Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1132 The happiest thing

Thanks to the sheep and scorpion pot, Fu Yu can cook at large banquets almost every day.

Whether you take orders independently or share them with others, there are obvious changes in the recorded data in the system.

This kind of unlimited request arrangement allowed Fu Yu to obtain a large number of task rewards in a short period of time.

Every time an electronic beep sounded in his ears, Fu Yu's adrenaline surged.

There is nearly two hours of dining time at the stall every afternoon, and Fu Yu is usually called by others to share their cooking experiences.

Today Li Dongxu was going to the activity center to hand in his meal tickets, and Yang Ming went with him.

Wang Haiwei didn't get a good rest last night and took advantage of this time to find a place to take a nap.

Fu Yu rarely had time to relax and simply took stock of the rich rewards he had received during this period.

[Psycho Potion +30, Physical Replenishing Potion +10, Endurance Potion +5]

It's all good stuff, but it doesn't reward cooking skills.

Fu Yu was a little confused, why didn't he equip himself?

After looking at the rewards, I looked at the levels again.

Although he had been pleasantly surprised before, seeing that he had reached level 34 and been promoted to a chef technician made Fu Yu couldn't help but grin and feel silly.

In just half a month, he was promoted to 6 levels in a row. This was something Fu Yu had never thought of.

Since the beginning of winter, it has become increasingly difficult to level up.

Unexpectedly, this training not only gave me the opportunity to learn new cooking knowledge and operations, but also my personal level began to rise rapidly.

What pleased Fu Yu the most was that as his level increased, he clearly felt that his cooking thinking and understanding of dishes had improved subtly.

These were benefits that he had not noticed before.

Originally, in his opinion, the improvement of cooking level only brought an increase in skill points, but to him now, the usefulness of this skill point has actually begun to seem a bit lacking.

But now it seems that the benefits of level up are far more than that!

Not only can you improve your personal abilities, but you can also improve your understanding of some new cooking knowledge, and even develop a very keen perception when studying major cuisines.

What particularly surprised Fu Yu was that he found that he had a particularly precise judgment when cooking dishes.

The food circle is constantly evolving, and simply mastering cooking skills is by no means a truly excellent chef.

The superb cooking skills and operating techniques can indeed satisfy the taste buds of customers.

However, with rich cooking knowledge and research on food tastes, you can innovate countless dishes to meet the dining needs of more customers!

Fu Yu hopes that one day he can create a unique private cuisine that will be widely circulated in the food circle.

However, although he has not obtained new personal skills in recent missions, Fu Yu is still quite satisfied with being able to get so many physical potions at once!

With so many functional and practical potions, Fu Yu counted them one by one. The more he looked at them, the happier he became.

What about mental, physical, and endurance? Well, they are all improvements to your physical functions.

If there is support from external plug-ins, Fu Yu has no doubt at all that he will prosper and make a lot of money in the future based on his current level of learning progress.

If Fu Yu could be rich and healthy, this would be the happiest thing in life for Fu Yu!

In the process of receiving orders one after another, through cooking exchanges with Li Dongxu and Yang Ming, Fu Yu's mastery of the fire control function has formed a guide.

During the recent cooking process, Fu Yu would specifically guide Yang Zhichao on some operating points, and then summarize them through his own understanding.

This can better improve your understanding and improvement of fire control skills.

In fact, he once felt that his fire control skills had reached the highest level, and he was very powerful and skillful.

But as his horizons continued to broaden and his thinking became broader and broader, he began to discover the shallowness of his knowledge.

This current state makes him feel particularly comfortable. Whether it is cooking or learning to communicate, he can always be in a very good state.

The recent banquets for technology representatives at the activity center have gradually begun to decrease, and preliminary plans have been made for the cooperation that should be discussed.

Deputy Director Guan deliberately came to the Fucheng Chun stall in the morning when work was not very busy.

He specially sent a box of fresh loquats brought by others and asked Li Dongxu to take it and share it with the kitchen staff.

Li Dongxu was not polite. After accepting it, he joked: "Why does this leader still give us condolences?"

Deputy Director Guan said seriously: "You have worked hard during this period, especially Chef Fu Yu."

One sentence made Li Dongxu stunned!

Deputy Director Guan continued: "I know that this lamb and scorpion pot is not a dish of your restaurant at all. It was you who asked Chef Fu Yu to help you. Originally, you can just work normally in the kitchen, because I asked you to help. Taking this matter up will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

However, I understand that there is no need to be polite between old friends!

I just wanted to cause you trouble during this period. Someone just got some rare fruit. You can try it. It's not something expensive, just a little thought. "

Li Dongxu was a little moved by what he said.

In fact, this is how it is among friends. When something happens, they say hello to each other and help each other.

He is in the chef's profession, and usually friends will often ask him to help them, either by asking for a discount on ordering a meal, or by booking a private room in advance, or by having a meal just before get off work.

We are all friends, so do us a favor. In the eyes of many people, this is a matter of course.

Friends are just for relationships.

However, Deputy Director Guan can be grateful.

Deputy Director Guan continued: "Old Li, please tell Chef Fu Yu for me and thank him for his help during this time. I will remember this. When I have time, I will treat him to dinner. We will be friends from now on." ”

Hearing this, Li Dongxu felt warm in his heart!

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, doing a favor between friends is too polite and is called a heretic.

It's too unorthodox and hurts feelings.

But in fact, many times, when someone is willing to help, it is also a kind of kindness and a kind of dedication to feelings.

In fact, you don’t need much reward. Just saying thank you for your hard work can make people feel special.

When Li Dongxu returned to the kitchen, he didn't follow the instructions of the deputy director and divided the box of loquats directly, but gave it to Fu Yu specifically.

He truthfully repeated the words of gratitude expressed by the deputy director.

Li Dongxu put the loquat on Fu Yu's kitchen table: "Director Guan said that this is a fresh loquat brought by his friend. You can take it and eat it. I don't think it's a precious thing, and it's a piece of my heart. I accepted it for you."

Fu Yu felt warm in his heart. He didn't expect Deputy Director Guan to think of giving him something.

They say etiquette is less important than affection, and Fu Yu accepted it heartily.

But he didn't keep the loquats himself.

On the one hand, Liu Yuqing is not here either. He eats three meals a day at the stall alone. It’s late at night when he gets home and he doesn’t have time.

On the other hand, everyone in the kitchen saw it, and it would not be good for him to eat alone.

So Fu Yu opened the box very generously in front of everyone, picked out a few big ones and gave them to Li Dongxu, and then grabbed a few and distributed them to Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei himself.

The rest was given to Yang Zhichao together with the box, and he was asked to take it and share it with everyone in the kitchen, so that everyone could have a taste of it together.

We shared loquats and the atmosphere in the kitchen was harmonious.

The stall closes on time at 8:30 pm.

Everyone came out of the kitchen, changed their clothes, and walked out together.

Everyone was very excited. Fu Yu was going to treat them to dinner tonight.

When Fu Yu mentioned this matter during the day, everyone didn't take it seriously. Unexpectedly, things started to get louder after get off work at night.

Fu Yu had actually wanted to treat a few people at the stall to a meal.

He was very grateful to everyone for taking care of him during this period, and he really got along well with them.

Especially Li Dongxu and Yang Ming, they really have no problem with him.

I just took this opportunity to invite everyone to have a meal together, not only to express my gratitude, but also to have a good time.

Li Dongxu is very familiar with the delicious late-night snack restaurants here in the capital.

After discussing with everyone, we drove directly to lead the way. A group of people drove several cars and went to Nanmen Street.

Li Dongxu was wealthy and drove a Range Rover.

Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei also have their own cars, and there are two workers among the workers who have cars and are responsible for transporting people.

Fu Yu was called by Li Dongxu to sit in the passenger seat.

The interior of the Range Rover is much more spacious than Fu Yu's BMW, and it's also very clean.

There were a lot of cute ornaments on the car, and the perfume turned out to be a very sweet fruity smell.

It doesn’t really fit with the image of a tough guy like Lee Dong-su.

Li Dongxu explained with a smile: "I usually send my daughter to school in the morning, and she arranges all this."

The words are full of warmth and happiness.

This was the first time Fu Yu heard Li Dongxu talk about his family.

Li Dongxu said casually: "My daughter is a freshman in high school this year. She looks like her mother. She is quite beautiful. She is usually very filial and obedient. She is also very diligent. She keeps the house in order without me or her mother raising a hand.

He has learned to cook from me since he was a child, and his cooking skills are quite good. Anyway, the child has a cheerful personality and is good at everything, but he is not good at studying.

He has never been polluted by knowledge, and his eyes are always particularly clear and stupid. "

Fu Yu started listening and thought Li Dongxu was a slave to his daughter. After hearing the last sentence, he couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

After Li Dongxu finished speaking, he also laughed: "Fortunately, I am a daughter. It is bad if she does not study well. As long as she is healthy and happy every day, it will be fine."

Fu Yu smiled: "Cook Li, your mentality is quite good."

Li Dongxu looked like a contented person and said, "There's nothing I can do about it. You'll understand when you have children in the future."


Liu Yuqing's beautiful and delicate appearance appeared in front of Fu Yu's eyes. If he could give birth to a smaller version, facing such a cute and cute daughter, he would probably be as stable as Li Dongxu.

The restaurant for late night snack was decided at a time-honored barbecue restaurant.

This store is quite unique. It is located in an abandoned factory and is very spacious.

There were a row of hanging light bulbs in the yard, which illuminated it brightly, and there were no less than fifty dining tables set up.

When Fu Yu and his party came over, it was already past nine o'clock, and there was still an endless stream of dining customers.

Li Dongxu was familiar with the roads, said hello to the boss, and led the team directly to the open space in the west of the small courtyard.

Soon, a waiter came over and quickly set up two tables, and also lit up the closed chandelier next to it.

"The owner of this shop is our friend Li Chu. Their barbecue stall is very popular. They don't allow reservations in advance. If you come early and there is a table, you can eat here. If you come late, you won't be accommodated at all.

And it doesn’t take out food. We just serve as many tables of customers as there are in the courtyard.

If we hadn't followed Chef Li here today, we wouldn't have been able to eat at all. "

No wonder you get such special treatment.

The group of people just sat at two tables and ordered a bunch of food, all of which were the signatures of the barbecue stalls.

This stall is very unique, each table is equipped with a small charcoal stove.

Their main specialty is grilled lamb chops and chicken legs. The lamb chops are chopped into small pieces and grilled. After the grilled skewers are served, they are placed directly on the small charcoal stove to ensure that all the grilled meat is cooked when customers eat. The skewers are all served hot.

Li Dongxu said: "When they first started, they were just a mobile barbecue stall. There were two simple tabletops next to the oven. Customers caught up and ordered a few skewers. Those who had a place to sit and eat, and those who didn't have a place to buy. Hold the skewers in your hands and eat while walking.

Now that the business is getting bigger, I am really busy, so I have to adjust so many rules.

But their food tastes really good, and they definitely don’t cut corners, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to thrive for so many years. "

The business is so good, there are too many customers, and the food delivery speed cannot keep up.

These are inevitable things.

Fortunately, everyone had already had dinner at the stall and wasn't too hungry at this time, so we gathered together to chat and first ordered a few plates of edamame and spiced peanuts to go with the wine.

Drink beer and eat side dishes.

The environment here is spacious, and it's not as stuffy outside as it is inside.

After being bored in the activity hall for a whole day, everyone felt better after being able to come out for some fresh air.

By the time the skewers were served, the atmosphere was already very harmonious.

The people at the two tables relaxed to eat and drink some beer. When they left, Fu Yu paid the bill, but Li Dongxu insisted on swiping his face, so after discounts, he spent more than four hundred yuan.

For the capital, this price is already quite cheap.

They were leaving, and the boss took time out of his busy schedule to come and see them off.

After chatting with Li Dongxu for a while, he finally sent them out and trotted back to work.

At the dinner table just now, I heard Li Dongxu talk about how this barbecue stall owner is already worth tens of millions, but he usually works from dawn to dusk to make money.

The family lives in a renovated factory building and drives a van that is easy to stock.

The whole family wears uniform custom-made pure cotton work clothes.

I make so much money, but I don’t even have time to enjoy it.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help but glance at the busy and fulfilled boss family standing in front of the oven, and shook his head.

Life is like this, as long as you live happily and freely.

A person has a way of living. (End of chapter)

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