Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1136 Nothing

While Fu Yu was cooking, Yang Zhichao paid attention to making preparations to help the cook while carefully observing the cooking operations.

In the evening, I took an order of lamb and scorpion pot. It was not the order from the leader of the activity center, but the customer must have heard about it somewhere and directly requested to order this dish.

The waiter came to the kitchen to inquire and placed the order for the customer.

When Fu Yu was cooking lamb and scorpion, he gave Yang Zhichao detailed instructions on how to control the heat.

Yang Ming put the ingredients on the steamer and just had his hands free. He saw Fu Yu making lamb and scorpion pot, so he came over to watch.

Fu Yu habitually guided Yang Zhichao. He spoke in detail and Yang Zhichao listened carefully.

Yang Ming found out that Fu Yu was instructing on the operation of fire control skills. He immediately became interested and asked the cook to look at the pot. He was not in a hurry to go back and take the spoon, so he squeezed in front of the kitchen counter and watched and learned with Yang Zhichao.

This scene was watched by several people who happened to be brought into the back kitchen.

At around six o'clock in the evening, He Jie and his apprentice Zhang Chi rushed to the Science and Technology Exhibition. When they found the Fucheng Chun stall in the food area, they saw Liu Yongping chatting enthusiastically with a short, fat middle-aged man.

As he got closer, he recognized that the middle-aged man was Lu Zhanlong, the chef of Dong Laishun.

Donglai Shun is a famous local restaurant with a long history in the capital. The chefs in the kitchen have been passed down from generation to generation. They truly draw on the strengths of many families and painstakingly study the techniques of making mutton dishes.

On the basis of quick-frying, roasting and rinsing, Dong Laishun has gradually developed a unique set of cooking techniques such as stir-frying, deep-frying, grilling and stir-frying, and its dishes are becoming more and more exquisite.

In the capital, Laoweige and Donglaishun have similar reputations, and the status of the two chefs in the circle was originally about the same.

It's just that in recent years, He Jie has begun to frequently participate in various activities held in the circle, and has received very good rankings, which has also raised the status of Laoweige chef by a few points.

He Jie knew Lu Zhanlong, and the two even had a private dinner date.

He Jie was a little surprised when he suddenly saw Lu Zhanlong.

Lu Zhanlong is a very traditional chef. He learned cooking from his master since he was a child. When he grew up, he stayed in the store as a chef and worked there for more than thirty years.

Dong Lai Shun never hires outside chefs. They are all passed down by masters and apprentices. From small workers to chefs, they all worship the same master, a true inheritance.

Lu Zhanlong was a low-key person. Although he was famous, he rarely had contact with outsiders.

I suddenly came to Fucheng Chun stall today. I must have heard about the sheep and scorpion pot, so I came here to find out.

He Jie and his apprentice Zhang Chi came forward to say hello. They all knew each other, so they lost a lot of face-saving work.

After greeting each other, everyone went straight to the topic and wanted to enter the kitchen to watch Fu Yu cooking the lamb and scorpion pot.

Li Dongxu received a call from Liu Yongping in advance and had already made arrangements for it, so he enthusiastically took them to the kitchen.

But at this time, the kitchen is busy taking orders.

Li Dongxu led the people into the back kitchen, beckoning others to be calm and calm.

Although everyone did not know the situation in advance, seeing Li Dongxu personally escorting the people over, everyone cheered up and did the work at hand seriously, and everything was in order.

Fu Yu was busy cooking, focusing entirely on the ingredients in the pot. He guided Yang Zhichao and Yang Ming on the cooking techniques of controlling heat, and then began to give cooking demonstrations.

There are three people, one is operating carefully and the other two are observing carefully.

They were all so engrossed that they didn’t notice anyone coming over at first.

It was Li Dongxu who led the people to the kitchen table, and Fu Yu finally learned that He Jie and his party wanted to know him.

Li Dongxu introduced everyone.

I heard that the two people following Fu Yu, one was a laborer and the other was a chef. Even He Jie and Lu Zhanlong had surprised expressions on their faces.

Lu Zhanlong was more familiar with Li Dongxu. He couldn't help but tilt his head and sighed in a voice that could only be heard between the two of them: "Cook Li, your hotel really attaches great importance to the training of young chefs. The assistant chef level They’re all so tall!”

A foreigner who came for further training was actually equipped with two helpers, one of whom was also a chef who could take orders independently.

No wonder this young chef can cook the lamb and scorpion pot by himself. After all, the chefs in charge are all carefully trained reserve chef candidates in the store. With such senior chefs following him, if any problems arise during the cooking process, they can be rectified in time!

Hearing this, He Jie turned around and glanced at Li Dongxu meaningfully.

Li Dongxu was stunned for a moment!

I don’t know how to start talking about it for a while

Because this statement is obviously the other way around!

In fact, Fu Yu is cooking, Yang Zhichao is helping, and Yang Ming is here to observe and learn!

During the cooking process, whenever he encounters any operating techniques, Fu Yu will generously provide guidance and tips!

It seems that Lu Zhanlong knows nothing about Yu.

The boss, Liu Yongping, called and told him to make sure to treat people well.

Although they are both in the same industry, there is almost no overlap between the other two and Fuchengchun in terms of the categories of dishes, the address of the restaurant, and even the customer base, and there is no competitive relationship between them.

People like this can get along well with each other and exchange some cooking methods with each other, and both parties will benefit.

Li Dongxu originally thought that Lu Zhanlong, like He Jie, knew Fu Yu, so he came here specially to observe and communicate. Now it seems that there is a deviation from his assumption!

Li Dongxu couldn't help but whispered: "Brother Lu, take a closer look. Is Xiao Yang the cook?"

When Lu Zhanlong heard this, he was stunned for a moment and looked at it carefully for a while. He saw that Fu Yu habitually pointed out another step in the cooking process, while Yang Ming asked his own questions very habitually. While the two parties were asking and answering questions, they quickly spread out the details of cooking and taught them.

Realizing this, Lu Zhanlong was dumbfounded!

"Who is this young man?"

Although he usually sticks to his own one-third of an acre of land to study cooking and rarely has contact with outsiders, he is not stupid.

Although the young chef in front of me was a bit unexpected, but I calmed down and watched the other person's cooking. After taking a closer look, I suddenly realized that what I just said was probably the opposite!

In this cooking scene, it was clear that the young chef in front of him was giving a cooking demonstration, while the chef in charge was observing and learning!

Realizing this, Lu Zhanlong couldn't help but become more and more confused!

What's going on?

Didn't it mean that the chef who cooks the lamb and scorpion pot at Fucheng Chun stall came here for further training?

At this time, Li Dongxu couldn't help but turned his head and introduced: "Brother Lu, you usually don't pay much attention to things in the circle. You may not know, but this is the champion of our national chef competition this year, Fu Yu!"

When Lu Zhanlong heard this, his eyebrows suddenly jumped: "Are you talking about the newcomer who broke the record this year?"

Dong Laishun has hired several new kitchen staff this year. Lu Zhanlong is busy with his apprentices and has been staying in the store. He has never paid much attention to some activities in the circle.

But this year's National Chef Competition is very popular, and many people in Donglaishun Back Kitchen are paying attention to this event.

A record-breaking dark horse suddenly appeared, which immediately aroused heated discussion.

Lu Zhanlong also heard about it at the time and was very surprised that a record-breaking champion emerged from the National Chef Competition!

I really wanted to meet this young man at that time!

Unexpectedly, not long after this, not only did I hear the name again, but I also met the real person.

"That's not right, Lao Li, are you saying that Fu Yu cooks and cooks the lamb and scorpion pot at the stall? There are also reports on the Internet that your store will launch innovative dishes. Is this true?"

Lu Zhanlong’s question is also something that others are very curious about!

He Jie also turned to look at Li Dongxu. He did not hear the previous conversation between the two, but Lu Zhanlong did not lower his voice deliberately because of his excitement, so he heard it very clearly.

Li Dongxu glanced at Fu Yu who looked up after hearing the sound, and hurriedly explained: "The sheep and scorpion pot is indeed cooked by Fu Yu. This dish is not a dish of our store at all, and it cannot be launched as an innovative dish."

It turns out that’s the case, so it’s no wonder.

What the post on the Internet said was all my own misjudgment.


Donglaishun is a restaurant that specializes in mutton, and Fu Yu's dish, mutton and scorpion pot, has been rated by customers as the most delicious and authentic in the capital. I don't know if this is true or not.

Lu Zhanlong was always unable to hide his words. He was thinking in his mind and asked directly: "Old Li, is this sheep and scorpion cooking really so delicious? Is it more authentic than the one in our store?"

When Li Dongxu heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head: "How do you want me to answer this? Since you are all here, you might as well try this dish. Once you eat it yourself, you will know!"

Everyone nodded, seeing is believing, hearing is believing. How good is this dish? You still have to see and taste it with your own eyes.

After Li Dongxu finished speaking, he looked directly at Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, you can add a lamb and scorpion pot here and serve Chef He and Chef Lu later."

Fu Yu nodded in agreement, turned around and ordered Yang Zhichao to prepare the dishes.

With an outsider coming to the kitchen, Yang Ming could no longer continue to observe and learn. He went back to his kitchen counter and continued to be busy taking orders.

Lu Zhanlong works in his own shop on weekdays and rarely has contact with outsiders. This also makes him a bit too outspoken and does everything as he pleases.

However, it is precisely because of this that he is very obedient to some matters in the kitchen. For example, when cooking signature dishes, he keeps the operating details secret, and the recipes for various secret seasonings are only in the hands of the master chef in the store, and others When you get it and cook it, you use the prepared finished product.

These things are very necessary in his opinion.

So when he saw Fu Yu starting to prepare the dishes for the lamb and scorpion pot, Lu Zhanlong hurriedly said: "Old Li, if it's inconvenient, we'll go out first."

The purpose of coming here today was to get to know Fu Yu, the chef, and to taste the taste of the lamb and scorpion pot.

Li Dongxu did not answer immediately, but took a step forward to communicate with Fu Yu.

"Chef Lu and Chef He came here specifically to watch and taste the lamb and scorpion hotpot today. The boss didn't agree directly, but asked me to ask your opinion."

It’s okay to taste the dishes, but you really have to think carefully about it when observing.

After all, Lu Zhanlong and He Jie are big bosses in the circle.

Let them see any dish once, and they will basically learn it. If they pay attention, it is very possible to cook it exactly as it is on the spot.

Liu Yongping always considers things comprehensively. This lamb and scorpion pot was cooked by Fu Yu, and it is also his exclusive dish. Whether it can be observed by others depends on Fu Yu's opinion.

At least they are not qualified to be the master.

This considerate approach made Fu Yu feel warm in his heart.

His impression of Liu Yongping became even better.

As for observing cooking, in his opinion, there is nothing to avoid. He completely followed the classic old-flavor recipes and the operating details of the Four Seas Banquet in the cooking steps of the sheep and scorpion pot. Every step is worthy of consideration.

The key to this dish lies in the secret marinade and the level of control over the heat.

The so-called meeting is not difficult for those who can, but it is difficult for those who cannot.

The operating standards for fire control skills are a matter that varies from person to person.

Just by observing, you can't actually tell anything too subtle.

Especially when observing on the spot, there is no opportunity for communication.

Many of the ideas generated during observation, as well as the flash of inspiration for a certain step of operation, can easily be fleeting if they cannot be put into discussion immediately.

The purpose of Lu Zhanlong and He Jie's visit today was not only to observe cooking, but also to satisfy their curiosity and want to taste the taste of this dish carefully.

By the time they finished their meal and wanted to discuss cooking operations, the previous lively exchanges had long since faded.

Fu Yu himself has participated in many cooking exchange activities and knows this aspect very well.

Therefore, when he is cooking, he is not afraid of being observed, let alone communicating and learning.

Anyway, the secret sauce package, even if it is prepared on the spot, with his hand speed and using the angle to block the view, the dosage is enough for others to study for a while.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu nodded happily: "You can observe, no problem!"

Fu Yu learned that Lu Zhanlong and He Jie were coming to watch him cook. Far from being unhappy, on the contrary, he welcomed it very much!

This is a good thing!

Many times, it is difficult to find some operational problems because of the influence of your own cooking habits.

Being able to have such a big boss in the circle observe cooking can help you comment on the details of the operation.

However, Fu Yu then said: "It's just that I have almost cooked the lamb and scorpion pot in the early stage. If you don't mind, we can exchange cooking experiences while it is stewing."

Hearing Fu Yu's words, Li Dongxu suddenly felt happy!

I have to say that Fu Yu is really good at getting things done. Saying this makes him feel special. (End of chapter)

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