Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1113 This guy is only 24 years old

As a restaurant that specializes in river fish banquets, Fucheng Chun has its own rules and characteristics for the preparation of yusheng. Most of the fish used in making yusheng are local grass carp.

This is the same as Yao Shi's cooking choice.

During the process of slicing the fish, Fu Yu will dry the peeled Caowan fish meat with paper. Drying is the prerequisite for maintaining the fresh and tender taste of the fish. It is also the key to the firmness and elasticity of the fish meat and the suppression of bacteria.

These are all his own experiences gained through medicinal cooking.

Fu Yu carefully removed the lean red meat from the back of the fish that had absorbed all the water.

Then proceed to slicing the fish.

Yang Ming stretched his neck and watched carefully. He saw Fu Yu's palms arched and hollowed out. He pressed the fish meat with the tips of two fingers and cut the knife quickly and accurately.

The knife is raised and withdrawn with quick cooperation, making an average of three cuts every three seconds. The fish fillets are light and thin, the fibers are scattered, and the broken fish bones are invisible.

Fu Yu was already good at cutting, but now he was determined to finish the dish of fish, and he became more careful when cutting.

His hands were as nimble as playing a musical instrument, constantly cutting off the crystal clear fish fillets, then placing them, and then continuing to cut.

Yang Ming's first reaction when he saw Fu Yu cooking Yusheng was to be amazed!

From picking up, breaking the belly, peeling, deboning, absorbing water, and slicing, the whole process is done in one go and smoothly.

In just a few minutes, the fish is ready.

Seeing this series of operations, Yang Ming and others were very excited!

The cut fish fillets are really like works of art in Fu Yu's hands, and they need to be carved out to a perfect placement angle and three-dimensional structure!

And Fu Yu found that his knife skills had really improved.

The thickness of the fish fillets is controlled more and more accurately, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

In fact, the thinner the fish fillet, the better. The thickness of the toothpick is the best depending on the fatness of the fish.

The sliced ​​fish meat should be hung on the plate without falling off. This can ensure that the fish meat is moisture-free, has a good taste and is layered.

The subsequent plate setting operation showed his unique skills.

They all have the same shape, but what Fu Yu does is to be more precise. Every piece of fish seems to have been measured repeatedly. The angles between the pieces and the placement of the pieces are neat and uniform. Proportion.

One point more or one point less will affect the beauty!

After finishing the plating, Fu Yu took the lead in admiring it himself.

He is getting better and better at the aesthetics of the dishes.

When Yang Ming and others looked at the plate of fish in front of them, which was as thin as cicada wings and beautifully shaped, and then looked at Fu Yu, their eyes suddenly felt a little more awe-inspiring!

The kitchen always has a strong atmosphere. In everyone's eyes, as long as the cooking skills are high, it deserves to be respected!

Fu Yu's fish dish may be just an ordinary cooking in his opinion.

But in the eyes of others, his cooking skills are too strong!

The knife was cut too fast!

The presentation is so stable!

Yang Ming stared at the cooked fish and was stunned for a long time!

"Xiao Fu, how many years have you studied cooking with the master?"

Others want to ask this question too!

After all, being able to develop such a unique knife skill is certainly not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Fu Yu said ambiguously: "Each master's time is different. For Master Liu, it has been more than a year now."

Yang Ming suddenly became enlightened.

So that’s it!

Ordinary people can be grateful to have a master with a high level of skills.

Fu Yu directly worshiped several masters!

No wonder they are so awesome.

Others also nodded, yes. No wonder they are so awesome!

I have learned from several people, so I have an innate advantage, and I must be exposed to a lot of cooking types and techniques!


Everyone suddenly felt able to accept it at this moment.

After all, what's the shame of losing at the starting line?

When someone is following the master in cooking, he is still groping about cutting the pieces. How can this be the same?

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

This reason is so reassuring.

It perfectly made up for the psychological trauma Fu Yu had caused to them.

After the fish dish was finished, everyone in the kitchen chatted and laughed, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Yang Ming gratefully put his hand on Fu Yu's shoulder and patted it. He didn't say anything, but he was very emotional in his heart.

This Fu Yu really can always surprise people!

Who would have thought that such a young person could be so reliable!

Li Dongxu returned to the kitchen and saw Yang Ming and Fu Yu talking intimately together. The other chefs were also surrounding them, so he asked, "What are you doing? Are you done with the work?"

Seeing Li Dongxu come back, Yang Ming learned everything exactly.

After Li Dongxu listened, he was still a little surprised even though he knew that Fu Yu was good at cooking.

He is the chef in the store, so he naturally understands how difficult it is to cook this dish.

When Yang Ming mentioned that Fu Yu had almost copied the original Yusheng's cooking operation, Li Dongxu couldn't help but look at Fu Yu with a smile. This guy is really good!

Yusheng is a dish that particularly tests the chef's knife skills, and it also requires a lot of handling of live fish.

Fu Yu may have cooked this dish before when he was in Qianlima.

However, the yusheng at the flagship store has been improved and innovated when cooking. It not only integrates the essence of yusheng cooking methods from various places, but also ensures the delicious taste of river fish and is more in line with the local dietary preferences of the capital. .

Even if chefs from other branches come to this dish, they have to observe and practice it several times to gain experience before they can actually cook it.

However, I didn't expect that Fu Yu could complete it so easily and delicately!

It’s scary to think about it!


After Li Dongxu heard that Fu Yu had learned cooking from several chefs, he was not as relieved as others.

On the contrary, he suddenly felt that this was a good way to improve his cooking skills!

Perhaps, I should call my master and ask him if he knows anyone else in the circle.

This might actually be possible!

He had no idea that his nonsense would arouse Li Dongxu's desire to deceive his master, destroy his ancestors, and become another disciple.

A few people didn't wait to chat for a few words, and then they got busy.

I took an order for extra dishes at short notice. Although it didn't take too long, the customer was in a hurry to go back and prepare for the afternoon activities, so he called the waiter to start rushing the dishes.

It’s not that I was in a hurry to eat these two dishes, but the other dishes didn’t arrive quickly.

Yang Ming had just watched Fu Yu cook and stopped what he was doing.

I originally thought that such a short delay would not affect anything. After all, we often encountered situations like this in the store. As long as there are dishes on the table, customers will not rush to rush.

This is because I was unable to adapt to the work rhythm of the activity for a while.

Companies that come to participate in science and technology exhibitions have a very clear purpose: to showcase their scientific and technological achievements, attract investors, and find ways to attract sponsorship.

Time is money, and the purpose of eating is just a place to discuss business.

When you are ready to talk, you can chew slowly and drink together.

If we can't talk, we should quickly leave the place and continue the contact with the next family.

It is a common thing for the chef to ask customers to order food.

However, here at the Activity Center, that's a big deal.

Because customers can make complaints at any time, as long as there are any issues related to service, the activity center will choose to stand on the customer's side without hesitation.

In addition to fines, the stalls also impose a series of other penalties.

The chef got the news and hurriedly cooked the dishes.

Li Dongxu just happened to be back, and the three of them joined hands in cooking, so they should be able to shorten the time between serving dishes soon.

Yang Ming Le Dian Dian divided out some of the dishes that she had not had time to cook.

Li Dongxu couldn't favor one dish over another, so he took over two more dishes from Wang Haiwei's side.

Several people were busy cooking, and soon, dishes were taken away by the waiter.

Fu Yu finished the two dishes he was eager to serve and glanced at the rest of the order.

A dish of stir-fried salmon and a dish of slippery anchovy strips.

He took just one look and decided to start cooking both dishes at the same time.

In the kitchen, it is common for several stoves to be turned on on the same kitchen counter in a hurry to serve food.

But most of the dishes are stir-fried and stewed. One pot is stewed, so no one needs to keep an eye on the heat. Another pot is added on the stove to continue cooking other dishes.

But Fu Yu planned to do both stir-frying and slippery cooking at the same time.

Li Dongxu put a stew on the pot, and the other asked Lin Shenshi, the cook, to cook it twice and oil it. He freed his hands and walked around the kitchen counters to see how other people were working.

When he came to Fu Yu's place, Li Dongxu felt that his breathing was a little more rapid!

Fu Yu held two woks at the same time, one for frying and the other for adding ingredients to the pan.

This kind of cooking two quick dishes that require spooning at the same time, directly interspersing the cooking operation with the spoon, is obviously trying to show off!

Is this possible?

Once a cooking mistake is made, it may be possible to make up for it through seasoning and plate presentation, but when it comes to picky and difficult to deal with customers, it is tantamount to dereliction of duty.

Li Dongxu frowned, but he was not angry. On the contrary, he was a little worried.

The better Fu Yu performed, the more Li Dongxu appreciated this extremely talented person.

As the saying goes, everything goes well, but the activity center is different from restaurant cooking. Once something goes wrong, the stall staff will only unconditionally apologize to the customers.

As long as the customer is dissatisfied, it means that the service is not in place, and the activity center will completely lean on the customer to handle the matter.

Li Dongxu didn't want Fu Yu to devote himself to cooking in the kitchen and end up encountering service disputes that he shouldn't be involved in.

This is very fatal for a young and energetic chef.

Moreover, in Li Dongxu's view, Fu Yu's approach was a bit too eager for quick success and instant gain.

Relying on his hand speed and taking a chance, he wanted to speed up the cooking.

This idea is good, but first we must ensure the quality of the dishes we cook, and secondly we can pursue the speed of cooking.

Fu Yu's current behavior is somewhat putting the cart before the horse.

Yang Zhichao was summoned by Fu Yu to prepare the dishes, and he brought over a pot of loach that had been prepared by a handyman.

Passing by Yang Ming's kitchen counter, he was stopped.

Li Dongxu had just walked around Yang Ming when he stopped at Fu Yu's place and stared at him, his expression looking a little strange.

Yang Ming has been with Li Dongxu for a long time and is very familiar with his every move.

He couldn't help but stop Yang Zhichao and asked in a low voice: "What kind of food are you cooking?"

Yang Zhichao said casually: "Oh, one dish of stir-fried salmon and one dish of slippery catfish strips."

Yang Ming was stunned. These were the two special dishes in the store. As long as he mastered the specific operation methods when cooking, it shouldn't be particularly difficult for Fu Yu.

Li Dongxu stood there and stared at the unmoving place. Is there anything wrong with this?

Thinking in his mind, Yang Ming couldn't help but focus on two things. While holding the spoon, he also paid attention to the situation over Fu Yu.

As a result, when I looked at it, I was suddenly surprised to find that Fu Yu was cooking two dishes at the same time.

"Is this... dry stir-fry and slippery coming together?"

Hearing Yang Ming's words, the assistant cook Peng Zebang also raised his head to take a look and whispered: "It seems to be true. Is this possible?"

Yang Zhichao paused and suddenly said: "Chef Fu is in a hurry. The customer has already pressed for an order just now. If the dish is served slowly, we may have to complain."

Peng Zebang nodded and said, "Yes, if you are really in a hurry, it's okay to cook two dishes at the same time. If you go faster, you might be able to have two dishes on the table at the same time."

Yang Ming shook his head: "This is a dry stir-fry and a smooth stir-fry. Both require hot oil and a spoon. The two dishes are cooked at the same time. You can only take advantage of the free time to take care of both ends. Once the heat is not controlled well, one side cannot be stir-fried without people, and the other side is stir-fried. You have to stir the spoon, and you will definitely lose sight of one thing while cooking the ingredients!"

After hearing these words, the two assistant chefs also reacted!

Yes, fresh fish loves to stick to the pan, and there is also a salmon dish.

This kind of fish is never coated in flour when cooking, but is directly fried in oil. If there is a slight mistake in time and heat, the fish skin will definitely stick to the pan, and the meat will quickly become hard.

Very difficult to control!

But when they saw Fu Yu cooking these two dishes at the same time, they completely ignored this!

Not only them, but also Li Dongxu, who was standing nearby and watching Fu Yu take charge, gradually forgot his purpose.

The ease of Fu Yu's cooking operation made him gradually devote himself to observing the details of the operation. He unknowingly ignored that this was a method with a high error rate, and the dishes were likely to be under-cooked or over-cooked.

Therefore, if you want to cook a dish perfectly, ensure the taste after completion!

On the one hand, manual operation is one thing; on the other hand, it is necessary to accurately grasp the cooking heat and the interleaved cooking time of two dishes.

This is the only criterion for successful cooking.

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He realized that maybe Fu Yu had already thought about how to coordinate the time difference between cooking two dishes at the same time from the beginning!

When watching the cooking just now, Li Dongxu found that he had overlooked one thing, which was the order in which Fu Yu cooked the two dishes. He obviously put the squid in the front and the stir-fry in the back.

That’s all you need to do to adjust the cooking time!

After thinking about this, Li Dongxu couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Is this kid really only 24 years old?

Can this 24-year-old really have such inscrutable and precise control over cooking operations?


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