Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1116 Another perfect skill

After hearing Liu Shaoxian's words, Fu Yu couldn't help but smile and asked: "Brother Liu, are you at the Capital Science and Technology Exhibition Center now?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Shaoxian was stunned!

"Yes, how did you know? You're not here, are you?"

Fu Yu smiled and told about his further studies at Fucheng Chun stall.

Liu Shaoxian immediately said happily: "What a coincidence! I'm eating in the dining area, wait a minute! The dishes on this table are from Fucheng Chun stall, right? Xiao Fu, is it convenient for you to come over now? We are right here !”

Fu Yu responded readily: "Okay, but I'm busy here. Let's meet and chat later."

Hearing Fu Yu's words, Liu Shaoxian almost laughed out loud.

He quickly responded: "Okay, thank you very much, Xiao Fu, I'm going to cause you trouble again this time."

Liu Shao hung up the phone first and said to the girl and her family: "You are so lucky. The herbalist I am looking for happened to be training at Fucheng Chun stall today! He promised to come over and help after he finishes his work in a while. Take a look."

When the girl's parents heard this, they were very happy!

What happened today was such a coincidence. I didn't expect to book a table at the activity center for convenience, but it turned out that the herbal chef I was looking for happened to work at the food ordering stall.

The couple couldn't help but look at Director Guan with joy and gratitude.

Director Guan was particularly useful. Although this incident was purely coincidental, if he hadn't helped Zhang Luo book the table, such a thing would not have happened.

I couldn't help but be a little more grateful to Li Dongxu.

Liu Shaoxian was also very happy.

Fu Yu came to the capital, and he contacted him so smoothly, and now he also knew where Fu Yu usually worked. This was a good thing for Liu Shaoxian.

Liu Shaoxian is an expert at the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. He usually leads a research team and is busy studying topics related to medicated diet every day, all for the development of the association.

Of course, there is also Liu Shaoxian's selfishness, especially in the field of medicinal diet. He really doesn't make much money in the association.

They rely on taking private jobs outside and receiving subsidies and bonuses from participating in various activities.

But when Liu Shaoxian was at this stage, he actually looked down upon ordinary private medicinal diet customization like this.

Money aside, as long as there are people following you, you have to work hard and be more attentive and careful than treating ordinary customers.

To be honest, he didn't value the small money given by customers like this at all.

His customers are all high-end people, and those who take orders personally are typical human relationships.

According to a friend, he picked it up if he thought it suited his eyes and the price was right. Usually he would just push it out if he was too lazy to take it.

Colleagues in the circle can earn money by receiving recommended orders, and they can also share work for him and receive this favor from him.

Liu Shaoxian was willing to stay in the association mainly to obtain resources. He had his own activity group in the association, of which he was the leader. He trained the entire group with his own hands, just to facilitate research on topics related to medicinal diet.

Make the promotion of medicated diet into a more systematic and detailed plan.

Liu Shaoxian originally invited Fu Yu to serve as a consultant for the activity group because he wanted to see what kind of impact Fu Yu could have on the topic of medicated diet.

At his current status, money is not the most important thing to him.

Liu Shaoxian's most important thing has long been his connections and resources.

Now that Fu Yu has arrived in the capital, the two will be able to meet immediately.

With this contact, there will be more opportunities for contact in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Shaoxian felt a little more hopeful!

Here, Fu Yu hung up the phone and directly told Li Dongxu about Liu Shaoxian asking him for help.

He knew that Li Dongxu probably heard about it just now.

The kitchen environment is noisy, and the volume of the mobile phone receiver is always turned to the maximum.

As long as the people around you are closer, the effect is no different from hands-free.

Li Dongxu was shocked!

Director Guan just said it himself that his wife had relied on a lot of connections to contact this expert from the National Medicinal Diet Research Association to treat her niece's skin disease.

That is a national-level medicinal diet expert!

It is possible for such a big shot to personally call and ask for help in treating his illness.

Is Fu Yu's medicated diet so effective?

You can’t blame Li Dongxu for using bean buns instead of dry food.

Mainly, every other line is like a mountain.

Although the name is called medicated diet, the word "diet therapy" is attached to it.

But in fact, there is a big difference between medicated diet and red case cooking.

Completely two industries!

Fu Yu didn't hide it, and simply talked about his relationship with Liu Shaoxian.

When Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu again, his eyes looked different!

This guy is actually a special consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association.

Moreover, he was kindly invited to join the meeting by this herbal diet expert who was said to be very famous in the herbal diet circle.

You know, this is a national-level association!

Li Dongxu has been in the food circle for so many years, but he has never had the opportunity to join the National Food Association.

The highest title he holds is a member of the Provincial Food Association.

There is really no comparison between people!

After Fu Yu finished explaining to Li Dongxu and waited for the dishes on hand to be cooked, he went to the dining area.

Li Dongxu couldn't hide his curiosity, so he quickly explained the matter at hand to the chef, found two bottles of good wine himself, and followed him.

Director Guan and his family were quite surprised when they saw Fu Yu, but they kept it on their faces and did not show it.

Fu Yu's attitude was very indifferent. He knew that Liu Shaoxian would have made an explanation in advance.

When Liu Shaoxian saw Fu Yu, he suddenly had a happy expression on his face and shook hands with Fu Yu enthusiastically. His attitude was completely like a happy meeting between old friends.

The two chatted warmly for a few words and greeted each other, and then Liu Shaoxian introduced Fu Yu.

After Fu Yu and Director Guan's family got to know each other, he truthfully explained the girl's previous medical records, as well as his own diagnosis results and ideas for customizing herbal meals.

Now that he knew that the customer was a young girl, Fu Yu was not polite and sat directly in the seat specially given by Liu Shaoxian.

He carefully checked the little girl's condition, referred to the hospital's medical records, and followed Liu Shaoxian's advice on treatment.

By the time he finished communicating with the little girl, Fu Yu had a comprehensive understanding of her situation and knew what was going on.

Fu Yu is very experienced in treating acne inflammation.

The small customer introduced by Zhang Zhen previously ordered four courses of medicinal diet from Fu Yu.

While Fu Yu was cooking for the other party, he was researching cooking-related medicinal foods, and slowly accumulated some relevant experience.

Seeing Fu Yu finish communicating, Liu Shaoxian asked: "How is Xiao Fu? Can she have a customized medicated diet for her skin problem?"

Fu Yu was about to speak when he suddenly heard an electronic beep ringing in his ear:

【Ding! NPC National Medicinal Diet Research Association expert Liu Shaoxian’s task: Help the little girl customize the skin-conditioning medicated diet. The reward for completing the task: perfect acne treatment skills]

Listen clearly to the task content issued by the system.

Fu Yu was slightly shocked!

It turns out that just by customizing a medicinal diet course, you can get a perfect skill reward!

You must know that acne is a type of beauty project that has a very wide audience, and it is easy to make money.

It is said that children earn money easily. Children who are in adolescence are not only very concerned about their skin and beauty, but also their elders in the family.

For children with hormonal disorders in adolescence, facial acne has always been a big problem!

Moreover, this kind of skin disease is very stubborn and prone to scarring. The treatment and treatment of this stubborn disease is actually a big problem in the beauty medical circle!

Given such a task, Fu Yu chose to accept it without any hesitation.

After all, system mission rewards like this are rare!

Fu Yu looked at Liu Shaoxian and couldn't help but smile.

You’ve already received the mission, how can you not help customize the medicinal diet?

What's more, the rewards are so generous, so Fu Yu is naturally reluctant to refuse!

"Well, there's no problem with customizing herbal meals, but I currently study at the stalls in the activity center. If you want to customize herbal meals here, you may need to come over to dine at the agreed time.

As for the specific time arrangement, it must be coordinated with the working hours of our stall, and it needs approval from the person in charge of the kitchen, Chef Li. "

Fu Yu's words seemed to be very pragmatic and he followed the store's rules and regulations step by step, but in fact, he was also giving Li Dongxu some face.

When Li Dongxu heard this, how could he not understand what Fu Yu meant?

While I felt relieved, I also felt a little better about Yu.

Li Dongxu took two bottles of good wine and handed them to Director Guan warmly, and said with a smile: "It's easy to say, since they are the old manager's family, they are one of their own. You can arrange the customization time of the medicinal diet.

I have the green light here to focus on treating children. You can do whatever is convenient for you.

The stalls in the store should be set up here for nearly three months. During this time, you can just come here.

After the event is over, we will make a reservation and see if we go to the store or what. "

The girl's parents were naturally eager to hear this, and they all turned to look at Director Guan.

Li Dongxu is Director Guan's friend, and the two have a close friendship.

Director Guan was stared at expectantly by his uncle and his wife, and he hurriedly said: "Okay, let's put it together here. When the time comes, we will communicate again."

Li Dongxu said cheerfully: "No problem, we are all our own people, everything is easy to discuss!"

We haven't even tried the medicated meal yet, but we have already discussed the reservation of the medicated meal banquet.

Fu Yu knew that Director Guan and his family could trust him without hesitation, all because of Liu Shaoxian's face.

After all, it can be recommended by a herbal diet expert like Liu Shaoxian, which shows its strength.

The two parties quickly agreed on a time to come to the stall to eat herbal meals.

Before that, regarding the price of customized medicinal meals, Fu Yu originally planned to follow the charging standards of the music restaurant. In this way, it would be convenient to charge a unified fee when customers come to his door in the future.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shaoxian said directly: "Xiao Fu, I am very close to this family, and Director Guan is friends with you, Chef Li. For this reason, I shamelessly helped them negotiate a preferential price." .

If you look at the normal charge for a course of treatment, it should be 500,000. Can it be cheaper for them?

It doesn’t take much, I know that this medicated diet is not like others, there are medicinal materials and ingredients, as well as labor costs.

Do you think it would be okay to give me a 10% discount? "

Fu Yu didn't answer immediately, he took a deep breath without any trace!

Good guy!

This is the starting price, which has doubled!

Fu Yu responded very quickly, his face was still very calm, but his attitude was very cheerful when he replied: "In this case, I must take care of it, but there are rules in the industry. I have many regular customers who customize herbal meals, and I have never had any discounts before. preferential situation.

So I hope you won’t spread the word about today’s matter, otherwise it will be difficult for me to handle it in the future. "

When the girl's parents heard this, they immediately looked grateful, and repeatedly stated that they would never tell anyone about it, and thanked Fu Yu repeatedly.

Fu Yu looked at the scene in front of him and almost lost his expression.

Is this the difference in consumption between the capital and Bei'an?

Spending hundreds of thousands casually and not taking it seriously?

Among the people present, the only one who was not calm was Li Dongxu.

He looked at Fu Yu in disbelief, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

The people who used to stay by his side, although excellent, were just considered to be gifted, suddenly stood up and distanced themselves from the people around them!

A course of medicated diet treatment costs 500,000 yuan!

Why don't you go grab it on the street?

What medicinal materials are so expensive?

It costs so much to treat a few acne!

Go crazy!

But unfortunately, one dares to ask for it and the other dares to give it.

The girl's parents transferred 200,000 yuan to Fu Yu on the spot, which was a deposit. When they came to take the medicinal diet, they would pay all the fees at once.

Take people's money and eliminate disasters with them.

Fu Yu still has very professional ethics.

He looked at Liu Shaoxian and asked: "Brother Liu, I'm new here. I'm not familiar with anything. If I want to cook medicinal food, I need to buy medicinal materials. Chef Li can help with the ingredients, but do you know anyone who knows the medicinal materials?" Supplier?”

Liu Shaoxian heard this and said hurriedly: "Yes, I will give you the contact information later. This is a very famous time-honored pharmacy in the capital. The medicinal materials are of high quality and quantity, and the goods are very complete."

Li Dongxu also responded: "There is no problem with the ingredients. If you need anything, just make a list and hand it over to the purchaser together with the kitchen supplies for the day."

After everything was arranged, Fu Yu said to the girl: "Currently, your skin appears to be severely inflamed. I am going to treat you from the inside out.

You can eat the medicinal diet I made with peace of mind. I dare not say anything else. I can guarantee that after the treatment, in addition to improving your skin condition, your complexion and overall energy and energy will be adjusted.

In addition to appearance, demeanor and temperament are also very important to a person's appearance.

At that time, I will also prepare a symptomatic medicated facial mask for you, which can be taken internally and externally at the same time. "

Hearing Fu Yu say this, the girl's family was obviously relieved. (End of chapter)

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