Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1128 Customers enter the kitchen to observe

The kitchen was busy cooking and serving dishes. In the dining area, Deputy Director Guan received a call and hurried over.

At this meeting, Deputy Director Guan was speechless.

Yu Zhanshui brought his customers directly to Fucheng Chun stall for dinner without even saying hello before.

In front of a table full of people, Deputy Director Guan suppressed his dissatisfaction, greeted his old friend warmly, and was introduced to a few people sitting at the table.

After a brief chat, Deputy Director Guan glanced at the wine on the table and mentally planned to go to Li Dongxu to get two bottles of good wine to give Yu Zhanshui some face.

Among the people here just now, in addition to the clients who were seeing off this time, there was also Yu Zhanshui's big boss. If he is well groomed, Yu Zhanshui will be able to do better at work in the future.

These old friends are all good people and are particularly tactful and experienced in dealing with people.

Deputy Director Guan greeted him and was about to leave. Yu Zhanshui hurriedly followed him out.

With no outsiders around, Deputy Director Guan asked: "No, you didn't contact me yet, how did you get in?"

Yu Zhanshui said with a smile: "I just found out. Our boss has tickets in his hand, and his friend's company came to participate in the exhibition. I thought the boss was already involved, so I didn't contact you specifically."

So that's it.

Deputy Director Guan nodded: "Okay, you can go back. I will go to the stall and give you two bottles of good wine."

When Yu Zhanshui heard this, he hurriedly said: "There is no need for wine. If the customers don't drink, there will be tea on the table instead."

Deputy Director Guan was stunned and asked directly in front of his old friend: "Then why are you looking for me specifically?"

I didn't use his connections to enter the venue, and I didn't use him to get discounts when ordering food. Now I suddenly called him to come over. I must be asking him for help with something.

Yu Zhanshui said truthfully: "This is not the stall where I went to the Convention and Exhibition Center to eat lamb and scorpion hotpot. Our boss said it was far away. He previously suggested going directly to the Fucheng Chun store to save the hassle.

I just said that the chef who makes the lamb and scorpion pot is right here at the stall, and you can only eat it here.

At that time, I was afraid that the boss would find it difficult, so I bragging about the chef Fu Yu, but the boss told the customer about it.

The customer is very interested in cooking. He just asked our boss if he could go to the back kitchen and take a look at what the chef is like.

Our boss is pretty good in other aspects, but he is very good-looking.

Customers have already proposed, and it’s hard for him to refuse. This doesn’t require me to find a way to see if I can watch the chef cook. "

After saying that, he quickly assured: "Don't worry, although this customer can cook by himself, he does not have anyone in the food industry in his family. He is all engaged in scientific and technological research and is a pure layman.

I'm just curious and want to see what the cooking chef here looks like, but I've never seen one. "

Deputy Director Guan listened and understood.

It must be that Yu Zhanshui made a big boast in order to bring the customer to the activity center for dinner, which aroused the customer's curiosity.

Now that the bullshit is out, people want to see what the so-called celebrity chef looks like, so they can only bite the bullet and come to him to discuss a solution.

In this case, apart from giving some advice, it actually didn't help much.

Now Yu Zhanshui asked him to do something, and Deputy Director Guan agreed without much hesitation.

However, I have to say hello to Li Dongxu about this matter. After all, this is his stall, and the chef is very busy. A group of them went over to watch the chef cook, so as not to delay the work.

Deputy Director Guan thought for a while and told Yu Zhanshui: "You still have to socialize over there. You go back first. I'll ask the stall here. If it's convenient, I'll call you and you can bring someone over here directly. If If it doesn’t work, I’ll let you know.”

Deputy Director Guan didn't want to take Yu Zhanshui to see Li Dongxu directly. When the time came, Li Dongxu had to agree to it because of his face.

Both sides are friends, so they have to be considerate.

When Yu Zhanshui returned to the dining area, Deputy Director Guan found the Fucheng Chun stall, called Li Dongxu out, and explained his purpose.

Li Dongxu was quite surprised when he heard that among the tables that came at noon, only one had friends invited by Deputy Director Guan.

However, Deputy Director Guan listened to what he said and helped analyze: "Maybe it's the representatives who have entertained before. You can introduce your friends to come over for dinner."

The venue is full of people from the technology community who are familiar with each other, and it is common for them to recommend each other after eating delicious food.

Li Dongxu had thought about it before, and after hearing what Deputy Director Guan said, he was even more convinced.

Deputy Director Guan asked: "Your boss is here too, wouldn't it be a good idea if I brought someone over to observe the cooking?"

Li Dongxu has an upright personality, but he also thinks about things very carefully. He said nonchalantly: "It's okay. I just go and tell the boss. It's easy for him to handle it. It's mainly for Fu Yu. I have to ask them if they are willing."

Sheep and scorpion pot is not Fuchengchun's dish, it is Fu Yu's secret dish. In the circle, the cooking process like this is never shown to the public.

But now that Deputy Director Guan is here, Li Dongxu will definitely be willing to help.

Li Dongxu went back to the kitchen to discuss the matter with Fu Yu.

In the back kitchen, Fu Yu was focusing on cooking two stew pots.

Except for his first time cooking, because the activity center sent a large amount of sheep scorpions and fresh mutton, Fu Yu always used the sheep scorpions directly when stewing. The mutton was used to fill the seams, and the ingredients were particularly solid.

However, in the later stage, the stall purchased its own ingredients, so Fu Yu replaced the mutton with mutton leg bones.

The worker chopped the scorpion into pieces according to the joints, and also chopped the leg bones of the lamb.

Fu Yu placed the mutton leg bones that had been blanched in blood on the bottom of the pot, and then placed the lamb spine on top of the mutton leg bones.

He did it very easily and casually. The large basin filled with sheep scorpions and mutton leg bones was held steadily by one hand, while the other hand picked and arranged them.

In front of the kitchen counter, Liu Yongping watched Fu Yu operate. Although his expression was very calm, his unconsciously clenched hands betrayed him when he lowered his hands!

It may seem like a simple arrangement of sheep bones, but in fact there is a universe inside.

At first, when Fu Yu placed the lamb leg bones, Liu Yongping didn't pay much attention, but when Fu Yu started to place the lamb scorpions, the ingredients in the pot were completely exposed to the sight because of the height.

Only then did Liu Yongping realize that there was a certain pattern in the placement of the sheep bones. They were not randomly stacked. The shape of each sheep leg bone matched that of a sheep scorpion. Looking from top to bottom, it was simply good news for obsessive-compulsive disorder. .

Very regular and neat.

Liu Yongping took a step forward and took a closer look, secretly amazed in his heart!

You have to have made sheep and scorpion pots many times before you can accumulate such rich experience in displaying them!

He was about to praise him out loud, but at this moment, Li Dongxu, who had suddenly left just now, came back in a hurry.

Li Dongxu came straight towards Liu Yongping. When he got close, he hurriedly said: "Boss, the deputy director of the activity center is here. A friend of his has booked a table at our stall to entertain a distinguished guest today. Now the distinguished guest wants to observe the kitchen. cooking!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Several people nearby looked at Liu Yongping subconsciously.

Customers go to the kitchen to observe cooking?

This kind of thing seems to happen very rarely!

Liu Yongping quickly asked seriously: "What's going on?"

Li Dongxu is the chef, and he is in charge of the stall.

Now we need to arrange for people to go into the back kitchen to observe, so Li Dongxu came over specially to report. Actually, he wanted to let people in.

Li Dongxu said quickly: "Deputy Director Guan's friend is hosting a banquet for an overseas Chinese today. He really wants to eat lamb and scorpion pot. I have tried several mutton restaurants in the capital before, but they all tasted terrible.

Deputy Director Guan recommended the sheep and scorpion pot made by Fu Yu to them. He might have boasted a little too much at the time, which piqued the other party's curiosity.

Just now, the distinguished guest mentioned that he would like to go to the back kitchen to observe the cooking of famous chefs."

After speaking, he specifically explained: "They are all engaged in scientific research and have nothing to do with the food circle."

When Liu Yongping heard it, he realized that was the case.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing should be rejected. After all, the kitchen is not a place for outsiders to visit casually.


There is really no way to refuse this situation.

Because the stall has to cooperate with the activity center for mutual benefit, the deputy director is an important management leader of this activity, so it is definitely a good thing to have a good relationship with each other.

Moreover, the identity of the VIPs who want to visit is also very certain. They are people from the technology circle, not colleagues, and visiting the kitchen will have no substantial impact.

Let me enter the kitchen?

Yang Zhichao followed Fu Yu.

Recently, Li Dongxu often comes over to exchange cooking experiences with Fu Yu. The frequency is very high, which makes Yang Zhichao, who occupies a powerful position, a little excited.

However, after hearing that customers wanted to watch cooking, Yang Zhichao was stunned!

This is the first time such a thing has happened!

Liu Yongping didn't hesitate much.

He didn't weigh the pros and cons at all, what would happen if the VIPs were allowed in to observe, and what would happen if they didn't.

After all, Fu Yu cooks the lamb and scorpion pot, which is not their special dish at all.

After Liu Yongping heard what Li Dongxu said, he suddenly said: "Old Li, wouldn't you just ask Xiao Fu about this? Let's see what he means!"

This is what Li Dongxu was waiting for. After hearing this, he immediately looked at Fu Yu with a smile: "Xiao Fu, the distinguished guest is in the dining area now. He wants to watch you cook, but although he is an outsider, you If they don't want to, I'll explain it to them right away.

You don’t need to feel any pressure. I have a good relationship with Deputy Director Guan, so it won’t matter whether I agree or not. "

Fu Yu had just finished adding water at this time. After hearing their conversation, he said lightly: "Okay, if it doesn't disturb other people cooking, they can watch it if they want."

One sentence made Yang Ming, who stretched his head out to pay attention to the movements here, a little panicked.

Although they didn't hear it clearly, the waiter gossiped to them when he came to pass the dishes just now, saying that the customers wanted to watch the cooking in the kitchen.

After Li Dongxu heard this, he was stunned: "Aren't you worried that there will be problems during cooking?"

Fu Yu kept moving his hands and shook his head and said: "No, there will definitely be no problems when I cook. And they are not people in the food circle, so there is nothing to mind. In fact, even if they are people in the food circle, It’s nothing, I’m not afraid that others will learn my cooking skills, I’m just afraid that they won’t be able to learn them.”

Those two words stunned everyone around him.

You’re not afraid that your cooking skills will be stolen from you, but you’re afraid that others won’t be able to learn them even if they want to!

To others, this sentence may sound a little too arrogant!

But Liu Yongping and Li Dongxu looked at each other in tacit understanding.

They took a deep breath almost simultaneously.

What a strong confidence?

Especially Li Dongxu, he really loves the chef industry. Fu Yu's calm answer suddenly made him feel an inexplicable passion in his heart!

He looked at Fu Yu with eager eyes. He was really not arrogant and wasted his youth!

Liu Yongping couldn't help but sigh in his heart, maybe only young people can say such things openly!

With Fu Yu's permission, Li Dongxu immediately went over to report to Deputy Director Guan.

"Let them come over, I'll wait here and bring them in!"

When Deputy Director Guan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Letting outsiders into the back kitchen to observe at will is simply impossible if the relationship is not in place.

After all, the kitchen is the center of cooking. Who can guarantee that there will not be any irregularities during the operation, or that there will not be any direct display to the outside world?

If it is used to make a fuss by someone who is interested, it will indeed outweigh the gain!

Li Dongxu is such a good friend!

While Deputy Director Guan was moved, his impression of Fucheng Chun stall also became better and better.

They dare to let outsiders into the kitchen to visit, which shows that they have confidence in the management of hygiene and cooking.

Deputy Director Guan thanked Li Dongxu and turned around to notify Yu Zhanshui!

A group of four people gathered in the back kitchen of Fook Seng Chun stall.

They also know that their requirements are a bit excessive, and they know that this approach will cause trouble to the chefs at work, and they also know that it may affect the cooking operations of the chefs in charge!

However, the four of them went into the back kitchen to observe. Although they had different ideas, they all wanted to see with their own eyes what this amazing celebrity chef looked like and how his cooking operations were different from others.

Mainly because Yu Zhanshui boasted too much before!

Describe Fu Yu as a top boss in the food circle.

Yu Zhanshui's boss is not very interested in cooking operations. After all, there are so many different jobs. If he is asked to taste the dishes, he may be able to tell a thing or two, but if he is asked to watch the cooking, it is just playing the harp on a cow. He really knows nothing!

The overseas Chinese VIPs really wanted to appreciate the chef's cooking, mainly out of curiosity.

He likes to cook very much and especially loves to eat mutton.

If you can learn these two tricks through observation, you will be able to make delicious dishes at home in the future.

It is said that food is the most important thing for people. At his current stage, he has money and status, and has experienced almost everything he should see and enjoy. The only thing that can interest him is the desire for food. This happened.

The overseas Chinese VIPs are particularly grateful for the partner's willingness to help connect people and give them the opportunity to enter the kitchen to observe the cooking of famous chefs, and they also cherish it very much! (End of chapter)

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