Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1248 I have to save my life after all.

After the fish soup was cooked, He Zhen personally carried it to the conference room.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw He Dongxiang who was already approaching and Hao Liangjun who was following closely behind.

He Zhen was stunned and called out in surprise: "Second Master? Why are you here?"

As soon as the second master said this, everyone sitting there was shocked!

No wonder He Dongxiang came to the Food Association specifically today. It turned out that he came here to take charge of his descendants.

Now that I think about it, I just realized it, isn't it? Both of them have the surname He, I just didn't think of it before.

He Dongxiang smiled: "I just have time today, and I thought you would come here to participate in exchange activities, so I came here to see my old colleagues and take a look at your situation."

After saying that, he turned to look at Fu Yu who was standing next to him, stretched out his hand and said kindly: "Fu Chu, hello, I am He Dongxiang."

Fu Yu hurried forward, shook hands with He Dongxiang, and said humbly: "Chef He, you are too polite, just call me Xiao Fu."

He Dongxiang said with a smile: "I just observed the entire cooking operation here in the conference room. Thanks to your guidance, otherwise, I think this fish soup may not be completed smoothly."

He Jie said at the right time: "The fish soup has been stewed. Let's take it and taste it to see how it tastes after being cooked by Chef He!"

He Zhen hurriedly served the fish soup himself and gave half a bowl to everyone present.

He Dongxiang took his own portion and didn't rush to drink the soup. Instead, he stirred it in the bowl with a spoon.

After improving the cooking operation, the stewed fish soup is obviously thicker than the previous stew of whole fresh fish.

As for the side dishes inside, the mushrooms are very fresh and tender, and even the melon slices can be seen, and they are cooked just right.

He Dongxiang raised his eyebrows slightly. Even before he tasted it, he could already tell that the fish soup tasted very good.

He first took a piece of mushroom and put it into his mouth along with half a spoonful of fish soup. The delicate mushrooms and the mellow fish soup were intertwined, which immediately made the taste buds feel endless surprises and deliciousness.

The fish soup tastes very delicious and leaves people with endless aftertaste, while the unique taste of mushrooms is rich and varied. When different kinds of mushrooms are tasted with fish soup, sometimes they are delicate and smooth, sometimes they are chewy, which always makes people experience Different delicious tastes.

After eating half a bowl of fish soup, and finally eating two refreshing melon slices, the greasiness was completely eliminated, and I just felt endless aftertaste.

He Jie had tasted the fish soup stewed by Fu Yu before, and when he tasted it again, he couldn't help but want to compare.

However, the fish soup was really well stewed, and the taste was comparable to the one that Fu Yu personally cooked.

At this level, the application for this innovative soup is sure to be approved.

He Jie was determined, and turned to He Dongxiang and said, "Chef He, how does this fish soup taste after improving the cooking methods? I taste it and it is perfect."

After tasting the fish soup, He Dongxiang also put down the bowl and nodded in agreement: "It is indeed very good."

After saying that, he turned to Yu and said: "Xiao Fu, the cooking improvement operation of this fish soup is really successful! I have also tasted the fish soup cooked by He Zhi before. Compared with the bowl in front of me, whether it is fish soup The quality and the taste of the side dishes are really far behind. ”

Fu Yu hurriedly said politely: "I only made a slight adjustment. The main reason is that Chef He's innovative ideas for soup are very good."

He Dongxiang smiled: "Xiao Fu, you are too humble."

"Your improvement of this soup is probably the best solution at present, and it will definitely have the best cooking effect."

"I didn't say hello on purpose before, just because I was afraid of disturbing the association's review of innovative dishes. Although He Zhen and I are related, they are all coded, and the normal review process cannot be affected because of me."

"It's better now. After observing the improved cooking operation with my own eyes and tasting the fish soup with my own mouth, I feel completely relieved now."

With that said, He Dongxiang turned to He Xi and warned: "You have to meet a noble person now. If President He hadn't organized this cooking exchange event, you wouldn't have the chance to meet Xiao Fu."

"Meeting each other is fate, let's keep in touch with each other through logistics."

He Chen nodded: "Second Master, don't worry, Chef Fu and I have a special rapport, and we will be friends from now on."

He Dongxiang smiled, then turned to He Jie and said: "President He, what I said before is serious. You must leave me a place on the jury for the next National Chef Competition. I am still looking forward to it." !”

He Jie was immediately overjoyed.

He just took office this year, which is when he needs to deliver results.

When the next national cooking competition is being prepared, their association, as the organizer, will definitely take care of everything.

The most difficult thing to form in a cooking competition is the judging panel.

In this kind of national competition, the judges are the top priority.

If He Dongxiang is willing to participate, then the main reviewers can be sure.

With He Dongxiang taking the lead, there is no need to worry about the remaining candidates.

He Jie said gratefully: "That's great. Thank you, Chef He."

He Dongxiang shook his head: "No, I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for giving He Chen the opportunity to participate in the cooking exchange. Coming here today really opened my eyes!"

"I have other things to do, so I won't stay any longer."

He Jie was stunned: "Chef He, are you leaving now? It's hard to come here. I'll be the host in the evening and invite people from the association to have a dinner together, right?"

He Dongxiang smiled and waved his hand: "No, I'm really busy these two days. When I have some free time, let's have a good get together. By the way, there's Xiao Fu, too, come with me then!"

He Dongxiang's words were not a polite excuse.

He is really very busy. At the moment he is dealing with domestic matters, and he will also attend the International Food Association's recruitment event later.

There has never been a fixed number of years for the International Gastronomy Association to recruit new members.

Generally, it is when the old people in the association retire, or there is a change of leadership, and a major adjustment of personnel is needed, then external recruitment activities are carried out.

After this year’s recruitment, there will probably be no similar events held for at least the next three years.

This opportunity is really rare.

The gathering of outstanding food circles from all over the world must be an unprecedented event.

If you have the opportunity to participate in activities and gain insights, you will definitely benefit a lot.

But after all, Fu Yu is still too young and has little reputation in the industry.

Thinking of this, He Dongxiang felt a little regretful.

Fu Yu is actually very good at cooking, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed the problem with He Chen's innovative dishes at a glance.

In fact, there are not many outstanding talents like this in the domestic food circle.

He Dongxiang had some thoughts of loving talents.

He thought that if he had such an opportunity next time, he should be able to recommend Fu Yu to participate.

If such outstanding young people can be supported, it will be the pride of the domestic food circle.

And by then, Fu Yu will surely have accumulated something.

After all, he is too young and has insufficient accumulation.

His influence on the food circle is limited, and his contribution is even less.

Just based on the level of cooking skills and operating concepts, it will still take a few years, right?

Thinking of this, He Dongxiang couldn't help but shook his head. He was somewhat unfounded.

At Fu Yu's current age, he is actually far older than he was at the same time.

In a few years, the future will definitely be limitless.

However, these things should not have much to do with him by then.

What he needs to consider now is to study how to support the younger generations of his family before he truly retires from the circle.

But it was a good idea. When he really calmed down, He Dongxiang found that his mind was filled with Fu Yu's cooking ideas and thoughts.

After saying goodbye to everyone in the conference room, He Dongxiang left with Hao Liangjun.

He left in a hurry. Hao Liangjun had worked in the kitchen for many years and suffered from rheumatism.

The older you are, the more severe the symptoms are.

Now when he walks, there is always a dull pain in his ankle, which prevents him from walking too fast.

Seeing He Dongxiang come out of the conference room and throw himself a short distance away in just a few steps, Hao Liangjun hurriedly called: "Hey! Chef He, please slow down! Why are you walking so fast?"

He Dongxiang then realized that he had forgotten to wait for Hao Liangjun, and hurriedly stopped, waiting for the other party to catch up, and then walked out side by side.

Now he just wants to find a quiet place quickly where he can study it carefully.

Hao Liangjun looked at the silent He Dongxiang, and for a moment he really couldn't understand why he suddenly became so hurried.

In the conference room, after everyone tasted the fish soup, they couldn't help but praise it again.

"This fish soup is the same as when Fu Yu was in charge. It's very delicious!"

"However, Chef Fu, I'm really curious. What is the concept of judging the doneness of ingredients through the pot gas when you were instructing the cooking?"

"Yes, yes, can you explain it systematically?"

Everyone is really interested in this new concept.

However, although I was very interested, I couldn't figure out the trick for a while, and I didn't know the specific operation method at all.

Fu Yu had actually always wanted to find an opportunity to discuss this issue, and now he happened to be asked about it, so he immediately responded readily.

Having successfully sent He Dongxiang away, and now able to successfully complete the review of innovative dishes, He Jie felt relaxed. Seeing that Fu Yu was willing to participate in the cooking exchange, he was happier than anyone else!

Lu Zhanlong couldn't help but shook his head.

He knew the significance of cooking today's dish. Not to mention He Dongxiang, he was almost shocked when he saw Fu Yu instructing He Chu just now.

After all, this cooking operation and concept has broken traditional cooking.

Uniquely redefines the concept of food doneness judgment.

As the chef of Donglaishun, Lu Zhanlong naturally knows how good his cooking skills are.

At the moment, he does not plan to learn the new cooking method immediately, but only plans to understand the specific operation method first.

Since Fu Yu agreed to have a cooking exchange, he very sincerely shared his tips and methods for judging the doneness of ingredients by observing the state of the heat.

He spoke in great detail and shared his previous relevant experiences without reservation.

After everyone present listened, they immediately fell into a lively discussion.

Lu Zhanlong looked at Fu Yu blankly for a while, then suddenly said: "Xiao Fu, what you said is too detailed. After the event, they will definitely take this operation method back to communicate with their own people. Yes!”

He Jie also nodded cautiously: "You should retain some of this brand-new concept, especially the cooking method that you have completely mastered and has remarkable effects."

Seeing the two of them acting like their treasure was being paraded to the public, Fu Yu couldn't help but smile: "If this could be learned at a glance, there would be no need for cooking exchanges."

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube, little Doyle!

Cooking is not something you can cook directly just by knowing the recipe. If you really want to make a dish well, you have to go through cooking experience and repeated practical exercises to truly master the essence of detail processing.

Seeing Fu Yu's indifferent expression, both of them were a little anxious.

They still very much recognized Fu Yu's attitude of sincere communication, but in their opinion, this method of teaching everyone everything was undesirable.

After all, cooking is not like other things, it is all about privacy and exclusivity.

Otherwise, how could there be so many private dishes, exclusive secret preparations, and the rule of not spreading them to others?

When He Jie said his words, his thoughts were expressed.

As for whether Fu Yu listens to the advice or not, that is the other party's business.

Lu Zhanlong was different. He had always been upright. Seeing Fu Yu's sincerity, he couldn't help but teach: "That's not okay. This innovative idea is private to you. If it is easily grasped by others, what if?" What if they come up with something more?"

Don’t be afraid of being learned, be afraid of being surpassed!

Otherwise, it would be said that he taught the apprentice and starved the master to death.

At least you have to save it!

When Fu Yu heard this, he smiled brightly and said, "It would be great if this could happen!"

Lu Zhanlong looked at Fu Yu and simply didn't know what to say!

After all, you are still too young and your thoughts are simple!

Fu Yu said seriously: "Everyone adds fuel to the fire, and it will definitely be a long process from the emergence of a new cooking concept to its recognition."

"After communicating with you today, I will sort out all the relevant content and see if it can be published on the official forum of the association. I want to spread this new cooking concept and let more and more people One realizes the effectiveness and practicality of this cooking operation.”

"If the seniors here can conduct research, I sincerely hope that on this basis they can find a simpler and easier to master and operate method."

It's just a little trick to save cooking time. If it can be widely accepted and used, he will be very happy to see it.

In his opinion, the most important thing is to be able to prove that this cooking method is indeed effective.

After finishing speaking, Fu Yu turned around and plunged into the lively discussion and exchange.

The worried He Jie and Lu Zhanlong were left looking at each other. (End of chapter)

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