Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1131: Hard to beat

The observing customers left the kitchen.

When there were no more outsiders, Liu Yongping comforted Li Dongxu with a few words of humor.

Li Dongxu understood the whole story and was immediately filled with indignation. He felt that Xu Yuyang was nothing!

I originally thought of his good deeds, but in the end, he almost did something bad!

Today, if not for Fu Yu's quick eyesight and quick hands, the entire pot of food would have been ruined, and this was done in front of the observing customers. If it was not handled properly, it would mean that the kitchen utensils were of poor quality.

Even if you are reluctant to spend money on kitchen utensils, who can be willing to trust the kitchen to ensure the quality and quantity of ingredients?

Li Dongxu couldn't help but scolded Xu Yuyang again, completely ignoring that he clearly wanted to steal other people's favor.

Seeing that Li Dongxu was no longer so angry, Liu Yongping glanced at Fu Yu, turned around with a smile and asked, "Old Li, how are you? Do you still have doubts about Fu Yu's cooking skills?"

Li Dongxu grinned: "What are you doubting? I know this kid's strengths!"

Let alone Li Dongxu, no one in the entire kitchen now questions Yu!

Only wholehearted trust!

Because he has realized that Fu Yu seems to be able to deal with all kinds of complex situations, and any accident can be easily resolved in his hands!

For such a person, why should he be worried about entrusting the dishes to him!

At this time, in front of the kitchen counter, Yang Zhichao watched with wide eyes as Fu Yu adjusted the stove with the new casserole from low heat to high heat, then to medium heat, then low heat, and then back to low heat.

He watched with some confusion as Fu Yu completed the fire control operation in a short period of time.

It's really hard to understand.

What do you want to do with this series of operations?

And when Fu Yu finished cooking the two lamb and scorpion pots at the same time, they were brought to the customer's table together.

Only then did Yang Zhichao realize that Fu Yu had just adjusted the heat to make up for the difference in cooking time caused by changing pots.

This is the ultimate in controlling the heat and timing, every minute and every second is calculated!

Yang Zhichao discovered that what he saw on weekdays was just the tip of the iceberg of Fu Chu.

Every time I think I know enough about him, I will suddenly discover through various things that Fu Chu is simply unfathomable!

Yang Ming, who was next door, was also amazed after learning that Fu Yu easily resolved the cooking crisis.

An indescribable pressure prompted him to be more serious and complete the cooking work at hand more carefully.

And Liu Yongping stood in front of the kitchen counter, looking at Fu Yu, his eyes full of appreciation!

This is a real chef!

Mount Tai collapsed in front of him but his appearance remained unchanged!

Stay safe!

This is a symbol of strength!

With a few words of praise in his heart, Liu Yongping suddenly raised his head and looked at the clock on the wall!


Liu Yongping was keenly aware that things were not as simple as everyone saw.

Cooking two lamb and scorpion pots at the same time?

How much time did it take from cooking to serving?

How long should it take to cook a lamb and scorpion pot under normal circumstances?

How can this be?

This made Liu Yongping realize belatedly: Xiao Fu's cooking skills are far beyond his imagination. This guy is not ordinary.

Liu Yongping looked at Fu Yu at this time, his eyes full of shock!

In the same cooking, there is still a big gap in the control of heat and time.

Although the speed of cooking dishes will vary depending on the proficiency of the technique, however, mastering two dishes at the same time requires completing the cooking as quickly as possible, and even dealing with an emergency in the middle. Not only does it ensure that the two dishes are cooked at the same time, but it also does not affect the speed of serving at all!

This is a very difficult thing!

The cooking speed is no longer controllable by ordinary people.

Because this not only involves proficiency in cooking steps, but also precise control of time.

Based on the cooking method of the sheep and scorpion pot, Liu Yongping mentally estimated how he would cook this dish if he cooked it himself, and whether it would take enough time to cook it.

the answer is negative!

He can't do it.

This control of time has reached the ultimate state.

Looking back carefully, Fu Yu used every second of his time flexibly in his previous cooking operations.

Is this the time control ability that a human should have?

Liu Yongping found that the more he delved into this issue, the more unbelievable it became!

If he hadn't happened to come over to inspect the stall today, he might not have discovered the thickness and depth hidden in Fu Yu's seemingly routine cooking operation!

Originally, he already felt that Fu Yu's cooking performance just now was very strong, especially in terms of controlling the heat!

But I never expected it to be so strong!

Yang Zhichao followed Fu Yu to help cook. At this time, he really felt Fu Yu's power very clearly!

To him, it was like looking up at a high mountain!

Due to his limited personal ability, Yang Zhichao was unable to accurately evaluate Fu Yu's cooking level.

However, he knew very well that Fu Yu's skills in stewing operations must have reached perfection!

There are too few people who can reach this level, even in the circle.

After all, there won’t always be relevant dishes in the kitchen to practice on.

Even if you practice, it still requires the accumulation of time and experience.

How old is Fu Yucai?

This is unrealistic!

Yang Zhichao's eyes fell on Fu Yu's hands.

He couldn't help but think that even if he had such an opportunity to practice, he would probably have to have hands as dexterous as Fu Yu, which were both stable and powerful.

In addition, you must have absolute sensitivity, otherwise how can you avoid all risks in the cooking process so easily.

It can be said that if you want to reach Fu Yu's level, you must not only have ordinary talents, but also have to be able to reward the master with rice!

Two lamb and scorpion pot dishes that were specially requested by the customer were served and the cooking continued.

The remaining dishes were not difficult for Fu Yu. They were all signature dishes that he was used to cooking.

In fact, during cooking operations, emergencies of one kind or another always occur, catching people off guard.

Because during the cooking process, it is very important to check the handling of ingredients, fill the seasonings, and place the kitchen utensils.

And Fu Yu didn't realize how valuable the physical sensitivity skill reward he had obtained was until just now!

This is also a manifestation of personal strength, and at least it can avoid certain cooking risks.

Fu Yu had been concentrating on the cooking operation at hand. When he received the order, he prepared the dishes and continued to cook.

It was obviously just a normal job of taking orders, but Yang Zhichao, who was nearest, noticed something strange.

Fu Yu has already completed four orders of lamb and scorpion pot and two large and small banquet orders. Wang Haiwei next door is still busy making the dishes on the second order.

At first glance, both of them took over two orders, and Wang Haiwei’s order was two large banquet orders.

But Fu Yu also took over the cooking of four additional lamb and scorpion pots, and was already preparing to cook the third order.

If compared like this, the difference in cooking speed is really obvious!

When Fu Yu took over three more orders one after another and the four stoves were turned on at the same time, Wang Haiwei felt an indescribable sense of urgency.

The boss, Liu Yongping, didn't know what was going on today, so he came over to inspect the stall. He entered the kitchen and never left.

For a while, he stood by Fu Yu's side to observe, and for a while he went to chat with Li Dongxu.

This kid Yang Ming is even more cunning. He is uncharacteristically positive today, and his energy is like a chicken blood!

When Wang Haiwei saw the boss coming to his side from Fu Yu, sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead. He was afraid that after watching Fu Yu's cooking, the boss would blame him for his slow cooking speed!

But you can't blame yourself for being slow. You can only blame Fu Yu for being too fast!

I really didn't realize this before.

It's so fast that everyone can't catch it.

Fortunately, Fu Yu should still be a bit of a mathematician at heart. He usually behaves very low-key in the kitchen, never shows off his power, and does not make casual comments on other people's cooking operations.

In fact, Wang Haiwei didn't know that in Fu Yu's view, both he and Yang Ming were very worthy of learning about cooking.

Although Wang Haiwei is slightly inferior to Yang Ming in terms of cooking level, he also has his own cooking advantages, especially when making fried dishes, he pays special attention to details and has his own set of cooking tricks and habits!

Liu Yongping came over to take a look at Wang Haiwei's working status.

It's okay. My cooking skills are very stable, my work is solid, and my performance is pretty good.

Liu Yongping has always been generous in praising outstanding employees, especially the chefs who are the mainstay of the store, and he pays great attention to and treats them favorably.

Wang Haiwei was very flattered when he heard the boss's praise. He didn't expect that he was still very good in the boss's heart, which immediately restored his confidence.

Liu Yongping made a rare trip to the stall, checked inside and outside the kitchen, and encouraged all the employees.

The key point was to praise Fu Yu.

Fu Yu only came here to study, but he ended up becoming the main chef at the stall.

Liu Yongping said in public that he would reward Fuyu for his outstanding performance during this period.

This is about to give out a bonus!

Everyone in the kitchen looked up at Fu Yu. I guess Fu Yu is also very excited now, right?

After all, no one who has come here for further training has ever received a bonus!

However, Fu Yu's expression disappointed them.

When he heard that he was going to be rewarded, Fu Yu's expression was still so calm, with a slight smile in his eyes.

It seemed that these things had been expected for him, and there were no special surprises at all.

Moreover, Fu Yu doesn't seem to have any special expectations for his outstanding performance during this period. It seems that these are what he should do and can do it easily.

To him, this is just a trivial thing.

In comparison, his expression was not as excited as when he was communicating with Li Dongxu about cooking operations!

Maybe this is the special thing about the Great God?

Don't be surprised by honor or disgrace.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, Fu Chu, how many unique skills do you have that you haven't shown yet?

Liu Yongping has completed the inspections that should be carried out and the encouragement and corrections that should be done.

He didn't stay any longer, said hello to everyone in the kitchen, and left the kitchen accompanied by Li Dongxu.

Liu Yongping turned to look at the busy but orderly work scene in the kitchen, turned around and put his arm around Li Dongxu's shoulders, and said sincerely: "Old Li, it really saves me a lot of trouble to have you in charge here."

Li Dongxu smiled and said, "That's for sure. With me here, you don't have to worry about it. And now that I have a assistant to help me, it's easier than working in the store."

Liu Yongping also smiled. When he arrived at the dining area, he greeted several waiters in the store, then turned and walked outside.

He knew that Fu Yu had integrated very well in the kitchen!

Liu Yongping came here this time not just to inspect the work at the stall, but also to take a look at Fu Yu's work here.

After all, Fu Yu was warmly invited by him to come here for further study, and he was no ordinary clerk.

If something happened in the kitchen, Liu Yongping would definitely have to stand up and protect Fu Yu.

Fu Yu is a guest, and the others are his subordinates, members of his own family, no matter how much he says or scolds him, there is nothing wrong with him.

In particular, Fu Yu performed really well this time.

If Fu Yu hadn't taken the initiative to cook the sheep and scorpion pot, their store wouldn't have been able to close the relationship with the leaders of the activity center so smoothly.

Although it is not yet time to reap the fruits of success, the credit definitely belongs to this young man.

Liu Yongping now feels more and more that Fu Yu's future is really promising!

He used to think that Fu Yu was a reserved and unassuming person.

Now I understand that it is because Fu Yu can let people around him discover his excellence without being too exposed.

This low-keyness actually demonstrates his confidence.

This young man’s confidence comes from the inside out!

There is no need to be frivolous to make people deeply aware of his uniqueness.

Liu Yongping once again secretly sighed that his choice in this step was really the right one!

He firmly believes that with Fu Yu here, the working atmosphere in his kitchen will be stimulated, and Fu Yu is the one who invisibly improves work efficiency and leads everyone to start being motivated and passionate about cooking!

The boss's departure also made everyone in the kitchen relieved.

Things that I didn't have time to gossip about just now were brought up.

Yang Ming stood up for Li Dongxu's injustice. If it weren't for Xu Chu's fault, Fu Yu would not have been harmed and almost had a work accident!

Hearing this, the others all agreed, quickly turning from complaining to praising Yu.

Fu Yu laughed and chatted with everyone, and the atmosphere was very lively for a while.

Li Dongxu was comforted by Liu Yongping just now. Now he was mostly relieved and realized that his previous actions were indeed inappropriate.

After all, he was the one who took advantage of others first, so no wonder the other party made such a move.

However, after reviewing his own problem, Li Dongxu felt very emotional when he saw the people in the kitchen chatting and laughing.

Unknowingly, the chef's arrival has added a lot of vitality. (End of chapter)

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