Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1126 Jianghu rescues

Deputy Director Guan is in a good mood recently!

The activity center has hosted representatives from several technology companies recently, and three contracts have been successfully signed. This does not include other companies that both parties are interested in and are currently in a wait-and-see state.

The event center has made a lot of efforts in hosting this exhibition, from venue decoration to staffing, to various hospitality materials and a series of service measures.

Adding everything together, the total investment far exceeds previous years.

Whether they can achieve the expected results has always been like a knife hanging over their heads for the leaders of the activity center, making everyone dare not slack off!

Now seeing that things are progressing smoothly, Deputy Director Guan has been praised by the leader many times. This makes him happy, but his whole mood is affected, and he is full of energy.

Just after the meeting, Deputy Director Guan returned to the office. Before he could sit down, his cell phone started ringing with message notifications.

When I opened it, I saw that it was a friend group of my own. There were nine people in the group, all of whom had a very deep relationship with me over the years.

Usually the small group is very lively. Several people are not in the same circle because of their work, so they have a lot to talk about and don't have to worry too much.

Deputy Director Guan glanced at it and was about to say hello and then quit to attend to his work. He clicked on the group chat and saw that someone had posted an emoticon of people trying to save people in an emergency on the chatting content on the page.

Deputy Director Guan carefully looked at the chat between several people.

The Jianghu emergency emoticon was posted by Yu Zhanshui. Before that, he also sent two messages.

"Hey, shit! Who said that the halal restaurant in Dongmen Park cooks authentic mutton? I'm being fooled."

Immediately, several people in the small group responded.

"What's wrong? What he does is pretty good, right?"

"Yes! The mutton used is said to be shipped from Inner Mongolia. It is very authentic. He is not used to eating this. What else does he want to eat?"

Everyone started to express their opinions.

Although these old friends are not colleagues, their work is related to marketing and publicity. They usually have many banquets and are very familiar with some large and small restaurants in the capital.

Hosting a banquet is actually a very troublesome thing. You have to consider the dining environment, coordinate the dishes and diet, and the most important thing is to cater to the preferences of the guests.

It takes a lot of effort to successfully complete a banquet. Some of it goes smoothly, and some of it is messed up.

Everyone is very helpless about this situation.

Yu Zhanshui continued: "Don't mention it. The big customer our company is currently talking about is an overseas Chinese who has returned from abroad. He really wants to eat mutton, stewed mutton, and mutton and scorpion pot. We took him to Dongmen Park. This is a halal restaurant that specializes in mutton dishes. One table ordered fifteen dishes, and all the special dishes were served, including stir-fry dishes, soup pots, and mutton buns. But to my surprise, everyone ate every dish one by one. I was stunned. It means that the cooking is not authentic, it is different from what he ate when he went abroad, and the taste is much worse!"

"How irritating. There is a big table, and the leaders are all there. I personally arranged the table, but the customer is not satisfied."

"But fortunately, the contract is signed now. The most important thing is to hold a farewell banquet. The boss once again blamed me for the lively job, saying that he wanted me to give up, but I will give up!"

"To be honest, that restaurant is actually pretty good. At least the mutton uses real ingredients, and it tastes pretty good! There are quite a few restaurants in the capital that serve mutton, but as the customer said, basically I tasted it after I returned home last time, and it didn’t taste like that at all!”

After Yu Zhanshui finished complaining, he asked a few friends for help on where to eat authentic mutton hotpot.

Several people in the group have basically experienced this situation, and they can understand this crazy feeling.

So they all came up with ideas.

However, several of the hotels mentioned did not qualify.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Take him to eat roasted mutton! That dish is really authentic. The mutton is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It's fragrant and delicious. I'm sure you'll remember this meal for a long time!"

As soon as these words came out, others immediately remembered.

There is a time-honored restaurant in the capital. Because the environment is a bit shabby and it only serves this one dish as its signature dish, it is usually only used by family members to dine there, but it is not suitable for entertaining guests.

Yu Zhanshui sighed when he heard it: "The roast mutton cooked in that place is indeed delicious, but he is a returned overseas Chinese and his salary is usually high. Can I take him to that small alley?"

This is a problem!

The others chatted for a while, and the friend who just suggested to eat roasted mutton said: "If it doesn't work out, just find a similar mutton restaurant and order their takeout. Then tell the chef to help." Heat it up. If you pay a little extra, most restaurants will agree."

Yu Zhanshui thought for a while and said, "This is the only way."

Another friend couldn't help but said: "Aren't your customer requirements a bit too high? Many of our local restaurants are time-honored. I can't guarantee that the dishes they cook are different, but the taste is basically authentic! Otherwise, you might as well just Ask him where his hometown is from and whether the taste here is different from ours. After all, each place has its own food preferences."

"That's right, you might as well ask to avoid screwing up again."

Yu Zhanshui looked at the persuasion of friends in the group and said: "I asked, and the customer said that when he was on a business trip, he was invited to a restaurant to eat mutton hotpot twice. He was particularly impressed, but what was the specific name of the restaurant? I don’t remember it for a long time, and I checked that city specifically, and people don’t like to eat mutton. It’s next to the river, and they all eat river fish and so on!”

After hearing this, no one replied.

I don't know what other ideas I can help with.

There are indeed several well-known mutton restaurants in the local area. They usually arrange them there when they entertain customers, but Zhan Shui is also a local. He has been in this business for more than ten years and knows as much as they do.

Yu Zhanshui asked his friends for advice, but seeing that there was no hope, when he was feeling worried, Deputy Director Guan suddenly said: "Hey, you said that the overseas Chinese client once went to a city next to the river. Mainly fish dishes?”

When everyone heard this, they immediately became energetic, and everyone started to post emoticons and question marks?

Deputy Director Guan couldn't help but laugh out loud when his friends made such a fuss about him, and started talking directly into his cell phone.

“I actually know a place that makes really authentic mutton hotpot!”

When other people heard this, they quickly started scrolling in the group.

"Where is it? Old manager, please tell me quickly. If it's really good, I'll write it down and I can arrange more places for clients in the future!"

"I've already planned to take the overseas Chinese to eat roasted mutton if I can't!"

Deputy Director Guan replied: “Our unit organized a science and technology exhibition event this year and invited many local time-honored restaurants and some specialty snack stalls to come to the food area to do stall marketing.

You all know Fuchengchun Restaurant. They also set up a stall at our exhibition this year. I’m talking about their restaurant. Their mutton hotpot is particularly authentic! "

There was a sudden silence in the group.

Yu Zhanshui was quite happy at first, but after hearing the voice, he immediately shook his head.

No chance!

Who doesn’t know Fuchengchun Hotel?

A time-honored restaurant specializing in fish banquets.

I've been there a few times when their company entertained customers. The dishes were really good, but they were all based on river fish. I'd never heard of them having a mutton hot pot.

Yu Zhanshui didn't reply directly in the group, but he couldn't help complaining in private, this old manager is too unreliable!

What he was talking about was that the city was close to the river, and the old manager directly recommended a restaurant that cooked river fish.

But the problem is, he wants to entertain customers to eat mutton pot, who wants to eat river fish!

Moreover, even if Fuchengchun Restaurant has mutton hotpot, the quality will definitely not be as good as those time-honored mutton restaurants!

After all, there are specialties in the art industry!

However, it was not convenient for him to say this, and Deputy Director Guan was kind enough to help with suggestions.

A friend disagreed and said: "Fu Chengchun? Doesn't his family specialize in making river fish? Can the mutton pot be authentic?"

Deputy Director Guan has hosted many banquets for representatives of various companies with his leadership these days. After eating so many meals of sheep and scorpion pot, he couldn't be more convinced of the chef's skills.

And thanks to the help of Youfu Chengchun stall, it is now easier to arrange banquets at their event center. The word-of-mouth spread is so loud that as long as they propose to arrange for Fuchengchun, customers feel that they are valued, and they feel special when talking about cooperation. readily.

The most important thing is that Fucheng Chun's lamb and scorpion pot is so delicious and fragrant. He has never eaten such delicious lamb and scorpion in the capital. The large pieces of lamb in it are also delicious, and he ate them together. After so many meals, I still feel hungry just thinking about it!

Thinking of this, Deputy Director Guan said firmly: "There is a new chef at their stall named Fu Yu, and his cooking skills are very good!

During this period, our activity center hosted a banquet for representatives of major companies, all at his home, because the lamb and scorpion pot made by Chef Fu Yu was so authentic that even our partners in Inner Mongolia ate it well!

Moreover, there are media reporters present during these meals. I will send you a promotional video of the food stall, which includes their lamb and scorpion hotpot, which is really famous! "

Speaking of which, Deputy Director Guan quickly sent over the promotional video forwarded by the previous leader in the work group.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the steaming lamb and scorpion pot in the video and the media reporters praising the dish!

"Old manager, this dish looks pretty good, does it taste good?"

Deputy Director Guan immediately said: "That's great! Our center has ordered more than a dozen tables from their stall, and I eat with them almost every day. This lamb and scorpion pot is a must-have for every table, no matter how many times we eat it, They are all delicious!"

If someone else said this today, no one would take it seriously!

But they knew Deputy Director Guan very well, and he was very upright. Even though he had become a little tactful after working for so many years, he was still very sincere in dealing with people.

If he says that the food in this restaurant is good, then it is really good, especially in front of old friends like them. He would never lie. It is also because of this that Deputy Director Guan is very popular among his friends. The best, the most loved and trusted.

"Old Guan, is it true? Their stall can make lamb and scorpion pot?"

Deputy Director Guan said: "You can make it, it's really delicious! This chef Fu is quite extraordinary. He is not from Fuchengchun Restaurant, but he can come to their restaurant for further study. I have a friend who is the boss of Fuchengchun Restaurant. Chef, I particularly admire Chef Fu. At that time, I asked them to help me make mutton pot, and it was Chef Fu who was recommended by a friend!"

After saying that, for fear that Yu Zhan Shui might not believe it, he emphasized: "I'm telling you, I've had this lamb and scorpion hot pot from several places before, but there really is no place that makes it as delicious as theirs.

And I think your leader probably didn't think of a good place to have a banquet, so he gave you the job again.

Besides, haven’t the contracts been signed?

Good or bad, that's it. What matters is this intention.

As long as you have mutton hot pot on your table, customers will understand it at a glance and appreciate it! "

This is true.

Yu Zhanshui also understood in his heart.

Holding an international science and technology expo here in the capital is a big event and is well known throughout the country.

In order to entertain overseas Chinese customers, he booked a table here, which was also a very honorable thing.

Outsiders cannot enter to participate in the event without an invitation letter, let alone taste the specialties in the food area.

Thinking about it this way, whether it is the intention or the intention, it is indeed easy to move people's hearts.

Besides, Deputy Director Guan said that this lamb and scorpion pot is really authentic and the taste is probably the same.

Yu Zhanshui slapped his thigh and made a decision quickly: "Okay, manager, thank you! I will arrange the farewell banquet at the convention and exhibition center, and I will have to trouble you to get an invitation letter by then. "

Deputy Director Guan responded readily: "No problem. When you want to reserve a table, just say hello to me in advance."

As the two of them chatted, other people in the group started to get excited.

Someone asked Deputy Director Guan about the layout of the science and technology expo.

Deputy Director Guan simply sent the promotional video of this event to the group.

After several friends finished watching, someone suddenly asked excitedly: "Don't tell me, the grooming is really decent this time. Old manager, you can get me two tickets later. I will take your niece shopping when I have time." Shopping, how meaningful this is!”

Someone else said directly: "I happen to have something to deal with over there in a few days. Old manager, please just bring me in when the time comes. It's just me!"

Deputy Director Guan agreed generously at that time. For him, entertaining a few friends into the venue was a trivial matter. With a casual order, the people below took care of the matter smoothly.

And at that time, Yu Zhanshui didn't say when he would make a reservation for the meeting. He only said that he would contact her when there was news.

Deputy Director Guan put the matter behind him.

He is happily busy with work every day and is full of enthusiasm.

It wasn't until Li Dongxu asked about it that he remembered it and hurriedly contacted Yu Zhanshui.

As a result, no one answered the other party's mobile phone. I originally thought of contacting him later, but I didn't realize that I would be busy later and couldn't care less. (End of chapter)

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