Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1135 The news has completely spread

Cangya Xuan is also a time-honored restaurant in the capital. It specializes in authentic Shandong cuisine and also sells local roast duck in the capital.

The restaurant specializes in cooking a variety of delicacies from the mountains and seas, and is famous for its light and rich flavors, mellow and not greasy.

Dishes like crystal pork elbow, sea cucumber roasted with green onion, crispy chicken king, and burnt meatballs are all must-order dishes for customers who dine in the restaurant.

Wang Zhonghua has worked at Zangya Xuan for nearly thirty years and is the chief chef. This time he was invited to participate in the international science and technology exhibition food exhibition and was sent by the store to support the scene.

He had just taken advantage of the cessation of customer service in the afternoon to have lunch, and was about to go back to the kitchen when suddenly the head waiter in charge of serving in the dining area came over.

"Chef Wang, please wait a moment, I have something to tell you!"

Wang Zhonghua paused and turned to look at the foreman: "What's wrong? Just tell me."

The foreman took the order he had just typed out in his hand and said, "Chef Wang, it's like this. The customer who originally had a table reservation in the evening ordered the large banquet noodles, but just now this customer called again and said... He wants to cancel the order. He also asked us if canceling the order will affect his preferential benefits when dining at other stalls in the food area."

When Wang Zhonghua heard this, he immediately frowned: "Place an order? Have we prepared the dishes in the kitchen? How come the order was suddenly canceled?"

The foreman explained: “I communicated with the customer here, and he said that he was on Moments, and someone recommended to him that the Sheep and Scorpion Hot Pot made by Fucheng Chun stall in the activity center is very unique, and he wanted to try it.

As for the non-refundable deposit when ordering, he used the vouchers delivered by the activity center, which can be used to offset the bill. "

Wang Zhonghua nodded: "In that case, let's cancel the order according to the customer's request. I will deal with the spare ingredients here."

The foreman left after communicating.

Wang Zhonghua continued to walk to the kitchen and entered the door. However, he did not rush to arrange work matters. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and browsed the hot news.

This search actually led him to find an article about the cooking of sheep and scorpion pot at Fucheng Chun stall.

When the link to the news was clicked, it turned out to be the homepage of the official website of the National Food Association.

This is surprising!

Wang Zhonghua became interested and looked through the relevant posts carefully.

After reading it, Wang Zhonghua was stunned.

He read the comments roughly and hurriedly played the edited video again.

After Wang Zhonghua read it, he frowned!

The starting point is different, and the content seen is also different.

As a veteran chef in the food circle, Wang Zhonghua has his own set of views on the evaluation of gourmet dishes.

He fixed the video on a close-up shot of the lamb and scorpion pot. Only through the screen, you can't smell the smell of the dishes, but you can see the color of the ingredients and the styling of the dishes.

After staring at the screen once, Wang Zhonghua played it again. He listened to the evaluation of the dishes by the customers who had tasted them.

The words of several people were different, but the meaning was the same. This lamb and scorpion pot was very delicious. It was more flavorful and fragrant than what they had eaten before, making it unforgettable.

Wang Zhonghua took a closer look at the lamb and scorpion pot. Since it had not been turned over, he could not see anything special about the ingredients inside.

But since everyone who has eaten it can unanimously praise it, it shows that the taste is indeed very good.

Is it so powerful?

Wang Zhonghua has always been a man of action. Their stall, Zang Ya Xuan, is across from Fucheng Chun. He was curious and simply went over to ask Li Dongxu.

Li Dongxu followed Wang Zhonghua to the dining area. At this time, there were basically no customers in the food area.

The two of them found a seat in a corner and sat down.

Wang Zhonghua said: "Chef Li, the new dishes launched at your stall have already been published on the homepage of the National Gourmet Association's official website!"

Li Dongxu looked calm: "Have you heard about this? But these are just inciting remarks on the Internet, so just ignore them."

Wang Zhonghua was a little surprised: "It has already spread a lot, isn't your store going to come forward to clarify?"

Li Dongxu shook his head: "It's okay, we have already paid attention to it. The post came out yesterday and has been deleted by the website today."

Wang Zhonghua found the information page on his mobile phone: "Deleted? No, isn't it posted on the homepage? And I found the news by searching keywords online, and it has now been reprinted on other websites."

Li Dongxu read the content of the message and asked, "Is this coming from the homepage of the National Gourmet Association's official website?"

Wang Zhonghua nodded: "It must be, the link goes directly to the homepage of the website. Didn't you find someone to intervene? Just let the news spread like this?"

In Wang Zhonghua's eyes, it is not a good thing for such news content to spread. After all, the content of the post is mainly questioning!

There are only two reasons for such remarks. One is that the poster is an angry young man who has taken advantage of others and feels that this incident is a sleazy publicity plan by Fucheng.

Secondly, some opponents are jealous and deliberately make trouble and spread it on the Internet.

The situation is getting worse now. If we don’t curb it quickly, the impact will definitely not be small in the future.

Li Dongxu smiled faintly: "This dish was not originally a dish in our store, and it was not planned to be added to the menu as an innovative dish. No matter what the rumors were, once the stall was withdrawn, the news gradually faded away. "

Anyway, what they were talking about was the lamb and scorpion pot as an innovative dish, so we didn’t care.

After Wang Zhonghua heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "This dish is selling well, why don't you promote it as an innovative dish?"

Li Dongxu explained: "This dish was made by Chef Fu Yu who came to our store for further training. It is not our store's own innovative dish at all. What's more, our store has always been mainly about river fish dishes, and we don't plan to change the business model yet. "

Wang Zhonghua nodded: "So that's it. Hey, this chef of yours who came here for further training is very good! Can you introduce me to him someday?"

Li Dongxu laughed: "He is at the stall. Wait a minute and I will call him over!"

Under the introduction of Li Dongxu, Fu Yu met Wang Zhonghua, the chef of Cangya Xuan, and the two exchanged contact information.

Wang Zhonghua's attitude was very enthusiastic, which made Fu Yu somewhat flattered.

However, it was a good thing to expand his network in the capital, and Fu Yu readily accepted the friendship offered by Wang Zhonghua.

The same thing happened in Laoweige.

He Jie, the chef of Laoweige, and his apprentice Zhang Chi, both master and apprentice saw this news.

Lu Zhanlong, the chef of the century-old restaurant Donglaishun, was also attracted by the news.

After reading it, they were not like other people who got excited and made random comments.

Instead, they began to meditate, repeatedly looking at the finished dishes and listening to customers' comments, and finally contacted Liu Yongping.

After receiving the call, Liu Yongping explained very experiencedly: "This dish is not an innovative dish that our store is planning to launch. The chef who cooked it is a person who came to our store for further training, named Fu Yu. He is not from our store, but It’s okay to come from Bei’an. If you’re interested, you can come and have a look. It’s okay to help with introductions, so come on!”

After hearing that Fu Yu made this lamb and scorpion pot, Zhang Chi was stunned!

Fu Yu

Is it Fu Yu, the previous champion of the National Chef Competition?

That chef from the Chollima Hotel?

Zhang Chi quickly approached Master He Jie's cell phone, stretched his head and asked: "Boss Liu, are you talking about Fu Yu, the champion of this year's national chef competition? Is he studying in your store?"

As soon as these words came out, He Jie was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Is it him? No, Boss Liu, why did you find him here?"

Liu Yongping couldn't help but laugh and said: "I specially invited this person here, saying it is for further study, but in fact it is to provide an opportunity for cooking exchanges."

When Zhang Chi heard this, he was immediately pleasantly surprised!

During the competition, Fu Yu's performance had already given Zhang Chi enough shock, because he witnessed with his own eyes that Fu Yu scored the highest score in the competition, setting a record in the history of the National Chef Competition!

Unexpectedly, after many days, I heard news from the other party again.

But this time, Fu Yu only used one dish to set off a wave of public opinion in the capital's food circle!

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chi looked at his master expectantly.

He Jie was stared at for a moment: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Chi said: "Master, let's go, let's go find Fu Yu!"

He Jie was speechless: "Are you coming over just after contacting me?"

Zhang Chi had an excited expression on his face: "Master, we are so busy that we haven't had time to eat yet. Let's go to the International Science and Technology Expo. I'll treat you to the lamb and scorpion pot. Let's also try this dish, which is said to be the most authentic and delicious in the capital. Dishes!”

He Jie was also deeply impressed by Fu Yu, especially after learning that Fu Yu was Liu Yunong's apprentice.

He thought of Liu Yunong's arrogant arrogance the last time they parted, and he couldn't help but feel a little itchy in his heart.

Zhang Chi continued: "Master, the video of the cooking collection I was looking for last time was Fu Yu's cooking demonstration! Boss Liu said that he can let us see the real-life cooking operation, don't you go and see it?"

As soon as these words came out, He Jie stood up: "Let's go, you drive!"

On the homepage of the official website of the National Gourmet Association, more and more people have seen the popular dish of Fucheng Chun stall, sheep and scorpion pot.

As there were more people, various opinions began to emerge one after another, and discussions on the details of the incident became more and more heated.

The speed of forwarding continues to increase, and there is even a trend of getting worse.

At the same time, many experts and bosses in the catering industry who heard about it also flocked in. These are all well-known figures in the circle.

They began to express their opinions on the hotel's innovation.

“Restaurants actively introduce innovative dishes based on their existing dishes, and even adjust their supply categories based on business conditions. Such things should not be questioned, or even judged and slandered!

Before you have truly tasted and understood the specifics of the dishes and the hotel's purpose of implementing promotional measures, you should not make one-sided and overly extreme remarks to cause pressure from public opinion! "

This is actually the voice of many rational people.

"Yes, maybe the sheep and scorpion hot pot launched by Fucheng Chun does taste very authentic. It is a restaurant with very local characteristics. It has a vast area and many capable people. It is not impossible!"

After these words were spoken, some people agreed, but there were still many who opposed and criticized them!

There are even some minority elements who deliberately provoke wars and take the opportunity to show their faces and bang on the keyboard:

"Where can the sheep and scorpion pot be more authentic than the local ones in the capital? Not to mention the ones from far away, just from Donglaishun, even if visitors from Inner Mongolia have tasted it, they will have to praise it!"

"Indeed, in my opinion, if Fuchengchun really wants to change its business model, it has simply forgotten its roots. Their Jiangyu Banquet represents the local characteristics and is known to the whole country. It has its own original characteristics, but it is not Sticking to the business and rashly changing the content of the restaurant's dishes is really not worth the gain, and it is difficult to achieve the purpose of marketing."

“As for the lamb and scorpion pot in the video, looking at the presentation and the color of the ingredients, it’s actually quite good. Especially since several customers who have tasted it are full of praise for this dish. I think this lamb and scorpion pot may be really good. The cooking is authentic! It’s even better than other mutton restaurants in the capital. Otherwise, why doesn’t anyone refute this?”

Originally, comments like this that seemed to deliberately provoke disputes would not attract the attention of others.

But at this time, related topics have continued to become more popular, and some people in the local food circle have begun to take up the topic of maintaining local specialties.

There are several local restaurants in the capital that specialize in lamb and scorpion hot pot, and two of them are almost nationally famous.

But now Fucheng Chun suddenly launched a special lamb and scorpion hotpot, and customers who tasted it commented that it is the most delicious and authentic lamb and scorpion hotpot in the capital.

There are many people who disagree with this point of view.

Many people said that the local sheep and scorpion pot in the capital is more delicious and more authentic.

However, it seems that they all ignored one problem.

That is whether Fuchengchun is really planning to change the variety of dishes in the store, and is this lamb and scorpion hotpot an innovative dish of their own?

Compared to the heated discussion on the Internet, everything at Fucheng Chun stall is business as usual.

Everyone doesn’t pay much attention to things online. Those who need to prepare the dishes and those who need to take orders and take the spoons continue to be busy cooking.

As soon as Fu Yu took the order, Yang Zhichao arranged all the ingredients, and Fu Yu started cooking.

Now Fu Yu no longer needs to worry about trivial matters. Yang Zhichao stayed with him for a few days and quickly mastered his cooking habits. This man worked very meticulously, far exceeding Zhang Jinyu's cooking skills.

Fu Yu only needs to concentrate on cooking and does not need to give instructions on other matters. Yang Zhichao has already taken care of everything.

While this made Fu Yu worry-free, he would also give Yang Zhichao some tips on cooking operations from time to time.

Yang Zhichao was very grateful for this. He was very smart and realized that it was because his usual work satisfied Fu Yu that he received such a reward.

So he followed Fu Yu and helped cook more and more conscientiously.

Fu Yu was particularly satisfied with Yang Zhichao and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: This person is so easy to use. It would be great if he could take it with him when he leaves in the future! (End of chapter)

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