Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1289 Entering the International Food Circle Stage (Complete Book)

After chatting with Fu Yu for a few words, the host naturally passed the topic to the judges.

The judge representative, the president of the International Gourmet Association, smiled and commented: "Chef Fu Yu, the two dishes you cooked surprised us very much. I didn't expect that the use of cooking robots could be so comprehensive, including so many operations. What is most commendable is that you have integrated your cooking skills into the use of cooking technology. Just like the concept you have always advocated, basic cooking skills and cooking technology are a working mode that can completely help each other."

"Thank you for your wonderful cooking demonstration just now. Let us see a new cooking concept and concept. The innovative idea of ​​judging the doneness of ingredients by heat concentration also brings a new operating concept to the cooking of the entire food circle."

As soon as the president finished speaking, warm applause broke out at the scene.

Fu Yu bowed again to thank him, and then walked off the stage with Ellis and Justin.

As soon as he returned to his seat, Fu Yu was surrounded by people around him.

He Jie reached out and patted Fu Yu, feeling very excited.

With the president's words, Fu Yu's election was basically stable.

However, due to the current environment, although the partners in the Chinese region were equally excited, they still tried to control their emotions and keep a low profile.

Afterwards, other candidates for the committee election began to speak on stage one after another.

Although others would pay attention to the speeches on the stage, they would also look at Fu Yu's movements from time to time.

Fu Yu was very calm at this time. He sat quietly in his seat, looking forward, and seemed to be listening very attentively to the content of the candidate's speech.

For a while, everyone was full of emotion.

At such a young age, he has such ability and scheming, which is really not simple!

Fu Yu was completely unaware of the gazes around him. At this time, he was concentrating on listening to the electronic prompt sound that suddenly sounded in his ears:

[Ding! The task from Ellis, the head of NPC Cooking Technology Research and Development Company, is to perfectly control the latest cooking robot to cook two dishes, braised prawns and fried river shrimp. The task has been completed and rewards are obtained: invisible touch gloves, a random reward, level +2]

Fu Yu was ecstatic after hearing the reward!

As expected, the previous cooking performance was very good. In addition to the random reward, there are other awards.

Especially being able to upgrade 2 levels in a row, this is simply too exciting!

At this rate, it is estimated that in a few years, he will be able to reach the peak state.

In addition to excitement, Fu Yu chose to check the other two rewards.

[Invisible touch gloves: Wearing gloves can improve the sense of touch by 20%. High-intensity touch can effectively improve the ability to perceive ingredients during cooking operations. ]

Can improve the sense of touch?

That means that as long as you choose to wear gloves, you can improve the level of absolute touch skills.

Fu Yu is still very confident in his absolute touch ability. Now that he can get further improvement on this basis, I can't imagine how amazing it is!

The most important thing is that these gloves are not consumables!

Fu Yu took a deep breath and managed to control his expression without laughing out loud.

The second one was a random reward.

Fu Yu knew that randomness was never random.

He confidently chose to open the box.

[Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the cooking robot maintenance technology (advanced)]

Fu Yu was stunned!

It was not related to cooking, but cooking robot maintenance?

This skill is quite good. After all, through learning and using it during this period of time, Fu Yu has deeply realized the importance of machine maintenance. If the maintenance is done well, a lot of money can be saved that year.

And if it is done well in the future, maybe I can try to compile a [Cooking Robot Maintenance Technology and Guide].

Fu Yu silently flipped through the content of the reward, and was overjoyed.

After the last candidate finished his speech, the host came on stage and announced that after a short break, the list of selected candidates would be announced directly.

Although it was called a break, everyone was already excited.

He Jie was even more nervous than Fu Yu at this time.

Everyone was enthusiastically discussing the list of candidates who could successfully run for election.

This is a member of the International Gourmet Association. If you can be elected, you will be able to step onto the big stage of the international food circle.

The judges are actively voting, and the selection has officially begun.

This is also the most exciting moment.

Who can be elected as a member?

50 members of the International Gourmet Association, 9 members of the association, 5 leaders of the International Cultural Department, and 5 outstanding representatives of the food industry.

A total of 69 votes!

Everyone can select a list of selected members, and the one with the highest votes will be officially appointed.

Who to choose?

In fact, everyone present already has some ideas in their hearts.

After casting his vote, the president of the Gourmet Association took the initiative to stand on the stage. He looked at everyone present, smiled, and said seriously: "The position of committee member is a very important position in the entire association. It is related to the internal work arrangement and coordination of our association, as well as personnel management and the deployment and execution of matters. This is a new member recruitment activity after four years. I hope everyone can consider it carefully, follow their hearts, and cast their precious votes!"

This event uses electronic voting. After all votes are cast, they will be directly reflected on the big screen. It does not take too much time to count.

At this time, the big screen shows the names of all candidates, and the votes are next to them.

As the voting begins, the votes keep changing, and the names also start to change positions. The higher the votes, the higher the ranking.

As the order of the names keeps changing, the atmosphere is becoming more and more tense.

This scene is particularly touching. Everyone stares at the changing votes and rankings on the big screen, and they start to get excited and nervous.

Eric and others pressed the voting button at the moment the voting began.

Fu Yu's votes keep changing.

The top two are both well-known chefs in the international food circle, and their status far exceeds that of the contestants of the same period.

Fu Yu and Justin rank third and fourth.

Fu Yu's votes rose sharply at the beginning, and he has been firmly in third place.

However, Justin is also not inferior, ranking right next to fourth.

When the two were anxious, Justin's votes suddenly jumped a few votes, directly overtaking Fu Yu.

Years of popularity accumulation is no joke.

Seeing Justin firmly occupying the third place, followed by Fu Yu, everyone's hanging hearts fell to the ground.

Basically, that's it. Several people who performed well in this campaign are all on the list. It's fair and just.

However, just when everyone thought the overall situation was settled, Fu Yu's votes suddenly increased rapidly!

In just a few seconds, Fu Yu's votes directly rushed to 28 votes!

And just when Fu Yu's votes were firmly over Justin, the counting was closed.

Fu Yu ranked third, Justin ranked fourth, and the difference between the two was exactly three votes.

Looking at the official voting ranking, the whole audience burst into warm applause.


Justin looked at the ranking on the big screen, let out a long breath, and relaxed.

It's over.

He turned his head and glanced at Fu Yu in the back row, and his heart was very complicated for a moment.

Justin leaned back in his chair. At this moment, he was a little disappointed, but at the same time, he was also a little fortunate.

Although he failed to surpass Fu Yu, the gap between him and Fu Yu was not too ugly.

One place difference was much better than expected.

Moreover, he did work hard and strived for it.

Even if he lost, he still won.

Justin kept comforting himself in his heart.

Eric and others were relieved when they saw the final number of votes.

In fact, many people were very entangled when voting, whether to choose the person they originally favored, or to switch to Fu Yu.

Choose the person you have decided in advance, because the other party does have this ability, has a good relationship with you, and has worked in the food industry for many years, has rich experience, is very familiar with the environment of the International Food Association, and is fully capable of the work of the committee.

Choosing Fu Yu means choosing an uncertain future.

However, Fu Yu's performance today suddenly made them want to take the risk.

Because the future is full of uncertainty, but it is also bright and exciting.

The happiest people to see Fu Yu successfully selected are He Jie and others. Everyone watching this scene is excited beyond words.


Fu Yu was finally successfully selected!

This means that the Chinese food industry has officially taken a place in the International Food Association.

Fu Yu was elected as a member of the Food Association at such a young age, and his future is definitely limitless.

He Jie was so excited that tears were about to fall.

He clapped his hands hard, too proud and too excited.

Not only him, but also those older generation of food industry colleagues were all happy to see this scene.

It's been so many years.

We can finally stand in this position.

And with Fu Yu's strength, he will definitely lead the Chinese food industry to get better and better internationally in the future.

Maybe on the world stage, the Chinese food industry has not been recognized and accepted by all countries, but!

The spark has been burning, how far will it be to spread the prairie fire?

The president of the International Gourmet Association stood on the stage and said with a smile: "Congratulations to the outstanding candidates who have won the election. Welcome to join the International Gourmet Association and become one of us! Congratulations to you and thank you for coming to participate in this event!"

Afterwards, all the selected candidates came on stage to issue the International Gourmet Association's entry certificates and related documents.

Fu Yu held his own entry certificate, straightened his back, and followed other personnel to bow deeply to the audience!

At this moment, his heart was also full of emotion, and it took a long time to calm down!

He did it!

He really joined the International Gourmet Association and served as a committee member!

In addition to bowing to everyone present, Fu Yu looked at his Chinese region.

He knew that this honor did not only belong to him.

If it weren't for the members of the special research group working day and night and cooperating with himself to improve the cooking guide, it might take a long time to truly obtain the current honor!

Fu Yu took a deep breath and bowed again to the location of the Chinese region.

Thank you, my partner!

This bow made He Jie and others' eyes red instantly.


The Chinese food circle will definitely get better and better!

Since the foreign media slandered it on the official website, everyone has been holding a grudge in their hearts!

They were despised!

And what they represent is the Chinese food circle!

With the efforts of everyone, the motherland has begun to become stronger and stronger.

However, becoming strong is a long process of growth, and not all fields can succeed in one step and truly stand up!

And being strong means that no one dares to look down on it casually and slander it arbitrarily on the foreign website!

The reason why Justin's team dared to act recklessly on the foreign website was because they ignored it and felt that Fu Yu was insignificant, and even disrespected and did not revere the Chinese food circle!

Because they felt that they were better than the other party, they dared to do so.

If the Chinese food circle was strong enough, would Justin dare to clamor at will?

And now, Fu Yu has officially become a member of the international food circle, and his ranking even exceeds Justin. What does this mean?

This means that the Chinese food industry has become stronger, with a wealth of talents, and is about to become an indispensable and important existence.

The Chinese food industry's research on cooking and the successful compilation of operating guidelines are also very much needed by the world food industry.

Our Chinese food industry can cook delicious dishes that represent the country and conquer the international people. We can also develop innovative ideas and cooking guidelines that are envied and valued by our peers in the international food industry and need to learn and communicate.

This is a very strong sense of national pride!

It is also a kind of national cohesion.

At this moment, all the participants in the Chinese region were excited and their eyes were red.

Perhaps, food has no borders.

However, honor has borders, chefs have borders, and food belonging to one's own country is also representative!

At this time, the Chinese food media personnel gathered in the media area were also excited.

The reporter in front held the microphone and his voice trembled with excitement: "Success, our outstanding representative of China, Chef Fu Yu, successfully ran for the membership of the International Food Association!"

"This is the first world-class member in the field of food in our country. Fu Yu did it! The national food industry did it!"

And this live news was simultaneously transmitted back to China.

At this time, it was 3:30 in the morning in China.

It was time for a good sleep, but many people were anxiously waiting for a message on the phone!

At this time, many people who were waiting received various good news.

"Fu Yu was elected as a member of the International Gourmet Association!"

"Successful, Fu Yu ranked third and successfully won the election!"

Many people who failed to participate in the event were very excited to see the good news at this moment.

They knew that their efforts were not in vain.

This honor is a historical witness for thousands of Chinese food industry colleagues!

Liu Yuqing learned the news as soon as possible and hurriedly called her sister Liu Yunong.

"Sister! Fu Yu successfully ran for a member of the International Gourmet Association!"

Liu Yunong was also very excited: "I saw the news too! He is really so competitive. I originally thought that he could help me make our family's catering business bigger and stronger. Who would have thought that he would directly break into the international food industry!"

Zhao Meng and Yao Shi were also equally excited.

The two sat at a barbecue stall on the back street of Qianlima and clinked a glass of beer.

They all felt proud and happy that a good person had cultivated a good horse.

At the same time, Liu Yongping sat on the sofa at home and breathed a long sigh of relief.

He knew that when Fu Yu came back this time, his training would be officially over.

He couldn't help but sigh that Fu Yu was really amazing!

In the future, he will be able to make his way in the international food circle.

Thinking of this, his vision suddenly became a little blurry. Fu Yu had done something that he had never dared to think about.

After all, the young are formidable!

Liu Yongping silently picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Fu Yu: Congratulations on your victory! I also wish you better and better in the future!

(The whole book is finished)

. . . . . . .

The new book [Beian's No. 1 Chef] has been published!

"My last name is Guan, I'm a chef, my father is Guan Qiao, yes, the villain in [Celebrity Chefs] who was madly criticized, I am his son Guan Erfei.

Guan Xiang tragically traveled to the cooking world [Celebrity Chefs], and unfortunately became Guan Qiao's son Guan Erfei, who was "evil and wicked, farting and crooked".

There are so many competitors and enemies.

But he has no choice but to make the best of it and strive to become a famous chef in Bei'an's food circle. (End of this chapter)

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