Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1118 Keen Observation

Yang Ming actively followed Li Zongxu around, taking advantage of the absence of Lin Shishen, the cook, and enthusiastically recommended himself to be his assistant.

Li Zongxu said amusedly: "As for that?"

Yang Ming said happily: "Of course, that's all. Who doesn't know that fish roe fried rice is your specialty? You usually don't show it!"

Li Dongxu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How can it be so exaggerated? I think you are greedy!"

Yang Ming said quickly: "No, I mainly want to watch the cooking of fried rice. However, Chef Li, it would be better if you could even out a small bowl for me after frying for a while."

Li Dongxu suddenly had an expression on his face that showed he knew what your kid was thinking.

This is the first time Fu Yu has heard of caviar fried rice. Chollima also has various types of fried rice. The seafood fried rice alone has four different flavors.

However, the fish roe fried rice sounds really fresh.

The main reason is that although this food is nutritious, it tastes very fishy. The dishes Fu Yu has cooked before are all special side dishes such as onion fish fillet, steamed egg with fresh fish roe, and crispy anchovies mixed with peanuts.

Making staple food is not popular in Bei'an.

Fu Yu became interested and didn't think about going to eat for a while.

He turned around and walked over to Li Dongxu's kitchen counter and asked, "Chef Li, where are Fucheng Chun and caviar fried rice? I didn't see it on the menu before."

Li Dongxu raised his head and said with a smile: "The soy sauce fried rice is usually the main dish in the store. The caviar fried rice is only made once when customers from home order. It is not a daily staple food."

It turns out that's the case. No wonder it's the first time Fu Yu has heard about it after working in the store for so long.

Most restaurants will have some hidden dishes, or hot-selling dishes that were popular in the past, but gradually became unpopular and no one cared about them, and they were gradually removed from the menu.

Or the ingredients are too expensive and the cooking is too troublesome, so they are usually only used to entertain distinguished guests.

Caviar fried rice is far less cost-effective than soy sauce fried rice because it tests the chef’s cooking skills.

After hearing what Li Dongxu said, Fu Yu stopped eating at all. He stopped in front of the kitchen counter and said with a smile: "So that's it. Then I have to take a closer look at how this fish roe fried rice is made."

Upon hearing this, Yang Ming hurriedly asked: "Fu Chu, are you not going to eat?"

Fu Yu smiled and said, "I won't go. I just ate something and I'm not very hungry now."

Li Dongxu glanced at Fu Yu, and the smile on his face suddenly became eager.

He had always admired people who were passionate about cooking, but now Fu Yu didn't even bother to eat in order to observe cooking, which moved Li Dongxu a little.

Without this kind of research spirit, how can you improve your cooking skills?

Li Dongxu liked Fu Yu more and more. He turned to Yang Ming and said, "Bring more when we prepare the ingredients later. I will bring you two bowls of fried rice then."

Yang Ming immediately became happy, agreed, and Le Diandian went to prepare the dishes.

When Fu Yu heard this, he thought he was going to get a copy for himself, so he quickly thanked him.

Li Dongxu said cheerfully: "Anyway, it will come out in one pot. When I take the spoon later, Xiaofu, you can do it from the side. If Yang Ming is willing to watch, let him stand in front and watch."

Yang Ming never expected that while he was running an errand, the position of the best assistant cook to observe would change hands, but he didn't care.

Although Li Dongxu doesn't often cook fish roe fried rice in the kitchen, he can always meet customers ordering food two or three times a month.

He just shouted that he wanted to observe, but in fact he was greedy and wanted to take the opportunity to show off and mix a bowl to taste.

He knows the cooking process and method of this fried rice, and can make it directly, but it is always a little different from what Li Dongxu makes by himself.

I can't tell you exactly what the difference is, but it just doesn't taste like that.

When Li Dongxu makes fish roe fried rice, he usually uses yellow croaker roe, because this fish has a light fishy smell and is golden in color. The key is that one yellow croaker roe is enough to make a bucket of fried rice.

Moreover, the yellow croaker in the kitchen has a high order rate. After taking out the roe, the fresh fish can be cooked and served immediately. It can be used for two purposes and no ingredients are wasted.

Fu Yu stood next to Li Dongxu, focusing entirely on the other person's cooking operations. In this way, he could not only detect the other person's needs immediately, but also occupy the most advantageous visual angle to observe.

The worker brought a piece of yellow croaker roe, and Li Dongxu washed the raw roe himself and removed the outer membrane.

While doing this step, Li Dongxu just worked silently and did not say a word.

However, Fu Yu noticed that Li Dongxu's movements when working were very detailed, which could be seen very clearly by onlookers.

In this regard, he is somewhat similar to Zhao Meng.

When Zhao Meng was instructing in cooking, because he had a bad temper, unless he would explain some particularly critical cooking tips, he would work silently, letting others observe and learn on his own.

Fu Yu was able to successfully learn some of Zhao Meng's skills at that time, mainly because of his familiar character.

If you encounter something you don’t understand, you will ask it on the spot. You won’t be upset if you are scolded. You will just smile in a good-natured manner, silently remember this mistake, and will never make it again in the future.

Li Dongxu was very similar to Zhao Meng in some aspects, and Fu Yu had this idea more than once.

Because of this indescribable feeling, he had a very good impression of Li Dongxu and felt at ease when he came into contact with him.

Fu Yu is actually very adaptable to this kind of silent cooking scene.

He has always been in this quiet atmosphere in the teaching practice classroom.

Except for the occasional explanation via electronic sound, the rest of the time was filled with human figures operating and watching.

Later, the figure also disappeared, leaving only the kitchen utensils dancing in the air. All cooking operations and details relied on his own learning and understanding.

He didn't think anything of it at the time, but now Fu Yu suddenly realized that he had developed a very good observation habit.

He is very good at catching some hidden details of others when cooking, and can even discover the other party's operating know-how.

Through these, draw inferences and integrate them into your daily cooking operations.

Li Dongxu is very good at cooking and his movements are capable and skillful.

He has a clear cooking route and organized thinking typical of a chef.

This also means that if you want to observe his cooking operations, you must pay full attention.

"Chef Li, why are you so fast when you peel off the outer membrane of raw fish roe? Every time I start to do it, the roe will slip off. This thing is so sticky that I can't hold it!

Can't the roe be fried directly? It has to be blanched, which is troublesome when fishing.

I would say steaming it is easier, then flatten it and fry it! "

Yang Ming always talks a lot, and when he watched Li Dongxu cooking, the questions came one after another.

In normal times, Li Dongxu would have reprimanded him long ago!

For these things, every time he makes this fried rice, Yang Ming has to make a noise next to him.

At the beginning, Li Dongxu also explained patiently.

However, Yang Ming didn't take it seriously at all.

This kid is quite talented in cooking. He can learn everything quickly, but he only learns a little bit and is not good at anything.

Li Dongxu has been taking Yang Ming for almost seven years, and this boy has been working as a chef for nearly three years.

As a result, it's really not that good in the kitchen.

What Li Dongxu likes is Yang Ming's eloquence and eyes. Having such a person under his command can make it easier for him to get along with other people.

However, as long as it comes to cooking, Li Dongxu can't help but hold a resentment that hates iron.

If only Yang Ming could be more serious and study cooking more carefully, his achievements would definitely be more than what he is now.

Li Dongxu rolled his eyes. When he raised his head, he did not lecture anyone. Instead, he looked at Fu Yu who was standing next to him and explained: "If you blanch the roe and then fry it, there will be no splashing. If it is steamed It is indeed more convenient, and it is especially easy to spread out when stir-frying, and there will be no sticking.

However, the taste of steamed fish roe is far inferior to that of blanched fish roe. The steamed fish roe will be dry and hard when eaten. Light blanching can make the fish roe firmer and more elastic. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Ming, frowned and guided: "If you want to quickly peel off the outer membrane of fish roe during the cleaning process, there is no special technique. The only way is to practice diligently and master the feel of skinning." , naturally practice makes perfect.

If you want to practice, take time to peel it off every day. It won't take long before you gain experience. "

This wasn't the first time he said this to Yang Ming, but the boy never took it seriously.

It is said that the master leads you in, and cultivation depends on the individual.

This is very reasonable, and the chef's cooking skills are also developed step by step in this way.

If there was really any shortcut, I would have left long ago. Why would I have to work hard for many years to accumulate this skill?

After hearing this, Fu Yu nodded, thinking that after the observation was over, he would go to the food preparation area to get two pieces of fish roe to try.

When he was in charge of Chollima's back kitchen, ingredients such as fish roe were handled by small workers, and the outer membrane was not removed during cooking. They were steamed and then stir-fried.

Li Dongxu's cooking methods are obviously more meticulous.

It's a good thing, I learned another cooking detail.

Fu Yu watched Li Dongxu cook the whole time and found that Li Dongxu's cooking skills were indeed superb.

Especially the foundation is very solid!

When he saw Li Dongxu crushing the blanched fish roe, Fu Yu was stunned by this step.

Do you need to crush the fish roe?

What you eat is not only the firm and elastic texture of fish roe, but you bite into it one by one, and you experience the taste of chewing slowly and slowly, and the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

What is the purpose of this step?

Fu Yu took a deep breath.


While watching Li Dongxu's operation, Fu Yu could only wait for a while for the fried rice to be ready. Only when he tasted it could he realize the true meaning of this operation.

Maybe it’s for the convenience of chewing?

Without any time to think, Fu Yu took advantage of Li Dongxu to crush the fish roe, quickly took the wok away and replaced it with a clean one.

Just wash the one in your hand with clean water.

By the time he finished what he was doing, Li Dongxu had finished pressing the fish roe and was cutting the side dishes.

Yang Ming looked at Li Dongxu's operation and said softly: "Chef Li, I have always suspected that you have obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Li Dongxu rolled his eyes without even raising his head: "Get out!"

Yang Ming chuckled and said, not forgetting to find outside help for himself: "Fu Chef, did you see? These green onions and carrots are all cut by craftsmen. Every time Chef Li brings them over, he has to cut them again. "

Fu Yu also discovered at this time that the side dishes Li Dongxu was cutting were all the side dishes that had been processed by the craftsmen.

The skill of the craftsman in chopping is actually quite good, and the side vegetables are chopped very finely.

While Li Dongxu was cooking, he carefully chopped all the side dishes.

With such a level of detail, even Fu Yu couldn't help but agree with Yang Ming's statement in his heart.

More or less chefs will develop some special habits at work.

For example, Fu Yu has never done any cooking work, and will strictly check the preparation of food by the workers before cooking.

It’s not exactly obsessive-compulsive disorder, but if you cook without checking carefully, you’ll feel a little uneasy for no reason.

However, Fu Yu always felt that Li Dongxu's current situation of reworking and cutting the side dishes was not that simple.

Simply stretch your neck to look more carefully.

After looking at it, I discovered that when Li Dongxu was making up the cuts, he didn't chop everything finely, but he did it selectively.

However, just by observing, you cannot directly determine your own ideas.

Fu Yu took advantage of Li Dongxu to finish cutting and put the cut side dishes on the plate for later use. Taking the opportunity of helping, he reached out and touched several side dishes.

Almost as soon as his fingers touched the ingredients, a precise dialog box prompt appeared in front of him:

[Scallions: Fresh onions picked in greenhouses, stored for one day. The cut shape is uniform...75%, and it is in the shape of 2 mm wide and 3 mm long blocks]

[Green onions: fresh green onions picked in greenhouses, stored for two days, and cut into shapes with a uniformity of 77%, into blocks of two millimeters wide and 4 millimeters long]

[The side dishes are too finely chopped. It is recommended to stir-fry for 25 seconds over medium heat to fully achieve the seasoning effect! 】

After Fu Yu saw the system prompt, he was immediately surprised!

Such a high degree of uniformity in cutting shows how exquisite Li Zongxu's knife skills are.

Besides that, what surprised him the most was finding out the reason why Li Zongxu did this.

The purpose of garnishes is not to add texture, but to season.

In other words, after cooking, these side dishes will be well integrated into the rice and fish roe, and they are chopped finely to reduce the presence of the side dishes.

Isn’t it okay to just use vegetable oil?

Fu Yu thought to himself and couldn't help but ask.

After Li Dongxu heard this, he was stunned!

His face was filled with wonder!

"Did you see it?"

Li Dongxu has been a chef for so many years and has cooked this stir-fried dish hundreds of times. This is the first time someone has asked him about the details of this step of cooking.

Even Yang Ming, who had been following him all the time, just thought it was a personal habit.

He even joked that he had obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Fu Yu's keen observation skills surprised Li Dongxu, and at the same time, he felt a burst of joy in his heart!

It was when someone discovered my cooking skills that I sighed and felt joyful about meeting a close friend!

Li Dongxu couldn't help but have a smile on his face. He didn't even notice that his heartbeat accelerated at this moment! (End of chapter)

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