Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1286 Must Go All Out

The staff moved very quickly. When the buyer came back, all the preparations in the cooking room were completed.

Then, the three of them started to prepare for cooking.

Fu Yu adjusted the placement of seasonings and utensils according to his own habits, and with the help of Ellis, he moved the cooking robot to the cooking position on the kitchen counter and began to set the program.

Justin consciously went to handle the ingredients.

The staff had already pointed the camera lens over, and all their actions were recorded in the live camera screen.

At the event site, during this period, three more candidates had completed their speeches.

Then, the host came on stage and announced that Fu Yu was ready and could start cooking demonstrations.

The screen in the operation room soon appeared on the big screen.

In the picture, Fu Yu was standing in front of the kitchen counter, doing the final debugging of the cooking robot.

Everyone at the table immediately started to discuss again.

Whether it was braised water or fried river shrimp, the specific time of cooking operation could not be scheduled in advance. This required judgment during the cooking process based on the situation of the ingredients.

However, cooking robots involve the problem of setting programs in advance. There are certain standards for adjusting the heat, controlling the time, and even the strength of stir-frying.

In this way, it will be a bit troublesome to operate it.

Especially those who know how to cook these two dishes know it very well.

During the cooking process of braised prawns, it needs to be turned over several times, and at the end, it is necessary to ensure that the fish tail does not break. The cooking difficulty is very high.

The fried river shrimp has very strict requirements on the heat. If it is a second off, the taste will be affected.

It is very difficult to grasp the accuracy of these manual operations, let alone to hand them over to cooking robots that rely entirely on program settings.

The difficulty of cooking is really higher than everyone thinks.

At this time, Fu Yu has formed a specific step setting for the cooking operation based on the records on the classic old taste recipe just now, combined with his understanding of the operation of the cooking robot and the communication with Ellis just now.

Knowing it in mind, Fu Yu looked very calm when he was doing the preparations.

Justin, on the other hand, couldn't help chatting with Ellis while handling the ingredients skillfully.

He knew clearly that the camera was facing him, and his every word and action would eventually be displayed on the big screen through the lens and seen by everyone on the scene.

He had his own ideas about the cooking of these two dishes. When Fu Yu was communicating with Ellis just now, he was also listening quietly beside him. After that, he began to think about the cooking process and operation plan.

At this time, while chatting with Ellis, he said his cooking ideas.

Ellis did not deliberately target Justin before. Now that the two chatted for a while, the awkward atmosphere before slowly dissipated.

Justin was a person who was good at dancing with long sleeves. He quickly got closer to Ellis, and then naturally discussed the specific cooking plans for the two dishes.

He thought that if he was the one controlling the cooking machine, the best setting was to turn down the heat when controlling the heat, and it was best to reduce the number of times when flipping the spoon.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't make a decision.

He hoped that the cooking effect would be that the fish tail in the braised fish would be intact, and the river shrimps could be kept at the best temperature before being served, and at the same time, each river shrimp would be evenly covered with soup.

Ellis's cooking skills for dishes were slightly inferior, but he was very good at operating and setting the cooking robot.

He listened to Justin's ideas on cooking operations and couldn't help but put forward his own opinions.

During the communication, Justin soon felt a sense of enlightenment, but Ellis thoroughly understood Justin's cooking skills.

In his opinion, the gap between Justin and Fu Yu was too big.

The communication between him and Fu Yu was mainly controlled by Fu Yu, who could bring him a lot of innovative ideas and very pertinent opinions.

However, the communication with Justin was mainly controlled by him. For some very delicate cooking operations, Justin obviously had not conducted in-depth research and operation attempts.

Instead, some of the principles he proposed about the settings made Justin feel that a new perspective had been opened.

While the two of them were chatting enthusiastically, Fu Yu seemed to be relatively silent.

He reviewed in his mind, if he operated according to his own ideas, how high would the success rate be, and how to make timely adjustments to the specific heat and time settings.

The most superior performance of the cooking robot is stability and advanced monitoring functions.

Now the specific cooking situation is still uncertain, which requires the actual situation to be determined when it is really in charge.

All the ingredients were processed, and Justin and Ellis worked together to bring them over.

Fu Yu checked habitually and nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you for your hard work."

Justin didn't expect Fu Yu's attitude towards him to be so natural. He was stunned for a moment, and then politely said: "It should be, Chef Fu, you don't have to be polite."

Justin was very satisfied with his performance at this time. He not only showed his ideas and insights on cooking operations, but also took the initiative to help with the work regardless of the past.

Whether it is cooking level or personality, he showed his best side.

All the preparations were completed, and the cooking was ready to begin.

Fu Yu stood directly in front of the kitchen counter, Justin stood beside him to help Fu Yu, and Ellis stood beside the cooking robot, ready to assist at any time.

For the two dishes, the fried river shrimps must not be off the fire during the cooking process, and the operation speed is extremely fast, and the time on the stove is very short.

However, the braised water can be left for a few minutes during the process of collecting the juice, which is enough for Fu Yu to cook the fried river shrimps.

If this time difference is grasped well, Fu Yu can open the two stoves at the same time, and the order of serving the dishes is shortened to the shortest time.

In this way, the taste of the dishes can be kept in the best state and delivered to the judges in time.

Moreover, tasting the two dishes almost at the same time can also reduce the psychological gap during waiting, and it is easier to get the impression points of the judges.

After some consideration, Fu Yu decided to cook the braised water first, and then use the time difference to take care of the other fried river shrimps.

For cooking the braised water, Fu Yu chose herring, which is slightly different from the choice of ingredients by last year's contestants.

The contestants used grass carp at the time. The common braised fish on the market are cooked with grass carp. Over time, it has become the mainstream ingredient.

But in fact, the most classic braised fish is cooked with black carp.

In terms of taste, the meat of black carp is definitely more tender and plump, especially the tail, which is fat but not greasy and very fragrant.

The tail of black carp has oil and meat, fat and lean, but the price of black carp is twice that of grass carp.

In this way, in terms of market value, grass carp is much cheaper than black carp.

As a restaurant dish, the cheap grass carp is definitely more in line with business needs, so slowly, this dish has become the main ingredient of grass carp.

Since he wants to prove his cooking skills today, Fu Yu will definitely go all out.

A plate of braised fish will use four fish tails.

Fu Yu manipulated the cooking robot to process the ingredients according to the actual size and length of the fish tails.

Because the cooking robot was doing the cutting, Fu Yu gave up his usual kitchen knife and chose a special fish knife.

The cooking robot followed the program instructions and made a precise vertical cut along the left side of the central spine of the fish. It did not cut it off, but only penetrated 2/3 of the depth of the fish meat.

At this time, the screen in the operation room was also synchronously transmitted to the screen in the activity hall.

Everyone saw Fu Yu controlling the cooking robot to process the fresh fish.

Those who knew a little about this dish were stunned!

This is using black carp?

Shouldn't braised pufferfish be grass carp?

Someone began to ask in a low voice.

Soon, a chef sitting in the front row turned around and said: "The real authentic braised pufferfish actually uses black carp. As for grass carp, it was changed slowly later. In fact, this dish made with black carp is much more delicious than grass carp."

People around are all people in the food circle, and they are very familiar with these two commonly used ingredients, black carp and grass carp.

Soon I figured out the reason.

However, someone else was confused.

In the introduction of this dish just now, the cooking example in the photo also used grass carp.

Now Fu Yu suddenly changed to herring. Could it be that he also knew this dish?

Fu Yu precisely controlled the cooking robot and cut along the right side of the central spine of the fish, but it also did not cut it.

Then he processed the left half of the fish meat, cut from the 1/2 of the side of the fish meat, and sliced ​​it horizontally. The sliced ​​area was very large, but it was not cut.

This step of operation made Justin feel bright.


The degree of fish slices has reached the limit, which means that the precise setting of the cooking robot can achieve this degree. Otherwise, it would be difficult to do it manually.

Fu Yu quickly controlled the cooking robot to process the right half of the fish meat in the same way.

Next, process the fish meat on the spine, stick to the spine, and slice the fish meat horizontally towards the tail of the fish.

The cooking robot performed very stably in this step of operation.

Then, Fu Yu turned around and said, "Give me the tray!"

Justin, who was standing by, had already prepared the tray and handed it to Fu Yu. The people around him also focused on the picture on the big screen.

According to their prediction, the authentic way to cook fish tails should be to cut them according to the size of the fish when they are cut. However, each slice should not be less than 4, so that the degree of cooked fish meat can be kept consistent.

Even Ellis was impressed by Fu Yu's mastery of the cooking robot.

These simple operations are not too difficult for Fu Yu.

Compared to him, Justin was under more pressure.

He watched Fu Yu skillfully control the cooking robot, and he felt a little worried for a while. Could it be that Fu Yu was really so good?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the cooking robot successfully turned the fish meat part under the slice to the outermost side, making the whole fish tail "fan-shaped".

After successfully completing the cutting of one fish tail, Fu Yu successively controlled the cooking robot to complete the processing of the other three fish tails.

The whole process took only three minutes, less than one minute on average, and a fish tail was perfectly processed.

And at this time, the really difficult cooking operation will begin.

When Fu Yu was concentrating on setting the operating program instructions of the cooking robot, Ellis, who was standing next to him, suddenly said: "Chef Fu, come on!"

Fu Yu was stunned, and then an electronic prompt sounded in his ear:

[Ding! The task from Ellis, the head of NPC Cooking Technology Research and Development Company, is to perfectly control the latest cooking robot to cook two dishes, braised prawns and fried river shrimps. The reward for completing the task: the quality of the dishes will be evaluated and issued.]

Fu Yu tried to maintain his expression and nodded to Ellis.

This time, the reward content was actually based on the quality of the dishes.

This means that the better the dish is cooked, the richer the reward.

Fu Yu suddenly felt full of power.

The most difficult part of cooking braised prawns is flipping the pot.

The most authentic way is to flip it several times, and the fish tail cannot be broken at all.

If Fu Yu did it himself, it would actually be relatively easier.

Now that the cooking robot is used, the difficulty is much greater in terms of strength and time setting of flipping the spoon.

Fu Yu has absolute hand feeling skills and is very experienced in this area. When setting the cooking operation plan before, he thought it would be better to use the method of temporarily changing the settings to control the cooking robot.

Because he is very confident in his ability to control the temperature, as long as he can make accurate predictions, he can adjust the settings of the cooking robot in time.

Today's cooking seems to be mainly aimed at showing off his cooking skills and verifying his level of operation of the cooking robot.

But in fact, it is necessary to use actual operations to prove to everyone that cooking robots can indeed improve cooking efficiency.

Braised cooking is to add sugar and soy sauce to the fish meat and stir-fry it slightly for color, then add water or broth to stew it and thicken it to collect the sauce. In fact, it is to stir-fry the fish meat thoroughly.

But fish meat is not like other ingredients. After being cooked, the meat is very easy to loosen. You must also pay attention to the strength of the tossing when flipping the spoon. If the shape of the fish tail is broken, the whole dish will be ruined.

Fu Yu is very proficient in cooking fresh fish. Now he wants to put his operating skills into the use of cooking robots, and the focus is on the setting of the program.

How to accurately control the heat, to what extent the fish tail is cooked, to what extent the pan needs to be shaken, how much amplitude and force should be used, all these need to be set in detail. (End of this chapter)

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