Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1122 It’s all like this casually

Fu Yu returned to his residence at night, washed the dirty clothes himself, and briefly tidied up the house.

It was only half past eight in the evening when everything was done.

He changed his clothes and prepared to go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities.

But just as he was about to go out, he received a call from Li Dongxu.

Fu Yu was a little surprised. Since he came to Fuchengchun for further study, he had never interacted with Li Dongxu except during working hours.

I don’t know why he suddenly contacted me.

Fu Yu answered the phone: "Cook Li, do you have a problem with me?"

Li Dongxu has a straightforward temperament, and he has nothing to say about the people he approves of.

He thought of what his boss Liu Yongping said and simply said what he had to say.

"Xiao Fu, just before getting off work in the evening, the deputy director of the activity center came over.

This time, the Inner Mongolian customers they served were very satisfied with the noodles prepared by the stall.

Now that the news has spread, representatives from other technology companies have reported to the event center, requesting that all future receptions be held at our stall, and that they want to taste the lamb and scorpion pot you made. "

When Fu Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He was originally worried about how long it would take to complete the 50 large banquet orders.

Fu Yu was still wondering if he needed to communicate with Liu Yongping, but he didn't expect that Li Dongxu came directly to his door!

According to the standards of banquets in event centers, it must be a big table!

The smile on Fu Yu's lips just opened when he heard Li Dongxu continue: "Don't worry, for every meal cooked in the sheep and scorpion pot, we will pay you according to the store's commission reward!"

I actually got extra money!

Fu Yu suddenly smiled with neat white teeth: "Okay, Chef Li, no problem, leave the cooking of this lamb and scorpion pot to me!"

Li Dongxu felt more and more satisfied with Yu.

Young people should be so motivated, not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and not care too much about everything.

In the next few days, the activity center began to customize reception tables at the Fucheng Chun stall.

Li Dongxu leads the kitchen staff to complete every cooking order conscientiously.

Originally, the kitchen was expected to book at most two reception tables per day.

As a result, the activity center reserved only three tables on the first day, and four or five tables were reserved almost every day for the rest of the day.

Such a cooking opportunity is a very honorable thing for Fucheng Chun Stall!

Being able to build a good relationship with the leaders of the activity center will be very beneficial to future stall work.

Moreover, many media will follow the dining area to promote food. Even if the kitchen is not photographed, the Fucheng Chun stall is mentioned during the recording process, and even the beautifully designed dishes on the table are photographed. What a negative impact on the hotel itself. It is also a very good promotion.

In addition, this is also a particularly valuable opportunity for other people in the kitchen.

Not only can you observe the special dishes in Li Dongxu's cooking shop up close, but you can also see Fu Yu cooking the lamb and scorpion pot.

This is so rare.

The ones who benefited the most were the helpers.

Fu Yu also cherished this opportunity to observe.

As long as Li Dongxu was in charge, he would immediately come over to study whenever he could free his hands.

Seeing Fu Yu working so hard, even Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis. Even though they knew Fu Yu would not stay in Fuchengchun in the future, they were still affected.

This enthusiastic learning atmosphere quickly inspired everyone's mood in their daily work.

Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei, like Fu Yu, spend most of their day in addition to taking orders and taking turns watching Fu Yu and Li Dongxu cook.

Even if I have work on hand and cannot do without observing the kitchen counter, I will glance at it from a distance from time to time and unconsciously start to imitate the cooking postures.

During the rare rest time in the afternoon, these people did not rush to seize the time to take a nap and recuperate. They gathered together to discuss their experiences in observing cooking.

After getting home from get off work early in the evening, I also review the cooking experiences shared during the day.

And this passionate enthusiasm for learning drives work efficiency. The kitchen serves dishes quickly, and the waiters have less trouble to rush the dishes. They are in a better mood and become more enthusiastic and considerate when treating guests.

There are supervisors in the activity center who are responsible for the food area. During daily inspections, other stalls will have problems of one kind or another. Only Fucheng Chun has performed well from top to bottom and has not been criticized or warned even once.

Liu Yongping learned about this and asked the purchaser to send several boxes of fresh lychees, mangoes and watermelons to the stall as a reward!

Everyone ate fresh fruit and received praise from the boss. For a moment, they all felt that being proactive is such a happy and joyful thing!

On Friday night, Zhou Jun, the chef of Fuchengchun Restaurant, called Yang Ming.

"Dayang, when we go to Laoweige next Monday to observe the event, you will be leading the team in the kitchen, right?"

Yang Ming was stunned for a moment. He had been too busy these days. In addition to being busy with cooking and studying, he had no other things in his mind.

The observation activity at Laoweige next Monday is organized by the National Food Association. Once a month, several well-known local restaurants are organized to send outstanding chefs to designated places for observation.

This month it's Laoweige's turn to entertain guests, and the selected restaurants still pay more attention to it, but since they are going to exchange cooking skills, they usually send employees with great potential in the kitchen.

It is considered a small cooking exchange event.

For events like this, Fucheng Chun usually sends its chef to participate.

Because the cooking demonstrations at Laoweige are all the chefs in the store, and it is impossible for the master chef to work on the stove, so such activities usually select young chefs with more potential in the store to participate.

Yang Ming thought for a moment and said, "I won't go to this event. I'm too busy these days and don't have time."

Zhou Jun was a little surprised: "Not going? Dayang, this exchange event is not ordinary. I heard that He Jie's eldest apprentice is going to give a performance and will cook a special dish from the Laoweige restaurant, focusing on stew. New regulatory standards will be released to control the cooking heat."

When Yang Ming heard that it was about controlling the heat of stewing, he was a little hesitant.

Laoweige is most famous for its stewed dishes. The same dish stewed in other restaurants always tastes slightly inferior.

Even if all the ingredients and seasonings are prepared, others just can't make it taste like Laoweige.

Everyone in the circle knows that when Laoweige trains its kitchen staff, the most critical thing is to control the heat.

The workers in other shops only do errands and odd jobs in addition to cutting meat. It is rare that they get the chance to work on the stove. Before they can truly master the cooking independently, they can only do a greasy job once.

But Laoweige is different. As long as the talent and potential are discovered, the first thing on the stove is to cook.

During the cooking process, workers can judge the amount of firepower and time to use based on the tenderness, hardness, thickness, and thickness of the raw materials, the heat transfer medium, and the requirements for making the dishes.

He Jie is the chef of Laoweige, and his apprentice is equivalent to an excellent chef like Li Dongxu.

It is indeed a very good opportunity to observe and learn.

But tomorrow Fu Yu has to cook sheep and scorpion pot five times in a row!

One characteristic of Fu Yu's cooking is that when observing the same dish, he can discover some detailed operation tips every time.

Many times, when someone asks, others will suddenly realize that there is such a trick.

It is usually difficult to discover these just by observing on your own.

Because Fu Yu is too skilled in cooking, these so-called special skills are really nothing worthy of guidance in his opinion. He will only answer when others ask.

What if someone discovers some cooking secret tomorrow and I missed it?

What a contradictory choice!

Fu Yu not only knows how to cook lamb and scorpion pot these days, but also takes time to communicate with Li Dongxu about cooking.

Both of them are very knowledgeable in cooking, which allowed them to gain a lot of experience while communicating.

Li Dongxu was inspired. Every time the two of them communicated, they would take advantage of the free time in the afternoon when no customers were dining to give a concentrated cooking explanation. In order to increase everyone's enthusiasm for learning, they would also conduct regular assessments.

The latest assessment is scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

This assessment will determine everyone's position in the hearts of Li Dongxu and his teammates.

This made Yang Ming, Wang Haiwei, and several other chefs panic!

How many years have they been working at Fucheng Chun?

How many years have I not experienced an assessment?

But now this time is a real practical assessment.

Although there is no salary deduction or any punitive measures, they all work under Li Dongxu. If their performance is not good or outstanding enough, how will Li Dongxu view this matter?

Especially the several assistant chefs who are facing competition themselves, as well as the two head chefs Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei.

The chef has always valued personal strength, and Li Dongxu is a cooking fanatic. If he wants to win his favor, there is no need to make any assumptions if his cooking skills are not good.

Even though Yang Ming has always been very successful in Li Dongxu's side and is almost below the other person, if he does not perform well in the assessment, it is really hard to say who will have more status in Li Dongxu's heart in the future.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming no longer hesitated and said decisively: "Brother Zhou, I won't go to Monday's event. There are other arrangements at the stall. Chef Li is going to give us an assessment. As for this exchange event, When you come back, I will ask you for advice."

When Zhou Jun heard this, he was stunned: "No, Dayang, you said that Chef Li wants to assess you? What assessment? Which is more important than going to Laowei Pavilion to observe?"

I find that you are really confused now! Chef Li is so obsessed with studying cooking. If you tell him that you are participating in an exchange activity, he will definitely let you back! Oh, okay, if you don’t want to participate, forget it, I’ll talk to you when I come back! "

Yang Ming was hung up and felt quite helpless!

He can't say it's because the new trainees in the store inspired Li Dongxu's academic heart, and now he studies cooking skills every day, right?

Moreover, the situation at the stall is too complicated, and some things are difficult to express clearly to outsiders.

He is indeed the number one person under Li Dongxu now, but who can guarantee how long he can sit in this position?

Fu Yu's arrival was like a drop of water entering a hot oil pan. The chain reaction it now caused made Yang Ming even more motivated.

He always had an uneasy feeling.

What if after Fu Yu, another such outstanding talent comes to the kitchen?

If he doesn't seize the time to improve himself now, he will only watch helplessly being surpassed by others, or even banned.

Yang Ming's career positioning is to be successfully promoted to chef and work steadily at Fucheng Chun for the rest of his life.

Moreover, to be honest, Yang Ming has often participated in these exchange activities organized by the Food Association.

It's nothing more than completing tasks for performance. Everyone goes through a process. The restaurant on display sends two chefs to show off the newly launched dishes of the restaurant and take the opportunity to do a publicity.

Like the real signature dish in the store, it is impossible for other colleagues to observe the detailed cooking operations. How can such a core thing be allowed to be seen by outsiders casually?

As for the cooking exchange between Li Dongxu and Fu Yu, these are all real skills!

Feeling deep in his heart, Yang Ming took his phone and checked the WeChat group first.

He has two groups in total, a large group is the work group where all the store staff are, and there is a small group where a few people from Li Dongxu's side are. The group name was given by Li Dongxu and is called: "Li Family Barracks Group".

Li Dongxu is the group leader, and Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei are the administrators.

Yang Ming was busy making phone calls just now. In such a short time, the small group had already sent several messages.

Wang Haiwei forwarded a short video in the group, which was a creative video posted by a funny blogger.

There were a bunch of people queuing up to post hahaha, and some people said they followed the blogger.

Yang Ming didn't click on the video, but he also sent a haha ​​emoticon below.

Almost as soon as he sent this message, Wang Haiwei replied: "Has Chef Yang not rested yet? I'm already lying down and watching videos!"

Yang Ming sat down in front of the computer, opened the web page, looked through the history of the cooking observation video that he had not watched yesterday, and replied with a message: "Hey, I just cooked a bowl of noodles to eat. I don't know what happened today. I am very hungry. Wait. After I finish eating in a while, I will check out this blogger you posted for a while. The video was really interesting!"

Wang Haiwei was writing excerpts of cooking experiences on his tablet. After listening to the voice message, he casually replied: "I just took a shower. I finally got off work early. I watched videos for a while and then fell asleep."

Li Dongxu carefully browsed through the online cooking videos about Fu Yu's participation in the competition. It was already midnight when he saw the information on his mobile phone.

He looked at the messages above and frowned slightly. Could it be that these people are just like this now?

Ganqing didn't take the assessment he arranged seriously at all!

These brats, it seems they have to make their cooking more difficult!

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu sent a message to Fu Yu explaining his thoughts.

Fu Yu didn't sleep either, so he quickly replied with a message: "No problem!" (End of Chapter)

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