Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1247 Best Reliance

As the fish soup in the pot continued to simmer, all the side dishes were put into the pot smoothly.

This process, in fact, in He Zhi's previous operation, he only needed to put in the ingredients in three batches.

But this time, he put several side dishes into the pot in order according to the order given by Fu Yu. While adding ingredients, he mentally thought about the secret of sorting each ingredient.

This is a detail that he never paid attention to in his previous cooking operations.

For example, when mushrooms are put into a soup pot, they are usually placed in order of thickness, but when it comes to Fu Yu, the ingredients are placed in order according to their ability to withstand stewing.

This kind of refinement and precision in cooking ingredients virtually increases the difficulty of cooking.

And it significantly extends the cooking time.

At least that's what He Chen thought when he first started cooking.

As a result, after all the side dishes were put into the pot for stewing, He Zhen realized belatedly that in fact, adding the ingredients to the pot in order according to the degree of ripeness not only did not waste time, but also reduced the cooking time. duration.

Seeing He Zhu complete the cooking operation step by step, He Jie and He Dongxiang in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief!

Based on their level, it has long been obvious that He Zhen is really good at controlling fire!

However, He Jie knew that this was because Fu Yu's pearls were in front of him, and He Jie was imitating him. Of course, he himself was indeed very good at cooking.

From He Dongxiang's point of view, he was a little surprised!

He knew very well the level of He Chen's cooking skills. When he tried this soup before, his skill in controlling the heat was still far from this level, but now he was improving by leaps and bounds!

The improvement in the cooking operation of this soup may seem like simply removing the fish meat, but in fact it affects the whole body!

It’s almost like reinventing a new soup cooking method!

Is it difficult?

It's hard!

But the effect will obviously be very good!

When making soup, after the ingredients are stewed, all the umami flavors are often integrated into the soup, and the taste of the ingredients themselves is much inferior.

Instead of doing this, can you reduce the heat and time of stewing as much as possible?

This is a culinary concept!

Try to preserve the umami flavor of the ingredients as much as possible, while simmering the flavor of the soup to its best state.

The cooking continues!

While waiting for the stew to heat up, He Chen did not dare to relax at all. Under normal circumstances, he should be able to start cooking other dishes or do other things now.

The saucepan is simmering on the stove over low heat and requires little attention during this time.

But He Chen did not do this. After all the ingredients were added to the pot one after another, he began to carefully observe the heat coming out of the edge of the pot.

Now that he knew He Chen's background and was specifically warned by He Jie, Fu Yu attached great importance to this time's guidance as a cook.

He had no intention of keeping his cooking skills secret.

Fu Yu had already planned how to guide the key details of the cooking operation of this soup.

From the beginning of the fish removal operation, Fu Yu had already planned which step to be reminded and which details required special guidance.

At this time, taking advantage of the free time while the pot was simmering, Fu Yu directly taught He Zhen how to judge the state and doneness of the ingredients in the pot by observing the concentration of heat.

He Zhen, who had already completed most of the cooking, almost failed to keep up with Fu Yu's instructions!

At this time, everyone in the conference room fell silent.

They stared dumbfoundedly at the big screen, where He Zhen was bent over to watch the steam rising from the edge of the pot.

Fu Yu stood nearby and gave some advice from time to time.

For a moment, everyone was stunned. They didn't understand what Fu Yu was going to do?

He Dongxiang's expression slowly changed from surprise to astonishment as he listened to Fu Yu's instructions on observing the heat concentration.

He found that Fu Yu was actually giving serious instructions on cooking operations, and even taught him some detailed tips.

The normal stewing process is to adjust the heat, check the doneness of the ingredients, and judge the specific cooking time based on the remaining soup.

But Fu Yu didn't lift the lid of the pot to check the condition of the ingredients in the pot. How could he accurately judge the degree of stewing of the ingredients?

This operation left He Dongxiang stunned.

What did he think?

At this time, he recalled that before He Zhen actually stewed, he had to adjust the order of adding several side dishes to the pot. It could be completed in two steps, but it was divided into several steps according to the type of side dishes.

This is preparation in advance from the beginning!

These changes in operating habits should be conscious changes made under Fu Yu's guidance.

He Dongxiang took a deep breath. He did not expect that after the cooking improvement of this innovative soup, the operation process, difficulty, and control of details have obviously changed.

He Dongxiang had obviously seen the whole process of cooking this soup before, but now, he couldn't even imagine what He Chen's next step would be under Fu Yu's guidance.

In the display area, He Zhen carefully observed the state of the heat while exchanging cooking experiences with Fu Yu.

When time passes, it’s time to check the status of the ingredients in the pot according to the estimated cooking time.

However, everyone discovered that Fu Yu and He Chen were chatting in full swing. Although the topic was all about the cooking techniques of the fish soup in front of them, no one even adjusted the heat or checked the simmering condition in the pot.

He Jie and Dong Zhanlong unanimously raised their hearts at this moment!

In fact, during Fu Yu's previous cooking demonstration, he seemed to have never checked the ingredients in the pot.

But the person in charge at that time was Fu Yu, which made both He Jie and Lu Zhanlong feel particularly safe.

But now, the person in charge of cooking is He Zhen, and Fu Yu is just assisting and guiding.

This makes people feel a little uneasy.

On the big screen in the conference room, He Chen, who looked very relaxed, was actually sweating profusely!

He silently raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his forehead, observing the steaming heat intently, feeling very stressed.

Fu Yu spoke in detail, and he felt that he understood it clearly.

But it really allowed him to judge the degree of cooking of the ingredients by observing the state of the heat.

He can't do it.

The heat coming out from the edge of the pot has always been like this, and I don't see any change?

On the contrary, the aroma of the fish soup is getting stronger and stronger, it smells very good and delicious.

However, half a day has passed. Is the soup in this pot almost simmering?

He Chen was worried. In fact, he really wanted to lift the lid of the pot and take a look at it, but Fu Yu just said that he should judge whether the fire can be stopped based on the state of the heat.

Turn off the heat without opening the lid.

What if we don't control it well and the fish soup has been stewed for a long time?

He Chen was so anxious that he was sweating, but Fu Yu had already said what he said, and it was hard for him to refute directly.

I can only look at the heat that has not changed uneasily, pray in my heart, turn off the fire quickly, it should be almost done!

On the other hand, Fu Yu was so calm, with a calm expression on his face!

It is basically not difficult for Fu Yu to judge the doneness of the ingredients in the pot by the state of the heat.

At this time, everyone in the conference room could not sit still.

Even if they are not at the cooking scene, but just observing through the video, they can judge based on their experience that the fish soup in the pot is almost done.

At least at this time, you need to lift the lid of the pot to check the stewing situation, and then whether to start seasoning and turn off the heat, or continue stewing, you have to at least take a look at the cooking degree of the ingredients to make an accurate judgment.

How to judge the doneness of ingredients in a pot through the state of heat? Isn't this similar to taking food from a distance?

Different from the fuss made by others, He Dongxiang stared at the big screen, straightened his back unconsciously, and watched the operations of He Chu and Fu Yu intently.

Because I was so focused, I could even hear my own heartbeat starting to beat violently due to excitement.

He was really surprised!

He Dongxiang has been involved in the food circle for decades and has achieved great success.

To be able to reach this level, on the one hand, he has outstanding personal abilities and is good at dancing. On the other hand, he is also very good at cooking. He is very good in this aspect.

After studying cooking for so many years, he had never thought of such a cooking method. He had never heard of it or seen it before!

Without opening the lid of the pot, the steam is kept cooking, and the doneness of the ingredients in the pot is judged only by the degree of heat.

On the one hand, this can reduce the cooking time and save the pot gas, and on the other hand, it will free up more time to do other things.

This cooking method saves cooking time to the greatest extent. For the kitchen's work of taking orders for cooking, it greatly reduces the slow serving speed caused by long cooking times.

This is a new direction!

Or even a whole new cooking concept!

He Dongxiang had never thought about this before, but now that he saw Fu Yu's operation, he immediately thought of another possibility.

What surprised him was not what he gained and gained, but the entire food circle.

He Dongxiang suddenly had an idea. If this method of judging the doneness of ingredients in the pot through the state of heat is indeed feasible, then this cooking method is likely to become a mainstream!

He Dongxiang has profound cooking experience and his vision is certainly extraordinary.

He has a lot of ideas and his mind is very lively.

At this time, he was looking at the big screen intently. All he could think about was opening the lid of the pot and observing the doneness of the ingredients directly. Instead, he judged the doneness of the ingredients by judging the state of the heat.

So how should the state of hot air be defined systematically?

How fast does the water in the soup in the pot evaporate affect the state of the heat?

How to judge this?

Do you think the human eye is a concentration judgment instrument?

This has to be a superpower, right?

In the display area, He Chen was still staring intently at the state of the heat, while Fu Yu stood beside him without saying a word.

He Dongxiang looked at this incredible scene, but he had no intention of paying attention.

After being guided by Fu Yu, every step He performed was like a curse that lingered in his mind and could not be dissipated for a long time!

Let alone watching, it is impossible to master the core operations without actually getting started with cooking.

He Dongxiang would not easily try this unheard of cooking skill on such an occasion.

Are all the juniors in the circle so good now?

It has been less than three years since He Dongxiang resigned, and he already feels that he has begun to derail the development of the food circle.

He sighed deeply, feeling extremely complicated for a moment.

Seeing this, Hao Liangjun couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Chef He, are you okay?"

He Dongxiang shook his head: "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, he continued to look at the big screen and silently sorted out his emotions.

In fact, even though he has retired for several years, he has not been able to adjust his mentality. He always feels that his ambitions have not been fully realized. He is currently in the best state of rich experience and excellent ability, but because of his age Due to the problem, he had to step down and give up his position to be succeeded by a younger generation.

He was very unwilling and felt that the newcomers were far inferior to him in terms of ability, experience and professional level.

Thinking of his previous arrogance, He Dongxiang suddenly realized that he was too ignorant.

Since he became the president of the Food Association, his life has been too comfortable. Maybe he has forgotten what it feels like to be crushed by strength, right?

In the display area, He Zhen was trying hard to observe the difference in the state of the heat, when he suddenly heard Fu Yu reminding: "It's time to season."

He Zhen was stunned for a moment, straightened up quickly, opened the lid of the pot, and quickly started seasoning without checking the status of the ingredients in the pot.

After a series of operations are completed and the overheated steam when you first lift the lid of the pot has dissipated, you can clearly see the appearance of the ingredients in the pot.

Seeing this, He Chen was immediately stunned!

With his many years of cooking experience, he can intuitively judge that the fish soup in the pot is cooked just right and the degree of cooking of the side dishes. Even without tasting it, he knows that the heat is perfect.

Fu Yu saw that He Chu had stopped moving after adjusting the flavor, so he had to remind him again: "You can turn off the heat and serve the soup."

He Chen did as he was told, and his mind went blank at this moment.

Even though he had just listened to Fu Yu's instructions and tried a new cooking operation, at that time he was skeptical about judging the doneness of the ingredients in the pot through the state of heat. Until now.

He Chen finally understood how ignorant he was!

He quickly turned off the heat and put the fish soup in a bowl.

Looking at the thick white and delicious fish soup in the soup bowl, He Zhen couldn't help but ask: "Fu Chu, did you just judge that it was ready for seasoning just by looking at the heat?"

Fu Yu responded casually: "Yes, the concentration of heat was obviously too high just now, which means that the ingredients have been simmered to the optimal degree."

After answering, Fu Yu came to his senses and couldn't help but ask: "Don't you see the change?"

He Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Chef Fu, to be honest, I didn't notice it at all."

"My operation of controlling the fire is completely dependent on your command, and I have been observing it for a long time, but I really can't understand the concentration point you mentioned."

"Now I understand why President He asked you to come over just now to help guide the cooking."

He Zhen has deeply realized that if he were to cook the soup on his own, in his current state, this innovative soup would have no chance of passing the review. (End of Chapter)

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