Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1133 Deep Infatuation

When going back, Li Dongxu insisted on driving Fu Yu.

Fu Yu refused, and after thanking him repeatedly, Li Dongxu sent him all the way downstairs to his house.

Li Dongxu rolled down the window, glanced at the location of Fu Yu's building, and asked with some surprise: "Xiao Fu, is this the house you rent?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, I rented it when I came to the capital this time."

Li Dongxu asked about the rental price and sighed: "That's not cheap!"

Fu Yu smiled: "At that time, I mainly thought about being closer to the store and making it easier to work. Unexpectedly, I was sent to work at a stall within less than a month of working. The distance is not close at all."

Li Dongxu was happy: "No, it's okay. The event will be over in a few months, and I can come back then."

While the two were talking, Li Dongxu asked casually: "Which floor do you rent on?"

This house is multi-story. At first glance, there are seven floors.

Fu Yu lowered his head and unbuckled his seat belt: "On the sixth floor, it's the balcony facing this side."

"Sixth floor?" Li Dongxu looked up and said in surprise: "Did you forget to turn off the light? There is light in the room!"

Are the lights on in the house?

Fu Yu was stunned!

It shouldn't be, he remembered turning it off last night.

When I left this morning, I didn't pay attention to this matter. Did I forget it?

Fu Yu smiled and said, "Maybe I forgot! Chef Li, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow."

Li Dongxu nodded, waited for Fu Yu to close the door, then turned and drove away.

Fu Yu stood there and waved, watching the car drive away, then turned and entered the corridor.

As he climbed the stairs, he also thought that he would carefully check the water and electricity before going out.

If you light the lamp for nothing all day long, all the electricity money will be wasted.

When he took out the key to open the door, Fu Yu turned it around and heard a click, and the door lock opened.

His heart skipped a beat, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

He might have forgotten to turn off the light, but he made sure he locked the door when he left!

Now the lights are on again and the door lock has been unlocked...

Fu Yu quickly opened the door and found a pair of women's shoes next to the shoe cabinet at the door, as well as two shopping bags filled with snacks and drinks.

Fu Yu was suddenly pleasantly surprised and quickly changed his shoes and ran into the house.

He called Liu Yuqing last night and told Liu Yuqing that he had to go to the stall to work today. He got off work at 8:30 and got home after 9:00. He also asked Liu Yuqing when he would be back and told him in advance that he would take a taxi back directly after work. He would not have to catch the subway and wanted to meet earlier.

The bathroom door was closed tightly, and the sound of running water could be heard inside.

The more excited Fu Yu became, the more gently he moved, his feet were a little dazed, and he quietly pulled the door lock. It was locked.

Fu Yu shouted loudly: "Xiao Qing?"

A surprised voice came from inside: "Fu Yu, you are back!"

Fu Yu suddenly smiled from ear to ear and asked close to the crack of the door: "Why did you come back suddenly? You didn't even say a word to me!"

Liu Yuqing didn't answer and asked instead: "Why did you come back so late! I've been waiting for a long time and was planning to go to bed!"

Fu Yu told him about the treat tonight.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and after a while, Liu Yuqing opened the door and walked out in home clothes.

She is already fair, and she has just taken a shower. She is really more beautiful than a peach!

The home clothes are in the style of a white bear. Fu Yu has an identical set, which is a couple's suit. Liu Yuqing bought three sets in total.

"Did you eat tonight? I didn't even know you were coming back, otherwise I would have invited them to dinner another day." Fu Yu sniffed his nose subconsciously.

Liu Yuqing used the lemon-scented body wash he usually used.

Normally, he doesn't find the smell very pleasant when he uses it, but now he feels it's a little bit heady.

Liu Yuqing had just finished taking a shower, and before she had time to dry her hair, she raised her head and smiled at Fu Yu, with drops of water dripping from the tips of her hair: "I haven't eaten yet. I bought a bunch of delicious food and wanted to go with you." Eat, but I won’t come back even if I wait for you.”

Fu Yu reached out to pick up the towel hanging on her shoulders and helped wrap the ends of her hair: "Then why didn't you call me?"

Liu Yuqing wiped her hair with a towel: "I guess if you didn't come back so late, something must have happened, so I didn't call you."

As she said that, she asked with a smile: "Did you see the gift on the coffee table? I bought it for you!"

Fu Yu followed him to the living room. There was a shopping bag on the coffee table, with a pair of black sneakers inside.

Liu Yuqing said: "These shoes are new this year. The soles are very soft. If you work in the kitchen and stand there all day long, wearing these shoes will make you more comfortable."

Fu Yu picked up the new shoes and looked at them again and again. He couldn't put them down and felt very proud.

I was urged to put on new shoes and walked back and forth in the house twice. When I looked up, I found Liu Yuqing standing there with wet hair looking at me, so I urged: "Go and blow dry your hair quickly, don't catch another cold."

Liu Yuqing, however, stood without moving, just looking at herself with a smile.

The two looked at each other, and Fu Yu's heart speeded up unconsciously. He put the new shoes aside, straightened up, and suddenly took a step forward, hugged Liu Yuqing, and held her in his arms affectionately.

Liu Yuqing didn't take precautions and was hugged tightly, and she immediately chuckled.

Fu Yu lowered his head and the two kissed.

Fu Yu rubbed her and said, "You didn't tell me when you came back. Are you planning a surprise attack?"

Liu Yuqing was dizzy and felt a little hypoxic: "Huh?"

Fu Yu: "You're such a brat, you're still doing this. You came back today, are you still leaving tomorrow?"

Liu Yuqing took a deep breath to hide her panicked heartbeat: "I will go to class tomorrow, but I will be back in the evening."

Fu Yu was happy when he heard this: "Really? Is this the official move back today?"

When he entered the door just now, he saw two bags of snacks in the shoe cabinet, and he didn't see Liu Yuqing picking up her luggage. Now that he heard that he was moving back, he was immediately elated.

Liu Yuqing blushed and smiled: "Yes, I have brought all my luggage back and packed it. I will go to class during the day and come back to stay at night."

Fu Yu grabbed the towel, rubbed her hair randomly, and grinned: "That's great! Have you been waiting for me? What time is it, are you hungry? Whatever you want to eat, I'll make it for you!" "

Liu Yuqing hugged Fu Yu and didn't let go: "I've been waiting for you! I've been back at six o'clock, and I'm waiting until now! You don't know how much I miss you!"

As he said that, he deliberately squeezed Fu Yu's waist.

Fu Yu's heart almost melted when he heard this: "Oh, oh! Ahhh, I have itchy flesh!! If you pinch me, I'll pinch you too!"


Fu Yu roared harshly, reached out and scooped the person up into his arms, then picked him up and carried him into the bedroom.

The two of them laughed and rolled over and over on the bed, rolling into a pile of cicadas, their faces red and their hearts beating.

It only takes a moment for sparks to form in an instant.

A smile suddenly broke out on Fu Yu's face, showing his white teeth.

That smile was so handsome that Liu Yuqing's heart suddenly felt hot.

Such a handsome man is my husband!

Just thinking about it makes me feel so beautiful and happy!

Liu Yuqing went back to the bedroom to dry her hair, while Fu Yu took the key and went to the supermarket downstairs to buy ingredients.

In the evening, she had braised noodles for supper. Liu Yuqing was living in a cram school during this period. She usually went to restaurants near the community for three meals a day. It had been almost half a month since she had eaten home-cooked meals.

There was a very small noodle shop next to the cram school. She had only eaten braised noodles once. It was not braised noodles. It tasted like instant noodles with slop.

Fu Yu was wearing the same cartoon home clothes as Liu Yuqing. This month, the weather had not started to be sultry yet. Oil smoke was rising in the kitchen. Facing the starlight outside the window, Fu Yu skillfully held a kitchen knife and chopped round beans.

Cut the beans and set them aside, then start to mince the meat filling. I specially choose fat and lean pork, so that it will be more fragrant when fried.

Stir-fry the minced meat filling and diced beans in oil, and finally blanch it with hot oil to make a large bowl of fragrant chili peppers.

While cooking, Fu Yu rolled up his sleeves and hung them on his shoulders, revealing his strong arms.

Liu Yu stared at it twice, unable to take his eyes away. He especially liked looking at it. He felt that he was so strong and manly.

After staring for a while, Liu Yuqing couldn't help but ask: "Fu Yu, why do you seem to have turned dark when I look at you?"

Fu Yu flipped the spoon and said casually: "Really? That may be because the activity center has an open-air glass canopy. I stay in the stall every day and am exposed to the sun."

Liu Yuqing nodded, still staring at Fu Yu's tense arms.

Too embarrassed to say it.

The way Fu Yu holds the spoon is so handsome and charming!

Even though he is his husband, he has been hugged and kissed, but still, when he sees someone, he blushes and his heart beats, and he is so excited!

Liu Yuqing stood happily at the door of the kitchen, like an infatuated idiot, watching eagerly as Fu Yu Hengdao immediately stood in front of the kitchen counter and took a sip of hot pot.

The two of them were sitting across from each other at the dining table. Liu Yuqing was engrossed in eating noodles, wolfing down her food with her mouth dripping red. She didn't need to pay attention to her eating habits in front of Fu Yu.

Fu Yu was very full from the late-night snack. At this time, he sat beside him and watched Liu Yuqing eat.

Otherwise it would be said that when looking for a girlfriend, you must try your best to find someone who is beautiful, not for anything else, just to look rare.

If it were an ordinary person eating like this, they would definitely be screwed.

But Liu Yuqing has a delicate appearance, fair and tender skin, her little face no bigger than a palm is bulging with food, her teeth are chewing quickly, and she eats fiercely with her mouth closed. She is really as cute as she wants, which makes people look special. I want to go up and give it a squeeze.

They were the only ones at home that night, and Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing to sleep in the master bedroom.

The two are married, they are a legal couple, and nothing is excessive.

Since working at the stall, Fu Yu no longer has to get up so early to go to work.

However, the next day, he woke up early, got up lightly, went to the kitchen to make a pot of millet porridge, hummed a little tune, and baked a few egg pancakes in a refreshing mood.

If it weren't for the fear that Liu Yuqing would be late for class, he would have been reluctant to wake her up from bed.

Having never slept together before, Fu Yu never knew that Liu Yuqing looked so beautiful when she fell asleep.

She looks good with heavy makeup, and looks beautiful without makeup.

Liu Yuqing slept until dawn, until she was woken up by a clanking sound.

She stretched out her hand and found that Fu Yu was not under the quilt.

Liu Yuqing climbed out of the bed, her body still lingering on the warm heat and the smell of Fu Yu in the bed. She was very tired, but there was an indescribable sweetness that was hard to describe.

She put on her home clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

When he arrived at the door of the kitchen, he saw Fu Yu wearing the same home clothes as himself. He was busy in front of the kitchen counter with his back turned, and the aroma was rising from the frying pan.

In the summer morning, the bright sunshine slanted in through the window, coating Fu Yu's handsome side face with a furry golden edge, which was particularly charming.

Fu Yu's technique of chopping green onions and beating eggs is extremely crisp and neat. The round poached eggs are placed on the side of the frying pan and bounce happily as the temperature of the oil changes.

Liu Yuqing's legs were so sore that she couldn't stand, but she still leaned against the door frame and looked at Fu Yu for a long time.

She felt that she fell in love with the person in front of her more and more.

It's not even because of the sweet tossing between the two of them last night, but at this moment in the morning, I was deeply infatuated with this broad and majestic back immersed in the golden sunshine.

When Fu Yu noticed that he was turning around, Liu Yuqing rushed up from behind, wrapped her arms around the waist, and hugged the person.

Fu Yu raised the corners of his lips and smiled softly: "Are you awake? The meal is not ready yet, why don't you sleep more?"

Liu Yuqing muttered: "What about you? Why are you up so early? We can have breakfast at the bun shop downstairs."

Fu Yu turned over the egg pancake in the pot: "Aren't you going to class later? I want you to have some hot breakfast. The bun shop downstairs, I am not very satisfied with their meat fillings. Fresh."

Liu Yuqing was moved and said in a soft voice: "Okay, I actually want to eat egg pancakes."

Fu Yu pinched a corner of the egg pancake and fed it to her. Liu Yuqing opened her mouth to take it. Her mouth was full of delicious pancake crumbs. Suddenly she remembered, let go and said, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

Fu Yu said, "Just in time, go wash up and get ready to eat."

Liu Yuqing ate breakfast in a hurry, and Fu Yu made egg pancakes, poached eggs, hot millet porridge, and a plate of fried shredded pork with pickled mustard.

This hearty breakfast made Liu Yuqing so full that she didn't even want to study anymore.

Fu Yu got up early and served his wife happily. From now on, he would have to get up at 6:30 to make breakfast.

In the bright dining room in the early morning, Liu Yuqing took a bite of pickles and a bite of porridge, with a satisfied look on her face and a beautiful and charming smile on her lips.

At that moment, it was the satisfaction that the dream finally came true.

Fu Yu was washing up in the bathroom. On the shelf were a bunch of skin care products that Liu Yuqing had bought before. There were so many different things with foreign characters that he didn't even know which one was which.

Fu Yu only used the soap he usually used to wash his face.

Liu Yuqing saw this and immediately shouted: "Fu Yu, why don't you use facial cleanser!?"

Fu Yu said: "I usually use soap, it's the same, and it washes very clean."

Liu Yuqing blinked and said, "Fu Yu, why are you so stupid? Washing your face with soap is not good for your skin, let me tell you."

Fu Yu didn't care: "My face looks like this, and it doesn't matter whether my skin is good or not."

Liu Yuqing looked at the handsome and charming face in the mirror, but she couldn't say the words that came to her mouth.

The two of them changed their clothes, tidied the bed in the bedroom, carried the things they needed to bring to work and school, and went downstairs together.

When they stood at the gate of the community and said goodbye, both of them felt very beautiful and at ease, and wanted to live like this for the rest of their lives. (End of chapter)

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