Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1129 A wonderful display

For a moment, the four people watching all looked intently at Fu Yu, who was taking the spoon seriously.

Fu Yu didn't care at all that the people watching in front of the kitchen counter had changed from Li Dongxu and Liu Yongping to unfamiliar customers. He kept cooking with his hands, and there were sheep and scorpions stewed in both pots. When Teng started, Immediately start cooking other dishes on the stove.

Fu Yu's movements were very quick and neat, and everyone could clearly see every step of his cooking!

This was the first time for several people present to watch the chef cook up close.

This busy working state unknowingly aroused the emotions of all of them, and they began to focus accordingly.

The secret of cooking lamb and scorpions in pot is to control the heat. Place the lamb leg bones and lamb scorpions that have been blanched with water in the pot, then add water and stew over high heat.

During the stewing process, put the seasoning packet into the pot before the water is completely boiled.

This seasoning bag is the secret to Fu Yu's cooking of lamb and scorpion that is more delicious and flavorful than other restaurants outside.

There are few secrets hidden in plain sight in the kitchen.

When Fu Yu first prepared the seasoning package, he also wanted to avoid filling the package with other people as much as possible.

As a result, when it was actually implemented, I found that this idea was too naive.

Not to mention the workers and kitchen helpers coming and going around him, others could clearly see what he took from which spice box.

In the past, when he was in Qianlima, Yao Shi prepared the secret seasoning packets and sauces used in the kitchen by himself in the warehouse away from others. If conditions allowed, he could keep them as secret as he wanted.

Everything here at the stall is open and transparent, and there is no chance to avoid others.

Realizing this, Fu Yu simply uses ready-made seasoning packets every time he cooks.

In fact, if the preparation of the seasoning package is not explained in detail, even if you stand close and look at it, you can only know what seasonings are put in, and the specific quantities will definitely not be accurate.

When cooking a dish, the amount of seasoning is very important. If there is a slight deviation, the taste will be much worse.

Fu Yu relied on his quick hands and skillful techniques, and he didn't care at all even if there were people watching around him.

What's more, the few people standing in front of the kitchen counter are all laymen, so they are still very calm when operating.

He quickly finished cooking the soft-fried fish fillets by adding oil. He peeked at the pot where the sheep and scorpions were stewed. The heat was almost done, so he quickly put the peppercorns, aniseed, herbs and other seasonings into the bag and tied it. After it is firm, put it into the pot with fresh ginger slices and green onion segments.

During the entire operation, Fu Yu kept his mind empty and did not have any influence on his operation just because he was being observed by several customers.

The lamb and scorpions are still cooked in two pots at the same time. The water in one pot is almost boiled, and the water in the other pot is the same.

Fu Yu held two bags of ingredients to fill at the same time. His hands were very fast. After grabbing each spice, there would be an inconspicuous weighing action. As his palms shook, he put back more spices and continued to add less.

In this way, the dosage of the seasoning package can be accurately controlled.

Several customers watching watched Fu Yu perform this step, their eyes lit up, as if they were watching some strange performance!

Especially the overseas Chinese distinguished guest who went abroad when he was young and has been away for nearly thirty years. He is usually busy with work and the only way to relieve stress is cooking.

I like to cook and eat delicious food.

When I came back this time, I wanted to try the lamb and scorpion pot that I remembered.

I don’t know if it’s because the distance is too far, but the delicious taste in my impression is constantly being modified and beautified by my own memories.

Since returning to China this time, he has eaten at no less than seven or eight mutton restaurants. He has ordered this mutton and scorpion pot several times, and it is always delicious and delicious, but it is not as good as what he remembered.

This time, I was about to leave after finishing my official business. Before leaving, I was invited by the minister to come over and taste the lamb and scorpion pot.

The chef at the Fucheng Chun stall is said to be very good at cooking. This time, the food area of ​​the International Science and Technology Exhibition relied entirely on this chef to keep the scene going.

Being able to entertain international friends shows how good the chef is at cooking!

The overseas Chinese guests heard a lot about the deeds of Chef Fu Yu.

Now that I finally saw it, I was as shocked as I was when I heard about the other party's various achievements.

This is too young.

It’s not that I’m judging a book by its appearance, but the celebrity chef in front of me is so unexpected.

At such a young age, can your cooking skills really be so superb?

This kind of doubt is not only shared by overseas Chinese VIPs, but also the leader Yu Zhanshui has a suspicious expression on his face.

Yu Zhanshui, who was standing next to him, had sweaty palms. He watched Fu Yu cooking with his hands open, and his heart could not help but beat wildly. He was so nervous!

Deputy Director Guan initially only said that the chef named Fu Yu was particularly good at cooking lamb and scorpion pot, but he did not say that this man was only in his early twenties.

If he hadn't known Deputy Director Guan's character well, Yu Zhanshui wouldn't have forced himself to act like the old god was there at this moment, and would have panicked.

This outstanding-looking young chef really doesn’t look like he has a high level of cooking skills!

Fu Yu doesn't need to look at the time when cooking, he has already calculated all the operations in his mind!

He took a look at the simmering situation in the pot. After the water boiled completely, he added a small amount of salt and then turned down the heat. At this time, he wanted to stew over medium heat.

Just put the lid on and forget about it.

Fu Yu’s cooking speed is very fast!

There are four stoves on the kitchen table, two pots for stewing lamb and scorpions, one for stir-frying and thickening, and another pot for steaming a fresh fish.

Fine cooking!

Quick stir-fry!

Spread the seasoning decisively!

Smooth operation!

The few customers watching in front of the kitchen counter were dumbfounded.

Not to mention anything else, just this hand speed and this operation have already frightened everyone watching.

Is this too strong?

Even a layman can tell that the level is indeed amazing!

The overseas Chinese VIPs and the boss thought, no wonder Yu Zhanshui praised the chef Fu so much.

Yu Zhanshui thought about it and knew that Deputy Director Guan was reliable. This person never lied.

The chef is really good at cooking.

"Fu Chu, the little fish is done!" Yang Zhichao brought a basin of cleaned anchovies over.

Fu Yu turned around and took a look and nodded: "Okay, put it here first!"

He finished the cooking operation at hand, and then turned around to personally check the quality of the workman's work.

Once satisfied, continue cooking.

Yang Zhichao stood aside and watched Fu Yu cook the spoon, feeling extremely nervous!

This was his first visit to a customer, and he was a little nervous.

These customers are not our own people in the store. If there is a problem at any step in the cooking process, or if the operation is not standardized enough or the ingredients are not handled hygienic enough, the impact will be too bad!

This is the customer.

Must be dealt with carefully!

In the back kitchen, because of the visiting customers, everyone didn't even dare to say a bad word, and everyone communicated in a low voice. They all wore work clothes, chef hats, and masks in a neat manner, for fear of not paying attention and being caught by the customers.

Fu Yu didn't care at all. He had four stoves firing at the same time, so he had to concentrate.

After a plate of vegetables was fried, Fu Yu took advantage of this free moment to check the stewing status of the sheep and scorpions in the pot.

He took a look at how well the sheep and scorpions were being stewed, then turned the fire to low and simmered slowly.

Fu Yu did this step very casually. He said he was just taking a look, but he really just opened the pot lid and took a look. He did not use chopsticks to pierce the mutton like other chefs did when checking. If it can be pierced into the mutton, it means that the mutton is The scorpion is ripe.

The few customers who were watching didn't see anything special, but Liu Yongping, who had been by his side, raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched Fu Yu adjust his temper.

This guy's control over the cooked ingredients and the heat has obviously improved.

After adjusting the heat of the two stew pots, Fu Yu continued cooking.

He took over a total banquet order. After cooking several main dishes, the remaining cold dishes and quick dishes thickened with oil were processed faster and faster.

Yang Zhichao was a little surprised when he looked at Fu Yu!

Fu Chu’s hand speed seems to be faster and more stable today!

Yang Zhichao helps Fu Yu cook every day and sees these details more clearly.

He found that today's kitchen utensils such as spatulas and chopsticks seemed to be more flexible in Fu Chu's hands.

When the lamb and scorpion are simmered over low heat, you don't need to keep an eye on them.

Fu Yu concentrated on cooking the remaining dishes.

Except for the lamb and scorpion pot, the rest of the dishes Yu Zhanshui ordered today were all Fuchengchun's signature specialties.

One of the dishes, braised fish in soy sauce, is a cooking method Fu Yugang learned from Li Dongxu.

This dish is ready. Not only is it full of flavor when it comes out of the pan, but the fish is also tender and delicious.

This dish is actually Li Dongxu's specialty. Fu Yu didn't know much about it. At that time, he happened to meet Li Dongxu taking the order, so he observed it.

This is the first time I have done this today.

In his opinion, this dish is quite a test of cooking skills and fire control skills.

However, these are Fu Yu's own experiences in cooking.

In fact, he didn't know that there was a saying in Fuchengchun that when hiring a chef, you should first select someone who can cook braised fish in sauce. The cooking of this one dish is enough to test the cooking level.

It was precisely because he didn't know that Fu Yu didn't leave any hands on what to do when cooking.

So unknowingly, he showed off a unique skill!

The cooking steps for braised fish in soy sauce seem simple, but in fact, the cooking process requires very high heat. If the heat is higher, the fish will become hard or the bottom of the pot will be burned.

If the heat is too low, the fish will be too soft, which will affect the taste.

Even Li Dongxu couldn't compare to Fu Yu in handling this cooking process.

In Zhao Meng's words, this is Fu Yu's exclusive skill.

The kind of talent that no one can learn or compare to.

That's right, Fu Yu's eyes are like precision instruments!

Fu Yu can quickly and accurately determine the degree of cooking of ingredients and the required heat control. These originally difficult operations have become a handy thing for Fu Yu.

To outsiders, this is talent!

Fu Yu's very keen ability to grasp the temperature is particularly strong. With the help of the dialog box that appears in front of him, all operations are as accurate as a timer in terms of time control!

The whole cooking operation was watched in the eyes of everyone, and the experts looked at it in amazement.

From a layman’s perspective, it’s like a beautiful cooking show. The pair of nimble hands simply dance out the beauty while cooking, turning a boring thing like cooking into an exquisite performance. A superb artistic performance!

Then start making the sauce.

Making this sauce is the most critical step in cooking.

The proportion of seasonings must be accurately controlled, and the amount used depends entirely on personal experience.

At this time, the front office waiter brought the order. Yang Ming was too busy and called Fu Yu to help take the order.

After Fu Yu heard this, he turned to Yang Zhichao and said, "Take the list. I'll list the dishes first!"

After that, he continued busy making his own sauce.

The production process is very delicate!

This is the core stage of cooking the entire dish.

But Fu Yu was relaxed and comfortable.

When he watched Li Dongxu cooking before, he discovered that this dish required attention to technique during the cooking process.

For example, the marinating time and the selection of ingredients will directly affect the texture and taste of the braised fish.

At the same time, the use of seasonings can also be adjusted according to taste, and some seasonings that are more popular with locals can be added to make the braised fish in sauce more in line with customers' tastes.

Chollima also has this dish, but the cooking method is slightly different from Fucheng Chun.

When Fu Yu is cooking, he will subconsciously analyze the applicability of these two cooking methods, as well as the details of some cooking operations.

With his previous experience at Qianli Ma Zhang Shao, when Fu Yu was learning how to cook river fish at Fucheng Chun, he could further improve the cooking of the entire dish through a combination of contrasts.

The braised fish in soy sauce was turned on over high heat and was waiting to be boiled. Before doing any other operations, Yang Zhichao came back with a new order form.

At this time, Yang Zhichao was extremely flustered. There was still a large banquet order form in his hand. The four lamb and scorpion pots were not finished cooking, and now another order form came.

In fact, you can just refuse the order just because there are customers watching. After all, there is Chef Wang in the back kitchen who takes orders. Even worse, Chef Li is also here. Why does Fu Yu have to take over an order?

As a result, when I saw the order form clearly written on it, it was another order form from Fu Yu's regular customer.

Yang Zhichao didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed for a moment.

What is this called?

Do you feel greedy when you watch others eat?

Yang Zhichao handed the order form to Fu Yu, feeling extremely worried.

Fu Yu arranged it calmly and calmly!

"Let's prepare the dishes first. Let's hurry up with these."

Several customers who were watching were already a little dumbfounded!

Is Fu Chu doing multiple things at once?

Cooking several dishes at the same time, and also taking orders and preparing dishes.

It can be seen that he is the busiest in this stall.

No wonder he became a famous chef at such a young age, he is indeed very capable! (End of chapter)

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