Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1114 Eight Basic Skills of Cooking

In front of the kitchen counter, the feeling of shock that comes with watching is not uncommon.

At this moment, Li Dongxu completely understood!

Why did Fu Yu choose to cook dry stir-fry and stir-fried dishes at the same time!

This is clearly a necessity for precise control of cooking time.

Li Dongxu sighed in his heart, watching Fu Yu cook two dishes at the same time with ease.

If you can master this time allocation skill, you can even improve the cooking and serving time by nearly half!

In this case

The serving rate of customers dining in the store is really getting higher and higher.

Li Dongxu calmed down his emotions silently. Fu Yu's cooking operation was so skillful that he seemed to have ignored it. This was originally a cooking operation with a very high failure rate!

He clearly wanted to dissuade him before, but now after observing it, he has completely forgotten his original intention!

Fu Yu, Fu Yu!

How powerful is your kid?

Li Dongxu was shocked!

On this side, Fu Yu put the salmon pieces into the fried oil pan and continued to stir-fry. On the other side, he heated the pan and fried the meat in cold oil.

Quickly stir-fry the salmon pieces with a spatula. As soon as the salmon pieces are turned over, they immediately transfer to another stove to stir-fry.

If you want to stir-fry meat with a tender texture, you cannot stir-fry it over low heat. This will cause the meat to lose a lot of water and taste dull and stale.

It must be fried over high heat to lock in the moisture in the meat and make it more tender.

There is a moment of pause when shaking the spoon. Generally, chefs will use this gap to rest their wrists, pause for a while, and then continue to shake the spoon.

And Fu Yu made the most of this moment of pause.

From the time he started cooking until now, Fu Yu has focused all his attention on the cooking operation.

He has to take into account all the operational details according to the cooking time between the two dishes.

Therefore, the ability to control time must be maximized. At the same time, the ability to control heat and the degree of cooking of ingredients are also important!

At this moment, affected by Li Dongxu's emotions, Yang Zhichao, who was standing nearby helping the cook, unconsciously stepped back half a step and stared at Fu Yu's cooking operations, not daring to vent his anger!

His heart was beating very fast now. Although he was just a tomboy, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous!

The main reason is that Li Dongxu is watching here. Although he is an assistant, he is still worried that Fu Yu will not perform well.

Obviously, what Yang Ming said just now affected him and he felt very unsure!

After all, no matter how powerful Fu Yu is, he is just a person who comes to the store to study.

If he was really so powerful and invincible, there would be no point in further training.

Fu Yu opened his arms from left to right, and the green lines and dialog boxes in his eyes gradually became clearer from the original messy prompts. He could accurately ignore the useless information and quickly extract the content he needed!


Yang Zhichao on the side handed it over instantly.

Fu Yu moved quickly to load the plate, and he played the load very quickly!

Almost as soon as the dish is put on the plate, the placement of the ingredients has already been adjusted.

After finishing the plating of one dish here, the final seasoning of the dish in another pot is quickly done.

The two dishes were cooked one after the other, and the time difference was carefully set. Now when they are cooked, the order of presentation is just reserved.

In the time it originally took to cook one dish, Fu Yu successfully completed two dishes, taking back the previously extended serving time.

Now you can continue to take orders step by step.

It was actually completed.

Li Dongxu watched from beginning to end. At this time, he couldn't help but praise: "Xiao Fu, how can you control the time of cooking operations so well?"

Fu Yu smiled lightly: "Jicao."

After Li Dongxu heard this, he was speechless. After a long while, he shook his head: "This kid"

The cooked dishes were delivered to the dining area by the waiter.

Yang Ming took advantage of the waiter to come over to serve the food and specifically asked about the dining situation of several leaders in the activity center.

The waiter said truthfully: "You should be quite satisfied with the meal. There are not many dishes left. Now we are toasting each other. It looks like the dinner is about to break up."

Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief, that's good.

When he was almost done with the work at hand, Yang Ming took a break and walked over to Fu Yu's kitchen counter. He said with a smile: "Xiao Fu, the customers were very satisfied with the yusheng made just now. You are so awesome!"

And I see, you are cooking dry stir-fry and stir-fry at the same time, right?

This is not easy. You have to practice seriously for a long time, otherwise you will definitely not reach this level. "

Fu Yu smiled modestly: "It's nothing, the main thing is to lay a solid foundation, all basic skills!"

Yang Ming: "."

The science and technology exhibition started at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the number of customers at the food stalls gradually decreased.

Several leaders in the activity center were very satisfied with the banquet at noon, and specially sent people over to express their gratitude to Fucheng Chun stall.

Everyone in the kitchen was very happy.

If you can get the thanks from the leaders of the activity center, your future work will progress more smoothly.

This is a good thing!

However, while everyone was happy, they also realized that Fu Yu also had a share of the credit for all this.

If Fu Yu hadn't taken the initiative to take over the cooking, it's hard to say what the attitude of the leaders of the activity center would have been in the end.

After all the orders were completed, everyone in the back kitchen took the time to cook the staff meal. The front office staff took the meal and went to the dining area to eat, while the back kitchen staff gathered together, each sitting on a low stool and leaning against the kitchen counter to eat.

Yang Ming took a seat for Fu Yu and called him to his side. He picked up the sweet and sour fish fillet made by himself and motioned to Fu Yu to take more.

When Fu Yu ate it, he couldn't help but said, "How is it? Does it taste good?"

Fu Yu nodded: "It's delicious, the sauce is evenly coated."

Yang Ming laughed when he heard it.

Li Dongxu sat across from him, watching Fu Yu and Yang Ming talking together, and was pleased to hear this.

Over the years, he has seen many geniuses in the circle, but he has never seen such a genius!

That's right, after Fu Yu's performance in the kitchen these days, Li Dongxu deeply realized that the young man in front of him had an unlimited future.

Every chef hopes to meet a colleague who is stronger, better and more powerful than himself, with whom he can exchange and learn cooking experiences.


Every exchange is hoped to be an equal improvement and help for each other.

The gap between each cooking stage has a certain height. If you want to break through the upper limit again and again, you must learn to improve yourself.

And whenever you reach a certain height, you must rely on communication with others to make progress. At this time, it is difficult to achieve your goals by working alone behind closed doors.

When Li Dongxu reaches middle age, it is the best age to develop in the food circle. This age is the age when he needs to make achievements.

He had always hoped to participate in various competitions to gain cooking experience and learn from other people's cooking strengths.

Now I find that in addition to learning other people's excellent cooking skills, improving on the skills you already mastered is also a way to improve your own cooking skills.

Almost as soon as Li Dongxu was enlightened and his energy was instantly lifted, Fu Yu's movements of picking up the vegetables stagnated slightly.

He listened to the electronic notification sound that suddenly sounded in his ears, blinked his eyes, and absently picked up a piece of unknown vegetable and put it in the bowl.

【Ding! NPC Fucheng Chun Chef Yang Ming’s mission: Help cook a plate of authentic signature fish. The mission has been completed and you will receive a reward: eight basic cooking skills, knife skills (perfect level), skill points +5]

[The Eight Basic Knife Skills of Cooking: Knife skills are the operating techniques of using different knives and different knife techniques to cut cooking raw materials or semi-finished products into various three-dimensional shapes according to food and cooking needs. 】

The eight basic skills of cooking?

Haven't you already maxed out your knife skills?

Fu Yu looked through the skill description carefully and was shocked!

I go!

It actually covers all knives and includes different knife techniques!

It turns out that the perfect function is so powerful!

Fu Yu was surprised and couldn't help but shook his head.

I was so serious about cooking just now that I didn't even notice when this task started.

Today's task releases are becoming more and more casual.

However, the rewards are really generous.

Skill points are directly +5, and the system is now more generous, which is much better than giving one point at a time before.

The most important thing is knife skills. This skill is as important to cooking as the gun in the hand of a soldier.

Do you want to know how many dishes the chef receives every day?

With this skill, it is possible to improve the cooking shape of ingredients and effectively save cooking time.

For Fu Yu, this reward is equivalent to a new upgrade based on the original knife skills.

It’s the icing on the cake!

Let’s eat now and study it carefully when we go back in the evening.

The activity center temporarily changed the time, causing customers to have their meals delayed.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when everyone at the stall actually had lunch.

The working environment in the kitchen meant that everyone generally ate very quickly, devouring every meal and emptied their plates soon after it was served.

After the meal, several workers rushed to clear away the dishes, and then began to prepare the dishes for the evening.

The chefs arranged their work and took advantage of this time to sit and rest.

After everyone else went to work, Li Dongxu moved a low stool over and sat next to Fu Yu and Yang Ming.

Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu: "I didn't expect that you are quite adaptable!"

Fu Yu smiled: "I would also like to thank Boss Liu and Chef Li for providing me with such a high-level and high-level platform, so that I have the learning opportunity now!"

When Li Dongxu heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

However, he immediately put away his smile, looked at Fu Yu and said seriously: "What you did today is a very promising cooking method. If you have the ability, you can study it carefully. If you can really cook two stir-fried dishes at the same time like this Cooking, maybe you will make some unexpected results!

Moreover, you are right, the cooking platform here is definitely much higher than that in Chollima, and you will be exposed to more cooking opportunities, so take advantage of it! "

While Li Dongxu was speaking, Yang Ming leaned his head on the kitchen counter and sighed: "Chef Li, what you said is right!

But this Xiaofu's cooking operation is not something that others can learn. Not to mention anything else, it is impossible to practice just making a stir-fry and a stir-fry at the same time. How can you practice this? "

No matter how brilliant the cooking method is, what future is it if it cannot be promoted?

No one else can learn it, but Fu Yu can master it by himself. Do you think he will stick to the job of chef and cook for the rest of his life?

In Yang Ming's opinion, this is not a direction worth studying!

Li Dongxu naturally thought of this, and taking advantage of Yang Ming's words, he turned around and asked Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, how do you usually practice your cooking speed, and how do you control the cooking time of ingredients? What's the point? Method?"

Li Dongxu was also in trouble!

He must be very envious when he sees such superb cooking skills!

Liu Yongping has long been studying how to effectively reduce the cooking time in the kitchen and speed up the cooking time. However, this matter often varies from person to person, and there is no particularly effective method.

Li Dongxu is a cooking fanatic and is fascinated by good cooking techniques.

He is now preoccupied with communicating with Fu Yu to learn how to improve cooking speed, but after all, he has been working in the industry for more than 20 years, so he is a little more tactful and expresses his intentions very tactfully.

He said it very modestly and casually, but in reality he was very anxious and all he could think about was how to master this set of cooking skills!

Yang Ming's eyes suddenly lit up after listening to Li Dongxu's words.

Fu Yu was slightly thoughtful!

The two skills of cooking operation speed and mastering the cooking time of ingredients are originally based on a very solid and high-level foundation. The difficulty itself is much higher than other cooking operation skills.

People who can master these two skills are definitely not ordinary chefs. Even ordinary chefs have a hard time learning.

You must be a master chef with rich cooking experience to understand and master it. The most important thing is to be able to operate it.

What about effective practice methods.

It's a question that needs to be considered.

In fact, it’s not so much about practicing effectively as it is about how to consolidate the basic cooking operations!

That is how to standardize such a type of cooking skills and become a commonly used cooking operation method.

Just like the basic cooking operations that must be mastered to enter the industry, more and more chefs can master and use them skillfully.

But in this case

How to grasp it, how to reduce the difficulty, and how to improve the cooking speed are all things that can be studied.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, I'll think about it carefully when I get back. If I can sum up a better practice method, I can share it with everyone."

Hearing Fu Yu's words, Yang Ming and Li Dongxu nodded in unison, their eyes full of joy.

Because Fu Yu is currently interning in their store, once a method is found, they will definitely be the first to benefit.

By then, with this powerful skill, wouldn’t it be easy for the chef to take orders in large quantities?

Don’t think that just because you have a high level of cooking skills, you can handle the busy kitchen work.

The human body is made of flesh, so it’s really tiring to do a lot of work! (End of chapter)

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