Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1125 Completed Cooking Guide

He Jie looked at Zhang Chi and said seriously: "It seems very difficult to promote this new technology!

Because after this incident, it can be seen that multi-function stoves have very strict usage restrictions. Only in a certain specific environment, multi-function stoves are the most suitable cooking tools for the kitchen!

The food industry has always introduced many related kitchen utensils, but there has never been a technology that can be universally applied to all cooks!

Perhaps, when we want to introduce new technologies, we should not limit our goals to a certain piece of equipment, but should use our own cooking experience and the operating rules of cooking spoons to bring together these very valuable knowledge. The result is a detailed cooking guide.

I think this is far more reliable and easier to implement than relying on such a very limited cooking device! "

Zhang Chi's eyes lit up when he heard this!

A cooking guide?

It turns out that the master actually had such an idea!

Zhang Chi was immediately excited!

But being able to customize a cooking guide is not just something that makes you famous in the circle!

After He Jie finished speaking, he greeted: "Okay, go back. Even if today's matter is a new chapter, don't take it to heart. There will be a lot of time to study new technologies in the future. Take your time, there will always be something A successful day!”

Patting his relaxed shoulders, He Jie turned and left.

And Zhang Chi hurriedly caught up: "Master!"

He Jie paused: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Chi asked excitedly: "Are you really planning to study a customized cooking guide?"

He Jie smiled slightly: "I have this idea, but it will take time to implement it slowly. This will not happen overnight."

Zhang Chi quickly recommended himself: "Master, if you set up a group to study cooking techniques in the future, you must call me!"

He Jie nodded: "Okay, no problem. I haven't been to the kitchen today. Now I have to go and see how these guys are doing!"

After He Jie finished speaking, he quickly went back to the kitchen.

Zhang Chi looked at his back and kept thinking about how glorious it would be if one day he could research and formulate a cooking guide.

Can you always have a place in the circle?

Like the father of so-and-so cooking skills!

Zhang Chi couldn't help but laugh out loud!

I don’t dare to think about it. I can’t control my blood flow just thinking about it. I’m so excited!

Li Dongxu has always been a person with very strong execution ability.

Since he said that he would assess everyone in the kitchen, he immediately came up with an assessment plan the next day.

A chef cooks a pre-specified dish.

For petty workers, the assessment contents are divided according to their positions.

The assistant chef has inspected oil handling and plating skills.

Qie Dun'er focuses on the processing of special ingredients and the level of knife skills.

Everyone in the kitchen was very nervous from top to bottom. After receiving the content of the assessment, they began to work individually.

Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei also frowned, standing stiffly in front of the kitchen counter, looking nervous and very serious.

While they were working hard to complete the assessment, they were complaining crazily in their hearts. Is Li Dongxu crazy?

Why is the assessment content so difficult and the requirements so high?

Li Dongxu thinks Fu Yu is a good young man, and he always completes the tasks assigned to him very well.

The same goes for the customization of the assessment content this time, with special care.

He felt that everyone should be very well prepared recently, otherwise they wouldn't be able to rest leisurely and early every day.

Therefore, he told Fu Yu that he must choose some operations that can test his personal cooking skills in the assessment content. The easier it is to have problems, the better.

He was very satisfied with Fu Yu's completion.

Taking into account the order taking work at noon, the assessment time is only one hour.

After Li Dongxu arranged the assessment content, he went to deliver meal tickets to the activity center.

Fu Yu took the initiative to go to Panku to check the pickling condition of the side dishes.

No one supervises the assessment because there is no need.

Everyone knows that today's assessment results mean their future status in Li Dongxu's heart.

If you fall behind once, your impression will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to catch up again!

If you don’t work hard at this time, your future will be worrying!

Especially Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei.

One is the popular figure in front of Li Dongxu, and the other is ready to take advantage of the opportunity to rise to power.

They all know that now is one of their opportunities to rise.

Very important and critical.

An hour passed, and Li Dongxu reviewed them one by one.

The results came out quickly.

I have to say that Yang Mingneng, as the first person under Li Dongxu, is still quite good and performed very well.

After Li Dongxu tasted the dishes, he couldn't help but praise them.

Wang Haiwei is also good, but his usual lazy nature is completely exposed at this time.

Without long-term perseverance and hard work, just relying on this improvement of time to sharpen the gun before the battle will have limited effect.

The distance has been extended, and it will be difficult to catch him up again in the future.

I can’t keep up with every step, I can’t keep up with every step!

By this time, it is somewhat too late to regret.

Otherwise, if you don’t work hard at ordinary times, the assessment will be sad!

Li Dongxu announced the results of this assessment directly in front of everyone.

Some are happy, some are worried!

Listening to Li Dongxu's praise, Yang Ming was so excited that he almost couldn't suppress the smile at the corner of his mouth.

He has always been with Li Dongxu, from helping in the kitchen to becoming an independent chef.

Step by step, I walked very steadily and smoothly.

This has always given him an indescribable sense of superiority, with a very stable working condition and a peaceful mind.

I didn’t expect that many years later, I would be able to relive the excitement of being appreciated and praised by my leaders and envied by my peers because of a word of appreciation.

This excitement lasted until get off work.

Yang Ming received a call from Zhou Jun about a midnight snack.

Zhou Jun specially skipped work today, punched in and rushed to the agreed barbecue stall.

When Yang Ming passed by, the skewers were already on the table. He ordered a dozen beers and several plates of seafood stir-fries.

This posture shows that he is ready to talk all night long!

As soon as Yang Ming sat down, Zhou Jun couldn't wait to tell what he had seen at today's cooking exchange event.

Especially when talking about multi-functional stoves, Yang Ming was stunned!

The emergence of this advanced technology will not let the experience they have accumulated through their own cooking be directly replaced by high-tech equipment, right?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming fell into worry!

It's not the fear of being surpassed, but the fear of being banned.

If even the fire control skills can be directly set with operating steps, will more powerful technologies be developed in the future, and chefs will gradually be replaced by these advanced high technologies?

Yang Ming quickly asked: "Dajun, tell me, this multifunctional stove technology is so powerful, will it be directly used in kitchen work in the future?"

Although there were problems with the on-site operation at that time, it was a minor problem with the settings. When feedback is given back to the technology company, R\u0026D will definitely continue.

At that time, we will definitely continue to find ways to promote it.

After Zhou Jun heard this, he immediately frowned: "The fire control skill itself is a very difficult technology to master, and the multi-function stove is also a new technology that is not easy to master. I think comparing the two, The fire control skills that Diandian has accumulated through cooking experience are more difficult to improve, and what the multi-functional stove lacks is just a more precise guide.

Therefore, if I tell you, compared to relying on fire control skills accumulated through experience, multi-functional stoves may be more suitable for kitchens, because they can effectively reduce the training time for new employees, reduce the workload of chefs, and help speed up cooking. speed! "

These words made Yang Ming calm down!

This is indeed the truth!

Once the multi-function stove is officially promoted, it is like a new cooking skill being launched.

The skill of controlling heat is too difficult and too flexible to form a regular cooking guide!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming quickly denied his idea, no!

Li Dongxu said that he would prepare a guide to summarize cooking methods, and that several people around him could join in, including Fu Yu.

It was obvious that Fu Yu was just a student who came here for further training, but Yang Ming had already unknowingly recognized his cooking skills.

In his opinion, Fu Yu is fully qualified to participate in the production of cooking guides.

Thinking of Fu Yu, Yang Ming couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked seriously: "Dajun, just in case, I mean just in case, our store wants to customize a cooking guide on fire control skills. , do you think this is possible?"

Without even thinking about it, Zhou Jun shook his head neatly: "This is impossible! How many people in the kitchen in our store can really guarantee the accuracy of the fire control skills? I think only the boss can! You still want to customize the guide like this?"

Yang Ming was annoyed when he heard this: "No, why is it impossible? Our store is full of talents. Not to mention Chef Li, several other chefs are also very good, as well as several senior chefs from the main store. !”

Zhou Jun smiled and said: "If you are so stubborn, then there is no way to talk about this. We are discussing it now! Is the fire control skill an ordinary skill? How difficult is it to study it thoroughly? !

I’m going to put it here today. If anyone in our gourmet circles can develop a cooking guide on heat control skills, I, Zhou Jun, would be willing to become his master, follow him and honor him for the rest of my life! "

Yang Ming glared at Zhou Jun and thought to himself, with people like you, we, Chef Li, may not be willing to accept you!

Even if he wanted to become a disciple, he couldn't!

Can the fat water flow to outsiders' fields?

Seeing that the chat atmosphere was about to freeze, Yang Ming took a deep breath, decisively changed the subject, and asked about the new dish launched by Laoweige.

Talking about the taste of the dishes, Zhou Jun suddenly became energetic. The two of them chatted and drank on this topic, and the atmosphere quickly became harmonious again.

The next day, Yang Ming arrived at the stall and hurriedly told Li Dongxu about the multi-functional stove.

Fu Yu was also present at the time. After listening to Yang Ming's words, he found it quite novel!

Li Dongxu also expressed surprise.

Fu Yu was curious because he had heard of similar high-tech cooking equipment before, such as cooking robots and pre-made dish cooking equipment.

Unexpectedly, there is also a new multi-functional stove!

Modern technology is really amazing!

Li Dongxu feels that this technology is very promising. Once a suitable usage environment can be determined, it will undoubtedly be a very convenient way for kitchen staff to cook!

The most important thing is that this cooking operation is especially suitable for use during peak seasons in restaurants!

In the off-season, because the number of orders is less, the work is not so busy. If you have time, you can study more on the heat control skills.

Moreover, in the back kitchen, like those who are just starting out, their personal cooking skills are slightly worse. This multi-functional stove technology effectively improves the ability to control the heat during cooking and reduces disadvantages such as slow serving time due to insufficient manpower. Influence.

If it can be successfully promoted, it will be a good thing.

Li Dongxu felt it was a pity. If he had known that Laoweige was going to show such a trick, he would have gone over to take a look yesterday.

Fu Yu was thinking that with such advanced technology, and since there was already a company that developed multi-functional stoves, it would probably not take more than a few years to perfect the equipment and officially promote it.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly felt a sense of urgency. He had to hurry up and complete his guide!

In the next few days, Fu Yu devoted himself wholeheartedly to the further study of taking orders.


At noon on Friday, he had just finished cooking a lamb and scorpion pot when an electronic alert suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! The cooking guide for fire control skills is being generated: the current completion progress is 50/50. The mission has been completed, and you have received the reward: a cooking guide on fire control skills]

Fu Yu was immediately overjoyed!

Finally, the summary and customization is completed!

At this time, the front office waiter suddenly came over and handed over the order: "Chef Li, we have several customers ordering lamb and scorpion pot at our stall!"

Li Dongxu didn't react for a while.

Isn't the leader of the activity center already in the dining area?

The kitchen has just finished ordering a large table of noodles. Why are there so many more orders?

How many guests have been invited to the activity center?

And he didn’t even say hello in advance!

Li Dongxu felt that something was abnormal.

After all, Fucheng Chun mainly specializes in river fish dishes, and the Sheep and Scorpion Hotpot is the event center. When there is a banquet here, they will say hello a day in advance and their stall will prepare the dishes.

I do come here to eat a lot these days, but it's always one meal at lunch and one in the evening.

Now there are several waves coming all at once at noon. What's going on?

Li Dongxu quickly called Deputy Director Guan.

The deputy director Guan answered the phone and after hearing the whole story, he was still a little unresponsive for a while.

"No, there is only one table of customers for the banquet in our activity center today, and the director is accompanying us now. I have something to do today, so I really don't know the situation very well.

Let's see if you can ask the waiter to ask what's going on, and I'll help contact you. "

Li Dongxu agreed and hung up the phone.

Customers are already at your door, so you can’t refuse orders casually.

Li Dongxu hurriedly asked the workers to check the remaining situation of the sheep and scorpions. If it failed, he could only contact the buyer for temporary replenishment. (End of chapter)

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