Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1138 This opportunity is very good

Lu Zhanlong stared at Fu Yu's operation and suddenly took a breath!

Rao Shi's store specializes in mutton cooking, and most of the mutton is stewed, so they pay great attention to the control of heat.

At this moment, I was also amazed by Fu Yu's series of operations!

However, he didn't know that the cooking demonstration had just begun.

After the sheep and scorpions are cooked, there is a key operation to adjust the fire.

Turn the fire from medium to low heat, simmer slowly, and adjust the timing at the right time, then turn the fire to low heat.

Fu Yu's operation was very professional and the timing was very precise.

Lu Zhanlong couldn't help but nod: "Profit and loss!"

His compliment came from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't lower his voice intentionally.

When Fu Yu heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. It felt good to be praised!

Li Dongxu also smiled, looking proud.

He Jie saw it and couldn't help but be surprised. In his impression, Fu Yu was a very stable and reserved person. He was evaluated by those big bosses in the national chef competition and he seemed to be very calm.

Why are you not calm now after being praised?

Thinking of this, He Jie couldn't help but look at Fu Yu with a kinder look.

It was obvious that the young chef in front of him was only in his early twenties, but because of his superb cooking skills, he always unconsciously ignored the other person's true age.

It seems that no matter how powerful you are, you are still too young!

But then, he realized how rare it was to be praised by Lu Zhanlong, who was good at cooking mutton.

The stew of sheep and scorpions in the pot was analyzed in detail in front of everyone!

Every step of operation and detail processing are done simply and neatly.

Is it really that difficult to cook such a dish?

At least at this moment, watching Fu Yu cook, I felt that all the tricks were displayed without reservation. The most important thing is that they are simple and easy to master operations.


When Fu Yu was adjusting the heat, the state of the ingredients in the pot, the amount of water, and the concentration of the seasonings, all these data formed a very complete thinking process in Fu Yu's mind.

The operation is very simple!

It can even be said that in the entire stewing process, there are actually only two steps to adjust the heat.

When Fu Yu turned off the lamb scorpions that had been stewed in the previous pot and started to put them on the plate, everyone stared at the lamb scorpions in the casserole and were stunned!


It was indeed stewed very well.

Even if I haven't tasted it yet, I just looked at the color of the lamb scorpion, the amount of soup left, and the tangy and rich aroma of meat.

It was obviously a dish that tested the chef's cooking skills, but after Fu Yu's preparation, it was just like a very ordinary home-cooked dish.

A series of operations, simple and clear!

Use the simplest cooking operations, exert the highest level of skills, and control the heat perfectly to stew the most delicious taste of the sheep and scorpion as much as possible!

And this very rich meat aroma is enhanced by the secret marinade package, right?

They are not ordinary chefs. They can clearly understand every step of Fu Yu's operations!


It is precisely because you can see it clearly and understand it thoroughly that you feel it is awesome!

Lu Zhanlong really felt so and looked at Fu Yu with eager eyes.

This is a very capable young junior.

He Jie felt a little scary!

For the first time, he deeply realized that he was lacking in cooking skills, especially the skill of stewing and heating, and he needed to practice more.

Lu Zhanlong is more powerful than him, but Fu Yu has clearly begun to do it with ease.

When the lamb and scorpion pot was brought to the table, and they tasted the stewed lamb and scorpion, the expressions of the three of them became visibly serious.

Especially Lu Zhanlong, who sipped the delicious flavor of the mutton and fell silent.

When he was observing before, he felt that he understood Fu Yu's operations.

This person is very good at controlling fire and has profound attainments.

When he actually tasted this lamb and scorpion pot, Lu Zhanlong suddenly realized that there was a huge difference between understanding and learning!

At this moment, Lu Zhanlong began to feel lucky that on a whim, he came to Fucheng Chun stall to taste the lamb and scorpion pot.

He Jie finished chewing a piece of sheep scorpion, turned it around in his hand, and couldn't help but laugh: "Look at this sheep bone that I was asked to chew. Even the dogs have to curse when they see it!"

He usually likes to eat meat, but he prefers to eat tender and good mutton. When he takes a bite, his teeth sink in. The feeling of satisfaction can only be understood by those who eat it.

But now I am chewing on the lamb scorpion, chewing the tender but not greasy mutton on it, chewing on the fat, tender but not slippery, rich and delicate bone marrow, and taking a sip of the fragrant but not smelly soup.

After chewing a piece of bone, He Jie smacked his lips. While sighing at the deliciousness of the sheep and scorpion, he stretched out his hand again and eagerly took back another piece of the sheep and scorpion.

As he stretched out his hand, he also handed out the relaxed chopsticks.

Zhang Chi is not very keen on mutton. Once this food is cooked, it is very fragrant, but if it is not cooked well, one bite will make you sick to death.

And compared to chewing the lamb bones like this, he prefers to eat the mutton slices in the hot pot, which are fresh and tender and covered with the hot pot soup.

Probably because he is a chef, Zhang Chi eats vegetables and likes the original flavor of the ingredients, and does not like to eat heavy oily and spicy food.

Just like the lamb and scorpion pot, if he goes to eat it, he will definitely order the white soup pot. In his opinion, the clear soup of the lamb and scorpion can better bring out the fragrance of the mutton.

But this taste surprised Zhang Chi and opened the door to a new world.

They say meat close to the bone is the most delicious!

Fu Yu makes the lamb and scorpion pot, in which every huge piece of lamb spine is stewed until crispy, fresh but not sour. The original flavor is fresh and fragrant, and the marrow is delicious.

It's obviously a red soup, but you can taste the delicious taste of mutton. I don't know what kind of secret marinade package is used. During the stewing process, the deliciousness of the mutton spine is brought out step by step!

The taste is very special. He has obviously eaten a lot of mutton pot, but he has never tasted something similar.


good smell! !

Very fragrant! ! !

It has obviously been stewed for such a long time, but whether it is the lamb scorpion or the lamb leg bone, it is still full of meat. The aroma of the stewed soup has already been integrated into every seam of the meat. When you take a bite, what enters your mouth is a rich aroma. The soup, followed by the tender mutton, has that unique aroma that dances wildly between your lips and teeth, and you can't stop taking a bite.

Compared with the master and the apprentice who quickly gnawed one piece of sheep scorpion one after another, Lu Zhanlong chewed a piece of sheep scorpion until all the bones were clean, and then took two sips of the red soup.

The mutton is stewed just right, in line with their restaurant's strict requirements. It is simmered over low heat, and the mutton has melted into the soup. Although the mutton fat is very thick, it does not feel greasy in the mouth.

After finishing the mutton, stir-fry the bone marrow and take a sip of the thick soup. The progressive texture is simply crazy.

It is obviously the same red soup lamb and scorpion hotpot. Donglaishun has several flavors of red soup lamb and scorpion hotpot, but they are all different from the ones made by Fu Yu.

This one made by Fu Yu is really delicious.

Even if you don’t want to admit it, you have to admit that this lamb and scorpion pot is delicious and very authentic.

Obviously they are made with authentic methods and have authentic taste, but people can taste the difference in one bite.

Even though Lu Zhanlong has been making mutton pot for nearly thirty years and has studied stewing and cooking for half his life, he still has not been able to taste what is unique about the ingredients used in this mutton and scorpion pot.

You know, during the cooking operation before, Fu Yu even prepared the marinade packets on the spot in front of them.

All the seasonings were placed on the kitchen table, and he looked at them carefully. They were all common ingredients used in marinades, and there was nothing unique about them.

At most, the proportions used are slightly different, but I didn't expect that the stewed taste would be so different.

In fact, in terms of cooking techniques alone, Lu Zhanlong feels that Fu Yu's level is comparable to that of the senior chefs in their store, but in terms of taste, perhaps because the sheep and scorpion hotpot in his store has been in business for a long time, the taste is more in line with the local area. Human tastes, so when you suddenly eat the lamb and scorpion pot made by Fu Yu, you will have a refreshing feeling.

I believe that after tasting it, those people commented that the lamb and scorpion pot made by Fu Yu was the most delicious and authentic in the capital. It was also because of this tasting experience that they came to this conclusion.

After Lu Zhanlong finished chewing a piece of sheep scorpion, he didn't move his chopsticks anymore. He stared at the sheep bones in front of him and fell into deep thought.

When he came back to his senses, a large pot of sheep and scorpions was almost eaten.

Opposite him, master and apprentice He Jie were gnawing on the bones happily, their expressions looking like they were happy to have eaten delicious food.

From the kitchen, several more special signature dishes of Fucheng Chun were delivered one after another.

The three of us also tasted it. The anchovy dishes were very delicious, but they were all dishes we had eaten before. In terms of taste, they were far less impressive than the sheep and scorpion pot that took the first bite.

After a table of dishes was finished, the three of them couldn't help but sigh when they saw Li Dongxu and Fu Yu taking time out of their busy schedules to come here!

The sheep and scorpions made by Fu Yu are indeed delicious!

Fucheng Chun’s fish dishes are also really authentic. The fish can be cooked so deliciously in a variety of ways, and all are of high quality. It can be seen that the intangible food skills inherited are not only the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional culture, but also a kind of The carrier of cooking techniques.

In front of Li Dongxu, He Jie sincerely praised: "Chef Li, your restaurant's signature dishes are really well-deserved. I have eaten at Fuchengchun before and thought they tasted good. These dishes you served us today , it’s really delicious!”

Li Dongxu was very excited when he heard this, and said with a smile: "As long as it tastes good, just come over if you have another chance in the future. There are many dishes in our store that are worth trying. I will be responsible for serving them then!"

He Jie also smiled, he was satisfied with the meal.

Lu Zhanlong stared at Fu Yu with eager eyes.

Who would have thought that such a young chef could cook such high-level dishes!

Fu Yu is awesome!

Before leaving, Lu Zhanlong took the initiative to exchange contact information with Fu Yu. When shaking hands and saying goodbye, he couldn't help but said: "Xiao Fu, there is something I want to ask."

Fu Yu nodded and said, "What's going on? Chef Lu, tell me."

Lu Zhanlong asked seriously: "Xiao Fu, I see that your level of cooking and fire control skills is not low. You should have undergone systematic training, right? Did you practice under the guidance of a master, or did you study it in private? I It looks like you have a systematic operation process for controlling the heat, so you have gained experience, right?"

As soon as these words came out, other people also turned their heads to look over!

They all know that Fu Yu's cooking skills are very good, but if the fire control skills can be summarized into a systematic operation process, the meaning will be different!

what does that mean?

It means that Fu Yu has completed the complete guide on cooking operation and fire control skills!

He Jie glanced at Lu Zhanlong in surprise, seeing the other person staring at Fu Yu with excitement and shock in his expression.

This expression clearly confirmed this matter.

is it possible?

He Jie looked at Fu Yu and couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Fu, have you completed the complete guide on fire control skills?"

This time, even Li Dongxu looked shocked.

Fu Yu actually formed a guide?

What are the guidelines?

It is a guideline that can promote existing cooking techniques and experience for everyone to use.

For a moment, everyone looked at Fu Yu!

Fu Yu was suddenly asked, so he didn't panic, but said calmly and honestly: "Well, yes, I have basically filled in the detailed explanations of operating skills and experience, but I still need to smooth it out carefully and add some cooking details. .

I have almost completed the parts that I can do myself. I originally wanted to ask someone to take a look at it. If you are interested, I will send the information to you after I get off work in the evening. You can also take a look at it for me and give me some opinions. . "

The guide originally needed everyone’s experience to be summarized and corrected before it could be truly formed.

It is difficult to produce perfect guidance by working alone.

This opportunity is great now.

He Jie is a well-known big shot in the food circle.

Lu Zhanlong was not bad either. Together with Li Dongxu, when the summary of the guide was distributed in the evening, he took the initiative to send a copy to Liu Yongping.

When the time comes, let them take a look at it, find faults, and make some suggestions.

This complete guide to cooking fire control skills should be officially completed!

Hearing Fu Yu's words, everyone felt as if they were struck by lightning, and their hearts were shocked!

This news is too unbelievable!

What they asked for was a guide! ?

The guide requires a lot of practical cooking operations and multiple evaluations to determine the summary of cooking operation skills and sharing of experience.

Others couldn't react for a while.


Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu with complicated eyes. He suddenly thought of something. It seemed that Fu Yu had recorded and collected some cooking exchange experiences and the results of the discussions during this period.

Because Fu Yu took the notepad on his mobile phone more than once and asked him about the implementation of the details of a certain step of operation and the effect of the changes.

Could it be that he had already started preparations more than half a month ago? (End of chapter)

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