Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1134 The news spreads

It was just after eight o'clock when Fu Yu arrived at the activity center.

He entered the stall from the employee passage and was changing clothes when Yang Ming arrived.

Seeing Fu Yu, Yang Ming immediately said: "Xiao Fu, did you know that the lamb and scorpion pot you made was reprinted on the official website of the National Food Association and has now become a hot post."

Fu Yu was stunned: "Oh? Really? There should be a lot of people watching, right?"

The official website of the National Food Association is a website in the food circle that integrates the latest industry news and knowledge sharing.

It is a very professional communication platform in China that is recognized by everyone in the food circle.

It is also the most formal and one of the largest and best platforms for domestic food and cooking exchanges. It is said that this website is a designated project supported by state funds.

The official website of the National Food Association has an exclusive forum with very detailed sections, the most popular of which is the area for sharing and discussing cooking videos.

Fu Yu quickly changed into his work clothes, said hello to Yang Ming and went to the kitchen.

Yang Ming moved a little slower. Looking at Fu Yu's calm back, he felt more and more emotional.

Isn't this guy too calm and steady?

There was no response at all to such a big surprise.

Shouldn't I check my phone right away to read the news and show off happily?

Fu Yu was in a hurry to arrange food preparation.

Yesterday I temporarily added some lamb and scorpion pot, but all the ingredients were used up.

He has not yet inspected the newly imported goods.

After selecting it for a while, it needs to be processed in advance.

He is also quite concerned about the fact that the lamb and scorpion he cooked was posted online, but what he is most concerned about is what type of cooking video it is edited into, whether it is a food introduction or a food and broadcast shop.

After all, he came to Fucheng Chun this time to study, not to innovate dishes, engage in side business, and make extra money.

If that were the case, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

"Good morning, Fu Chu!"

Yang Zhichao has already arrived and is diligently cleaning up Fu Yu's kitchen table.

Fu Yu nodded in response and greeted with a smile: "Are you so early?"

Yang Zhichao looked excited: "I came here early on purpose to do more work."

Fu Yu was very satisfied with his performance and said with a smile: "Chef Li hasn't come yet. Where is today's purchase order? I'm going to take inventory."

When Yang Zhichao heard this, he quickly found the purchase order and followed Fu Yu to the warehouse.

Now Fu Yu's words are like an imperial decree to Yang Zhichao. Although no one knows, Yang Zhichao seems to regard Fu Yu as his master in his heart.

The warehouse here at the stall was originally placed by Li Dongxu. He organized it according to his own standards. Others followed suit and added and misappropriated inventory every day.

Fu Yu looked at the clean warehouse, with all the items neatly organized and placed on the shelves. Every time he came in here, he would feel a special healing feeling.

It's simply good news for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Such a neat arrangement makes it particularly convenient to pick up ingredients or take stock.

I have to admit that Li Dongxu did a good job in this regard.

After taking stock of the inventory, Fu Yu had just returned to the kitchen when he was called over by Li Dongxu.

"Chef Li, what's wrong?"

Li Dongxu frowned and said, "I don't know who posted the video of the banquet with technology company representatives at the event center to the official website of the National Food Association. Now it has attracted the attention of many people in the circle!"

After speaking, Li Dongxu took his mobile phone and called up the forum page of the official website and pointed it to Fu Yu: "Look!"

Fu Yu took the phone and looked at the video post that was pushed to the top. The comments below had exceeded 10,000.

It’s so hot!

[Fuchengchun Restaurant, which is famous for its fish banquet, has recently launched the Sheep and Scorpion Hot Pot. Customers who have tasted it have praised it as the most authentic and authentic dish in the capital, causing a stir in the food circle! 】

This name is really controversial.

The video is a collection of reviews from all the customers who came to the activity center stall and tasted the lamb and scorpion pot. It also includes many international friends, and even two people who are said to be big shots in the technology field and are very famous internationally.

The editing was quite standardized, and even clearly pointed out the location of the Fucheng Chun stall, the scale and significance of this international science and technology expo.

The person who posted the post must have never been to the stall to try the Sheep and Scorpion Hotpot, because the eloquent text content is basically all about Fucheng Chun’s launch of the Sheep and Scorpion Hotpot and its praise.

"This video comes from an interview video in the food area of ​​the International Science and Technology Expo. Recently, Fuchengchun Hotel was invited to join the International Science and Technology Expo to promote its food. In addition to setting up a special cooking stall, it also grandly launched a new dish, the Sheep and Scorpion Pot. "

"Since its establishment, Fuchengchun Restaurant has been focusing on river fish banquets. The dishes served in the store are all special river fish cooking. This time, the sudden launch of new dishes was done as part of a food promotion event. It is obvious that some Too hasty!"

"So, I think this is a hype exercise to promote publicity."

“First of all, such a move is too radical. Let’s not talk about the launch of new dishes, but about the various interview videos that clearly guide and imply customers to praise the taste of the sheep and scorpion pot. A restaurant specializes in making river fish feasts. A restaurant has made the most authentic, authentic and delicious lamb and scorpion pot in the capital. Is this possible?

As far as I know, there are several time-honored restaurants in the capital that make lamb and scorpion hotpot, and all of them are very reputable. If you think about it, this dish launched by Fuchengchun will surpass these restaurants that specialize in sheep and scorpion hotpot. ,is it possible? "

"Secondly, it is said that this lamb and scorpion pot was cooked by Fuchengchun, who was recruited to the store this year as a trainee. However, since he needs to train, it means that the chef's cooking skills are not very good.

As for being able to enter the Fucheng Chun Restaurant for further studies and specializing in cooking fish dishes, the chef himself should be specialized in cooking seafood and other ingredients, and he has a certain relationship with the Fucheng Chun Restaurant. He is one of his own, but he can be sent from other branches. Staff who came to study. "

"Finally, the sheep and scorpion pot is not a rare dish, but it is not easy to make it well and authentically. Then the question is, can it be praised by so many customers who have tasted it, and it is praised as the world's best dish? The most delicious and authentic lamb and scorpion pot made in the capital is treating all the people as fools?"

"The above opinions are my personal opinions. I hope this matter can be exposed. What the food circle needs is a very pure and upright atmosphere. It can be promoted for promotion, but false hype is not allowed.

Such behavior will not only deceive customers and bring temporary benefits, but will also damage the credibility of the food circle and cause very bad effects."

In addition to these analyzes and accusations, the rest of the chapter is full of eloquent condemnation.

The news was so controversial and the writing was so inflammatory.

In the comment area below, almost one-sidedly followed the poster's views and began to criticize and accuse.

"This looks like false propaganda. Doesn't the activity center care about it?"

"It was even included in the interview. Please withdraw it immediately. It's obviously just hype!"

"Really, Fucheng Chun is a time-honored restaurant. It really only makes anchovies. I haven't heard of any lamb and scorpion hot pot!"

"Sheep and Scorpion Hot Pot, I only recognize the halal restaurant at the north gate of the zoo. His restaurant is ranked second, but there is no one that can be ranked first!"

"Is the lamb and scorpion pot that delicious? I've never tried it before. I'll try it someday!"

More and more people are commenting, and the post is getting higher and higher.

Everyone’s focus is on Fuchengchun’s false propaganda.

After all, a big tree attracts wind, and Fuchengchun, a foreign monk, quickly established himself in the capital, getting better and better as he got around, and now it has become an iconic dining spot.

But Fuchengchun did not originate in the capital, and all its dishes are specialties from other places.

As for Fuchengchun, a restaurant that specializes in river fish dishes, why did it suddenly create a lamb and scorpion hot pot, and why did it hand over this dish to a person who came to the restaurant for further training?

Basically, everyone didn’t delve too deeply into it.

Because no one believes how good this lamb and scorpion pot can be.

After all, lamb and scorpion pot is not an uncommon dish in the capital.

Basically no one thinks that the compliments in the video can be taken seriously!

Of course, there are also a few rebuttal comments mixed in. It is a good thing to introduce new dishes based on the original intention, and it is also a good thing to win the love of customers. Moreover, Fuchengchun Restaurant was invited to set up a stall at the International Technology Expo. This is a good thing in the food circle. It is a glorious thing that should not be denied or even slandered without even trying it.


A few rebuttal comments were quickly pushed to the bottom by a large number of questioning replies.

Those people were too lazy to participate.

Fu Yu read roughly two pages of comments and suddenly laughed!

Just when Li Dongxu wanted to say some words of comfort, he was startled when he saw him smiling.

Is this anger and laughter?

"Xiao Fu, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. I let you see this just to make you mentally prepared in advance so that if someone brings it up in the future, you won't be caught off guard again."

"Moreover, the starting point of their attack on this matter is also aimed at our store. I have already reported it to the boss and he will handle it. You don't have to worry.

Whether our store is going to launch new dishes and prepare for marketing, as long as it is reasonable and legal, we are not afraid of other people's nonsense. Moreover, this time we responded to the activity center’s request and offered our friendly help. Why should we say we are speculating?

At critical moments, the activity center can also help prove this matter. "

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "That's good, Chef Li, thank you for specifically telling me this. However, the video editing is quite good, the dishes are very photogenic, and they look delicious and delicious! And so many customers are... I praise the delicious lamb and scorpion pot, it seems to be really good. That’s good, that’s good!”

Li Dongxu was stunned and couldn't help but look at Fu Yu.

No, after working for a long time, this guy’s focus was entirely on video editing?

Li Dongxu suddenly became speechless.

Fu Yu simply smiled: "Don't worry, I understand, I will definitely not take this kind of thing seriously with them. They can say whatever they like, anyway, as long as I don't read the website, I won't pay attention. With this time, I still I have to be busy preparing food and cooking, so I don’t have time to vent my anger with them.”

Li Dongxu looked at Du Yu with admiration. He didn't expect this kid to have such a good attitude.

Fu Yu really didn't take it seriously.

Forums like this generally do not really lead to conflicts outside the circle, and the audience is not particularly broad.

It is not easy to dance in front of the rightful master.

Moreover, any topic is always time-sensitive and popular for a while. That is because there are many people discussing it, which makes the post go to the top. When the popularity subsides, it will naturally sink to the bottom.

As an old man in the circle, Li Dongxu has been well-informed about things like this. Hearing Fu Yu's words, he couldn't help but smile: "I thought you were very angry, so I wanted to give you a few words of advice."

In Li Dongxu's eyes, no matter how good-tempered Fu Yu is, he is still young. When he is young, he will be arrogant. If he is slandered by others, he will feel uncomfortable, complain, complain, and even eagerly find the post and make it public directly. Fight back!

In this case, he also communicated with the boss Liu Yongping. Since the other party maliciously slandered the reputation of his hotel, they didn't mind cooperating with Fu Yu's domineering attitude at all.

However, I didn't expect Fu Yu to be so open-minded and broad-minded, unlike people of his age.

Li Dongxu couldn't help but smile.

Since Fu Yu didn't take this matter seriously, they didn't bother to deal with it.

Anyway, the post is just posted in the forum, and it gets a lot of attention, but it won't cause too much impact.

The owner, Liu Yongping, also meant not to pay attention to this post. As long as they run the restaurant well and the reputation of customers is guaranteed, there is no need to care about other things.

Everyone knew about this and didn't take it too seriously.

After all, the official website of the National Food Association is only an exclusive website for the food circle, and those who pay attention to this matter are people in the circle.

Everyone knows something about Fuchengchun Hotel's reputation.

It is estimated that the real bosses would laugh at the comments on the post.

As for those who are fooling around, they are newcomers in the industry and some opponents who are fanning the flames and trying to incite public opinion.

When things really get serious, the post manager will naturally take action and will not let such a provocative post hang on the homepage for too long.

Sure enough, before noon, Li Dongxu took a moment to browse the website and found that the posts that had been pushed to the home page had been deleted by the administrator.

The posts are all gone, and Li Dongxu’s last worries have completely dissipated.

As a result, no one expected that the deleted post appeared again overnight.

The title was changed, but the content was roughly the same, and there was more than one post, and several people posted it one after another.

As the number of posts increased, the number of people discussing them began to rise sharply, and there were even reposts.

At this pace, it won't be long before this topic spreads to other forums and websites.

At the same time, more and more people in the circle have seen this news!

Including Wang Zhonghua, the chef of Cangya Xuan. (End of chapter)

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