Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1250 Visit the delicious food in person

Li Dongxu thought this was a very good opportunity.

Not only can he demonstrate his personal strength in front of the leader, but he can also make it clear to the outside world that Fu Yu is the person in charge.

After all, although Fu Yu has outstanding cooking skills, he is still too young.

If it had not been announced publicly, no one would have thought that he would be the leader of the cooking guide research team.

Precisely because he knew that this opportunity was very rare, Li Dongxu specifically told him: "If you are worried about being nervous on stage, write the manuscript in advance and pay attention to your dress when the time comes. Image is very important."

After hearing this, Fu Yu felt a little moved.

Li Dongxu treated him well and always cared about him.

He smiled and responded: "Okay, Chef Li, don't worry, I will finish it well."

Li Dongxu nodded approvingly: "Okay, you must be fine!"

【Ding! Task from NPC Fucheng Chun Chef Li Dongxu: successfully complete this finishing work, task completion reward: to be determined (the degree of completion of this finishing work depends on the reward content)】

Fu Yu was smiling at Li Dongxu. When he heard the electronic sound ringing in his ears, his smile suddenly became brighter.

How complete the finishing work is related to the reward content?

This is interesting!

He was thinking, if he used this opportunity of the closing meeting to directly pass on this new concept of judging the doneness of ingredients through changes in heat concentration and taste of ingredients to the colleagues present, what kind of reaction would there be?

After the exchange in the afternoon, Fu Yu realized one thing: there is indeed great power in numbers.

Even if everyone has different cooking skills and different cooking styles, everyone has their own unique ideas and thoughts.

One person's power is limited after all. Instead of doing this, it is better to let more people join in, study together, and innovate together.

Especially the people participating in the event this time are all our own people.

The rich water will not flow to outsiders' fields.

What Fu Yu wants to bring to everyone is a demonstration of some cooking operations and a new concept. He wants everyone to see that this idea is feasible.

By sharing, he can get other people's ideas and suggestions, and everyone can open up their own ideas.

This is a good thing that benefits both parties!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu said directly to Li Dongxu: "Chef Li, you can actually invite more people to participate in this event, such as Chef Wang from Cangya Xuan, Chef Gu from Nanhu Star, and Chef Du. Come along."

"I would like to take advantage of this meeting to share some cooking-related thoughts on fire operation."

After Li Dongxu heard this, he immediately became happy: "Really? You want to conduct training? Is this a good thing? No problem. I will say hello to the boss now and ask him to contact him to ask about the venue and then make some plans. Invite anyone here.”

Fu Yu hurriedly warned: "Others who have friends who want to participate can also participate, but it is better to have a closer relationship with us. As for our own people, we must take more care of them."

Originally, Li Dongxu really didn't pay much attention to this matter. After all, it was the summary of the guide, and the key contents had already been exchanged and summarized.

But when I heard that Fu Yu wanted to exchange new cooking concepts and ideas, I immediately felt a sense of importance.

The meeting is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, and there is still one day left to invite others, so it’s not too late.

While talking, Fu Yu changed his clothes and followed Li Dongxu to the kitchen.

Fu Yu went directly back to the kitchen.

But Li Dongxu arrived at the door, turned around, avoided a deserted corner, and started calling to contact him about this matter.

Liu Yongping listened to Li Dongxu's words on the phone and couldn't help but said: "Okay! I will contact President He now, and I will inform you after the arrangements are completed."

Li Dongxu smiled and said: "Xiao Fu means that the more people, the better."

When Liu Yongping heard this, he became happy: "That would be enough, just like Yang Ming and others. If they have the opportunity to participate, they have to be able to understand and follow and interact with each other!"

Li Dongxu had originally thought that since it was Fu Yu's special event, if conditions allowed, he might as well call in some of the outstanding chefs in the store. Even if they couldn't express any useful opinions, they could at least gain some insights.

Hearing Liu Yongping's words at this time, he immediately gave up the idea.

Liu Yongping hung up the phone and contacted He Jie immediately and told Fu Yu about the training and exchange he was going to do at the meeting.

He Jie had just attended the exchange meeting in the morning. Knowing that Fu Yu had gained something, he was ready to share his experience with everyone.

This was a good thing. He Jie was very happy and promised to communicate with the leaders of the Ministry of Culture to expand the number of participants.

After all, who in the food circle doesn’t know that the Food Association has launched a task force to compile guidelines.

Now that you can participate in the exchange of guide collections, there will definitely be many people willing to participate.

He Jie, who has a wide network of contacts, is very willing to take this opportunity to invite some close friends, colleagues who need to be attracted, and juniors who he is willing to support.

Everyone is very happy to see this kind of mutually beneficial good thing happen.

For a time, many people in the capital's food circle began to call friends, especially some senior people with status and status. After receiving the invitation, they felt proud and proud of it.

Many people even took the initiative to help contact the venue, vying to book large dinner venues and banquets after the meeting.

Fu Yu was quite moved after hearing what Li Dongxu said.

I didn’t expect that there were so many people supporting me and willing to communicate and learn about cooking with me.

You must prepare yourself well.

I hope that at the meeting the day after tomorrow, I can really bring you practical and useful cooking concepts and ideas.

With this idea in mind, Fu Yu did not take orders independently during the following working hours. Instead, he selected stew-type dishes from Li Dongxu and Yang Ming and practiced them repeatedly.

Sharpening a gun in the face of battle will bring displeasure.

In the previous teaching practice class, the dishes Fu Yu practiced cooking were all system-specific. Now that he has switched to Fuchengchun's special dishes, he can summarize the changes in detail processing through different cooking methods.

Such diversity makes it easier for Fu Yu to analyze and understand.

After get off work in the evening, Fu Yu specially called Liu Yuqing to come out and accompany him to Niujie, the most authentic snack street in the capital.

Usually, one of them is busy with work and the other is tired of preparing for exams.

Now that they finally relaxed, the two of them finally had a chance to take a leisurely rest.

Fu Yu was tall and put his arm around Liu Yuqing, striding side by side on the street.

Under the moonlight and under the lights, the market is crowded with people and various stalls are dazzling.

Fu Yu followed around for a while and couldn't help but say: "There are too many people here. You have to queue up for whatever you want to eat or buy. You might as well go to the Western restaurant I mentioned before."

It was rare to have time to go out to eat. Fu Yu originally wanted to take Liu Yuqing to a well-known local western restaurant to have a good time.

As a result, Liu Yuqing refused to go no matter what, and instead took him to visit Niujie.

Liu Yuqing said: "Husband, you are a rich man. If you really go to that Western restaurant, you can eat 18,000 yuan for a meal, and you, the big fat sheep, will have to be slaughtered. Where can you go?" !"

Fu Yu said seriously: "I make more money now than you think. I work so hard every day just to make your life better. It's rare to go out for a meal today, so I just want you to eat." the best!"

"Don't you love pizza and steak? If you want to eat, let's eat it. You spend the money you earn, so don't always be reluctant to part with it."

Liu Yuqing shook her head: "I just ate fresh food before. Who can eat Western food every day? Can't get the snacks here in the capital? Come on, let's go to Xiangyunxuan!"

Fu Yu hummed: "Mendeng meat pie. I really want to try it."

Liu Yuqing smiled: "Haha."

This time is the peak dining time in the evening. Niu Street can be called a gathering place for local specialty snacks in the capital. From entering to exiting the street, the sidewalks are deep and crowded, and the shops on both sides of the street are scattered and compact.

The street was filled with all kinds of heroic shouts from the shops to attract customers, making it difficult to walk along the street.

I had to swallow hard every step I took.

Yibao lotus leaf steamer cake, Baiji rice cake, Dashunzhai sugar fire

If I don’t eat something, my conscience will hurt!

Fu Yu subconsciously changed his arms from hugging Liu Yuqing to grabbing her wrist tightly, holding hands in the crowd for fear of getting separated.

Xiangyunxuan's door-nail meatloaf was just out of the pan and served. The meatloaf was still steaming. After taking a bite, a little soup immediately flowed out. It was oily but not greasy. It really lived up to its reputation. It was very fragrant and delicious.

In addition to the door-nail meatloaf, Fu Yu also ordered two stir-fried dishes, the most delicious of which turned out to be the inconspicuous braised tofu with cabbage.

The fragrance of the bok choy and the tenderness of the tofu are delicious together. The taste of the sauce is just right, not too salty.

After leaving Xiangyunxuan, we went to Cheese Wei to eat a bowl of the most authentic palace cheese in the capital. The milk is mellow and fresh, and it also has the clear and mellow aroma of glutinous rice wine, so the taste will be different. There are melon seeds in the cheese, which is unique. Flavor.

Before leaving, I bought milk rolls, dried fruits, fried fresh milk, and fried red fruits.

The two of them carried bags full of snacks and returned home contentedly.

He had to speak on stage the day after tomorrow. Fu Yu was not very good at using a computer, so he had to dig out his notebook and start making a handwritten version of the PPT.

This was also when I was participating in exchange activities at the Food Association. I saw that others were doing quite well, and I imitated them and made an outline.

You can't really talk about whatever comes to your mind after you go up there, just brag as you please.

After participating in similar activities these few times, Fu Yu finally understood that such exchange meetings, similar to training, do not express all ideas and contents in one go, but need to be conducted step by step in a guided manner. Let others accept your concepts and ideas, and then learn and communicate independently in the process.

However, due to a lack of experience in this area, Fu Yu kept sketching for a long time and had so many ideas in his mind. But when he really wanted to write, he felt like he couldn't even write in this notebook.

While he was busy arranging it, Liu Yuqing came out of the bath and saw his handwritten version of the PPT, and she suddenly burst into laughter.

"What are you doing! The PPT they make is an overview of the content. You are so good. It is simply an analysis of the content. If you follow your approach and write it for two or three days, you probably won't be able to cover all the content. ”

Liu Yuqing was very good at this. She drove Fu Yu to take a bath, while she turned on the computer and started making a formal electronic ppt based on what Fu Yu had written for several pages.

When Fu Yu came out and saw the clear summary of the content on the page, his eyes suddenly brightened.

The two of them summarized and produced. Although it took half a night, the results were very gratifying.

Through the production of PPT, Fu Yu also had a deep impression on the content of the speech the day after tomorrow.

Now there is a lack of on-site practice.

I wonder what surprising ideas and suggestions the seniors who have been invited will have?

Early the next morning, Fu Yu specially tidied up.

Knowing that he was going to Mengmeixing Restaurant for guidance today, Liu Yuqing got up early and helped match clothes and blow-dry Fu Yu's hair.

Liu Yuqing watched Fu Yu put on his shoes and stand neatly at the door. He couldn't help squinting his eyes to admire it, and sincerely praised: "As expected of my husband, he is so handsome!"

Fu Yu was so elated by the praise that he couldn't help but laugh: "Really? How else could I have married such a beautiful wife like you!"

Liu Yuqing also smiled: "That's right, the people who envy us are probably much older. There's nothing we can do about it. Who makes us both so lucky!"

While talking, Liu Yuqing escorted Fu Yu to the door, watched Fu Yu walk downstairs, and then closed the door.

Meishixing Restaurant has an inconspicuous name, but it is also a well-known time-honored restaurant in the capital, specializing in dishes from Fushan, Shandong.

In terms of Shandong cuisine cooking methods, it can be said to be very comprehensive.

Like stir-frying, stir-frying, cooking, deep-frying, simmering, grilling, boiling, steaming, braising, roasting, grilling, stewing and smoking, mixing, blasting, pickling, stewing, sauce and so on.

When Fu Yu attended a salon before, he met Zhou Chao, the chef of the Meishixing restaurant. Because there were too many people, the two of them were a little far apart, so they only chatted for a few words.

At that time, he was not particularly impressed by Zhou Chao.

Unexpectedly, with Lu Zhanlong's help, Fu Yu exchanged contact information with Zhou Chao.

Since then, Zhou Chao often sends Fu Yu some of his thoughts and experiences on fire control skills.

As the two of them continued to interact, Fu Yu realized that Meishixing was no ordinary restaurant.

Zhou Chao is also a big-shot figure in the food circle.

Knowing the other party's situation, Fu Yu attached great importance to the guidance given by Meixing in the past.

Similarly, with Zhou Chao's special instructions before, everyone in Meixiuxing was also very polite and considerate to Yu.

This time I came here, it was said to be a guide, but it was actually a small cooking exchange event.

Fu Yu has long been familiar with such things.

He had a great time chatting with several delicious chefs, and worked together to come up with solutions to related problems.

Because they are very compatible with each other and get along very harmoniously.

Before leaving, Fu Yu took the initiative to invite Zhou Chao to attend tomorrow's cooking guide closing meeting.

When Zhou Chao heard this, he was immediately happy. Hearing that many famous chefs in the industry were participating, he quickly agreed. (End of chapter)

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