Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1127 What a strong confidence

When Fu Yu received the order, a total of four customers came to the stall to eat the lamb and scorpion pot.

Two orders are for small banquet noodles, and two are for large banquet noodles.

One of them said that he was going to practice it for customers. Not only did he order a lamb and scorpion pot, he also asked the waiter to come to the kitchen to help him and said that he must let Chef Fu Yu cook it.

Yang Zhichao whispered excitedly: "Fu Chu, this is your regular customer's order list!"

Fu Yu was also a little surprised!

Are you here specifically for him?

In the past few days, there have been more than a dozen orders of lamb and scorpion pot. In total, the time spent cooking this dish is far less than that of other signature dishes.

There are actually people who like this bite and come to him to cook it.

This made Fu Yu feel particularly pleased.

The other people in the kitchen didn't say anything, but they were very surprised in their hearts!

This chef who came to the store for further training is really not easy!

Just for the chefs in their store, those who can really get regular customers to order food must be a few chef-level figures, and even the head chef does not have this treatment.

As a result, Fu Yu had only been here for a short time, and now he had his own customer base.

At this moment, they realized that Fu Yu was really not simple!

The stall takes the order and the dishes have to be cooked.

The lamb and scorpion pot must be cooked by Fu Yu, and the other tables take turns taking orders according to the rules of the kitchen.

Li Dongxu was also there and took one of the large banquet orders.

As for the large banquet order at another table, which asked Fu Yu to take charge of the meal, it was handed over to Fu Yu.

I don't worry about whether Fu Yu can do it at all.

The Sheep and Scorpion stall is replenished every day. Today is just noon, and the ingredients are enough to cook four portions, but it will definitely not be enough if customers order at night.

Li Dongxu took a look at the dishes on the order list and immediately contacted the buyer to make sure that the goods would be replenished in the afternoon.

After things were arranged, everyone in the kitchen quickly prepared the dishes and started cooking without any further delay.

The ingredients had just been processed here, and a waiter from the front hall came over to send a message: "Fu Chef, the customers at table 2 hope that the back kitchen can serve the lamb and scorpion pot as soon as possible. Some of their companions are in a hurry and have tried this dish. You have to leave right away.”

After hearing this, Fu Yu nodded and said, "Okay, let's cook the lamb and scorpion pot for table 2 first."

Anyway, although these four tables all ordered the lamb and scorpion pot, there are other dishes that will be served in between, so nothing will be delayed.

After some arrangements, Fu Yu knew what he was doing. He turned to Yang Zhichao and said, "Start cooking!"

Yang Zhichao has been working with him for a long time, and they have formed a tacit understanding with each other.

The kitchen utensils needed were quickly prepared, and the ingredients were placed within Fu Yu's reach.

Fu Yu had just turned on the stove when another waiter ran into the kitchen: "Chef Fu, the customer at table 3 said he came specifically for the lamb and scorpion pot you made and wanted the kitchen to cook it first. Don’t be in a hurry to eat the other dishes, I mainly want to try the lamb and scorpion pot today!”

In one sentence, the original regular cooking rhythm was completely disrupted!

Another customer requested that the lamb and scorpion pot be served first!

Sheep and Scorpion is a stew pot, unlike ordinary stir-fry dishes. As long as the chef's skill level is good, it is no problem to cook two or even three dishes in one pot.

Sheep and scorpions are not good, so we can only stew them pot by pot.

Both customers were anxious and made demands.

Now, a question lies before us.

Originally, Fu Yu could cook pot by pot, and then arrange the cooking order of other dishes according to his own habits.

Now suddenly two tables asked for food to be served quickly.

Moreover, the most important thing is that one of these two customers sits at table No. 2 and the other sits at table No. 3. They are adjacent to each other in the aisle, so they can clearly see each other's dining situation.

Now both tables of customers need to be served the lamb and scorpion pot as soon as possible. What should I do?

Which table's dish is cooked first can't be explained even if it is seen by customers at the other table.

Fu Yu could only choose which table to serve first.

At this time, the waiter came up with an idea: "Chef Fu, why don't we cook the dishes for table 2 first? They are in a hurry. If the food is served too slowly, the customers must have objections!"

Yang Zhichao sighed: "Isn't it true that table No. 3 also made a request? It would be bad if any table neglects it."

Yang Ming also heard what the waiter said, and turned around and said: "These people are really serious. One of them urges the food to be served, and they all follow suit and make noises. Whichever dish is served first will be eaten first!"

After all, several people turned to look at Fu Yu at the same time!

At this moment, they all felt sorry for Fu Yu from the bottom of their hearts.

The activity center has always handled customer complaints in a way that helps outsiders rather than inside.

As long as a customer is dissatisfied, it will be unconditionally attributed to the stall, and punishment will not be lenient at all.

Who asked them to work in the service industry?

Really untouchable!

The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

Yang Ming was a little helpless. Anyone in the kitchen who could make lamb and scorpion pot would not be in such a difficult position to help.


No one knows how to cook this dish.

And even if it is done, there is no guarantee that it will reach Fu Yu's cooking level.

Especially the customers said that they came here to try the lamb and scorpion pot made by Fu Yu, which was what regular customers ordered.

People trust Fu Yu's cooking skills, and no one else can make it taste like this.

Fu Yu suddenly spoke. He glanced at Yang Zhichao and said, "Zhichao, please prepare the dishes. I'll cook two lamb and scorpion pots at the same time!"

One sentence immediately stunned everyone!

Yang Ming also looked at Fu Yu dumbfounded.

Cooking two lamb and scorpion pots at the same time?

is it possible?

In Yang Ming's opinion, the sheep and scorpion pot is similar to their store's special dish, molly fish stew, in that they both produce one dish in one pot.

How do you cook two dishes at the same time?

Not only the main ingredients are cooked, but the side dishes are also difficult to distribute.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming quickly said: "Fu Chu, are you a bit like this?"

Fu Yu explained: "The time is too tight and there is nothing I can do. I try to control the cooking rhythm as much as possible!"

After Yang Zhichao heard Fu Yu's words, he turned around and ran to the food preparation area.

Fu Yu didn't waste any time and immediately started to heat the oil in the pot. He was thinking about how to cook the remaining dishes if he cooked two lamb and scorpion pots at the same time, and which dish to cook first to ensure a smooth serving order.

Yang Zhichao hurried over to find the workers to prepare food, and Lin Shenshi also happened to go to the food preparation area.

Seeing Yang Zhichao urging the workers to hurry up and process the sheep, scorpions and mutton, he couldn't help but ask: "Didn't I just see you moving over a portion?"

The lamb and scorpion pot will definitely not be served if it takes less than an hour to cook. Just use one of the ingredients and prepare the other slowly.

Yang Zhichao was so anxious that the workers were also in a hurry.

Upon hearing the inquiry, Yang Zhichao casually told what happened.

When Lin Shenshi heard this, his expression suddenly changed!

Two lamb and scorpion pots are cooked at the same time!

So how do you do it?

Isn't this Fu Yu too powerful?

Lin Shenshi worked as a cook for Li Dongxu. When Fu Yu came over for cooking exchanges, he would always listen. At that time, he felt that Fu Yu's cooking skills were quite high. Even Li Dongxu often praised him.

Now that he heard that Fu Yu was going to cook two lamb and scorpion pots at the same time, Lin Shenshi hurriedly told the waiters about preparing the dishes, and hurried back to report to Li Dongxu.

When Li Dongxu heard this, he immediately became interested, but he still had dishes to cook and couldn't leave for a while.

I could only seize the time to hold the spoon, wait for the ingredients to enter the pot, steam what should be steamed, stew what should be stewed, and leave the job of watching the fire to the cook, and then I had time to go over to Fu Yu's place to observe the cooking.

Fu Yu had already started to sauté the oil pot at this time.

Li Dongxu came to the kitchen counter, not looking worried at all. His expression looked more excited and eager to try!

Through this period of getting along with each other, Li Dongxu had a relatively in-depth understanding of Yu.

This man never lies.

If he says he can do something, he will definitely do it. If he is not sure, he will never force himself to do it.

Li Dongxu watched Fu Yu's cooking with great interest.

Yang Zhichao silently occupied the most advantageous position as a cook. Lao Gao was worried that Li Dongxu would kick him out on a whim and come over to help Fu Yu in person.

For Li Dongxu to come over so eagerly to observe the cooking, it means that Fu Yu's operation has been recognized.

At the same time, this is also a rare opportunity for me to steal a lesson!

Fu Yu waited for the oil pan to heat up, and the ingredients for stir-fry were at hand, ready to be used at any time.

Yang Zhichao glanced at Fu Yu and couldn't help but call out: "Fu Chu!"

Fu Yu was stunned and turned to look at Yang Zhichao: "What's wrong?"

Yang Zhichao took a deep breath: "Why am I suddenly a little nervous! Fu Chu, come on!"

He was really a little panicked, mainly because he was worried about Fu Yu.

After working with Fu Yu as a cook for a long time, I began to unknowingly regard myself as someone from the same camp.

The spirit of unity originally cultivated by Li Dongxu was fully exerted in Fu Yu.

Fu Yu could see that Yang Zhichao was really thinking about himself, and he felt warm in his heart. He turned around and said with a smile, "Okay, come on! When I finish my work today, I'll treat you tonight!"

As he said that, he looked at Li Dongxu, who was standing in front of the kitchen table and watching: "I have been working in the store for such a long time, and I haven't had a good meal with everyone yet. Let's get together! Chef Li will also come by then, and everyone in the kitchen will be there." It’s time, let’s have a good late-night snack!”

When they heard that Fu Yu was going to treat him, several people nearby cheered!

The tense atmosphere was gone.

Li Dongxu said with a smile: "Okay, let Fu Yu treat me tonight. He earns a lot now, so he must treat me!"

Fu Yu couldn't help but smile.

Every time Fu Yu takes an order at the stall, he gets a commission. In addition, his treatment is also based on the specifications of the chef in charge.

The consumption here in the capital is high, and the wages and benefits are far higher than those in the small town of Bei'an. Fu Yu's monthly salary here is not a small sum!

Two stoves fire at the same time!

It was obviously a dish that required concentration on cooking, so Fu Yu stood in front of the kitchen counter and opened his arms from left to right. His aura made people feel very at ease just by looking at it.

Liu Yongping has been busy participating in activities these days, and he finally has some free time today. He first went to the store to inspect in the morning, and then rushed to the stall.

The original intention is to take a look at the work status of all personnel and see if there is anything that needs to be dealt with.

When I arrived at the place, I heard that Fu Yu was going to cook two lamb and scorpion dishes at the same time. He immediately didn't bother to greet the front office staff and hurried to the kitchen!

In front of the kitchen counter, several people who did not participate in the cooking carefully observed Fu Yu's cooking operations!

As soon as Liu Yongping arrived at the stall, someone with sharp eyes saw him and quickly turned around to inform the people around him.

"The boss is here!"

For a time, the news spread quickly.

Liu Yongping came towards the kitchen. A waiter saw it and quickly turned around to report to the kitchen staff: "The boss is coming towards the kitchen!"

When Li Dongxu heard this, his expression that was still there before changed instantly.

He didn't care about watching anymore and turned around to meet the door of the kitchen.

Li Dongxu took long steps. Although his expression was calm and calm, his subconsciously clenched hands betrayed him!

It was obviously Fu Yu who took over this order, and it was also the order of an old customer designated by the customer.

But Li Dongxu felt somewhat guilty.

Fu Yu's cooking level is very high. Making lamb and scorpion pot is a piece of cake. He knows this!

Fu Yu had already cooked more than a dozen dishes of lamb and scorpion pot at the stall. Li Dongxu saw this in his eyes and knew that Fu Yu dared to comply with the customer's request, so he was sure to complete it.

However, the boss does not know these things clearly.

Liu Yongping entrusted Fu Yu to him, hoping that Fu Yu could further his studies in the kitchen and that the two parties could exchange more cooking knowledge and learn from each other.

He also hoped that Li Dongxu would take the opportunity to help Fu Yu integrate into the kitchen work. He did not intend to bring any big profits to the store, but only hoped to increase the enthusiasm of everyone in the kitchen.

At present, Li Dongxu directly arranged for Fu Yu to cook the sheep and scorpion pot.

Although he was forced by the situation, he seemed to be a bit of a bully.

The leader is not here, both parties are willing to do it, and everything is easy to say!

But now that the leader is here, if something goes wrong, it will be trouble!

Before Li Dongxu could reach the door of the kitchen, Liu Yongping had already walked over quickly.

Seeing Li Dongxu, Liu Yongping hurriedly said: "Has it started? Is Xiaofu already cooking? I have to go and watch!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at Li Dongxu.

The boss observes cooking?

This kind of thing seems to happen very rarely!

Li Dongxu said quickly: "Yes, I've already started cooking! I've taken four orders now. One of the orders from an old customer is Fu Yu's. Xiao Yang and I took over the other few orders together."

The two of them talked and arrived at Fu Yu's kitchen counter.

The oil in the wok on Fu Yu's left hand side is hot, and he is busy frying it.

The pot on the right seemed to be about the same temperature. Fu Yu didn't move and ordered Yang Zhichao to pour the seasoning into the oil pot.

When Liu Yongping saw this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This guy actually planned to fire up two stoves for cooking at the same time.

What a strong confidence?

Liu Yongping watched Fu Yu cooking and felt his heart instantly filled with enthusiasm.

I can't help but sigh, after all, young people really dare to do anything! (End of chapter)

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