Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1119 Exchange sincerity for sincerity

Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu with admiration and explained seriously: "The texture of the fish roe is very grainy. This is what you taste when cooked alone. However, when making fried rice, the graininess of the fish roe is too heavy, which will hinder chewing. It affects the overall dining experience.”

One sentence made Fu Yu's eyes light up!


He was right.

Li Dongxu deliberately flattened the blanched fish roe before, and now chopped all the side dishes, just to accommodate the taste of all the ingredients.

On this point, they thought about it together.

Fu Yu admired Li Dongxu's cooking skills more and more. This kind of cooking operation was no longer an ordinary skill, but a pursuit of excellence.

No wonder Li Dongxu is known as the chef crazy. He has very high requirements for cooking and is really diligent in research.

No ordinary person would think so carefully and consider it so carefully!

Li Dongxu continued: "After the fish roe is flattened, it will be directly wrapped on the rice grains during cooking. Chopping the side dishes can better integrate the taste into the rice, and the taste will be closer to the egg yolk added at the end. Then A delicate, rustic texture.”

This processing operation seems unexpected, but it can also be regarded as a meticulous work.

The next step is to fry the caviar. Fry the blanched caviar loosely in the pot, then slowly fry over low heat until the surface is golden brown and fragrant.

Fried fish roe is one of Li Dongxu's specialties. It must not only bring out the unique aroma of the fish roe, but also ensure that the moisture is retained and cannot be completely fried.

This degree requires long-term cooking experience to master. It is useless to just listen to what others say, and it is impossible to see it. Only practical experience can do it.

When Li Dongxu was frying, Fu Yu looked at it seriously. Although he had reached the level of proficiency in controlling the heat and turning the spoon, the true meaning lies in the details.

Fu Yu realized that Li Dongxu had a lot of experience in this area and had many opportunities for cooking in the kitchen. If there was a step that he couldn't think of, there would always be nothing wrong with following him to learn more and see more!

Yang Ming couldn't help but sigh: "Chef Li, I just noticed that your whole temperament changed when you shook the spoon."

Li Dongxu simply couldn't complain. This kid could never see the right place, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind all day long.

Does it depend on the posture of the other person?

It depends on the ingredients, the heat, and the technique!

Li Dongxu raised his head and rolled his eyes. Yang Ming saw this and thought he was being stared at because of his arrogance, so he let out a silly laugh and continued to watch.

The cooking was going on. During this period, Wang Haiwei came back from the meal and saw Fu Yu and Yang Ming watching Li Dongxu cook the spoon. He quickly came over and asked, "Hey, what are you cooking?"

Yang Ming said: "Caviar fried rice, Chef Li's specialty."

Wang Haiwei found a seat and stood, staring at Li Dongxu as he took the spoon. After a while, he praised: "Chef Li's cooking is meticulous. In the whole kitchen, only Chef Li's fish roe fried rice tastes the best!"

Xiao Fu, wait until it is fried and you will know after you taste it. "

Fu Yu nodded: "The side dishes are fried well and the rice has clear grains. The fish roe grains are perfectly mixed with the rice. No wonder this fried rice is not on the recipe. It does take a lot of work to make."

The fish roe has been fried. Pour the crushed salted duck egg yolk into the pot and fry slowly over low heat.

Li Dongxu began to stir-fry the ingredients: "Salted duck egg yolk has a better flavor of fish roe than ordinary egg yolk, and after frying, it is also very beautiful when presented on the plate. With a little styling, it looks particularly good.

Stir-frying the side dishes is also very important, especially when cutting them. The thinner the dishes, the better, but avoid completely turning them into a puree, which will also affect the taste of the fried rice. "

After giving some instructions, Li Dongxu glanced at Fu Yu, his eyes obviously filled with relief.

Look! Just by observing, people can tell that the key to this fried rice lies in the frying and matching of side dishes, and they know that making this fried rice takes a lot of time.

Others were just watching the fun.

Apart from knowing that it is well made and the fried rice is delicious, there is no other distinguishing feature.

If there is really no comparison, there will be no harm!

Li Dongxu felt a little emotional, it would be great if Yang Ming had half of Fu Yu's cooking talent.

Fu Yu was watching Li Dongxu cooking intently when an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! Gain +5 favorability from NPC chef Li Dongxu, cumulative: 25]

Fu Yu glanced at Li Dongxu, feeling a little surprised.

It seems like you didn’t do anything, right?

Why did the favorability suddenly rise?

However, this is a good thing. It would be better if the brush could be higher.

Li Dongxu stir-fry over low heat until the duck egg yolk becomes sandy, then immediately turn off the heat and remove the pot to prepare vegetables.

Fu Yu looked at the heat in the pot and asked, "Cook Li, are there any requirements for the degree of sandiness of the duck egg yolk?"

Li Dongxu was stunned, thought for a moment, and said: "The main thing is that there is thick foam at the bottom of the pot, and that's about it."

After hearing this, Fu Yu carefully observed the density of the foam and silently memorized the details of this step.

Li Dongxu liked people who were diligent and inquiring, so when he started to fry rice, he took the initiative to explain without waiting for Fu Yu to ask: "They say that fried rice needs to be cooked overnight. In fact, the main reason is to wait for the rice to lose some of its water, so that it is easier to fry. and a punchy mouthfeel.

However, the length of time this is left aside will actually affect the frying time.

If the water loss is small, you need to fry it for a while. If you have rice like this, the time will be a bit long.

Therefore, when frying, the time should be shorter, otherwise the taste will be hard.

Moreover, if the rice grains are too dry, it will not be easy to evenly coat the salted egg yolk and fish roe. "

When Fu Yu heard this, his eyes lit up again!

It's not that he was excited because he learned new knowledge, but that Li Dongxu's experience on this matter was completely consistent with his own thoughts!

Fu Yu realized this operational detail when he was making seafood fried rice before.

Therefore, you can always judge the fire temperature very accurately.

This is a chance to meet a close friend!

Fu Yu was a little excited. He felt more and more that he and Li Dongxu would definitely be able to communicate and learn a lot of useful knowledge and experience about cooking in the future.

Almost at the same time that he had this idea, an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! Reward for the title of Chef Rookie: Congratulations on obtaining NPC Chef Li Dongxu’s personal skill: Beginner Fried Rice Skill]

Fu Yu was stunned!

It actually triggered the reward for the title of Chef Rookie, but what is the primary skill?

[Fried rice skill: elementary, can be applied to all types of fried rice cooking]

Fu Yu suddenly understood!

Can be applied to all types of fried rice.

This is not just a simple fish roe fried rice, but a whole category of the most common staple food in kitchens!

Fried rice is a particularly common food. It is made of cooked rice, stir-fried with some vegetables and eggs.

There are also many types of fried rice, with unique styles found across the country.

You can buy fried rice in any big restaurant, small restaurant, or even a food stall.

This is a popular staple food.

Fu Yu thought about it carefully and felt that even for a beginner, this skill was very good, and the initial doubts and disappointments were immediately gone.

The system does not stipulate that once the chef's rookie title is triggered, he will definitely be able to gain advanced skills.

And if he wants to, he can use skill points to upgrade his skill level at any time.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help but feel happy. In addition to the mission rewards he received, he was also happy because he could benefit from Li Dongxu's skills.

Once you have one, you can have it again and again!

When Fu Yu looked at Li Dongxu again, his eyes became more and more eager.

This is his future activity skill library!

The cooking of the fish roe fried rice came to an end quickly, and Li Dongxu carefully arranged the dish.

Fu Yu memorized the pattern and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Today’s visit can be said to be a fruitful one.

Being able to be sure that he could successfully access Li Dongxu's skills excited him more than anything else.

The stir-fried dishes made for the customers were taken away, and Li Dongxu brought out two more bowls.

The smaller share will be given to Yang Ming, and the larger share will be given to Fu Yu.

Li Dongxu was afraid that the fried rice would not be enough, so he fried two poached eggs.

Fu Yu was very moved and said thank you, but Li Dongxu dismissed him by saying, "I'm one of you, you're welcome."

He savored a mouthful of fish roe fried rice.

No wonder it’s Li Dongxu’s specialty, it’s really delicious!

The crispy aroma of the fish roe, the softness of the rice, and the crunchy texture of the salted duck egg yolk make you feel completely satisfied after one bite!

Fu Yu was eating and checking the condition of the fried rice.

Li Dongxu's work is really meticulous, not only making every grain of rice covered with fish roe and duck egg yolk, but also controlling the heat just right.

After finishing the fish roe fried rice, Li Dongxu cooked another crucian carp and tofu soup.

The cooking time of this soup should not be too long. In the current month, crucian carp is generally smaller and can be served after simmering for more than ten minutes.

A fried rice and a bowl of fish soup.

Pregnant woman Xu Xintong's stomach felt warm after eating, and her body slowly regained strength.

She didn't know if it was because she was very hungry, but this simple meal made her eat very deliciously.

So much so that in the third trimester of pregnancy, whenever I lose my appetite, I will think about this bite.

Later, I asked Fucheng Chun several times to order food, specifically for this fried rice and fish soup.

However, these are all things for later.

Li Dongxu took a break from his busy schedule and heard that the young couple had finished their meal, so he went to the dining area to say hello and say goodbye.

After sending the people away and returning to the kitchen, Li Dongxu felt a little tired.

He is no longer young now.

Although in the eyes of outsiders he is in his forties, he is still in his prime.

But only he knew that because of his occupational disease, he had to stand in front of the kitchen counter all day, and when he got off work in the evening, it was all about perseverance that allowed him to continue standing, rather than immediately finding a place to lie down and have a good rest.

As we get older, we are a little bit less energetic, even if we don’t want to admit it!

Li Dongxu sighed and returned to the kitchen counter. As soon as he stood still, he received a bowl of American ginseng soaked water that Fu Yu asked Yang Zhichao to bring over.

The water is still hot and a lid is placed on the bowl.

He opened it and saw two slices of American ginseng soaked in water, and felt warm in his heart.

Turning to look at Fu Yu, he saw that he was busy shaking the spoon, so he asked Yang Zhichao: "What does this American ginseng do?"

Yang Zhichao said: "Fu Chu said that drinking this thing soaked in water can eliminate fatigue, strengthen concentration and improve the mind, and it is good for the body anyway. Li Chu, you haven't rested these days, right? You look like you don't look good, so Fu Chu specifically explained Yes, these American ginseng slices can be brewed over and over again, and you can just drink them until they lose their taste, and then throw them away."

After saying that, he pointed to the small jar on the kitchen table: "This is given to you by Chef Fu, so you can drink it when you have nothing to do."

Li Dongxu took the jar and took a look. It was filled with American ginseng slices.

After delivering the things, Yang Zhichao went back to report to Fu Yu.

Fu Yu smiled and nodded, turned around and looked at Li Dongxu, and saw that he was drinking American ginseng water from a bowl.

This is how it is between people, only sincerity can exchange for sincerity.

Fu Yu has always been very clear about his goals. This time he went to Fuchengchun to study under his master Li Dongxu. As an apprentice, he wanted to learn real skills from his master.

One's own talent and hard work are one thing, but the most important thing is to find ways to win the favor and love of the other party.

And the only thing that can touch people's hearts the most is sincerity.

Fu Yu looked away and was about to continue cooking when an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! The personal career ranking in the food circle has entered the top 200, current ranking: 198]

[Congratulations on getting the reward for ranking improvement: a bottle of potion to strengthen body function (advanced), and a cooking simulation guide]

After hearing the system's reward announcement, Fu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then his face lit up!

[Strengthening body function potion (advanced), long-lasting potion: effectively increasing the durability, endurance, and stability attributes of body functions.

Advanced potion: Increase the body’s durable related attributes by 50%]

After Fu Yu listened from the beginning, he almost shed tears of excitement!

The system actually has such a considerate reward!

Fu Yu was excited, excited, and a little confused!

I didn’t expect that!

Who would have thought that the system could issue such a reward to him!

It happened to arrive just before Liu Yuqing was about to go to school. What is this called?

It’s better to come early than to arrive by chance!

Fortunately, he arrived not a year ago, otherwise he would really be a useless hero!


Will the increased sensitivity he obtained before have an impact on this aspect?

If there really is any impact, how will we deal with Liu Yuqing then?

Forget it, never mind!

Anyway, the rewards are clearly written on it. The increased physical skills this time are mainly reflected in stability.

Everything is stable and there are no sensitive spots.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help but feel a little excited.

The surprise came too suddenly, and he was particularly eager to find someone to share his joy with.

However, there is no one suitable for me, so I can only share it with my girlfriend!

Looking at the long-lasting potion, Fu Yu's heart turned into a lush grassland in almost the blink of an eye.

During the video last night, Liu Yuqing said that she might move back next week.

Before that, Fu Yu felt that it was very necessary for him to adjust his condition.

And I don’t know how effective this potion will be. What if I use it suddenly and it is different from what I expected?

Almost as if thinking together, Fu Yu immediately and decisively chose to activate the potion directly. (End of chapter)

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