Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1124 This is a direction

Everyone watching the cooking had shocked expressions on their faces!

Zhang Chi said with a smile: "This cooking technology is undoubtedly an important means to improve the efficiency of serving dishes for restaurants whose kitchens are busy taking orders and have insufficient manpower.

With this technology, I believe we can effectively adjust the working hours of the kitchen and free more people from the heavy workload! "

As soon as Zhang Chi finished speaking, someone in front of him began to ask: "Excuse me, has your store already applied this technology to daily work? Is this approach supported by practical data?"

Zhang Chi smiled: "This multi-functional electronic stove was brought back from abroad by my master. This cooking technology has applied for a number of international patents. It is the world's most famous kitchenware production company and the most advanced electronic technology company. Although a new technology developed through cooperation has not been officially promoted in China, we have already begun practical analysis.

If we have enough cooking attempts and start to gradually apply this equipment in the kitchen, I believe that this multi-functional electronic stove will definitely refresh the cooking concept in the gourmet circle and usher in a new cooking reform! "

Someone else asked: "Has this technology begun to be promoted abroad?"

If it has been promoted, you can search the data and see a lot of relevant information.

It is convenient to understand the performance of the equipment, and at the same time, a large number of cooking operation records can be analyzed.

Zhang Chi explained: "Actually, this multifunctional electronic stove is a newly launched product and has been looking for users and experimental bases around the world. Why is this?

Because foreign countries regard this multi-functional electronic stove as a pre-made vegetable processing equipment, such equipment is relatively special in terms of review.

For most device audits, you only need to provide proof that it is more advanced and practical than previous equipment and that it is safe enough.

But this new cooking machine has stricter requirements related to diet.

This set of cooking procedures requires a certain amount of practical data analysis to prove its usability.

Therefore, when my master attended that exchange meeting, they invited a total of seven chefs to bring the equipment back, and in the following period, they will invite more and more people to verify this technology. "

After everyone present heard the news, they suddenly became excited!

After all, this is a brand new cooking model, and everyone can see what the future application of this technology will be.

It is no exaggeration to say that the future is bright!

For people in the food circle, this technology can completely reform the busy work mode of the kitchen, create more benefits, increase the speed of serving dishes, and obtain customer satisfaction.

He Jie thought so too at first!

So he took the device back to the shop and started trying it out.

Zhou Jun looked at such a piece of cooking equipment, and his blood was also surging!

The emergence of such a new cooking technology is bound to bring about a new change in the food circle.

Just like high-tech cooking products such as cooking robots, as soon as they come out, they will have a certain impact.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

It was such a good opportunity to see the world, but Yang Ming was unable to participate.

Without seeing it with your own eyes, it is impossible to feel the indescribable shock just by describing it!

In exchange activities, it is impossible to conduct a cooking demonstration of just one dish.

After completing the final stewing step, Zhang Chi personally poured out the fragrant mushroom soup and carefully arranged it on the plate.

Everyone who came to watch came forward to taste it.

It has a very delicious taste in the mouth, comparable to fresh chicken soup, and the mushrooms are particularly tender and delicious.

It's obviously just a bowl of vegetarian soup, but it's as fresh as chicken soup!

Moreover, all the operations are obviously done under everyone's nose, so why does this soup taste a little different from the classic taste?

The indescribable taste is equally delicious, and the mushrooms are equally tender and smooth, but the texture is different when you eat them.

Almost everyone who tasted this soup smacked their lips in unison, wondering what improvements had been made in this soup?

The ratio of seasonings?

Or is it really because the heat control has become more precise, so the taste of the soup has become richer?

Have no idea!

Can't figure it out.

In order to prove to everyone the advanced performance of this multi-functional stove, Zhang Chi gave up his position in front of the kitchen counter and replaced it with a helper from the store who came forward to demonstrate the cooking of this fragrant mushroom soup again.

If another person can still make the same high-level soup, this will effectively prove that this new cooking technology is worth promoting.

Laoweige attaches great importance to this technology.

After all, the emergence of any new technology will bring changes to an industry!

The emergence of multi-functional stoves, in order to gain real popularity, requires verification and recognition from the entire food circle.

This current exchange event is a very good opportunity!

This cooking exchange event scheduled at Laoweige is actually a promotion of new cooking technology in a precise sense.

As the first restaurant to use new cooking equipment, they need to gain recognition and support from peers in the industry, so as to establish Laoweige's culinary technology status.

No matter which hotel it is, it needs the approval of its peers in the industry and the favor of its superiors and relevant activity organizations.

In the following time, Zhang Chi gave up the kitchen table position for the cooking demonstration to the specially selected assistant chef.

The assistant chef performed cooking operations in front of many senior colleagues who came to observe.

Compared with the previous operation demonstration of Zhang Chi, the cooking of the assistant chef this time obviously attracted more attention!

The kitchen assistant's level of cooking is far inferior to Zhang Chi's, and there is no comparison between the two.

And it is this gap that proves the value of new cooking equipment.

In preparation for today's event, Laoweige has performed several performances in advance.

The selected chef was the best performer among the several people.

Both the cooking basics and personal image are excellent.

However, at that time, the demonstrations were all done in front of my own people. This was the first time that so many senior colleagues in the industry were observing.

The cook took a deep breath, encouraged himself mentally, and started cooking.

Same cooking operation.

Help the chef pour oil into the pot and start shaking the pot so that the mushrooms can be heated evenly.

All the observers subconsciously held their breath!

Including Zhang Chi, who was in charge of this event, he was even more nervous when he was watching the helper cook than when he was giving the demonstration.

As time passes, the mushrooms in the pot begin to soften. At this time, you only need to cut all the mushrooms into pieces to successfully complete the most critical step of cooking.

The chef was very careful and cut the mushrooms into evenly sized pieces as much as possible.

It can be seen that his hand speed is a bit slow and his movements are not agile enough.

However, these are not serious problems. In future cooking operations, as long as you practice more frequently, you can gradually improve them.

After processing all the mushrooms, add water to the pot and wait until it boils to cook.

The chef put down his spoon, raised his head and smiled humbly at the senior colleagues who were watching.

Zhang Chi was immediately overjoyed, it was done!

Now you only need to wait for the water to boil, the multi-functional stove to adjust the heat, add salt and light soy sauce, and wait for the ingredients to stew until they are tender.

Soon, the soup was simmered, and the chef in charge carefully prepared the dishes.

The completed fragrant mushroom soup was placed on the kitchen table. The cooking steps, the appearance of the finished product, and the rich aroma in the air made everyone excited!


This multifunctional stove can indeed be programmed to perfectly control the heat!

Everyone took the initiative to come forward and start tasting.

Taste this!

Some people smacked their lips and said doubtfully: "This doesn't taste right!"

Someone immediately echoed: "Mushrooms are a bit old!"

Someone else frowned: "Is the soup too big? The cooking time is obviously too long."

Just as Zhang Chi and the chef were watching everyone taste it with expectant faces, they suddenly heard a series of feedbacks that made them dumbfounded!

The two looked at each other, their hearts in their throats at the same time.

Did this soup really fail to cook?

Before the cook came forward, Zhang Chi took the lead in filling a small bowl of soup and tasted it carefully.

After tasting it, the expression on his face suddenly froze!

Others who had tasted it started talking about it.

The relaxed brows slowly wrinkled.

This soup really doesn't taste good!

Everyone communicated in low voices, Zhou Jun turned his head and listened to the comments of the people next to him, chewing the mushrooms in his mouth silently.

This kind of cooking equipment is not perfect after all.

Zhang Chi explained a few words to the chef, then hurriedly called He Jie and explained what happened in detail.

After the two parties communicated for a few words, Zhang Chi hung up the phone.

When facing the people who came to the exchange meeting again, Zhang Chi sighed: "I'm sorry, this multi-functional stove is indeed very advanced, but there may still be some flaws in the settings. At least now through practical operation, we have found that This equipment still has certain requirements for the user’s cooking level!

The previous cooking attempt failed and we had to try another dish for the cooking demonstration. "

This equipment-led cooking obviously cooled down everyone's previous excitement.

Everyone began to have a skeptical attitude towards this new technology.

This mood lasted until the second dish was presented.

Although both Zhang Chi and the assistant chef succeeded in cooking, they didn't know if it was because of the previous failure experience. When everyone tasted it, their requirements for the taste and quality of the dishes were obviously improved a lot.

This also led them to start nitpicking, picking out a few flaws in a fairly perfect dish, and all of them rejected this advanced equipment and this cooking technology.

Zhang Chi couldn't help but say after hearing everyone's comments on the dishes after tasting them: "Everyone, I want to tell you that this cooking equipment is still very feasible. At least for many chefs with stable skills, it can be used to cook dishes." It can indeed save a lot of time and energy!

At the very least, all colleagues present should know that compared with other basic cooking operations, fire control technology is obviously more difficult. It is difficult for us to control the heat accurately. Instruments can allow us to spend less time on it. This makes cooking a lot easier! "

Zhang Chi said eloquently: "This is a direction!

Of course, at present, it is not very mature yet. If you really want to apply it to kitchen work, and officially popularize it and gain everyone's recognition, it may still need continuous trials and verifications!

But I believe that this technology will one day be completely perfected. By then, we can master all its usage parameters, understand its detailed usage guidelines, and get a very complete and detailed guide on fire control skills! "

The cooking exchange activity is over, but today’s observation left a deep impression on too many people.

Although most people said it was difficult to recognize this new cooking technology with obvious flaws and a high error rate, everyone did not hesitate to applaud.

During the brief exchange after leaving the venue, many people said that this technology was not considered a failure. After all, it made everyone think about the research and development of this cooking skill and gave them new ideas and understandings!

This is considered to be a reward, and this trip was not in vain!

Laoweige’s cooking exchange event ended in failure.

Zhang Chi is a little annoyed!

He Jie called the person aside and asked carefully about the cooking demonstration.

Zhang Chi told the truth, and finally sighed: "Master, it's all my fault that I didn't make arrangements before, otherwise such a mistake would not have happened."

He Jie shook his head and said decisively: "No, I don't blame you for this. There is something wrong with the machine's settings."

Zhang Chi immediately said: "Why is there a problem with the setting? This is already very advanced. We have tried it so many times before and there was no problem. Today, we added too much water when making soup. The program directly defaults to the delay, otherwise it will definitely not work. Affects cooking results.”

He Jie didn't think so. He shook his head and said, "If even the kitchen assistants in the store can't use this equipment smoothly, what do you think is the point of promoting it in the future?

A chef like you actually doesn't need such equipment at all. If it is used daily, it still needs to be programmed.

Our store is a restaurant that accepts orders normally, not a restaurant with flowing seats. We have set up a set of procedures that can be used repeatedly.

Compared with adjusting the program back and forth, it will waste time for a chef who is not bad at it. "

Zhang Chi fell silent.

He knew that what He Jie said was very reasonable.

Indeed, for him, a new technology like this that requires a separate cooking mode for each dish is not as good as relying on his own experience to judge the heat during cooking.

However, if this kind of technology can really be promoted, it will still be very useful for new cooks. This is a very meaningful thing.

He Jie said: "I will send this equipment back and carefully communicate with them about the specific usage and provide feedback."

After finishing speaking, he comforted: "You don't have to think too much. Compared with missing an opportunity to promote new technologies, I am more fortunate that I did not make the wrong choice!" (End of Chapter)

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