Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1115 Hidden Boss

After everyone in the kitchen took a short rest, they started preparing food again.

Today's exhibition time in the activity center has been postponed, but the end time in the evening has not been changed.

This will reduce the number of customers dining in the food area.

With this in mind, chefs reduce the amount of food they prepare.

The workload of the workers was also reduced, and everyone was happy.

Fu Yu replenished all the seasonings on his kitchen table and placed the cleaned kitchen utensils within easy reach.

While he was busy, the waiter's voice came from the door saying hello.

The deputy director of the activity center came over again and asked Li Dongxu for help.

"Lao Li, I'm going to book a table at your place for the evening. The dishes at noon are good for me, but there are not many people coming in the evening, so I don't need such a big table. There are five people in total. Order ten Just one dish is enough.”

Li Dongxu nodded and said, "Okay, no problem. Then we'll take it as lunch. If you like whatever dish you like, you can just keep it."

Director Guan smiled and said, "Okay, the lunch dishes were all good to me. Just order them as soon as you see them. By the way, don't you have a dessert here? It's the one with eggs and bean paste. It's quite sweet!"

Li Dongxu understood it immediately and asked: "Snow-clothed bean paste, right? It's a thick bean paste filling, with egg paste on the outside and a layer of sugar sprinkled on top."

The director was delighted: "Yes, this is the dish. If you add this, the little girl will definitely be willing to eat it!"

Li Dongxu was stunned: "Why, your sister-in-law and Lele are coming over for dinner?"

Director Guan explained: "No, your sister-in-law's eldest brother's child is in the second grade of junior high school this year. Maybe he has a lot of pimples on his face because of too much study pressure. Isn't this adolescence? He was laughed at by his classmates and made trouble. Reluctant to go to school.

The family had no choice but to go around trying to treat the skin, but the results were not satisfactory.

Your sister-in-law heard that herbal medicine is very effective, so she specially invited a herbal medicine expert to have dinner with her tonight, thinking of treating her niece's face. "

So that's it.

Li Dongxu nodded: "Okay, since we are members of our own family, I will arrange the dishes for the banquet."

The director's wife has a deep relationship with her eldest brother, and she is usually very concerned about her niece's affairs.

Today I specially made an appointment with a herbal diet expert to come for dinner. The table must be well prepared. This is considered a family matter, and Li Dongxu also paid great attention to it.

The evening rest time at the activity center has been extended. At 5:30 in the evening, there are no customers in the dining area yet.

The director made an appointment to come over for dinner at 6pm, so the kitchen started preparing half an hour in advance.

Li Dongxu laid out the dishes for the banquet. Except for the two special dishes that he was personally cooking, the other dishes were directly assigned to Yang Ming and Wang Haiwei.

Fu Yu now began to take orders independently, and Li Dongxu also assigned him a dish.

Several people prepare dishes at the same time, and the work efficiency is extremely high.

During the chat, I heard that this table was used by the director to entertain guests. Yang Ming asked casually: "Are you entertaining people from the scientific research company again?"

Li Dongxu shook his head: "No, I invited a medicinal diet expert to come over for dinner. His niece wants to take care of her skin."

It turned out that his family was dining and entertaining guests, so no wonder he directly asked Li Dongxu to help prepare the table.

Director Guan and his team came over for dinner at six o'clock in the evening. Li Dongxu personally went to the dining area to greet Director Guan and his family.

During this encounter, Li Dongxu was the first to notice the girl sitting next to his parents.

The girl was originally wearing a mask, but she had taken it off at the persuasion of her parents. She was facing the medicated diet expert at the banquet, who was checking on her symptoms.

I heard from the director of management before that Li Dongxu only thought that it would be a baby girl in adolescence, but he didn't expect that the girl's skin condition was a bit beyond imagination.

My face and forehead are both fine. Although my skin is not fair, it is smooth at least. Only my nose and chin are densely covered with pimples, and many acnes have begun to appear, white and yellow.

Especially on the sides of the nose, it may be severe peeling caused by frequent acne squeezing. It looks lumpy and cannot be looked at carefully. If you look at it too much, you will feel a little nauseous.

When Li Dongxu came over, the medicinal diet experts had already communicated with him.

After saying hello, the medicinal diet expert said to the girl's parents: "The child has a skin infection, causing folliculitis, boils, and I see some symptoms of cellulitis."

The girl's mother hurriedly said: "Yes, I went to the hospital before and they said the same thing. If she takes medicinal food to treat her condition, will it be effective?"

The medicated diet expert nodded: "It will be effective, but medicated diet is a dietary therapy, and it is definitely not as effective as direct medication in the hospital.

Especially this kind of skin inflammation is usually caused by endocrine disorders or loss of Qi and blood. It is necessary to regulate the physical disease first to cure the skin symptoms.

Medicinal food to treat skin diseases mainly takes into account both the symptoms and the symptoms. It is a long-term treatment method and pays attention to nourishing the inside and the outside. "

When it comes to treatment, medicinal and dietary experts talk a lot.

Li Dongxu greeted the director and went back to the stall.

An explanation about medicinal dietary treatment came from behind. He was a chef and was an outsider in this area, but it sounded somewhat reasonable.

After returning to the kitchen, Li Dongxu asked the waiter to serve each of the store's special dishes to the dining area.

Fucheng Chun has many side dishes made with fish and shrimp, which are very unique and worth trying.

While he was making arrangements, the director came over with a relaxed look on his face. There should be hope for treatment.

"Lao Li, have you prepared wine here? Give me two bottles of something better to give to others later."

The younger niece has hope for treatment for her skin disease, but the eldest brother and his wife came in a hurry and did not prepare a thank you gift.

Li Dongxu nodded: "Okay, I have some good wine and I will send it to you later."

After saying that, he asked with concern: "How's it going? Can your little niece's face be cured?"

Director Guan said: "There should be no problem this time. Medicinal food experts say that it is due to endocrine disorders caused by too much psychological pressure, and the acne is located in the triangle area, which is often squeezed and causes serious infection.

If you want to take care of yourself, you have to customize a medicated diet course, but he is too busy at work and has no time to help make medicated diet for a long time.

Now a very excellent young herbalist has been recommended to us. I heard that he is also in the capital, but I don’t know if we can make an appointment. "

Li Dongxu comforted him: "At least there is hope. I will take care of the wine. I will ask the waiter to deliver it to you immediately."

Director Guan smiled gratefully and turned back to the dining area.

When Li Dongxu returned to the kitchen, he first told the assistant chef Lin Shenshi that when he was about to go to the warehouse to get wine, he passed by Yang Ming's kitchen counter.

Yang Ming suddenly asked: "Chef Li, how is the meal at Director Guan's side? Is his niece's face okay?"

Li Dongxu said: "While we were eating, we invited a herbal and dietary expert to examine her. There was nothing wrong with the little girl's face. The key was her nose. Oops, it looked like it was almost rotten. Her chin was also very serious.

However, the herbal diet expert seems to be studying some topic now and has no time to cook herbal diet. He said that there is a pretty good herbal dietitian who happened to be studying here in the capital, and he promised to help contact him. "

Li Dongxu was talking when he noticed the pimple on the tip of Yang Ming's nose and quickly reminded him: "Xiao Yang, don't squeeze the pimple on your nose!"

Yang Ming was stunned: "What's going on? I think this pimple is about to show up, and I'm planning on squeezing it out at night, otherwise it will be too ugly with a red nose!"

Li Dongxu hurriedly said: "Don't crowd. I'm telling you, be as ugly as possible. Don't get infected again!"

Yang Ming obviously didn't take this seriously, and said with a smile: "It's okay. I've been squeezed so many times since I was a kid. As long as I get the upper hand, I can squeeze. Otherwise, I have to push for more than ten days. It's okay if I squeeze. quick!"

Fu Yu was waiting for the oil in the pot to heat up. When he heard their conversation, he couldn't help but said: "Chef Yang, you have to listen to Chef Li on this matter. You really can't squeeze your pimple if it grows in the triangle area. It's particularly susceptible to infection. If it’s serious, it can lead to intracranial infection, which is no joke.”

Yang Ming was a little surprised: "Real or false, so exaggerated?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Really, the triangle area is close to the key parts of the brain. If the skin infection develops further, it can easily cause blood clots, thereby increasing the possibility of stroke and death.

And it’s not just the triangle area. Try not to crowd the pimples on your face. Pay attention to your daily diet, keep your face clean, and it will get better gradually. "

Fu Yu said, stretching his head to look at the pimple on Yang Ming's nose: "Your condition is not serious, but it has popped up. Just let it go away on its own."

Yang Ming was a little confused!

Depend on!

So professional!

Although the meaning was similar to what Li Dongxu said, when Fu Yu said this, he suddenly felt that the pimples on his face meant that he should not squeeze them casually, just let them fend for themselves!

It's better to be ugly than to have a stroke!

As Fu Yu spoke, he focused all his attention on the oil pan. Seeing that the oil temperature had reached the standard, he immediately put the ingredients into the pan quickly and began to stir-fry.

Li Dongxu stretched out his hand and pointed at Yang Ming: "Did you hear that? Do you dare to squeeze in the future?"

Yang Ming shook his head: "Well, no more crowding!"

Li Dongxu was about to make a joke when he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing.

It was on the shelf with dishes next to Fu Yu's kitchen counter.

Li Dongxu stepped forward, picked up the phone, turned to look at Fu Yu, and reminded: "Xiao Fu, is your phone ringing?"

Fu Yu just took some time out of his busy schedule to reply to a message from Liu Yuqing and casually put his phone on the shelf.

"Yes, it's my cell phone!"

Fu Yu also heard his cell phone ringing. He turned around, but his hands were busy shaking the spoon.

Li Dongxu saw that Fu Yu was busy, so he helped pick up the phone.

The name marked on the caller ID is Brother Liu.

Li Dongxu glanced at it and asked, "Brother Liu is calling. Do you want to answer the call?"

When Fu Yu heard that it was Liu Shaoxian who called, he was surprised and nodded quickly: "Answer!"

He was shaking the spoon in a hurry, unable to free his hands for a moment.

Li Dongxu saw it, so he helped answer the call and raised the phone to Fu Yu's ear.

Fu Yu heard Liu Shaoxian's voice coming from the microphone and responded first: "Brother Liu!"

Then he smiled gratefully at Li Dongxu.

Li Dongxu motioned to him to keep an eye on the ordering pot, and he helped hold up his mobile phone to coordinate with Fu Yu's movements.

Liu Shaoxian's voice came from the microphone: "Xiao Fu, are you busy?"

Fu Yu responded: "Brother Liu, do you have a problem with me?"

When Liu Shaoxian heard that the background sound from Fu Yu's side was particularly noisy, he knew that the other party should be busy, so he said directly: "That's it, Xiao Fu, are you coming to the capital now? I just contacted Chef Yao, and he said Have you come to the capital to further your studies?”

Fu Yu said: "Yes, I came to the capital at the beginning of the month and have already started studying."

When Liu Shaoxian heard this, he immediately became happy: "That's great! We are so close this time. I have been looking forward to meeting you and having a good chat. Even if you don't come to the capital this time, I also want to go to Bei'an to find you!

So what? I'm looking for you today because I have something I want to discuss with you.

I have a friend here. A little girl in his family has acne, which is concentrated in the triangle area. Now the infection is serious after squeezing. Now he wants to customize a medicinal diet to condition the skin.

However, the customized medicated diet will definitely not be effective in the short term. The research project of my activity group is in progress and I don’t have time to customize the medicated diet for her.

I just wanted to ask if you have time, could you help me take a look? "

When Fu Yu heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

He subconsciously glanced at Li Dongxu, who was standing beside him and helping to hold up his mobile phone.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Could it be that the person the director specially invited to the banquet was Liu Shaoxian?

Liu Shaoxian kept in touch with Fu Yu. Although it was not frequent, he would send messages and greetings every year and festival.

This time, participating in the International Medicinal Diet Exchange Conference has narrowed the distance between the two.

Due to the fact that he was going to the capital for further study, his schedule was suddenly postponed temporarily, and he really didn't have time to explain to Liu Shaoxian.

Liu Shaoxian never thought about whether Fu Yu could cure it. In his eyes, Fu Yu's current medicated cooking level has reached the level of the International Outstanding Herbalist of the Year. There is no doubt about his ability.

The key to this matter is whether Fu Yu is willing to take it.

Therefore, Liu Shao first contacted Fu Yu with the attitude of asking for help, and his attitude was very low.

He really hoped that Fu Yu would agree to take a look at it and customize a medicinal diet course.

When Liu Shao saw that Fu Yu didn't respond immediately, he felt worried and hurriedly interceded: "Xiao Fu, you don't know, this child is quite pitiful. The little girl has just entered the second grade of junior high school, which is when she starts to get nervous in her studies. I usually have pretty good grades, but because of acne on my face, I was discriminated against and verbally bullied by my classmates. Now I don’t dare to go to school.

The child's parents were so anxious that they found a friend of mine and got in touch.

I really can't spare any time now. I really have no choice. Then I thought of you. Just think of it as doing me a favor and treat this child, okay? "

What Liu Shaoxian said was so sincere.

Moreover, his posture was so low that if others heard it, they would definitely be stunned.

After all, Liu Shaoxian and Expert Liu are members of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association and a specially appointed expert!

It is really rare to see someone with such an attitude when asking for help! (End of chapter)

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