Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1117 Get rewards in advance

Before meeting Fu Yu, Liu Shaoxian had explained the treatment process of medicated diet to them in detail.

Also explain the charges in advance.

Fu Yu has a special status. He is an internationally recognized outstanding herbalist of this year, and his level is very high.

If he could take the order, the skin treatment on the little girl's face would certainly not be a problem.

The business of making medicated meals is very similar to traditional Chinese medicine in some places. It also requires consultation and understanding of the customer's condition before customizing the medicated dishes.

In terms of persuading customers to follow their own arrangements, it is much more difficult for herbalists than doctors.

It is necessary to explain to customers that the preparation of medicated food is a matter of slow work and careful work. It is also necessary to explain clearly that the main characteristic of medicated food is to regulate food from the inside out.

For example, for acne on a little girl's face, we need to start with the balance of endocrine and body hormones, and carry out symptomatic conditioning and treatment step by step through medicinal diet.

Liu Shaoxian really didn't know how much Fu Yu charged for the customized medicinal diet when he was at the music restaurant.

He thought that with Fu Yu's current level, it should be fine according to his usual charging standards.

If the customer thinks the price is too high, he can bargain on the spot. If the price he asks is too high, it won't matter. If the price is too low, it will be difficult to handle.

After all, he wanted to entrust the little girl to Fu Yu to take orders, and Liu Shaoxian was very concerned about this.

With Liu Shaoxian's foreshadowing, the little girl's family were a little surprised when they saw Fu Yu. The young man in front of them turned out to be an international master of herbal medicine, but they quickly accepted it.

The customization of medicated meals went smoothly.

Fu Yu didn't even prescribe the medicated dishes or arrange a trial, so the matter was officially settled.

The girl's mother looked at Fu Yu with excitement in her eyes: "Fu Chu, thank you! Then my daughter will customize herbal meals here from now on!"

The girl's father also looked at Fu Yu and took the initiative to exchange contact information with Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, please excuse me."

As he spoke, he put his hand on his daughter's shoulders: "As you can see, my daughter is about to enter the third grade of junior high school. It is a time when she is nervous about studying. She is now unwilling to even go to school because of her skin problems.

We parents are really anxious, and her time is really wasted now. "

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, don't worry. Since we want to customize the medicated diet, let's control the inflammation first, and then adjust the endocrine and qi and blood. Once the inflammation subsides, the skin condition will also improve."

The girl's mother was so worried that she couldn't help but ask: "Fu Chu, to what extent do you think my daughter's skin can recover?"

The girl's face is now in a very serious condition. In addition to the peeling and suppuration caused by inflammation, there are also acne scars caused by random squeezing before.

Fu Yu didn't answer immediately.

In fact, this condition in girls is self-healing. The main thing is to regulate the endocrine disorders caused by puberty, eliminate inflammation, and improve skin function.

As for acne scar removal, it’s a long and drawn-out process.

There is no way to give an exact healing time.

The main thing is to combine conditioning and personal care for maintenance.

However, Fu Yu can also understand the anxiety of the girl's parents at this time.

After thinking for a while, he said: "On the outside, after the inflammation is eliminated, the effect will be more obvious, but the physical conditioning will be slower.

After all, it is a comprehensive conditioning from the inside out. In terms of physiological functions, it depends on your own recovery. I will adjust the customization of the medicinal diet at any time. "

Hearing what Fu Yu said, the girl's parents finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They had taken their children to major hospitals in the capital before.

Medicines were prescribed, and they were all taken and applied, but they only treated the symptoms and not the root cause.

It was effective at the time, but not long after I stopped taking the medicine, the acne continued to break out, and the situation became more and more serious.

After repeating it several times, the girl's emotions completely collapsed. Coupled with the sensitive psychology of adolescence, and being laughed at by her classmates, she developed a serious dislike of studying.

September will be the third year of junior high school, the most critical year in middle school. This situation at this time may affect the child's life trajectory.

In order to prevent their daughter's future from being affected, the couple now seek medical treatment in a desperate situation.

As long as their daughter's face can be cured, as long as her daughter can return to class, let alone hundreds of thousands, even one million, they will not hesitate to throw it out.

In their opinion, spending hundreds of thousands in exchange for their daughter's future is well worth the money!

Fu Yu then carefully communicated with the little girl about her dietary preferences.

He listed the medicated banquet recipe of four dishes, one soup and one staple food on the spot, and explained in detail the specific symptoms targeted by the medicated diet.

With the help of language expression and rhythm control skills, Fu Yu's introduction about the efficacy of medicinal diet made Director Guan and his family feel as if they had been brainwashed, and they were eager to obey.

The medicinal meal recipe has been customized, but I haven’t been able to start tasting it.

Therefore, Fu Yu simply explained some daily care and dietary precautions.

I have to wait until I actually take the medicated diet to give detailed instructions.

Director Guan and his family arrived in a hurry, and Fu Yu didn't even have a decent order receipt.

Finally, we made an appointment to wait until the next time we come over to formally sign the agreement on making medicated meals.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Liu Shaoxian patted Fu Yu's shoulder gratefully: "Xiao Fu, thank you for this today."

Fu Yu said with a smile: "Our relationship is beyond words just by talking about it."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, an electronic prompt sounded in his ears the next second:

【Ding! NPC National Medicinal Diet Research Association expert Liu Shaoxian’s task: Help the little girl customize the skin-conditioning medicated diet. The task has been completed, and the reward is: perfect acne treatment skills]

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows. He had already received the mission reward before he even started preparing the medicinal diet!

This is a good thing!

Fu Yu was in a good mood and said hello to the director's family, chatted with Liu Shaoxian for a few words, and then prepared to go back to work in the kitchen.

Li Dongxu came over with two bottles of wine.

It was originally intended to be given to Liu Shaoxian, but now the person taking the order for medicinal food is Fu Yu.

These two bottles of wine were a bit difficult to handle for a while.

Fortunately, when Fu Yu saw this, he immediately took the wine with a smile and handed it directly to Liu Shaoxian.

"Brother Liu, this wine is a best-seller in our store. Take it back and try it!"

Liu Shao didn't miss these two bottles of wine, but Fu Yu had already opened his mouth, so he took them with a smile.

Li Dongxu and Director Guan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Things have been delivered and medicinal meals have been ordered.

Fu Yu said a few polite words to everyone present, got up and went back to the stall.

He studied here, and now he is still focused on work.

Director Guan and his family hosted a banquet for Liu Shaoxian. Before the meal was finished, they continued to eat, drink and talk.

Li Dongxu also returned to the stall, amazed in his heart, but he did not mention this matter in front of everyone in the kitchen.

As for the matter of receiving medicinal meals privately, I will find an opportunity to report it to my boss Liu Yongping later.

After all, you have to purchase ingredients from the store.

And it's not easy to publicize this matter everywhere. Fu Yu came here to study, not to make extra money to start a business. Naturally, he wouldn't cause trouble for Fu Yu.

The little girl's situation is naturally that the sooner she takes the medicinal diet, the better. However, neither the ingredients nor the medicinal materials have been purchased at the moment, so it must be arranged tomorrow at the earliest.

As a result, Fu Yu received a call from the little girl's father that night.

The little girl's grandmother passed away suddenly, and the family had to rush out of town to attend the funeral.

The matter of medicinal diet had to be postponed, and it would take half a month at the earliest to return to the capital.

There is nothing we can do about this.

Fu Yu politely said a few words of comfort, and also gave some instructions about personal cleanliness.

The girl's father thanked her again and again before hanging up the phone.

Since customers can't come over to eat medicinal meals as promised, there's no rush to buy ingredients and medicinal materials.

Fu Yu first told the truth to Li Dongxu, and then contacted Liu Shaoxian.

The girl's father said he would try to come back as soon as possible.

But the funeral is held in another place, so it will take more than half a month or a month to talk about it.

The time at the activity center was postponed, and just as everyone expected, the number of customers who came to the stall to dine at night was reduced by almost half.

Usually we can only eat at eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Today, just after seven o'clock, everyone has already started to take turns to rest.

Fuchengchun is different from Qianlima. When the staff meals are ready, the chef and his assistant cook go to eat first, followed by the chef in charge and the waiters.

Now there is only one chef at the stall, Li Dongxu, so Li Dongxu and Yang Ming go first to eat, followed by Fu Yu and Wang Haiwei.

Fu Yu still had an unfinished order in his hand, and the ingredients were put on the steamer. Fu Yu was about to take advantage of this time to send a message to Liu Yuqing, when Li Dongxu suddenly left and returned, bringing Fu Yu a plate of fried fish fillets.

This thing has to be eaten while it’s hot, as it will become fishy when it’s cold.

"Xiao Fu, thank you for what happened today!" Li Dongxu was referring to the discount given by Fu Yu and the two bottles of wine given away.

Fu Yu accepted this kindness.

Li Dongxu left after delivering the food.

Fu Yu didn't eat alone, so he called Yang Zhichao, and the two of them shared a small plate of fried fish fillets.

Yang Zhichao was very touched. He didn't expect that Fu Yu could still think about himself since he had something to eat.

He wiped his mouth with a tissue and asked Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, your cooking skills are so good, why don't you come to work in the capital?"

With Fu Yu's strength, he will definitely receive particularly good treatment in the capital.

Fu Yu couldn't help but smile.

If it weren't for Zhao Meng's care, he might not even be able to stay in Qianlima.

"Because my level was not good enough before, I didn't dare to leave my hometown easily to seek development." Fu Yu spoke from his heart.

"How many years have you worked at Fuchengchun?" Fu Yu looked at Yang Zhichao.

Yang Zhichao was only in his early twenties, and his face looked small.

"I'm 24 years old. I've been working in the kitchen for two and a half years. Now that you're here, I mentioned the position of assistant cook. I've been cutting meat before."

His tone sounded extremely happy.

Li Dongxu, who had just gone to eat, answered a phone call, so he hurriedly put the leftover rice in the bowl into his mouth, puffed out his cheeks and chewed quickly. He wiped his mouth with a tissue and rushed to the entrance of the food area.

Soon, he picked up a young man who was supporting a haggard-looking girl and carrying a large backpack in his hand.

"You must be Brother Li!"

Li Dongxu reached out to help carry his backpack, but the young man quickly declined politely: "No, I'll do it. All the equipment here is very heavy!"

Seeing that he still had to support the girl, Li Dongxu insisted on taking the backpack, which was indeed heavy.

The young man said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Li, my name is Ren Chuanzhou, you can just call me Xiao Ren. She is my girlfriend, Xu Xintong."

Li Dongxu nodded and looked at Xu Xintong: "What's going on? Are you okay?"

Ren Chuanzhou said embarrassedly: "Xintong is pregnant. She has been busy with activities and presentations today, and she didn't have time to eat. She must be a little hypoglycemic. She is in a special situation now and dare not buy anything from the food stall. That’s when I contacted Uncle Liu.”

Ren Chuanzhou is the son of Liu Yongping's friend. He accompanied his wife to participate in the science and technology exhibition today. Unexpectedly, the meal time was postponed due to the postponement of the event.

His wife had a severe reaction during pregnancy and suffered from symptoms of hypoglycemia. Whenever she was very hungry, she would feel weak and dizzy, and she had to eat immediately.

There is a food area here at the Science and Technology Exhibition, but at first glance they are all food stalls such as spicy hotpot and cold pot skewers.

Don't dare to give such things to pregnant women.

In a hurry, Ren Chuanzhou originally wanted to call his family to pick him up, but the old man was more anxious than he was and directly contacted Liu Yongping, the boss of Fuchengchun who had set up a stall at the science and technology exhibition.

Ask the other party to help take care of his son and daughter-in-law.

When Liu Yongping received the call, he immediately contacted Li Dongxu and asked him to entertain the young couple.

This is Ren Chuanzhou Taibao's own daughter-in-law. He is also the only child in the family. Now that there is a next generation, the elders are eagerly looking forward to it.

The family regards their pregnant daughter-in-law as the apple of their eye and are afraid of bumping into her.

Li Xintong's life at her husband's house was that if she wanted to eat something in the middle of the night, her family would have to prepare it overnight for fear of starving the pregnant woman and affecting the health of the baby in her belly.

Li Dongxu received Liu Yongping's instructions and hurried over to pick him up, his attitude was quite considerate.

Take the person to the dining area and ask the waiter to bring him a bowl of stomach-warming red date water.

I explained to the young couple, carefully asked the pregnant woman what she wanted to eat, wrote it down carefully, and then hurried to the kitchen to prepare the food.

Although it was a bit rushed, the reception ceremony that should be done still had to be done.

The dishes must be cooked according to the small table noodles, and the condition of the pregnant woman must be taken into consideration when selecting and arranging the dishes.

Li Dongxu's hurried appearance aroused the curiosity of people around him.

Yang Ming came back from dinner and was about to replace Fu Yu for dinner. Seeing Li Dongxu's expression, he couldn't help but ask: "Chef Li, what's wrong?"

Li Dongxu briefly explained the matter, quickly listed a few dishes, and then ordered the waiters to prepare the dishes.

When Yang Ming heard the arrangement of the dishes, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Chef Li, you want to make fish roe fried rice? Hey! Then I have to follow and observe, this is a rare learning opportunity!"

Fu Yu was about to leave. When he heard this, he paused and turned to look at Li Dongxu.

Just listen to Yang Ming actively say: "Let me help with the cooking!" (End of Chapter)

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