Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1130: Full of evil intentions

Observing customers were amazed at Fu Yu's operation.

However, they all saw that Fu Yu did not intend to show off his skills to them.

These are all normal cooking operations, because Fu Yu does it so naturally and skillfully. It is completely a habit developed by long-term cooking.

Originally, when they came to observe, they heard that Fu Yu was cooking two pots of lamb and scorpion pot at the same time, and they should have been able to see the scene of two dishes being cooked at the same time.

But I never expected that the work in the kitchen would be like this. A chef should be in charge of four stoves at the same time, taking orders one after another, and dishes to be cooked one after another.

After actually observing it, I realized that there were not two dishes being cooked at the same time, but four dishes. During the cooking process, I was busy handling new orders and arranging for waiters to prepare the dishes.

While the few people watching were amazed, they were also filled with emotion for the first time.

Those who can do more work are forced to do so.

Because the food is good, everyone wants to eat the food he cooks.

With two orders from regular customers and four lamb and scorpion pot dishes that only he can cook, Fu Yu can only complete the cooking of these dishes within an extreme time difference!

Soon, the fresh fish in the steamer was cooked. Fu Yu completed the plating and handed it to Yang Zhichao to place on the serving table.

The sauce can also be used to collect the sauce from braised fish.

The two dishes were completed one after another. Fu Yu looked at the lamb and scorpion pot and ordered: "After another 15 minutes, turn to low heat."

When Yang Zhichao heard this, he was immediately relieved. After turning to low heat, he just kept simmering, so he didn't have to worry too much.

These two pots of lamb and scorpion are finally almost finished cooking.

He looked up at the clock on the wall and began to count the time.

At this moment, Fu Yu's expression suddenly changed!

"No, the casserole is cracked. Get a new one quickly!"

When Yang Zhichao heard this, his expression suddenly changed!

At this time, I am most afraid of this situation!

Fu Yu's face didn't change: "Hurry up!"

When several customers watching heard this, they subconsciously looked at the two casseroles placed on the stove.

The casserole is cracked?

Don't you see it?

There was no leakage of soup, no visible cracks, and not even a cracking sound.

Why did it look like it was cracked?

It is normal for customers to be laymen and not to be famous.

However, when Liu Yongping heard Fu Yu's words, he was surprised at first, and then hurriedly urged: "Xiao Yang, please move faster!"

When Yang Zhichao gave Fu Yu's instructions, he just glanced at the kitchen counter in surprise and hurried over to get a new casserole.

When the sheep and scorpion pot is stewed, there is always a full pot of soup and water.

If the casserole breaks and the soup inside spills out, the dish will be completely ruined.

It's one thing that it's hard to clean up. The key is that the vegetables are cooked and there's no way to save them.

This is not like a dry pot dish. The cooked ingredients are poured directly from the pot, so you don't have to worry if the soup is gone.

At this time, the two pots of lamb and scorpions were about to be stewed. Who would have thought that the casserole suddenly cracked!

When Fu Yu said it before, no one could see that there was something wrong with any of the casseroles.

But when Liu Yongping shouted like this, everyone couldn't help but feel excited!

The nearest overseas Chinese VIP even took two steps back, fearing that if the casserole exploded, he would be burned again.

Yang Zhichao quickly brought a new casserole over.

Seeing his panic, Fu Yu ordered: "Soak it in warm water first, then bring it over!"

Yang Zhichao reacted and quickly put the casserole by the sink. He soaked the bottom of the pot with hot water and turned it twice in the casserole to let the heat spread.

Then he poured out the hot water and placed the casserole within Fu Yu's reach.

Yu Zhanshui couldn't help but remind him: "The pot is very hot, Fu Chu, be careful!"

His boss also responded with concern: "Put it on with a rag and don't start directly!"

Everyone unconsciously began to think about Fu Yu. At this time, the only person who could solve this emergency was Fu Yu.

Fu Yu picked up the casserole calmly, but his fingertips turned white because he pressed it too hard.

His arms were obviously exerting force, and he grasped the edge of the pot and pressed inward. A whole pot of heavy sheep and scorpions, including the ingredients and soup, was poured directly into the new casserole at one go.

During the operation, there was a sudden muffled sound of the casserole breaking.

Seeing that the wall of the pot where the damage was originally invisible, a crack suddenly appeared. The speed was very fast. From hearing the sound to seeing the crack, it took a blink of an eye.

At this time, Fu Yu was picking up the casserole and pouring out the ingredients.

In everyone's eyes, if you don't pay attention to this action, it means that the busyness just now is over!

Not only the few customers who were observing, but also Liu Yongping was a little shocked. He subconsciously wanted to reach out to help, and his hands were raised, and at this moment.

Fu Yu raised his head and glanced at the people watching in front of the kitchen counter: "It doesn't matter, there's still time!"

After saying that, Fu Yu poured all the ingredients and soup in the casserole into the new casserole. He even controlled the remaining soup in the casserole.

This calmness is nothing like a cracked casserole.

During the entire operation, Fu Yu held the casserole tightly with both hands and used his own strength to control the casserole from breaking off immediately!

This is the skill Fu Yu acquired some time ago: [Body sensitivity increased! 】

He himself had never thought that this kind of sensitivity would actually give people an indescribable keen insight into the things around them.

While he was cooking normally, he suddenly heard a slight noise. The sound was so soft that it was covered by the noise in the kitchen. If he didn't pay attention, he would simply ignore it.

Fu Yu heard the strange noise. If he were an ordinary person, he would have simply ignored it, but he directly judged that the strange noise was coming from the casserole.

The casserole was simmering on the stove, and suddenly this sound came out, and it was probably going to crack!

It was this amazing acumen that allowed Fu Yu to take remedial measures in a timely manner.

Just when everyone was surprised, Fu Yu suddenly said: "We can't have this casserole!"

Fu Yu held the handle of the casserole with both hands and removed the pressure from his hands. Suddenly, the casserole that was originally stuck together split into two halves with a click.

"It's all broken like this!"

"Surprisingly, the soup wasn't spilled!"

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

Several customers who were watching were afraid of being splashed and took two steps back. Then they suddenly saw the scene in front of them and were stunned!

This is.

Liu Yongping's expression also changed!

The casserole had obviously cracked a long time ago, and it was only Fu Yu who pressed hard with his own hands that forced him to pour out all the ingredients and soup.

This approach can be attributed to a conditioned reflex. Because I noticed that the casserole was cracked, I subconsciously held down the casserole to prevent the bottom of the pot from completely cracking, so as to save the ingredients in the pot.

But this kind of emergency method requires more than just strength. The moment the casserole cracks, the cracks must be firmly pressed and sealed tightly.

Moreover, when pouring ingredients, you should quickly adjust the position of the casserole and quickly free up the cracks to prevent the soup from leaking.

Such operating techniques are difficult to achieve without sufficient keen judgment and emergency experience.

How did Fu Yu grasp the critical time?

At this time, Yang Zhichao came over with a garbage bag, picked up the casserole that cracked in half in the pool, and threw it away.

He tied the bag and suddenly said: "Fu Chef, your reaction is too fast. If you were slower, this pot of food would be ruined!"

Fu Yuxin said nonsensically: "I have studied in a music restaurant before. When I was making flowing seats, the casserole was extremely damaged. I have seen this kind of situation a lot, so I have more experience."

In one sentence, everyone can clear up their doubts!


Fu Yu had worked in a large hotel that specialized in running tables, so it was inevitable that he would encounter such a situation.

Yang Zhichao carried the bag and put it next to the trash can. He glanced at the boss who was standing in front of the kitchen counter and said, "The quality of these casseroles is not good. Two of them have been broken this year alone."

I say this to the bosses, don’t blame them for improper use of the kitchen.

It's obviously because the quality of the goods purchased by the buyer is not good, and it has nothing to do with the kitchen.

Fu Yu said casually: "This casserole must have cracked before. When I used it, I found traces of starch filling the bottom."

Yang Zhichao was stunned: "Ah? Starch filling?"

He really didn't pay attention to this.

But what does it mean to patch a casserole with starch?

Fucheng Chun's kitchen often makes stews and buys a lot of casseroles. If they are damaged, they always throw them away. Anyway, there are spare ones.

However, Liu Yongping was stunned after hearing this. He turned around and asked Li Dongxu in a loud voice: "Old Li, did you get this casserole from Lao Xu Nayun?"

Li Dongxu will lead a team to set up a stall at the activity center, and all the kitchen utensils and ingredients used will be purchased separately.

The store originally had some surplus items and put them out, and many of the kitchen utensils were in stock.

Li Dongxu was busy cooking the spoon just now and didn't pay attention to the movement here. When he heard the boss asked about the casserole, he immediately replied: "Ah, it was evened out a few."

Casserole is a consumable item. The store always purchases large quantities of them and keeps them in the warehouse.

But when it comes to actual stews, a new casserole is useless. It has to be maintained. The longer it is used, the more fragrant the stewed dishes will be.

Li Dongxu took a box of new casseroles and snatched four old ones from Xu Yuyang.

Xu Yuyang is best at cooking stews, and all casseroles he uses are carefully maintained.

Among the chefs in the store, the casserole he uses has the least damage.

At that time, Xu Yuyang was quite distressed about these four casseroles. He agreed that they would only be borrowed temporarily and that he would return them when he returned to the store from the activity center.

Now Liu Yongping suddenly asked about this matter, and Li Dongxu quickly told the truth.

When Liu Yongping heard this, he understood the whole story.

Needless to say, the cracked casserole used by Fu Yu was definitely bought by Li Dongxu from Xu Yuyang.

Xu Yuyang takes great care of his kitchen utensils, especially things like casseroles, which require careful maintenance.

I take good care of it every day and have kept it for several years. It is so easy to use that I can't bear to give it all away.

At that time, I guess I chose one with less serious cracks.


There are still too few people who care about kitchen utensils like Xu Yuyang. Most restaurant chefs buy casseroles as consumables and replace them with new ones when they are worn out.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yu actually knew how to maintain kitchen utensils.

When Liu Yongping asked this question, Yang Zhichao also curiously asked Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, you said that you use starch to make up casseroles. What do you mean?"

Yang Zhichao really didn't understand this aspect. When he heard that starch was used to replenish casseroles, the first thought in his mind was how to replenish the casserole so that it wouldn't become sticky once cooked.

Fu Yu adjusted the heat on the stove, placed the new casserole on it, and continued to simmer over low heat.

After finishing the operations on his hands, he said: "Some casseroles with minor cracks can be repaired with starch or rice milk. Rice milk is very convenient. You can make porridge directly. Once the rice porridge is ready, use high temperature to repair it." The cooked rice milk will repair the cracks in the casserole, and basically after the repairs are done, no trace of the cracks will be visible at all.”

Yang Zhichao had an eye-opening expression on his face.

It turns out it can still be like this!

Then, he said blankly: "But, this casserole is a new one we brought here, right? Is it possible that the ones Chef Xu borrowed are bad?"

Li Dongxu was suddenly questioned by his boss just now. He quickly put aside what he was doing and came over to ask about the situation.

After hearing these two conversations between them, his face suddenly darkened.

This Xu Manzi!

Full of bad intentions!

I just borrowed two casseroles from him, but they used defective ones to deal with them!

Li Dongxu cursed a few times in his mind, and then subconsciously looked at Fu Yu.

He stared at Fu Yu, filled with shock. How powerful was this young man?

What do you know!

"Fu Chu is so awesome!" the overseas Chinese distinguished guest exclaimed with emotion.

The boss glanced at the overseas Chinese, tilted his head to Yu Zhanshui's ear, and praised in a low voice: "Old Yu, you arranged the table well today!"

Regardless of how good the sheep and scorpion pot is, today's cooking observation alone was eye-opening and memorable.

It is estimated that the overseas Chinese distinguished guests will never forget this experience today.

The cooking continues in the kitchen, and the lamb and scorpion pot also needs to be simmered for a while before it can be served.

A few customers stayed for a while and then went back to the dining area.

Before leaving, thank the bosses Liu Yongping and Fu Yu again and again.

The moves Fu Yu showed one after another were shocking enough!

Not to mention the overseas Chinese distinguished guests, even Yu Zhanshui felt impressed.

He now completely believed that Deputy Director Guan had so highly recommended the lamb and scorpion pot made by Chef Fu!

The chef is indeed of a high standard. How could the dishes cooked by such a great person not be delicious?

Now, no one will doubt that the food cooked at this stall is not authentic or authentic!

They just have full trust in Yu!

As long as it is a dish handled by Fu Yu, it must be very delicious!

Being able to come to the stall to eat today is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The overseas Chinese distinguished guests looked at the boss of the company who was hosting the banquet with great emotion.

The other party is really sincere.

Yu Zhanshui was particularly grateful to Deputy Director Guan.

This friend is really awesome, such a person is worth keeping for a lifetime! (End of chapter)

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