Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1249: Hurry up and improve your abilities

Turning his head to look at Fu Yu who was seriously discussing and communicating with others, Lu Zhanlong turned around and whispered: "Why do I think what Xiao Fu said actually makes sense!"

He Jie shook his head: "You are still young after all, and you don't care much about fame and fortune. Who can guarantee that others will not surpass me in this area? Anyway, until now, I just feel that I have just begun to understand cooking operations. Without the feeling of getting started, I am afraid that others will be better than me and be more powerful than me.”

Lu Zhanlong didn't say anything when he heard this, but he actually agreed very much in his heart.

But some words can be enough. No matter how close the relationship is, it can only serve as a suggestion on some concepts, and there is no way to influence other people's thoughts.

There was a lively discussion in the conference room.

In the office area of ​​the Food Association, everyone was excitedly talking about one thing.

"Guess why President He suddenly came to the association?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention!


"Yes, what's going on? Since President He retired, he only came here when he participated in an event last year, and he hasn't been back since then."

Everyone looked at the woman who spoke.

The woman said mysteriously: "I heard that the person who submitted the application for innovative dishes this time is a relative of President He. He came here specially to help support the event today!"

"The innovative dishes submitted by his relative had some problems with the taste. Chairman He held two discussions a few days ago, but they failed to pass the review."

"Today is our last chance. I unexpectedly invited a bunch of famous chefs from the industry to come over and help me figure it out."

After hearing the woman's words, everyone was stunned: "No way, President He came here specially to use the back door for his relatives?"

"How did I hear that a chef was hired to help improve the display area? Can this innovative dish be approved?"

The woman smiled: "Your information is quite good. Yes, I heard that Chef Fu Yu helped improve the cooking. He is a cooking expert specially invited by our President He, and his cooking skills are very good!"

"He was the one who was talking about the Fucheng Chun stall that caused a lot of commotion at the science and technology exhibition!"

They gossiped a bit casually, and soon everyone in the Food Association knew about Fu Yu.

However, gossip always spreads along with rumors. The more these people talk, the more excited they become and the more outrageous they become.

After all, one of the parties involved was a relative of the former president.

Who in the association doesn't know that He Dongxiang's family comes from a culinary family, and several generations of them have been well-known chefs in the food industry.

His relatives' cooking skills can't be too bad.

What's more, you dare to apply for the review of innovative dishes, how awesome is that!

As a result, Fu Yu can even coach such a capable person, which shows his level.

So in everyone's chat, Fu Yu simply became a culinary god, a rare talent in the food circle in a century!

Although the content is a bit outrageous, the key is that everyone really believes it.

Fu Yu enthusiastically exchanged some cooking experiences with the seniors present and gained a lot.

We all got together for a day, chatted happily, and then dismissed the meeting.

He Jin had already learned from He Jie's promise that the innovative dishes would definitely pass the review. He was overjoyed and came to Fu Yu's side.

He Chen said gratefully: "Fu Chu, thank you so much today."

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Chef He, you are too polite."

He Chen said: "We will keep in touch in the future."

Even without He Dongxiang's advice just now, He Chen had made up his mind to keep Fu Yu as his friend.

"I still have a lot of cooking operations that I want to discuss with you, so I just took this opportunity to go through the back door. In the future, if I don't understand something, please don't bother me, Fu Chu!"

Just as Fu Yu was about to speak, an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! A task from the innovative cuisine chef, assist the other party to successfully complete the application for innovative dishes. The task has been completed and you have received a reward: a ticket to the teaching practice class (teaching content, one item of "perfect level" cooking skills)]

The reward arrived smoothly. Although he was already used to it, Fu Yu was still very happy.

The handler has short hands.

Although the reward was obtained through his own efforts in completing the task, He Zhi's recognition and cooperation were also indispensable.

Fu Yu said sincerely to He Chen: "No problem, I will contact you often!"

When leaving the Food Association, He Jie personally sent everyone out of the office building.

When Fu Yu came, he took Lu Zhanlong's ride.

When returning, Lu Zhanlong took the initiative to drive Fu Yu back again.

Fu Yu had just gotten out of the car to say goodbye to Lu Zhanlong. Before he could watch the car drive away, his cell phone rang.

The call was from Eric. Fu Yu looked at the caller ID and quickly answered the call.

"Hey, Chef Eric, how are you?"

When Eric heard Fu Yu's voice, he laughed loudly and said, "Chef Fu, long time no see! I've been very busy these days and always wanted to see you, but I never found the time."

Fu Yu listened to what Eric said, but he didn't understand a word. It was only later that the translator's voice came through the microphone, and he finally understood what Eric said.

"Fu Chu, are you free tonight? I want to treat you to dinner. Let's meet and have a chat, right?"

Eric's purpose in coming to China this time was to meet Fu Yu and have a good communication with him.

As a result, in addition to having a detailed chat with Fu Yu on the day of arrival, he began to receive various invitations, but he couldn't refuse them.

Back and forth, even after staying in China for so many days, I still couldn't find a chance to meet Fu Yu.

He finally made an excuse to return to China soon, so he declined other invitations and finally came to see Fu Yu.

When Fu Yu heard this, he was immediately embarrassed.

He has been busy since Liu Yuqing finished his postgraduate entrance examination. He originally planned to go back and accompany Liu Yuqing to have a big meal tonight, but now he suddenly received an invitation from Eric.

Between spending time with his wife and accompanying the chef, Fu Yu chose the former without hesitation.

"Not tonight, I have something else to do. Chef Eric, are you free tomorrow morning?"

He told the story about his promise to go to Taixing for guidance.

Eric was immediately happy: "Okay, I'll have time tomorrow morning. That's great. I originally hoped to share my cooking experience with you."

Being able to meet Fu Yu and have a good communication is what Eric wants to do most.

And Fu Yu is also very satisfied. He will go there tomorrow to have a delicious meal. Even if he is invited, he is still unfamiliar with the place. Now that he can be accompanied by Eric, an internationally renowned chef, he will be entertained even more. Have some face.

Eric's goal was achieved, and he happily chatted with Fu Yu for a few more words, agreed on the time and place to meet tomorrow, and then hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Fu Yu put away his cell phone and rushed to the Fucheng Chun stall.

As he walked, he thought about what he had communicated with many seniors during the exchange event just now.

Today's trip gave Fu Yu a lot of new inspirations.

When it comes to cooking, just talking about it with your mouth and thinking about it in your head is of no use at all. You can't find the problem at all. You have to get started and actually practice it.

Fu Yu was thinking about one thing. Since the doneness of food can be judged by the degree of heat, can the same operation be done by the concentration of flavor?

During the cooking process, the taste of the ingredients changes very obviously, but when handling the spoon, people tend to judge the doneness by the cooking state of the ingredients in the pot.

Observing the changes in heat and taste, on the one hand, tests the chef's eyesight and sense of smell. On the other hand, it requires particularly rich cooking experience as an auxiliary blessing.

Therefore, after the discussion just now, everyone agreed that it is very difficult to grasp the degree of change of heat.

There are two questions before Fu Yu now.

The first is how to effectively use heat to quickly judge the doneness of ingredients, and it also requires other people to quickly master the tips and essentials in a short period of time.

The second is how to accurately determine the size of the heat and the length of cooking time based on the degree of heat and the cooking taste of the ingredients.

He kept thinking about these questions in his mind.

The experiences and ideas of his predecessors gave him a lot of inspiration. At this moment, various cooking methods appeared in his mind, such as directly modularizing the degree of heat and flavor.

Fu Yu thought as he walked. It was a short journey, but he thought a lot!

After roughly coming up with the rules, Fu Yu returned to the stall, greeted the familiar waiter in the front hall, and then went directly back to the kitchen.

Everyone saw him coming back and greeted him one after another.

Fu Yu responded one by one, looked around and found that Li Dongxu was not in the kitchen, so he walked quickly to Yang Ming and asked directly: "Chef Yang, do you have a list of stew dishes now?"

Yang Ming was stunned for a moment: "Yes, what's wrong? I have a reservation in hand for tonight's table."

Fu Yu took the order form, looked at the dishes on it, and took the initiative to apply: "Great, Chef Yang, let me cook these two dishes."

He pointed out to Yang Ming the dishes he had chosen, one braised and one steamed.

Although Yang Ming was a little confused, he still nodded: "Okay."

Fu Yu got the answer and said with a smile: "Then I'll go change my clothes first and I'll be back soon."

Fu Yu quickly went to the locker room, not in a hurry to change clothes, but directly exchanged the opportunity for teaching practice and classroom learning.

In fact, before this, Fu Yu had always cherished the rare classroom reward for teaching practice, and always thought that good steel should be used on the blade.

But now, Fu Yu feels that the most important thing at the moment is the improvement of personal cooking ability.

Only when your own abilities become stronger can you better understand other people's ideas, and then put them into practice and transform them into your own cooking skills.

In the selection of class content, there is no way to judge the doneness of the ingredients in the pot through heat and taste.

So Fu Yu directly chose the skill-learning class on the doneness of ingredients.

Fortunately, the content of this class lived up to Fu Yu’s hopes!

The difficulty of learning cooking is compared to when he directly acquires skills. The details of the operation and various aspects, including the concentration of the pot gas, the taste, color, and shape of the ingredients, are more detailed, more comprehensive, more precise, and more difficult. A lot.

In this way, Fu Yu has enough room for learning and operation.

After trying again and again, Fu Yu originally had perfect skills in identifying the doneness of ingredients, but at this time, Fu Yu had to change the focus of his learning in order to improve and innovate traditional skill operations.

If the doneness can be judged directly by the concentration of hot air and the taste of ingredients, and the integrity of the hot air concentration in the pot can be maintained without being damaged, this will be a very beneficial thing for the cooking process.

For example, when cooking fish soup today, it is actually during the stewing process to judge the doneness by opening the lid of the pot and observing the status of the ingredients inside. This is a conventional cooking operation.

However, Fu Yu just relied on his own strength to judge the doneness of the ingredients directly by the concentration of heat. He did not even lift the lid of the pot midway until the fire was finally stopped.

At this time, Fu Yu used repeated cooking to continuously improve his judgment on the concentration of heat.

Once. Ten times a hundred times

There was a green line, and Fu Yu, who was prompted by the dialog box, used his skills in judging the doneness of ingredients to start studying the concentration of heat again.

Until the accuracy continues to improve, the speed becomes faster and faster.

Afterwards, Fu Yu began to summarize his experience and how to simplify this process.

He can ensure that he completes it himself, so how can he make this operation method more applicable to more people?

For a time, Fu Yu unknowingly transitioned from studying to research work.

Fully immersed in work, Fu Yu didn't realize how long the study time was.

However, when he finally met the requirements of the class and was able to escape, the extremely tired feeling in his mind made him realize that he would probably stay longer than before.

Although he was a little tired mentally, Fu Yu was particularly satisfied psychologically because he had gained a lot this time.

Before he could calm down his overly excited mood, someone else walked in from the locker room.

Fu Yu was still immersed in the joy of getting a huge harvest, but suddenly saw the person coming and suddenly came back to his senses.

Li Dongxu strode in. When he saw Fu Yu, he immediately smiled and said, "How was it? Did the communication go smoothly?"

When Fu Yu came back just now, Li Dongxu was not there. He was preoccupied with the teaching practice class and didn't ask in detail.

So he nodded and said, "It went very well, Chef Li. When I went to the kitchen just now, I saw that you weren't there?"

Li Dongxu said with a smile: "Aren't we going to finalize the fire control skills guide the day after tomorrow? I just went to the deputy director to discuss the meal ticket approval."

After speaking, Li Dongxu asked: "By the way, the meeting was originally scheduled for the afternoon the day after tomorrow. On Monday, we will prepare to arrange the final finishing work. The leaders from the Ministry of Culture will be there by then. It was originally scheduled that Chef He would speak, but , he said you are the team leader, so he wants you to go up.”

"Monday is scheduled in the morning, and the time is relatively long. You should prepare yourself in advance." (End of Chapter)

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