print out all the information and read it page by page. In fact, there were not many articles, but he felt it was heavy in his hand!

Lu Zhanlong uploaded it to the computer and sat in front of the screen to read it carefully, with a rigorous and serious attitude and bright eyes.

Zhang Chi's children are still young, his computer is occupied watching cartoons, and his wife uses his tablet to watch videos. He can only hold his mobile phone and flip through articles.

The message Fu Yu sent came as a surprise to him!

After reading it, he will definitely have a lot of ideas to share. When the time comes, he will ask the master to take him over to meet Fu Yu. It will become a very rare opportunity for cooking exchange and learning!

When Liu Yongping received the information, he was socializing at the wine table.

He has a very good drinking capacity. He stops drinking when he is just tipsy and only chats with others.

The wine party was over and he asked the driver to drive back.

On the way, I remembered to check my phone and was surprised to find that Fu Yu had posted a cooking guide with fire control skills compiled by himself.

When Leng Buding saw this thing, Liu Yongping didn't react for a moment. When he realized what it was, the slightly tipsy feeling he had just been immersed in suddenly disappeared.

He sat up straight, turned on the overhead light, and began to read the information with concentration.

After reading most of the page, except for the smell of alcohol on my clothes, I no longer felt drunk at all.

What's this?

Through cooking dishes, it summarizes all the cooking operation skills and experiences recorded on fire control skills. This is a very complete cooking guide!

Although they were in different places and the reading speed was completely different, during the whole process of reading, several people began to breathe quickly and their heartbeats increased unknowingly.

In everyone's hearts, Fu Yu's status soared rapidly!

When they saw the back, they were even more respectful to Yu.

Everyone who was looking at this information, including several big names in the food industry, including Liu Yongping, suddenly realized that Fu Yu was willing to share this information with them. If he could provide some effective opinions, he would actively participate. Promoted the collection and production of this guide, then this time, it is likely that they will also become pioneers in cooking with fire control skills!

The faster society develops, the faster the innovation in various fields will be. The same is true for the food circle. If you want to become a mainstay in the circle and remain standing, you must keep moving forward and never be left behind!

Lu Zhanlong, He Jie, Master Zhangchi, Liu Yongping, and Li Dongxu each looked at the information in their hands. At the same time, in different spaces, they all made up their minds to not sleep tonight, stay up all night, and go tomorrow. Ask Fu Yu for advice and exchange.

Such a rare opportunity cannot be missed.

And they all felt that after reading the information, they would definitely have something to say and want to communicate with Fu Yu.

After Fu Yu finished handing out the information, he quickly tidied up and took the time to cook.

Liu Yuqing had to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination and had a heavy workload. At this time, get out of class was not over yet.

Fu Yu quickly processed the dishes he bought on the way back, including a dish of braised glutinous rice with soy sauce, a dish of hot kohlrabi, and a bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup.

After all the ingredients were processed, Fu Yu called Liu Yuqing to confirm the time when he would arrive home, and then he started cooking slowly.

The two dishes were served, the duck was simmering in the pot, and the rice was not ready yet.

Fu Yu picked up his cell phone and wanted to ask if Liu Yuqing had arrived at the community, but found that Liu Yongping and the other four had sent messages.

It was as if they had discussed it, and they all wanted to come to the stall tomorrow morning to talk to him about their thoughts and opinions about the guide.

The boss Liu Yongping also proposed that they could have exchanges in the morning, so Fu Yu told the four people about the specific situation.

Hearing that others were coming, everyone responded by welcoming the other's arrival.

In activities like exchanging cooking experiences and ideas, the more people participate, the more knowledge can be gathered, which is a good thing.

After communicating with several people separately, we finally agreed to meet at the stall at 9 a.m. tomorrow to exchange some views on the guide.

Fu Yu had just put down his cell phone when Liu Yuqing arrived home.

Fu Yu hurried to the door and the two hugged each other sweetly.

Liu Yuqing's complexion looked a little haggard, her whole person was listless, and she was not in high spirits.

When Fu Yu saw it, his heart skipped a beat and he asked with concern: "What's wrong with my eldest baby? Is he being angry outside?"

Liu Yuqing shook her head sadly: "No, it's just that I'm very tired today and my legs are still very sore. I sat and wrote papers all day and my brain hurts!"

When Fu Yu heard this, he simply hugged Liu Yuqing horizontally, making the other party exclaim, and then said with a smile: "Take a rest when you are tired. I will make the soup now. You lie down on the sofa for a while." Son, you can eat soon. After eating, you can go to bed!"

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she hurriedly said: "Don't go to the sofa, I haven't changed my clothes yet. You go and cook. I'll wash my hands first!"

Influenced by her family, Liu Yuqing is very concerned about hygiene. When she comes home from outside, she does not change clothes, sit on the sofa or bed.

Fu Yu thought about lying down on the sofa when he came back just now, and suddenly felt guilty. Fortunately, Liu Yuqing didn't know.

When two people live together, they have to accommodate each other's personal habits, otherwise they will definitely have disagreements.

Being clean is a good thing, and Fu Yu is willing to cooperate with him.

Liu Yuqing went to wash her hands, and Fu Yu went to the kitchen and quickly cooked the duck blood vermicelli soup. The water was boiling here and the rice was steaming there.

Fu Yu makes an authentic duck blood and vermicelli soup, which contains duck blood, duck intestines, duck liver and vermicelli. The taste is very mild, and it tastes delicious and smooth.

Liu Yuqing changed her clothes, came to the dining room, took a look at the two dishes on the table, then went to the kitchen and said in surprise: "Hey! Are you still buying Ga Ya Zi?"

This is a local specialty river fish in Bei'an. Restaurants here in the capital don't even order it. At least Liu Yuqing has never seen it in all her time here.

Fu Yu smiled and scooped the vermicelli into a soup bowl, put the duck blood on top, sprinkled a layer of green garlic, green onions and pepper, and poured over the rich duck soup.

Fu Yu greeted: "Go to the dining room, you can eat!"

Liu Yuqing smelled the fragrance and suddenly felt her appetite was whetted. She responded with a smile and went to the dining room.

Fu Yusheng took out a small bowl of soup and handed it to Liu Yuqing: "Try it. I saw that the duck products in the market were okay, so I bought some."

Liu Yuqing took a sip of soup and immediately raised her eyebrows.

The soup made by Fu Yu is full of ingredients. The duck blood is tender, the duck gizzards are pliable, the duck intestines are smooth, the duck liver is soft, and the duck soup is particularly fresh. Coupled with the springy and chewy vermicelli, it is hard to take a bite. With the metaphorical satisfaction, the fatigue all over my body disappeared instantly, and my mood became better.

Seeing Liu Yuqing's expression softening, Fu Yu couldn't help but ask: "Are you particularly tired from studying now? I see that the bag you brought today is very heavy, and you have to read so many books?"

Liu Yuqing sighed: "It's not about reading, it's about memorizing it. The postgraduate entrance examination is much more difficult than I thought before, and my current tutor is very strict with me. Maybe it's because of my sister's relationship, he can't wait to see me. Watch me learn!"

After saying that, he said with joy in his pain: "However, the teacher also said that if I persist in working so hard and get into school with high scores, I will be able to follow a good teacher when I am divided into classes, and I will be able to develop better in the future."

Fu Yu picked out a piece of fish sandwich and gave it to Liu Yuqing: "This teacher is good, but you work too hard."

Liu Yuqing took a bite of fish, squinted her eyes happily, took a mouthful of rice, and waited for the food in her mouth to be swallowed before she said: "There is no other way, only by enduring hardship can one become a great person! And my sister said, This tutor is so awesome that the success rate of his students is as high as 85%, and he is very famous in the circle.

If it weren't for my sister's relationship, most people would spend money and he wouldn't accept it.

I just started learning now, and I haven’t gotten used to it yet. I will get better after some time. "

After eating, Liu Yuqing leaned back in her chair with satisfaction. She looked at Fu Yu who was eating the leftovers, and felt very happy in her heart.

Studying is actually very tiring. The teacher stares at her every day and assigns a lot of homework. She has to study until early in the morning every night. During the day, she has been studying hard since she sat in the cram school. After a whole day, this is the only time she can relax a little. mind.

Before she moved back, she even had a casual meal for dinner, and her spirit was always tense.

But now, when she dragged her tired body back, she could see her beloved and eat such a table of delicious dishes.

This gave her a feeling of physical and mental comfort.

After eating, Fu Yu wanted to clear away the dishes, but Liu Yuqing snatched the work away.

Fu Yu also worked all day, and now it was rare to take a break. Liu Yuqing knew all too well the hard work of the kitchen.

Neither of them wanted to leave the work to the other, so they simply washed the dishes and tidied the kitchen together, then took a shower one after another, returned to the bedroom and lay in bed, talking affectionately and thoughtfully.

They had been busy all day, lying on the comfortable bed, relaxing, with their lovers next to them, telling each other about their experiences during the day, their views on the people around them, their views on work and study, and their encounters. When I arrived, I heard some interesting things, chatted excitedly for a while, and shared my happiness and troubles of the day.

Married life may be like this.

Simple, yet warm and happy.

Fu Yu sweetly hugged his wife, who rarely went to bed early for a day, and listened to her complain about the boredom of the postgraduate entrance examination.

By the end of the chat, the two of them yawned and fell asleep without realizing it.

At the same time, Fu Yu's cell phone, which he had set to silent mode, rang.

Yang Ming had nothing to do before going to bed at night and browsed the homepage of the official website of the National Food Association.

His original intention was to take a look at what new news there was in the food industry recently, but he didn't expect that in the popular post, the matter about Fu Yu cooking lamb and scorpion actually intensified!

The administrator's previous behavior of deleting posts clearly showed a bottoming out trend.

The original intention is to delete these posts that deliberately drive comments and purify the hot topics of attention on the website.

The result was counterproductive.

A large number of posts began to follow suit, create new posts, and leave messages to each other to increase the popularity.

Soon, among several posts, a post with a very provocative title but had nothing to do with the keyword settings was once again popular.

The post was accompanied by the previously edited video, the order of the content was adjusted, and the text was replaced.

As for this rebranded post, it was just a new post without changing the medicine. Some netizens who followed the original post began to quickly gather around and actively leave messages and express their opinions.

Yang Ming didn't take it seriously at first, but when he discovered that the post actually mentioned the lamb and scorpion pot at his stall, he quickly read it from beginning to end.

Looking at it, I was surprised to find that the popularity of the post was obviously greater than before, and the number of comments and forwards had more than doubled! (End of chapter)

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