Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1120 Found a shortcut to clear the level

This was not the first time Fu Yu activated the potion.

But this time the feeling was particularly strong.

Almost the next second he chose to activate it, a warm current surged directly from the soles of his feet, and it was particularly comfortable all the way to the top of his head.

After that indescribable feeling of comfort ended, I felt much more energetic.

Not only is the feeling of fatigue gone away physically, but also mentally.

Fu Yu moved his wrist.


I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but he feels like his wrists can snap when he breaks them!

At this time, the oil in the pot was hot, and Fu Yu continued to check the second reward while cooking.

[A Cooking Simulation Guide: Summarize all the cooking knowledge you have mastered and convert it into a cooking guide. The current conversion progress is: 0/50. Each time you complete the cooking of a large table of noodles, you can increase the progress by 1]

Fu Yu was so preoccupied with looking at the reward attribute prompts that he couldn't react for a while.

The cooking guide is not to guide him when cooking, but to turn all the cooking knowledge he has learned so far into a guide.

What is the use of this guide?

Summarize what you have learned throughout your life into a guide?

Finally benefit others?

Now the system has changed from a cultivation system to a dedication system?

With the system focusing on cultivating his task release direction, Fu Yu thought about it carefully and suddenly looked a little happy!

What is the cooking guide?

It’s the gold standard for chefs when it comes to cooking!

If it is a guide summarized by a senior master, it represents authority!

It is the basic operation method that chefs in all circles must follow when cooking the same dish!

There are many cooking guides circulating on the market. They are all summed up by the experience of the big guys in the circle and compiled together.

There are actually not many opportunities to produce such a guide. Among the few celebrity chefs who are almost household names in the domestic circle, there are actually only a few who have actually participated in the production of cooking guides.

It is a privilege to have the opportunity to be involved in providing cooking-related knowledge and experience.

For those who can get such an opportunity, this honor can be regarded as their performance in the food circle and a lifetime medal.

When Fu Yu thought of this, his movement range increased unconsciously.

This is so exciting.

Has he reached the point where he can create a guide?

However, the guide needs to summarize the cooking knowledge you currently have.

Fu Yu kept moving his hands and started thinking in his mind!

He currently has quite a lot of cooking knowledge.

He has reached an advanced level in cooking skills such as stir-frying, stewing, and steaming.

Another example is the skill of controlling the heat, the method of selecting ingredients, the control of seasoning ratio, and the design of plate presentation. Fu Yu has already reached a perfect level in these.

Fu Yu tried to summarize this cooking knowledge and found that all advanced level personal skills failed.

Instead, several skills at the perfect level are eligible.

These perfect skills will definitely be used in cooking operations. In other words, this cooking guide can only be generated for all his perfect cooking skills.

However, if you think about it carefully, the arrangement of the system is actually quite reasonable. After all, if you do not have a perfect level of cooking skills and experience, even if you generate a guide, it will still have limitations and may even have certain shortcomings.

The perfect level is different.

Fu Yu didn't rush to summarize his perfect cooking skills, but thought about it carefully.

He is now in the advanced learning stage, and the most important thing is to establish his own special skills first!

When everyone mentions this skill, he is the first person who comes to mind!

Use your superb cooking skills to establish your future position in the kitchen, and then climb up the ranks little by little to become the best trainee in everyone's mind.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu didn't hesitate anymore and directly chose the fire control skill!

[Fire Control Skill Cooking Guide is being generated: the current completion progress is 0/50. Please continue to improve this guide by cooking large banquet dishes: applicable operating steps, cooking taboos, pay attention to the details of the operating methods, and control your judgment]

An outline of a cooking guide on fire control skills suddenly appeared in Fu Yu's mind.

All the details were blank, and Fu Yu knew that he needed to fill them in slowly by cooking the noodles.

A good thing indeed.

This surprised Fu Yu very much.

If the system hadn't helped him set up the outline, he wouldn't have been able to lay out such a detailed framework given his own conditions.

I didn’t expect that I would receive such an outstanding reward just after entering the top 200 in the food circle.

The next second this thought came to mind, an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in Fu Yu's ears:

【Ding! Trigger the ranking task and strive to enter the top 150 in the food circle. Mission completion rewards: random (the more you advance in the ranking, the richer the rewards will be)]

Fu Yu suddenly became excited.

System tasks have been released quite frequently in the past two days!

Moreover, this is the first time that bonus content has been upgraded.

As long as you work harder, you will make greater progress and the rewards will be more generous!

This journey of further education is simply my own shortcut to pass the customs.

In less than a month since arriving in the capital, so many tasks have been triggered one after another and a lot of skills have been acquired.

According to this development, if I want to completely pass the food circle, will the road ahead be far away?

Fu Yu deeply felt that he should set a small goal first!

After a year, when the training is over, when he really wants to leave here, he must be among the top ten in the capital's food circle!

But before that, Fu Yu should first consider how to cook these 50 large banquet noodles!

Event hours at the convention center ended early.

The kitchen took a few scattered orders, but no new customers began to arrive in the dining area.

Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei took turns taking orders. What they handed to Fu Yu were some of the stall's best-selling dishes, and almost all of them were small banquet orders.

Fu Yu knew that Yang Ming was deliberately taking care of him.

Although he now has the right to take orders independently, after all, he has only been in charge for a short time, so this is specially designed to give him time to adapt.

Moreover, everyone works standing up all day. If you can do less work, you will be able to save a lot of money.

Fu Yu felt grateful and had a better impression of Yang Ming.

Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei began to take turns, and no one asked Li Dongxu to work.

After all, there are not many customers coming to dine, so they can handle it themselves. Li Dongxu is the chef and the leader, so there is no need to trouble him.

When they come to work at the stall, all wages are set uniformly, unlike in the store where they work on commission.

After all, the number of customers at the stall is far less than that in the store, and the working hours are also different.

The store provided subsidies to their staff who came to participate in the event this time, and the remuneration of all staff was based on the highest salary for their position in the store.

After activating the long-lasting potion, Fu Yu became energetic and busy in the kitchen.

Yang Zhichao followed beside him and didn't notice it at first. When Fu Yu gradually stopped telling him to work and he had been resting on the kitchen table for almost ten minutes, he realized that Fu Yu Intentionally give him creative rest time.

Yang Zhichao always thought that Fu Yu was very kind, but he didn't expect that he would be so generous to others.

While feeling deeply moved, Yang Zhichao secretly made up his mind to work well under Fu Yu in the future.

Fu Yu deserves his sincerity.

The kitchen was busy until 6:30 in the evening, and there was no more food to cook.

The workers were busy arranging the kitchen table and the remaining ingredients. Li Dongxu glanced at the dining area. It was empty. There were no customers at the stall where they took the table.

Yang Ming carefully checked the remaining pickled vegetables, while Fu Yu took the initiative to go to the warehouse to take inventory and count the types and quantities of ingredients purchased for tomorrow. Wang Haiwei was cleaning up the residue of the old soup.

At night, all the heat should be turned off at the stall, and all remaining soup should be thrown away.

Tomorrow, the fresh old soup will be delivered directly from the restaurant by the purchaser.

Everyone is busy step by step.

Li Dongxu saw this, so he was almost busy waiting, and with a wave of his hand, he announced that everyone would get off work early.

The activity center normally gets off work at 8:30, but now it's a full hour earlier.

Everyone immediately went to change clothes happily and prepare to leave.

Li Dongxu watched these people smearing oil on their soles and running faster than the other. He clicked his tongue in a funny voice. He finally checked the situation at the stall and did not rush to the dressing room. Instead, he called the hotel to communicate. After checking the things that need to be delivered here tomorrow, everything is arranged, and then I slowly leave the stall.

The changing room environment prepared for food stall workers like them in the activity center is very simple.

The room is not big, and the place to change clothes is very narrow.

Li Dongxu usually waits for the others to leave before going over, and is too lazy to push around with these brats.

Li Dongxu changed his clothes and was about to leave. Before he could leave the dressing room, his cell phone rang.

The deputy director of the activity center called him to discuss something.

"Lao Li, why did your stall close early? Where are you? If you haven't left yet, come over to the dining area. I have something to tell you."

Deputy Director Guan came to the stall to find Li Dongxu before getting off work. When he arrived, he found that only the cleaning staff of the activity center were left cleaning the floor. The lights in the stall were on and all the staff had withdrawn.

Compared to other stalls where people are busy arranging things, Fucheng Chun’s is deserted.

Deputy Director Guan was sitting in the dining area facing Fuchengchun stall, resting while waiting for Li Dongxu to arrive.

In the past two days, it can be said that in addition to daily work, their activity center has devoted themselves to communicating with all outstanding companies and talents in the circle.

If you want to talk about things, you have to find a place. A bunch of people are just sitting in a conference room. That means superiors are holding meetings for subordinates. It is not about getting to know each other, and it cannot effectively expand contacts.

Because of this successful case of successfully entertaining visitors from Inner Mongolia, everyone in the event center instantly knew that Fuchengchun not only had delicious river fish banquets, but also had sheep and scorpion pot that was especially suitable for this season.

Compared with the river fish, which is delicious but has many thorns and is inconvenient to taste, the audience of sheep and scorpions is obviously larger.

Especially now that the weather is at its best, it won’t be too hot to eat in a pot.

A table of noodles includes both stir-fried vegetables and steaming hot pots, along with fresh sheep scorpions and mutton shipped from Inner Mongolia.

The table quality has been improved, and the tastes of the guests have been taken into account.

Moreover, you can directly taste two kinds of special noodles in one meal. This arrangement for entertaining guests is really great.

Which of the companies and individuals that can come to participate in the event and exhibition are ordinary people, ordinary people?

In particular, many of them are elites in the industry and the most outstanding corporate representatives.

These people are all somewhat related to each other and have their own sources of information.

If the activity center wants to win over big customers, it has to rack its brains to come up with plans and get close to them, and it also has to worry about reception matters.

Every banquet is decided after careful consideration.

It is necessary to consider not only the funding issue, but also the grade and quality of the seats.

For previous meals, they chose the local specialty roast duck noodles at the food stall, and the other time was also a time-honored local delicacy.

In the past, when the activity center had banquet arrangements, they would always choose this type of hotel to entertain guests.

Maybe the dishes are the same every time, or maybe there are many local partner companies in the science and technology exhibition industry, so there is not much interest at the table.

Anyway, it's mainly about talking about things. Eating and drinking is just a form of socializing. Find a place where everyone can relax and communicate.

Therefore, after the success of the banquet for customers from Inner Mongolia, the news spread quickly.

Everyone has heard that the activity center attaches great importance to visitors from Inner Mongolia. Not only did they arrange a banquet at the Fucheng Chun stall, but they also specially prepared the special sheep and scorpion pot from their hometown.

The food is not unusual. Sheep and scorpion pot is also very popular here in the capital and is often eaten by locals.

But the meaning is different.

This means being treated with care by the leaders of the activity center.

Therefore, when other company representatives and outstanding talents were also invited to the banquet, they politely expressed their hope that they could also try the very unique river fish banquet, as well as the sheep and scorpion pot that was highly praised by the locals in Inner Mongolia. , how authentic is it, and how is it different from the capital!

At this moment, Deputy Director Guan was extremely anxious!

After all, they have a lot of guests at the banquet, so they can't all be at Fuchengchun's side, right?

Don’t you plan to try other stalls?

Can the whole family eat together?

Moreover, all the live sheep sent from Inner Mongolia have been eaten.

Even when entertaining guests, there is no authentic sheep, scorpions and mutton available, only local products purchased from the market.

Deputy Director Guan was not sure for a while whether the news was good or bad for Fu Chengchun.

If you can entertain well, you will definitely gain a wave of publicity.

If we fail to entertain them well, the impact will be huge.

In desperation, Deputy Director Guan could only come to Li Dongxu to discuss the matter with him. (End of chapter)

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