Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1288 You Deserve to Be Left Behind

The entire cooking process is very precise because it is completed by the cooking robot according to the program settings.

For the first time, Fu Yu changed from a chef in charge to a controller standing by and watching.

The three people in the cooking room slowed down their breathing and stared at the river shrimps that were being stir-fried in the pot.

At this time, Fu Yu discovered that his operation settings were really powerful.

The heat was customized just right, the timing was also very precise, and the strength of each stir-fry and the arc of the ingredients being thrown met his expectations perfectly.

When the stir-frying is completed, the cooking robot will sound a warning sound.

Fu Yu has been waiting nearby, and he doesn't dare to be careless at all.

The heat of this dish is really critical, and it doesn’t matter if it stays in the hot pan for a second longer.

He quickly cooperated with the cooking robot to put the river shrimps in the pot on the plate, and then handed them over to the staff, and specifically told them to send them to the judges' seats, so that the judges could enjoy them while they were hot.

Because I was afraid of wasting my time, I added an extra explanation: "This dish must be enjoyed while it's hot for the best taste."

The staff got the order and hurriedly carried the dishes to the event site.

Everyone at the judges' table has been waiting eagerly for it.

However, their attention was still focused more on the big screen at this time. After the cooking robot finished cooking the fried shrimps, it immediately started cooking braised water.

Open the lid, use a spatula to scoop up the soup and pour it continuously on the fish, then add MSG, thicken it with wet starch, pour cooked lard along the edge of the pot, turn the wok, and turn the fish tail over. .

This step is the most difficult and most critical step in cooking.

The main ingredient used in braised fish tail is fish tail. Due to frequent movement, the meat in this part is particularly tender and smooth. Because of this, the cooking process of this dish is very particular, and it must go through several topsy-turvy operations. Make sure the fish tail cannot be broken.

This is very difficult. The tenderer the fish, the easier it will fall off when cooked. If the fish falls apart, the fish bones will naturally become more overcooked and easy to break.

Fu Yu took this into consideration when setting up the cooking robot, so the intensity of turning the pot and the arc and height of the ingredients were preset in advance.

He just wants to complete the spooning operation steadily to ensure that the fish meat does not fall apart and the fish tail remains intact.

Therefore, cooking operations are actually very often a matter of testing one's patience.

When he first learned to cook, he once believed that, apart from lacking arm strength, female chefs were actually more suitable than male chefs for cooking such special dishes.

The cooking robot accurately completed several swings of the spoon, and the four fish tails in the pot were thrown up and then dropped down. This steady force made Justin's heart beat fast.

Ellis was elated. Although he was not particularly good at cooking, he was still very good at basic operations. He could see that this setting of the cooking robot was very special. The four fish tails were on When it was thrown up, it all bounced up and turned over, and then fell down all at once. This flatness looked really amazing.

Justin looked at the fish tail being thrown up by the spoon, and couldn't help but said: "Chef Fu Yu, with the spoon you set, the cooking robot's wrist seems to have a sideways movement?"

Fu Yu didn't expect Justin to see the key at a glance, but it was not something that needed to be hidden, so he nodded calmly: "Yes, this setting can better control when the ingredients are thrown. "

Justin was silent.

Ellis sighed: "This setting is great! Chef Fu Yu, wait until the cooking is finished. Let's add a contact information. I have many questions about the operation of the cooking robot that I want to communicate with you."

Fu Yu smiled and nodded: "Okay, no problem!"

The event venue is even more lively at this time!

The staff brought a plate of fried river shrimp to the judges' table, and all the judges' attention was immediately focused on the plate.

The presentation is quite satisfactory. They have seen it on the big screen before. What they are looking forward to most now is to taste the taste of this dish.

I want to taste the difference between the river shrimp made by the cooking robot and the artificial one.

Because the situation in the cooking room was being played on the big screen at this time, several people gathered around the judges' table. Others present could only see the backs of their heads dangling, and had no idea of ​​the specific situation. .

However, although I did not have the opportunity to taste it, the entire cooking process of this dish was played on the big screen. Just looking at the final color, I knew that the heat control of this river shrimp was indeed very good.

And when the judges tasted it, they were indeed full of praise.

The standard for this dish is that the sauce evenly coats the surface of each river shrimp, and there is no residual sauce at the bottom of the plate after eating.

There are a lot of judges, so one person holding two would almost need a CD.

The whole dish is first rotated in front of everyone, and everyone can taste the finished dish up close.

The river shrimps are bright red in color and look very appetizing.

When tasted, it is salty and sweet, the shell and meat are separated, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The most amazing thing is that after everyone shared the taste, there was really no trace of soup left on the entire plate.

Eating the delicious river shrimp, Eric's heart dropped completely.

The friend next to him smiled and praised: "This chef Fu Yu is really amazing. This dish is very good!"

Eric nodded: "Yes, Chef Fu Yu is indeed excellent."

Now Fu Yu has conquered everyone present with his practical actions.

Later, the braised water was finished cooking and was brought over by the staff.

With the fried river shrimp fried with green onions as the starting point, everyone is even more excited about this braised fish dish.

There was a fish tail neatly placed on the plate that was brought to the table. Because of the clever stacking design, it looked like four fish tails spread out on top of one tail fin, which was very delicately arranged.

The color of the fish tail is bright red and the marinade is thick. People who know how to eat fish love to eat this part. Due to regular exercise, the meat in this part is particularly tender and smooth.

Eric waited for others to pick it up, and then he also picked up a piece of fish and tasted it carefully. Not to mention, the fish tail was really delicious, fat, waxy, oily, and the meat was smooth and tender.

The best thing is that it tastes both oily and meaty, fat and lean, and it tastes really delicious.

The judges at the judges' table were carefully appraising the dishes.

In the cooking room, Fu Yu felt relieved. Although he acted very calm, he was actually quite nervous. The more attention he paid to such an important occasion, the more likely he would become nervous.

Now that he had finally completed the cooking of the two dishes, Fu Yu felt relaxed.

Ellis was so excited that he smiled and stepped forward to help turn off the cooking robot. Then he couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Chef Fu Yu, you are really amazing. If I were a judge, I would definitely vote for you. Let you serve as a committee member of the association.”

As soon as these words came out, Fu Yu suddenly laughed.

But at this time, Justin's face was pale, and his heart sank to the bottom. In fact, with his strength, there was basically no suspense about running for the committee.

The only uncertainty is how many votes it can get and how high it can rank among this batch of new committee members.

Now, he can no longer guarantee that he can still be in front of Fu Yu. He just prays from the bottom of his heart that he will not be left too far behind, otherwise this face will really be unavailable.

The people watching the big screen at the event were chatting and laughing in low voices.

Because the cooking was over at this time, the camera was focused on Fu Yu and the other two, and their conversations and all their movements and expressions were shown on the big screen.

Everyone at the event couldn't help laughing while listening to their conversation.

Many of the judges who had just tasted two delicious dishes had already made up their minds and would vote for Fu Yu.

He Jie was even more excited, and other people in the China area beside him shouted excitedly: "Fu Chu is so awesome!"

"It's so exciting, he will definitely be selected!"

He Jie couldn't help but praise: "Yes, it brings glory to our country's food circle!"

At this time, the picture on the big screen changed, the video in the cooking room was turned off, and it returned to the event site.

And Fu Yu and the other three are back.

As soon as they entered the venue, the audience burst into warm applause.

The host invited the three of them directly to the stage and conducted the interview in public.

The host praised Fu Yu's superb operation of the cooking robot, and then asked: "Chef Fu Yu, after tasting the two dishes you just cooked, the judges agreed that they were very delicious and very authentic. There is only one thing Everyone is very curious about the matter. It is said that the main ingredient of the original braised water dish was grass carp, but you used herring instead when cooking it. Can you tell me why? "

Fu Yu said with a smile: "Because the meat of herring is more tender."

He did not emphasize that the classic braised water stroke is actually for herring, not grass carp.

Because herring is indeed commonly used in cooking this dish now, and he couldn't say that the reason for switching to grass carp was because it was cheaper and the restaurant made more money.

This kind of thing that everyone knows well is not easy to talk about on the table.

After Fu Yu finished his answer, he felt that the content was a little too simple and seemed perfunctory, so he changed the direction and said: "Actually, there is another reason, because herring is more nutritious. Maybe everyone doesn't know that herring It is a top-quality freshwater fish and has very good nutritional value and therapeutic effects.”

The host was very experienced and quickly followed the topic and praised: "I didn't expect that you know something about dietary therapy?"

Diet therapy?

Everyone present immediately became interested.

As for Justin, if it weren't for the fact that he was standing on the stage, the situation was really bad. At this time, he just wanted to roll his eyes. This guy is showing off again!

Sure enough, apart from family members, the people who know you best are your enemies!

Listening to the host praising Fu Yu, Justin endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it back and blurted out: "Indeed, Chef Fu Yu must be very knowledgeable about dietary therapy. Who doesn't know that he is the best international herbalist of the year this year!" It’s just a herring. For him, it’s just basic knowledge at best, right?”

For medicinal diet experts, talking about the curative effect of an ingredient is the same as a chef's understanding of ingredients in cooking.

What's the big deal?

It’s not a special medicinal dish, how rare it is!

But Justin's unhesitating words stunned everyone present!

Not everyone knows Fu Yu’s background very well. Many people were shocked when they heard Justin’s words!


Best international herbalist of the year?

Isn't Fu Yu the red case chef?

Ellis and the host looked at Fu Yu with full hearts:? ? ?

And the people who participated in the election at the same time were about to collapse!

You know, when Fu Yu was a little better than them, they would feel a little envious and jealous, because Fu Yu was too young. Being surpassed by a junior, although it meant that the food industry was full of talents, this was a good thing.

But when this outstanding junior was even better than what they knew, they didn't know how they should look at this matter for a while.

This kid is actually a herbalist!

Suddenly, the whole event site was full of discussions, and everyone even started searching. After checking, it was boiling.

"It's true, isn't this Fu Yu's photo?"

"International Best Herbalist of the Year? International?!"

"This is too amazing!"

In the whole hall, everyone was looking through the relevant news content, and the sound of emotion was endless.

At this time, the Chinese staff present became the most popular people at this time. Many people came over enthusiastically to say hello and asked about Fu Yu.

Justin looked at the reactions of the crowd. His passion had faded. His face suddenly changed. He wanted to slap himself twice!

He was such a fool!

Did it show you?

You are the only one who knows everything. You are the only one who understands Fu Yu!

Justin regretted it. He was so stupid to help his competitor to gain more reputation!

Fu Yu hadn't even pretended to be cool yet, but he helped him.

Justin almost shed a handful of tears at this moment.

You deserve to be left behind!

Fu Yu also looked at Justin in surprise, a little stunned!

What kind of trick was this?

However, he did know his situation quite well.

After the host was surprised, he quickly smiled and said: "Chef Fu Yu, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable and even proficient in medicinal cuisine!"

Fu Yu smiled and said: "I can't say I'm proficient, I'm just interested."

In fact, when I first came into contact with medicinal cuisine, it was just to complete the tasks issued by the system. Who would have thought that it would become my first pot of gold.

In fact, my start was when I was invited by Yao Shi to work part-time in a music restaurant. It took me two years to come step by step.

In the eyes of others, Fu Yu's words became a low-key performance.

Especially, Chinese people have always been known for their humility and courtesy, which makes everyone have a better impression of Fu Yu. (End of this chapter)

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