Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1123 Prepared vegetable processing equipment

Fu Yu hung up the call from Li Dongxu and began to think about the customization of assessment content.

When it comes to choosing cooking dishes, he prefers dishes that can test other people's ability to control heat very well.

After so many days of cooking nearly 20 tables of large banquets, Fu Yu's fire control technology has been summarized and summarized. The applicable ingredients and specific dishes are still increasing and Complete.

Every time he cooked a large table and ordered a meal, Fu Yu would directly give feedback on the cooking in his mind, discovering some deficiencies and areas where the feature auto-complete guide was lacking.

Moreover, Fu Yu was also surprised to find that the task required taking orders for a large banquet. He did not have to complete the order alone, but as long as he took over the cooking of the dishes that required very high heat control, the task would be automatically assessed as completed.

Based on the current order-taking speed, it is estimated that it will take at most another week for all the guides to be completed!

At that time, this not only means that the task can be completed, but when the guide is released, it will also be a good thing for those newcomers to the food industry!

Before going to bed, Fu Yu deliberately browsed through Fuchengchun's signature dishes, carefully ordered a few very challenging dishes, and then fell asleep peacefully.

The next day was Saturday, so Fu Yu arrived at the activity center on time and entered the stall's back kitchen from the staff passage.

The workers and waiters who had gone to work early saw Fu Yu and greeted him warmly: "Good morning, Chef Fu!"

Fu Yu also smiled and said hello to everyone.

During this period, his outstanding performance in the kitchen has unknowingly gained the recognition and love of everyone in the stall.

Looking at the diligent workers in the kitchen, Fu Yu was quite satisfied. I have to say that Li Dongxu was really good at managing his staff!

Fu Yu has a good personality and handsome appearance. Everyone has a good impression of him and are willing to deal with him.

During this time, Fu Yu followed Li Dongxu for cooking exchanges. When he met a diligent and motivated worker who asked for cooking knowledge, he would answer them carefully.

This also allowed his status in everyone's hearts to gradually rise.

Everyone in the kitchen knows that Fu Yu is sincere and kind, and he is a particularly generous person.

When cooking the lamb and scorpion pot at noon, Fu Yu gave instructions to the assistant cook Yang Zhichao: "The most important thing about the stew pot is the selection of ingredients, and the second is the control of the heat. Look."

"You must remember these points. When you have the opportunity, you'd better try cooking."

A worker just happened to come over to deliver the food. When he heard Fu Yu's instructions on cooking, he quickly took the opportunity to come over and follow the instructions.

Fu Yu didn't shy away from it and explained the cooking operations very seriously.

He has always been very thoughtful about this aspect!

Although cooking skills have always been passed on to the inside and not to the outside world, if the cooking skills he has mastered can be popularized, it will definitely be good news for all dining customers!

The chef's basic operations and cooking techniques have been improved, so as to ensure the quality of the dishes cooked.

As for the so-called secret dishes, in fact, as long as the use of seasonings is kept confidential, it will not have much impact on one's own interests.

If he popularizes some basic cooking skills, what kind of gospel will this be to newcomers in the food industry who have just entered the industry, or even those who have already entered the industry but have not been able to make any progress?

Fu Yu thinks there is an old saying that makes perfect sense!

Moral support from many, scant support.

Although Fu Yu is not a particularly moral person, he still hopes to help more progressive colleagues within the scope of his ability.

After all, I was lucky enough not to get caught in the rain, and I hope others can have the same luck and avoid detours.

When Fu Yu was cooking, he would point out some operational details and things that needed attention. He was very precise and serious about what he said!

Not only Yang Zhichao, who was following him to help with the cooking, but also the other workers who came over to steal the opportunity, often felt a sense of enlightenment after Fu Yu's guidance.

After all, to be able to work in Fuchengchun, even if you are a handyman, you must have a certain basic foundation. Your ability and level in cooking may not be very good, but Fu Yu's instructions are very detailed and you can understand them almost immediately. So everyone feels that it has benefited a lot.

After Li Dongxu works, he always pays attention to Fu Yu's situation.

Fu Yu's performance is becoming more and more skillful now. Sometimes during cooking exchanges, Li Dongxu becomes more frightened and excited the more he listens to it!

He had an indescribable feeling. If he continued like this, he might really be convinced by Deputy Director Guan's prophecy and develop a guide related to cooking. Although he was not sure of the specific content of the guide yet, he felt that he was close to success. That day is not far away!

Li Dongxu had an inexplicable feeling that he was about to be slapped on the beach by the waves behind him. He was both excited and frustrated at the same time that he was powerless.

He glanced at Fu Yu, who was surrounded by workers, and sighed slowly.

At this time, the Laoweige Hotel was isolated and used as a display kitchen for inviting outside restaurant staff to come and observe. Zhang Chi, the cooking demonstrator for this time, was also the apprentice of Laoweige chef He Jie, and was working seriously Cooking operation is in progress.

Laoweige is a very famous time-honored hotel in the capital.

As one of the top ten most famous hotels, the comprehensive strength of Laoweige Hotel is also ranked high in the world.

When talking about famous restaurants in the capital, many people talk about Quanjude Roast Duck, and then they talk about several famous signature dishes of Laoweige.

Today, Laoweige serves as the host and entertains outstanding chefs selected by several other restaurants to participate in an observation and learning exchange meeting.

Several hotels take this matter very seriously!

As the apprentice of chef He Jie, Zhang Chi is somewhat famous in the food circle. He is just thirty-seven years old this year and has already assumed the position of chef. He leads his own exclusive team and is responsible for the kitchen.

There are usually such exchange activities. As long as He Jie does not have time to be present, the plenipotentiary representative Zhang Chi will be sent.

Zhang Chi was used to such scenes. He stood gracefully in front of the kitchen counter, taking a spoon and introducing: "This dish is our store's new dish, Mushroom Soup. It is an appropriate twist on the classic cooking method." improvement.

This soup was newly developed by my chef this year. Once it was launched, it was highly praised by customers and the order rate was very high.

So in today’s exchange meeting, I will use this new soup as a showcase dish and as the theme of today’s cooking exchange. "

The dishes on display today are indeed Laoweige’s new dishes.

This is also a trick often used by organizers at past cooking exchange events.

Not only can you promote new dishes in the store, but you are not afraid that others will learn the cooking methods.

On the one hand, the range of dishes sold by several stores is different. Secondly, when choosing dishes, each store will try their best to hide their cooking skills.

For example, the specific recipe of the marinade package cannot be peeped, the thick soup that has been blended in advance, the main ingredients that need to be marinated and adjusted in advance, or the inconspicuous but very critical side dishes.

Zhang Chi is very skilled in cooking this fragrant mushroom soup. When showing it, his movements are particularly quick and the operation is very precise.

“Our store has always been committed to the cooking research of stewed dishes. It was only after some in-depth research on the standard operation of fire control skills that we finally had standardized cooking guidelines.

With such an operating reference standard, it also provides us with more convenience for stewing and cooking dishes. "

When mentioning this matter, Zhang Chi was even more proud: "The development of cooking depends on the advancement of cooking technology, but if the technology is not strengthened, it will face the pressure of being surpassed at any time.

Culinary research and learning never stops, and we are always working on it.

Today, the technology our store wants to communicate is to use pre-made dish processing equipment to control the heat and complete the operation of adjusting the taste of the dishes.

There was no perfect operating standard to define the fire control technology before, and all judgments were made based on experience when cooking.

The fragrant mushroom soup we are launching now does not require experience to cook. As long as you set the fire control standards in advance, you can easily start cooking. "

Upon hearing Zhang Chi's introduction, the crowd in front of the kitchen table immediately became excited.

Everyone is a chef from various local restaurants in the capital, and they came to Laoweige specifically for today's exchange event.

Just learn new cooking skills!

It’s hard to believe that a new type of soup can be made without any cooking experience.

Because at their level, there are certain standards and requirements for the cooking of dishes.

It does not refer to dishes that can be easily made by just a layman following a recipe.

Since it can be published as a research result, it means that this fire control technology is completely superior to ordinary cooking operations.

There are tips and cooking rules that you can follow and master.

Zhang Chi saw that the people watching in front of the kitchen table could not wait to start discussing, and immediately said with a smile: "What I want to use now is the fire control skill.

Everyone knows the methods and soul of cooking blending and steaming. The most important thing is to master the heat.

Our store's views on cooking and dish taste focus on several 'points', fresh ingredients, the best cooking methods, the most reasonable combinations, the most soulful blend of five flavors, maximizing the taste of the ingredients, and the most artistic decoration. Plate decoration.

In short, ‘heat = fire time + fire size + tenderness of ingredients’.

In other words, heat is one of the keys to cooking delicious special dishes.

However, the heat changes rapidly, and it is difficult to get it just right without years of cooking experience.

Therefore, mastering the appropriate heat is a unique skill in our store. "

While Zhang Chi was talking, he started making fried mushrooms.

And what he uses is the multi-functional stove that Laoweige bought at a huge price.

This smart stove is an exclusive processing equipment specially used for soup cooking.

The electronic kitchenware was customized by He Jie through connections when he participated in a foreign cooking exchange meeting. It is the only one in the country.

The latest styles and functions can be controlled by electronic settings to perfectly replace the manual cooking of dishes.

Zhang Chi calmly placed the wok on the electronic stove and said with a smile: "Now I will give you a demonstration!"

I saw a plate of mushrooms with the roots removed and poured directly into hot oil. There was very little oil in the pot, which was enough to prevent the mushrooms from sticking to the pan.

It is said that an expert will know if something is there as soon as he takes action.

Zhang Chi's operation of pouring oil in just one step aroused the admiration of many observers.

We are all experts, and we can tell at a glance that the amount of oil is just right, enough for frying, but will not cause the soup to taste greasy when making soup.

Zhang Chi's hands were very fast. After pouring all the mushrooms upside down into the pot, he shook the pot so that the mushrooms could be heated evenly. He had no control over the fire at all. The electronic stove automatically turned quickly according to the program settings. A series of operations of medium heat, then after a slight pause, changing to low heat.

The whole cooking process is smooth and smooth. When the mushrooms are fried until they turn slightly brown, add the roots into the pot and stir-fry.

At this time, turn the heat from low to medium. When the mushrooms begin to simmer, the electronic stove will automatically turn to low heat.

Then turn from high heat to medium heat, and then to low heat.

But this seemingly simple operation left everyone stunned!

This entire set of heat changing operations took less than five minutes to adjust back and forth. The entire operation shocked everyone present.

Controlling the heat is not an easy task. The reason why some chefs are good at cooking stir-fry dishes while others are better at stewing is because they focus on different aspects of heat research.

Stewing requires slow simmering, and the focus is on passing the oil before adding the soup.

Stir-fried dishes are mainly based on high heat, focusing on collecting the juice.

The only way to master fire is through understanding.

Zhang Chi's hand operation shows everyone the electronic stove's precise control of the heat.

If this skill is what he said, and the electronic stove can control the heat for cooking, it will definitely be popular among many people.

Firstly, it can reduce too many ingredient resources. Secondly, it can save a lot of cooking time. Even for new cooks, it can also save a lot of cooking practice time, which can free the chef from the busy work and save some time. energy.

Fry the mushrooms in the pot until they begin to soften. Zhang Zhang uses a spoon to quickly cut the mushrooms into small pieces in the pot.

This step of operation showed off his amazing operating speed and meticulous handling of ingredients.

As long as you pay close attention to his operation, you will find that all the cut mushrooms are very similar in size.

Anyone who has done this type of operation will understand how difficult it is to cut soft mushrooms with a spoon in a frying pan!

Quickly process all the mushrooms, add water to the pot and wait to boil.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhang Chi released his hand and said with a smile: "You all have seen clearly, the pre-made vegetable processing equipment is such a high-end kitchen appliance that can easily control the heat. We can cook it without having to worry too much. A perfect dish!" (End of Chapter)

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