Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 802 Too Hasty

Zhang Jiaxin went through the takeaway menu that Liu Yuqing sent over, and turned to Zhu Wan: "Go and prepare some seafood."

As he spoke, he handed over the list, and said: "From the 1st to the 5th, after taking the seafood, send it directly to the red case for processing."

Zhu Wan agreed, and seeing that Liu Yuqing had already walked out of the baking area, she hurried to catch up and said with great interest, "Xiaoqing, I heard you are a college student? Why do you come here to work as a waiter?"

It is not news that Liu Yuqing is a college student. People often talk about it in private. In addition, Liu Yuqing is beautiful and has a good image. Many people predict that she will not work for a long time. She came to work just to experience life.

Liu Yuqing smiled slightly: "Oh, I haven't officially graduated yet, now I'm doing an internship to gain experience."

She originally planned to go to Maxima for an internship for half a year to learn about hotel management and experience the work and life of ordinary service personnel.

After all, she is doing an internship in her family's restaurant, so she will definitely learn nothing, and everyone will take care of her because of her status.

After finishing his dissertation defense in the summer, he will formally study abroad and pursue graduate studies.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Wan quickly said: "It turns out that you haven't graduated yet, so now you just come here to experience an internship. After you officially graduate, then... It's a good idea. It's true that you will stay here on your terms. I’m a bit out of talent. I think that since I’ve finished college, I will definitely have to strive to enter a better working environment in the future, so that I can somewhat guarantee my future.”

What Zhu Wan said was very sincere.

Liu Yuqing nodded and smiled: "Well, what you said makes sense."

Zhu Wan hurriedly said with a smile: "Ah, I just thought of it, and I would like to suggest it casually. Actually, the main reason is that your image condition is too good. It's a pity to be an orderer here. And being an orderer can What did you learn? It’s nothing more than memorizing recipes and ordering menus, what’s the point, right?”

Zhu Wan thinks that her performance is generous and polite, which is remarkable. This performance should give herself some impression points, right?

However, he didn't see Liu Yuqing's smile subsided in an instant, and he glanced over coldly.

What happened to being a waiter?

There is no point in memorizing recipes!

What you do is meaningless!

Just witnessed her colleagues being insulted by customers pointing their noses at them, the meaning of her work has doubled in Liu Yuqing's heart, even the "senior foreman" has recognized their dedication, how dare you say that!

At this time, Zhang Jinyu came back with the processed seafood, and seeing this scene, his expression changed immediately.


This kid dared to hook up with our "sister-in-law Fu" when he first came here. Where did he leave our kitchen Fu?

It's so boring!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinyu felt that he should help his brother.

Zhang Jinyu hurried forward and handed the big basin in his hand to Zhu Wan: "It's just right, Xiao Zhu, help me send this basin of seafood in, I have to go back to Hongan!"

Before Zhu Wan could react, she was stuffed with a pot of cleaned crabs.

When he finished delivering the crabs and turned back, Liu Yuqing had already left.

But Zhang Jinyu stood where he was and didn't leave.

Zhu Wanying stepped forward and asked, "Chef Zhang, didn't you say you were going to the Red Case District?"

Zhang Jinyu said calmly: "Oh, I just received the notice, there is no need to go there, but you, where were you going just now?"

Zhu Wan explained: "The takeaway order just delivered by the front desk, I'm going to go fish for seafood."

Zhang Jinyu immediately said: "I want to go there too, let's go together."

Zhu Wan didn't suspect him, and followed Zhang Jinyu forward.

Zhang Jinyu suddenly asked: "Xiao Zhu, tomorrow is the holiday, are you going back to school or home?"

Zhu Wan said: "Go back to school to pick up your luggage. I booked the train ticket at 2:30 in the morning."

Zhang Jinyu tentatively asked: "Are you in such a hurry? Don't you need to send your girlfriend?"

When Zhu Wan heard this, she smiled embarrassedly: "Where is the girlfriend, I'm still single."

Zhang Jinyu pretended to be surprised and said: "Really? You look very energetic, and you should be excellent in school, right? Why don't you have a date?"

Zhu Wan chuckled and said, "Isn't this all the time focusing on studying? I'm so smoky every day, and I don't have the heart to think about these things. I plan to wait until my job is stable after graduation, and then I will think about it."

Hearing this, Zhang Jinyu became more vigilant, this kid obviously has ulterior motives.

So he said casually: "It's right to think so, like we pay the chef, and we didn't have a date in school before. Now that the job is stable, I will make a beautiful girlfriend right away. Hey, you too You know, she is the big beauty of our store, Liu Yuqing. The two of you are getting along very well now, and your relationship is very deep.”

Immediately, the smile on Zhu Wan's face couldn't hold back anymore, he looked at Zhang Jinyu with some surprise: "You mean, Xiaoqing and Fu Chu are a couple?"

Zhang Jinyu nodded: "Yes, everyone in our shop knows about this."

After all, Zhu Wan was still young, and she couldn't hide anything on her face. Ever since she heard the news, her whole body was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, wilting at the sight.

Zhang Jiaxin noticed, and asked with concern, but Zhu Wan didn't want to say anything, so that's fine.

At this time, Fu Yu finally finished his work on the red case and came to the baking area.

Zhang Jiaxin had just finished checking Zhu Wan's food preparation, and when he saw Fu Yu coming, he hurriedly confessed, "Chef Fu, just now Xiaoqing came over to deliver a set of ordered orders, you can take a look."

Fu Yu took it over, looked it over carefully, and said with a smile: "Xiao Jiang is too reliable in her work, very good."

When the two were talking, Zhu Wan was standing beside him. Compared with Liu Yuqing, he was more curious about Fu Yu now.

Although Fu Yu's academic performance was mediocre when he was studying, his memory was not bad. Now that he has improved his memory with the system rewards, he has a deep impression on the order lists he has handled.

Although many customers have never met, through the habit of ordering food, Fu Yu can accurately tell each other's taste preferences for his own exclusive old customers, often according to the dishes ordered and the notes. Can identify which customer's order.

In this way, he will be more handy when cooking.

This is also the cooking experience that Zhao Meng taught him at the beginning.

"Hey, Chef Fu, on the ingredients of this order list, the dry pot shrimp does not need to remove the shrimp head? I saw that the customer has no special requirements!" Zhang Jinyu couldn't help asking while holding the prepared menu given by Fu Yu .

The customer didn't make any special remarks, so why did Fu Yu directly change the cooking operation for them?

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, this customer likes to suck shrimp heads when he eats. He made a special note when he came to the store for the first time. Later, I remembered his preference. Every time I make this dish, I will eat it when I cook it. Will think about keeping the shrimp heads."

Zhang Jinyu heard: "Oh, so that's the case, are you sure it's his order?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, his ordering habits are quite special, I can recognize it at a glance!"

Zhang Jinyu smiled immediately.

Two more backup menus were confirmed in a row. Zhang Jinyu was careful in doing things, and Fu Yu knew him very well, so he didn't mind saying a few more words when he gave orders.

Some asked how much to prepare, and some even mentioned a few tips for handling ingredients.

This made Zhu Wan a little curious.

Is there really such a god?

Can you recognize who the customer is just by ordering the menu?

Is it possible? Is there really any trick?

At this time, Zhu Wan was full of curiosity.

Also, when handling seafood, the general method of shelling gobies is to twist off the two outermost legs of the tail, then pinch the tail and gently fold it upwards, then twist it off.

Use a chopstick to stick the shrimp shell from the tail to near the head.

Fold the shell with the left hand, press the chopsticks with the right hand, apply force with both hands in opposite directions at the same time, and the entire shell on the back will be opened.

He has always felt that this method is very simple and very effective.

But Fu Yu told Zhang Jinyu that you can try to gently lift off the shell on one side from the fourth quarter counting from the tiger's head, hold the head with one hand, and lift the shell with the other hand to get it done.

It sounds like there are indeed fewer steps, and the speed of unpacking is faster.

But is it really okay?

Zhu Wan began to have doubts about Fu Yu's handling of seafood.

This feeling is like learning martial arts in an orthodox sect, which is different from Ye Luzi's self-taught martial arts. There is an invisible sense of superiority.

After finishing cooking in the roasting area, Zhu Wan followed Zhang Jiaxin back to the red case.

With no outsiders around, Zhu Wan couldn't help but asked: "Chef Jiang, I just listened to Chef Fu's instructions on how to deal with tiger shrimp. It's very special. Who did you learn it from? Chef Zhao?"

Zhang Jiaxin snorted: "No, Chef Fu should have created it himself. He used to innovate the cooking and presentation of dishes. He should have his own ideas when dealing with seafood. And I heard it just now. For a moment, this method saves one step in operation, and the speed can be faster."

When Zhu Wan heard this, she suddenly felt that it was too hasty!

Judging from Zhang Jiaxin's tone, it was clear that he had never tried this method before, but after hearing Fu Yu's words now, he showed a very approving attitude.

He suddenly found that the entire back kitchen seemed to have been brainwashed, and they had a special blind trust and admiration for Fu Yu!

Letting a chef in charge be in charge of the arrangement of the entire baking area, even the distribution of the small workers is done by a newcomer who has just been on the job for more than a year.

This is too unbelievable, right?

Glancing at the processed prawns on the tray, Zhu Wan asked Zhang Jiaxin: "Chef Zhang, aren't the cooking methods in our restaurant all the same? Why do we need to innovate? In this way, the taste of the dishes will be different when served." Will there be a difference?"

Zhang Jiaxin said casually: "Since it is an innovative dish, there must be a difference. The store has always encouraged the chefs to make innovations, because the old-fashioned classic dishes have some shortcomings and need continuous innovation and improvement. This innovative dish is still very popular in the store, and you will know when you see it."

Zhu Wan was stunned!

Can you improve the classic dishes casually and get everyone's approval?

is it possible?

Zhang Jiaxin actually said that Fu Yu had improved several dishes and they were still very popular. Is this plausible?

Who do you think you are?

Zhu Wan smiled embarrassingly.

He didn't say anything, but his heart was flustered.

He suddenly began to doubt whether he could learn the real thing in the back kitchen of this store.

What kind of people are these?

Because Fu Yu is loved by the chef, so everyone praises him?

No wonder Gu Chu and Zhao Chu didn't get along, no one would be happy with it!

In Zhu Wan's view, Zhao Meng, who always looks serious and speaks coldly, is far inferior to Gu Yunwu, who is gentle and easy to get along with.

He was very lucky to be selected by Gu Yunwu to be a small worker at the beginning. It is definitely better to work with such a temperless and talkative chef than to work under a leader who is always admonishing others!

When he first heard that Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu had a disagreement in the back kitchen, he still didn't quite understand it. After all, it was said that Zhao Meng's cooking skills were also very good, and both of them worked in the back kitchen. Is it like this?

Now it seems that it is really necessary.

Daringly, this Chef Zhao is a master in the back kitchen. He looks at people who are pleasing to the eye, and everyone has to hold them for offerings.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wan couldn't help but sigh.

It's really a man who is afraid of getting into the wrong line.

The working atmosphere of this Maxima kitchen is really incomprehensible.

However, Zhu Wan didn't have a chance to try the tips on dealing with gobies that Fu Yu just taught, but she couldn't help but take advantage of the time to go to the bathroom and quietly posted a Moments.

A funny picture with text: Handling tips developed by our chef himself.

It seemed that everyone was busy at this time. When I went back to the roasting area, I didn’t see anyone responding with likes. Zhu Wan was still paying attention to it at the time, but then he got busy and forgot about it.

The roasting area has completed several barbecue takeaway orders one after another. When the work is not so busy, Fu Yu will take Zhang Jinyu back to the red case area to take orders.

Zhang Jiaxin took Zhu Wan to stay in the baking area to handle the rest of the order.

Liu Yuqing came over twice halfway, once to inform the customer of a temporary change of dishes, and once to check the delivery status of the takeaway.

Zhu Wan really likes Liu Yuqing a little bit. She thinks she is pretty and has a good figure. Especially when she heard that she is still a college student and the school is good, she became even more attracted to her!

But it's a pity that before he had time to show his courtesy, he learned from Zhang Jiaxin that Liu Yuqing already had a boyfriend, and this person was Fu Yu.

This made Zhu Wan very depressed!

It's not easy to meet a girl who is tempted, but in the end, I have a lover.

Why does Liu Yuqing, who is so beautiful, so cute, and such an excellent girl, fall in love with Fu Yu?

Could it be because Fu Yu is taller? Look handsome? Personality looks very gentle?

But these are superficial things!

Shouldn't we pay more attention to connotation when we are in love?

How can a man be judged only by his appearance?

I just hate being born at the wrong time!

If I could graduate earlier and work earlier, would I still be qualified to compete with Fu Yu now?

Just because he is two years older than himself and has one more year of work experience, he is now a chef who is a head taller than himself.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wan could not help but sigh.

I have to sigh with emotion, Fu Yu is really a winner in life, and being handsome really has an advantage.

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