Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1137 There is no need at all

After receiving the reply, Li Dongxu turned to Master Lu Zhanlong and He Jie and said, "If you want to watch, you can stay. After you finish reading it, just go to the dining area to taste it."

Lu Zhanlong didn't expect Fu Yu to be so easy to talk to. Surprised, his impression of the young chef became even better.

He Jie nodded happily. He never thought that Fu Yu would refuse the request to observe.

After all, Fu Yu has participated in the national chef competition and is very familiar with this kind of cooking demonstration.

The more famous a signature dish is, the harder it is to be imitated.

Operations that can be called unique skills are the result of painstaking training and accumulated experience.

It's not just a glance, you can understand the skills after watching it for a while.

Fu Yu has cooked sheep and scorpion pot dozens of times during this period, and practice makes perfect.

Yang Zhichao has prepared the ingredients.

Fu Yu had already stewed the first pot of lamb and scorpions, so he turned around to cook new dishes.

Li Dongxu brought Lu Zhanlong and Master He Jie to Fu Yu's kitchen. There was a lot of noise in the back kitchen, and if you wanted to talk, you had to get close to each other to communicate.

Lu Zhanlong originally just wanted to taste the lamb scorpion that was highly praised by customers. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to observe the cooking on site. He was really surprised.

He took the initiative to step forward and express his gratitude to Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, you have worked hard today!"

Fu Yu smiled slightly.

He Jie was stunned and turned to look at Lu Zhanlong, Hey! This old boy, who has always been the most honest and upright person, now actually takes the initiative to show his kindness!

Lu Zhanlong thought very clearly!

The cooking technique of sheep and scorpion pot has now attracted the attention of colleagues in the food circle, which is actually a good thing for their restaurant!

There is a lot of buzz on the Internet now. This dish will definitely set off a craze. Their store mainly cooks mutton. With this trend, they will definitely usher in a wave of customer peaks.

As for the lamb and scorpion pot cooked by Fu Yu, it may be very unique, but it will definitely be different from their store in terms of cooking method and taste.

As long as there is a difference, don’t be afraid!

After all, it’s hard to agree with others. As long as the food tastes good, you won’t be afraid of being compared.

This time he came here because his curiosity was aroused and he wanted to try the difference between the lamb and scorpion pot made in his own store.

There was no feeling of rejection or dissatisfaction in my heart.

Especially since Li Dongxu said just now that their store has no intention of changing the menu.

In other words, this lamb and scorpion pot will not be sold as a specialty dish in the store.

Then there is no competition with their store.

Lu Zhandong has a very good attitude. Now that Fu Yu gives him the opportunity to observe cooking, he will definitely cherish this rare opportunity.

After observing carefully for a while, Lu Zhandong really saw the trick.

"No! Lao Li, the lamb scorpion pot made at your stall also contains lamb leg bones?"

"Our store has always used mutton, but the ingredients are different. The cooking methods should be quite different, right?!"

Li Dongxu thought to himself, the lamb and scorpion pot here at the stall only costs 128 per serving. How much does a pound of mutton cost now?

The casseroles they use are all the largest. They can hold a lot of sheep and scorpions alone. If they add pure mutton, can they still make money?

However, this kind of thing cannot be said directly to the outside world, so Li Dongxu shook his head: "I haven't studied this dish, so I don't know much about it. You can see it for yourself. Xiaofu will start cooking soon. You can watch it." When it’s over, you’ll know!”

When Lu Zhanlong heard this, he immediately raised his head and looked at the kitchen counter!

Fu Yu is waiting for the pot to heat up.

Zhang Chi suddenly remembered the comments he saw when he was browsing the post before, and couldn't help but ask: "I read the official website yesterday, and it said that during the peak lunch period, the stall can cook three or four pots of mutton at the same time. Scorpions entertain guests. Is this true?”

At this time, Lu Zhanlong couldn't help but said: "Actually, I don't think the rumors on the Internet are very true. You don't usually interact with each other, so you may not know much about it. It must be very time-consuming to make the sheep and scorpion pot, and It's freshly stewed, so there probably won't be too many customers dining there every day. After all, there's only one person in charge of the kitchen, Xiao Fu, so there's a time limit no matter how fast you estimate it.

According to online rumors, the stall can take orders for several tables of lamb and scorpion pot at the same time. This rumor is a bit exaggerated! "

Seeing that Fu Yu was starting to cook, Li Dongxu reminded him: "Look carefully and see how long it takes him to cook a dish, and you will know!"

As soon as these words came out, the others nodded quickly, and Lu Zhanlong even took out his mobile phone and looked at the time carefully.

However, Fu Yu's next operation made Lu Zhanlong completely forget about his previous timing.

Do you still need to take time?

There is no need at all!

Not only Lu Zhanlong, but also He Jie and Zhang Chi were dumbfounded!

While Fu Yu was cooking the new lamb and scorpion pot, he was also taking care of the pot that was on the stove before. In addition, the front office sent an order form, and Fu Yu took over an order form for small banquet noodles. .

While making the lamb and scorpion pot, he also stewed a fish, and even took the time to stir-fry a spicy fish diced dish!

This series of operations made it difficult for the few people watching to come back to their senses for a long time!


This hand speed?

There is also the precise arrangement of cooking time. If there is no stopwatch, it will not be able to reach this level, right?

Lu Zhanlong has now learned that many things may be true just by hearing them.

Because Fu Yu’s cooking speed is too fast, wait!

When he is cooking, doesn't he need to consider the steps of using ingredients and the order of several dishes?


In fact, it is needed!

However, Fu Yu obviously has a very strict control method for cooking time, so any cooking operation is strictly timed in his hands.

This set of cooking operations made Lu Zhanlong blush, his heart was racing, and his breathing was short of breath!

Lu Zhanlong's lung capacity was very good, but his breathing was too loud, which made He Jie couldn't help but look sideways at him several times!

Lu Zhanlong sighed with emotion: "Regardless of the taste of this dish, the cooking speed, the arrangement of details, and the control of time are all top-notch!"

so amazing!

Even He Jie had to nod.

At this time, He Jie suddenly said: "18 minutes!"

Everyone looked up and found that Fu Yu had already started to add water to the pot, preparing to stew.

Lu Zhanlong murmured: "The cooking operations of the first few steps of Sheep Xiezi are almost the same as Xiao Fu's in our store, but in this process, he did some detailed operations faster and more accurately. Time. It probably saves about three minutes!”

Suddenly, everyone was quiet!

This is just the preliminary cooking operation, which has advanced the time so much. If the entire dish is cooked, how much faster will it be?

According to Fu Yu's current cooking speed and cooking time arrangement, if he can cook two lamb and scorpion pots at the same time and upload the dishes online, the stall can take several orders for one lunch. , it seems to be true.

He Jie turned to ask Li Dongxu: "Chef Li, when Xiaofu took orders to cook the lamb and scorpion pot, did he ever cook two dishes at the same time?"

Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu in front of the kitchen counter with admiring eyes, and couldn't help but said: "Yes, Xiao Fu handled it very well. He is very talented in arranging cooking time, and basically all the time differences are used. It’s on. What’s said online is not all nonsense, there are still certain facts.”

Everyone was silent. Ganqing didn't answer the question just now because he was just waiting to show off!

Suddenly he didn't want to talk to Li Dongxu.

At this time, another waiter came to deliver the order.

Yang Ming was very close, so he took the order, took a look at it, and sent it to Fu Yu himself.

Li Dongxu saw it and said nothing.

Lu Zhanlong, on the other hand, frowned and couldn't help but whisper: "Xiao Fu still has the order form in his hand, and now he has brought another one. Is he a little busy?"

Li Dongxu said casually: "This order should be the order form of Fu Yu's old customers."

Sure enough, Fu Yu took a look at the contents of the dishes on the list, quickly listed the preparation items, and handed it over to Yang Zhichao.

Fu Yu warned: "This is the order form from an old customer. You can tell me about it later and keep the fish bubbles!"

At this time, not only Lu Zhanlong was a little surprised, but also Master and Disciple He Jie and Zhang Chi were stunned!

Today, they simply came here to try out the lamb and scorpion pot, which is known as the most delicious and authentic dish in the capital.

Unexpectedly, I discovered something very surprising!

They are all chefs from very famous local time-honored restaurants, and they are considered to be the leading figures in the kitchen.

Now I see that Fu Yu, a person who came to Fucheng Chun for further training, can not only enter the kitchen and cook at will, but even have his own ordering list for regular customers in a short period of time.

what does that mean?

This means that Fu Yu's cooking ability is indeed amazing. Rather than Fu Yu coming to Fucheng Chun for further study, it is better to say that Liu Yongping specially invited people to the store to exchange and learn.

Thinking of this, a feeling called threat suddenly surged into my heart.

Competition in the food circle has always been very realistic. Survival of the fittest has always been the rule of survival in the circle!

If these chefs want to maintain their cooking level and maintain their position in the store, they must constantly consolidate their cooking skills, constantly learn some cutting-edge cooking knowledge, understand the current popular food trends in society, and master high-tech cooking skills.

But no matter what, all their learning activities involve sending people from their own stores to study outside.

But now, Fuchengchun Restaurant has begun to introduce foreign aid, inviting powerful cooking rookies in the circle to the store for long-term cooking exchanges and learning.

It has only been a month since we invited people here, and it has already caused a sensation in the food circle.

This is too stressful!


Lu Zhanlong watched Fu Yu cooking and still couldn't figure it out!

Stewing the lamb and scorpion in the pot is actually not simple. The requirements for controlling the heat are very high. In addition, the preparation of the marinade package is also very important. Both of them are indispensable.

When he came here just now, Li Dongxu told him about Fu Yu's situation. He used to work in a seafood restaurant and was exposed to the sheep and scorpion pot when he went to other restaurants for further training during his work.

In other words, making sheep and scorpion pot is not a specialty.

This kind of stewed dish requires a high level of chef skills. Fu Yu's ability to cause a sensation with such a dish is obviously a reflection of his personal ability.

Lu Zhandong couldn't help but ask: "Chef Li, I think this lamb and scorpion pot dish is quite good, and the response from customers is also very good. Why doesn't anyone in your store follow suit? Even if you don't make this dish, Dishes, in fact, some of the operational skills and steps in cooking can also be well applied to the cooking of other dishes.”

Donglaishun is a restaurant specializing in mutton. Lu Zhandong has been stewing mutton pot for decades. He knows very well what cooking skills are needed to make a lamb and scorpion pot, and what operational details are particularly difficult to grasp.

Even if you haven't tasted the lamb and scorpion pot that Fu Yu made, just looking at the early cooking operations, it's not difficult to tell that he is indeed very skilled in cooking this dish.

Now Fu Yu happens to be staying at the stall for further study. Taking advantage of such a good opportunity, he follows him to learn how to cook sheep and scorpion pot. Even if it is not to learn how to make new dishes, just because of the influence of this wave of Internet, There are too many customers rushing to taste it. At least the other people in the back kitchen can help take over and share the burden.

When Li Dongxu heard this, he quickly shook his head: "Lao Lu, to tell you the truth, we in the kitchen have observed and discussed the lamb and scorpion pot that Xiaofu is making several times. We know all the steps, but we only need to control the heat. In terms of performance, the level is really far behind.”

As for a chef like him, he can control the heat well, but he is too embarrassed to ask how the stewed lamb and scorpion marinade is prepared.

It's like practicing martial arts. You only learn the framework and don't understand the inner skills at all.

Even if you have the intention to get started, you don’t have the strength!

Suddenly, Lu Zhanlong couldn't help but feel a little more dignified when he heard that Li Dongxu couldn't learn how to cook this dish.

After adding water to the lamb and scorpion pot and simmering it over high heat, you need to start adding the marinade packets and seasoning appropriately.

What you should also pay attention to in this step is the very critical heat control of the entire dish.

Fu Yu is very skilled at this step. After the water in the pot boils, he adds chicken essence and a small amount of salt, then turns down the heat and simmers over medium heat.

Fu Yu controlled the degree of boiling of the water and the speed of sprinkling the seasonings very accurately. He decisively adjusted the size of the fire at the optimal time.

This set of movements is extremely fast and stable, and the heat changes almost as soon as the seasoning is added to the pot.

Master and apprentice He Jie didn't see anything special for a while.

However, Lu Zhanlong is different. He has been cooking mutton conscientiously in the store for nearly thirty years, and has made no less than thousands of copies of the mutton and scorpion pot alone.

With his rich experience in cooking spoons, he could tell almost at a glance how well Fu Yu controlled the heat! (End of chapter)

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