Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1121 Isn’t it a bit exaggerated?

Li Dongxu hurried back to the stall and saw Deputy Director Guan sitting in the dining area.

He walked over quickly and asked before sitting down: "Old manager, what's the matter? You came here to see me all of a sudden?"

Deputy Director Guan sighed: "There was a meeting at the center just now, and now there are representatives from several technology companies who want to taste the sheep and scorpion pot.

However, you are the only one who can make this gourmet food stall, so I feel a little weird! "

In one sentence, Li Dongxu was stunned!

No, are the representatives of these technology companies so greedy?

Sheep and scorpion pot, their stall has only cooked it once, right?

Moreover, the incident happened suddenly, and Fu Yu helped to take the emergency order!

The news spread in such a short period of time?

Li Dongxu frowned: "Old manager, isn't that a bit exaggerated?"

Deputy Director Guan was stunned, shook his head immediately, and said with a cautious expression: "It's not an exaggeration at all! The lamb and scorpion pot you made at the stall has been spread throughout the exhibition, because the event center is hosting technology companies from Inner Mongolia. The representative specially prepared special dishes from his hometown there.

The news spread quickly, and every company heard about it.

Now it is no longer important whether the cooking of this lamb and scorpion pot is really authentic or whether the taste is so authentic.

What people care about is the attitude of the activity center.

But I can't say this directly, I just use this as an excuse to express my meaning. "

Li Dongxu understood it as soon as he heard it.

What these technology company representatives attending the event care about is not the meal, but the sincerity of the reception at the event center.

Deputy Director Guan told the truth about what happened and discussed: "What the leader means is that since the company representatives have made this request, we must fully cooperate.

I was thinking of coming over in advance to say hello to you.

Although the purpose of dining is not purely to eat, but in terms of taste, you must maintain it.

Sheep and scorpion hot pot is quite common in our local area, and there are also some very authentic restaurants.

Not to mention others, I usually go to major restaurants and eat in quite a few.

But I have to say that the lamb and scorpion pot made at your stall tastes really good.

I don’t know if it’s because the mutton was shipped from Inner Mongolia, or if there’s some secret recipe for cooking it. Anyway! As long as you keep it up, this dish can become another signature dish in your family! "

With these words, Li Dongxu was stunned!

Signature feature?

I dare not think about this.

Fuchengchun is a restaurant that specializes in cooking river fish banquets, focusing on hometown characteristics.

It is impossible to blend into other cuisines.

What's more, Fu Yu is not from their store, he is just a student who came here for further training.

How can you tell them the secret recipe of someone else’s specialty dish?

Li Dongxu saw that Fu Yu deliberately sent away all the kitchen helpers when he was making the braised pork buns, without giving others a chance to understand and learn.

It’s not that this is not a good idea, but the food world is like this. Almost every store has its own secret sauce recipe, and every chef has his or her own specialties.

These are never publicized to the outside world. Even the kitchen staff of their own stores have the boss or a trusted master prepare the ingredients in advance, and others can only use them directly.

Outsiders will not be allowed to know the specific seasonings used and their proportions.

Fu Yu said before that he learned how to cook dishes after going to a Sheep and Xiezi restaurant where his friend was a chef.

Being able to learn the signature secret dishes of other people’s restaurants shows how much human kindness can be.

It is even more impossible to take it out and let them customize it into their own special dishes.

However, Li Dongxu did not need to explain these matters in detail in front of Deputy Director Guan.

After all, every other line is like a mountain.

Li Dongxu smiled: "Our store specializes in making river fish and will not incorporate other dishes into it. If you hadn't said you were going to entertain customers from Inner Mongolia, how could I have prepared this lamb and scorpion pot.

And this pot was not made by anyone in our store. "

Deputy Director Guan was stunned: "Isn't it done by someone in your store?"

Li Dongxu explained: "There is a chef here from out of town for further training. His name is Fu Yu. He is very good at cooking. The lamb and scorpion pot you are eating was made by him."

Deputy Director Guan said in surprise: "Really? Then he is indeed quite powerful."

The pot of lamb and scorpion on the table is indeed very delicious.

On the one hand, the quality of the mutton is good, but the taste of the dishes is also really special. It tastes more fragrant and delicious than what you get elsewhere!

Deputy Director Guan doesn’t know much about cooking or the rules of the food circle.

When he thinks about things, he first considers interests, followed by other aspects.

Li Dongxu and he have been friends for more than ten years. They are close to each other and they are not in the same business circle. They never worry so much when talking.

Deputy Director Guan asked casually: "The sheep and scorpion he cooks is really good. He should have his own cooking skills. With his sheep and scorpion pot, he can open his own restaurant."

Or instead of opening a store, you can publish a cooking recipe book, which is like a guide to cooking operations! "

Li Dongxu listened carefully to Deputy Director Guan's words at first, but at the end, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.


Cooking guide?

Fu Yu just made a lamb and scorpion pot, can he publish a guide?

You know, a cooking guide is equivalent to a cooking recipe, a cooking rule that can be used as a promotion!

How old is Fu Yu?

How long has your working life been in total?

His previous cooking platform was just the Chollima Restaurant in that small place in Bei'an.

Based on these, he can create a cooking-related operation guide?

If you weren't a layman, what you said would be like a joke.

Li Dongxu didn't take Deputy Director Guan's words seriously. He was thinking about how to catch the wealth that was thrown to the sky this time!

The event center intends to arrange all the upcoming banquets at their Fucheng Chun stall, which is a great thing!

On the one hand, if there are senior executives in the industry or even outstanding scientific and technological talents among the people who come to dine, the media may follow them to film and record the meal.

On the other hand, even if you dine in private, if the food is good, it will bring a new group of customers to your store.

The most important point is that the stall's customer base is guaranteed to be stable. At the same time, it can also bring people closer to the leaders of the activity center, which will make it easier to get along with each other in the future. It also expands one's personal network.

This matter needs to be communicated to Fu Yu. After all, the only person who can make sheep and scorpion pot is Fu Yu.

Thinking of Fu Yu, Li Dongxu felt that this matter was not difficult.

Although the contact time was not long, Li Dongxu still had some understanding of Du Yu.

If it's about taking orders, as long as Fu Yu can do it, he will definitely agree.

This guy is very responsible and has a rigorous and serious attitude towards cooking. This is why Li Dongxu admires him.

In addition to these, the matter must be reported to the boss Liu Yongping.

Don't miss the opportunity to make good friends with the activity center. Liu Yongping will come to greet you when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu said: "When will the event center start arranging tables for guests? I have to report to the store in advance, and the food procurement must also be prepared in advance."

Deputy Director Guan said: "There should be one tomorrow, but it hasn't been decided yet. If it is confirmed, I will try to say hello to you in advance."

Li Dongxu said directly: "Okay, I will contact my boss now."

Inside a private car.

Liu Yongping sat back in the car seat and listened to Li Dongxu's report on his mobile phone: "Boss, this opportunity is really important to us!"

"The activity center not only organizes technology exhibitions, but also has other activities every day. If we can establish a good relationship with them, our store will definitely have the opportunity to borrow space."

"I said I wanted to try the lamb and scorpion hotpot, but the whole table was filled with river fish dishes. Only this hotpot, what everyone mainly tasted was our store's specialties."

"Our flagship store in the capital has our own uniqueness. Many customers come here because they want to taste the special dishes. However, there are still many people who don't know about Jiangyu Feast and have never tasted the dishes in the store. This is very important to us. It’s an opportunity!”

"When Fu Yu was cooking the lamb and scorpion pot, I watched from the side. The operation level was really superb. It would be no problem to leave this dish to him. As for the lamb, I will let the buyer contact me when the time comes. As long as it is fresh, There’s actually not much difference in taste after it’s done.”

Li Dongxu became more and more excited as he talked. This opportunity was too rare.

Liu Yongping listened to Li Dongxu talking excitedly on the phone and couldn't help but interrupt: "Okay, okay, Dongxu, please speak slowly, why are you in a hurry!"

Li Dongxu paused and said with a smile: "I think this is a rare honor for our store, and we can also use this opportunity to do a wave of publicity!"

Liu Yongping smiled and said: "It's quite good. If you are a receptionist here at the activity center, you can't handle several waves at the same time a day. You can just take orders as normal.

After the socializing here is over, tell the purchaser to send a box of good wine and a box of good cigarettes to the stall. Then you can watch them go out.

Also, Xiao Fu, you can communicate here, I won’t get involved. This guy is a good guy. You should take care of him, teach him what he needs to teach, and give guidance where he needs to.

I have also seen Xiao Fu's cooking. He is very talented and has a high understanding of cooking. The most important thing is that he has sufficient cooking skills in this area. This is the key to his cooking skills. "

Liu Yongping has always been fond of Fu Yu. This time he recruited someone for further training and immediately handed him over to Li Dongxu as soon as he arrived at the store. This was something that had never happened in the arrangement of many training personnel in the past.

Li Dongxu couldn't help but ask: "Boss, do you plan to keep Fu Yu working in the store after he studies?"

Not only Li Dongxu had this idea, many people in the store had this idea.

If he didn't want to keep people in the store, there was really no need for Liu Yongping to do this.

Liu Yongping couldn't help but smile: "I've thought about it, but a year ago, when I first met him, it might have been possible to recruit people, but now, it's no longer just treatment that can keep people here. Living."

Although Li Dongxu also thinks that Fu Yu's cooking skills are very good, he doesn't think that Fu Yu can be this good.

Fuchengchun Flagship Store is a place that many people in the food circle flock to. Not to mention how good the salary and benefits are, the honor brought by this job is not something that ordinary places can give.

What is the level of a hotel that can be ranked among the best in the capital?

What Liu Yongping meant was that the temple in Fuchengchun was too small to accommodate the giant Buddha Fu Yu!

Li Dongxu was speechless, and suddenly remembered what Deputy Director Guan said before, and couldn't help but joked: "The old manager told me before that the lamb and scorpion pot made by Fu Yu is better than the authentic restaurants here in the capital. Authentic, he also said that his cooking skills are enough to open his own shop and start a business, and if he is willing, he can even make a professional cooking guide!"

Liu Yongping laughed when he heard it: "Cooking guide? That's a bit exaggerated. Completing a cooking-related guide doesn't happen overnight. Xiao Fu's cooking skills are indeed good, but no matter how good he is, he can't reach it. To the extent of being a guide.”

Li Dongxu agreed with this: "I think so too. Xiaofu is indeed very good, but no matter how good he is, can he still form a guiding mind? This is a bit too exaggerated."

Which cooking guide can be touted in the gourmet circle that is not a high-level team of chefs who have summed up their cooking experience after countless cooking sessions and refined useful techniques?

If it were really that simple, professional cooking guides like this that would be recognized by insiders would have been flying all over the place!

When Liu Yongping heard Li Dongxu's words, he suddenly remembered something: "Our store can consider researching cooking guides. Fish cooking is a large category with quite rich content.

You can also get involved with Fu Yu. He has great ideas on cooking methods. Since you have decided to let him start taking orders independently, you can let him participate in the cooking of some special dishes in the store. in. "

When Li Dongxu heard Liu Yongping's words, he immediately understood the meaning.

Fu Yu will definitely not stay and work in Fuchengchun in the future. He will not pose a threat to the interests of everyone in the kitchen, and there will be no pressure to get along with him.

Secondly, there is no need to worry about Fu Yu leaking the cooking methods of some of the store's signature dishes.

Because time-honored restaurants like Fuchengchun have taken perfect confidentiality measures in the preparation of various secret seasonings and the production of braised sauce packets.

In addition to the personal control of the boss Liu Yongping, only the chefs of each branch can participate in the preparation.

When everyone in the kitchen cooks, the ingredients packages they use are all prepared in advance. Even if they are opened, they cannot accurately determine what seasonings are inside and the specific dosage.

Li Dongxu always believed that Fu Yu did not have the ability to independently research a cooking guide.

But the boss is right. Fu Yu can be involved, and everyone can communicate and learn together while constantly researching the cooking guide. (End of chapter)

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