Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 803 Returning home during Chinese New Year

The busier you are, the faster time passes, and it's time to close the store and get off work in a blink of an eye.

Usually it closes at 10:30, and today is the New Year's Eve, and many customers need to reunite in the store to watch the new year.

After all the customers had left, everyone stayed up late to clean up the front hall and back kitchen. After all the tossing, it was already past three in the morning.

Yao Shi announced that he was leaving get off work, and everyone in the back kitchen said goodbye, but each of them ran faster than each other in action.

Fu Yu's bus ticket has already been retrieved. The train departs at 8:30 in the morning on the first day of the Lunar New Year and arrives at noon.

Zhao Meng didn't go home at night, so he just rested in the dormitory, and agreed to send Fu Yu to the station early tomorrow.

The two agreed on an itinerary for tomorrow morning, and Fu Yu sent Liu Yuqing home as usual.

Liu Yunong also worked overtime until late at night tonight, but their shop did not accept orders for New Year's Eve dinner, so they left work on time as usual.

It's just that there are too many things that need to be tidied up and sorted out. For example, the leftover ingredients used in the store are all distributed to the employees who live in the city in need.

After arranging all the big and small matters in the store, Liu Yunong distributed red envelopes and New Year's goods to all the stores, and tossed and tossed until nearly 1:30 in the morning before driving home.

After entering the house, Liu Yunong was not in a hurry to rest, but called one by one to greet relatives and friends, and wish each other New Year's greetings.

When her parents were still alive, every new year was a family celebration.

Now that their parents are gone, the sisters began to celebrate the New Year with several lonely master craftsmen in the main store, as well as employees whose families are away from other places and are not planning to go back.

When Liu Yunong was on the phone, he habitually lay down on the balcony, so that through the window, he could see the place illuminated by the street lights downstairs.

If Liu Yuqing came back, she would be able to find out immediately.

After several phone conversations, after waiting for a while, I saw Liu Yuqing and Fu Yu walking downstairs with their arms crossed.

Originally thinking that the two of them would have to bid farewell, Liu Yunong found Fu Yu's cell phone number and was in no hurry to call.

As a result, they arrived downstairs unexpectedly, and the two waved goodbye.

Liu Yunong took a look and quickly dialed the phone.

Fu Yu was quite surprised when he received the phone call all of a sudden, and he was secretly glad that he didn't have a goodbye kiss or anything.

Liu Yunong asked him to wait downstairs for a while, and soon came down wearing a down jacket.

She took Fu Yu to her garage, and directed Fu Yu to move out a lot of things back and forth.

Although the branch opened in Beian less than half a year ago, Liu Yunong has already made many friends there.

During the Chinese New Year, we greeted and sent, and collected a lot of things.

Tomorrow, the sisters will take a plane to the headquarters, and they won't be able to take anything here.

There are a lot of food and supplies that can't be kept, as well as supplements and cosmetics suitable for the elderly at home. Liu Yunong picked them all and asked Fu Yu to take them home.

In addition, a heavy red envelope was stuffed into Fu Yu, and he couldn't do without it.

Liu Yunong said seriously: "I gave this to you as a master, you must accept it, pay attention to safety on the way back tomorrow, and when you get home, say hello to your parents for me."

Fu Yu responded one by one, came empty-handed, and returned with a full load.

Although he only slept for less than three hours a night, Fu Yu couldn't help being excited at the thought of going home soon, and looked radiant.

Seeing him beaming with joy, Zhao Meng was busy tossing things in the trunk, and couldn't help feeling: "Oh, it's better to be young! It's also like staying up all night, and I can't bear it anymore."

Fu Yu just heard it, and hurriedly turned his head and said, "It's okay, Chef Zhao, when I get home, I'll bring you some medicinal wine made by my father. It is said to be very effective in strengthening the body."

Zhao Meng looked at the overstuffed trunk and snorted: "There are so many things, and you still say you won't let me deliver them. If you don't drive, let's see how you go to the passenger station!"

Fu Yu laughed: "Why don't you say that you treat me well!"

Zhao Meng rolled his eyes: "Stop doing this, hurry up, I want to take you to eat Li Ji's chicken soup wontons!"

Dai Li stood by the side all the time, watching the two of them quarreling with a smile. Hearing this, she hurriedly said, "If the ingredients in the store hadn't been cleaned up last night, Lao Zhao originally wanted to make dumplings for you."

Zhao Meng said: "Dumplings are no longer available, but so are wontons."

Fu Yu's heart warmed, and he was moved: "Wonton is good, I really like to eat wonton!"

As he said that, Fu Yu speeded up his hands and quickly loaded everything into the car.

After eating a hot meal of wontons in Liji, Fu Yu arrived at the passenger terminal in Zhao Meng's car.

With the help of Zhao Meng's acquaintances, they entered the station ahead of time and put all the luggage in the carriage.

Fu Yu sat in the first row with the best view.

Zhao Meng told him to pay attention to safety, and then left with Dai Li.

Before it was time to start the car, Fu Yu fastened his seat belt and called home to report his safety. His mother said that everything was packed and his little uncle would drive to pick him up.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yu sent another message to Liu Yuqing.

Liu Yuqing received the message and quickly called back.

Fu Yu took the bus home this morning, and she had to catch a plane with her sister, so there was no time to see him off.

When we parted last night, she asked Fu Yu when he came back. Fu Yu said that he wanted to accompany his parents, and planned to take advantage of the opening time on the eighth day of the eighth day, and try to come back in the afternoon of the seventh day.

That's one week!

The two people have never been separated for such a long time since they met now, and now is the time to deepen their relationship and have a deep affection.

All Liu Yuqing's reluctance was mixed in the tone of exhortations: "You have to go back for a week! We are only planning to stay for four days in total, and we will be back on the sixth day, so you have to call and send me messages frequently, you know? ? Or I should miss you."

Fu Yu listened to her sweet talk about parting thoughts, his heart almost melted into water, and he agreed: "Okay, no problem, I will call you when I get home, and when I come back, I will bring you the one from our place." specialty."

Fu Yu leaned on the car seat, the excitement of going home slightly weakened. In fact, he knew in his heart that this was just a small parting, but when he felt Liu Yuqing's nostalgia that couldn't be hidden, it also happened. An indescribable sense of nostalgia.

He intentionally made Liu Yuqing happy, and coaxed her into a smirk. He didn't hang up the phone in a hurry until Liu Yunong's urging voice came from the other side.

Fu Yu looked out of the car window, and the passengers who began to check tickets one after another, thinking that when he went back this time, he would let his parents know first. Anyway, the two elders urged him to deal with the important matters of marriage every day. They are also happy and happy.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu began to look forward to going home again.

Liu Yuqing followed her sister and took a taxi with her luggage to the airport.

From Bei'an to the head office, there was only a two-hour journey. After getting off the plane, I took the commercial vehicle sent by the head office to pick up people.

Liu Yuqing couldn't help but look at the time, Fu Yu should have arrived home, right?

Although it's only been three hours since we talked on the phone just now, she has already started to miss Fu Yu.

Liu Yunong chatted enthusiastically for a while with the old master who hadn't seen each other for more than half a year, and turned around inadvertently, and saw Liu Yuqing's look of sleepiness.

The old master also looked at Liu Yuqing along her line of sight, and couldn't help asking with concern: "What's wrong with Xiaoqing? Did she get motion sickness?"

Liu Yuqing hurriedly shook her head: "Oh, no, I didn't sleep well last night, and I felt a little uncomfortable."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yunong quickly shifted her position, let her lean on his shoulder, and said softly, "You should squint for a while, and then take a good rest when you get to the place."

Liu Yuqing snuggled up next to her sister, looked at the scenery outside the car window, and thought to herself, this is not going to work, it will take a long time.

That's all for now, how will you live the next few days?

She rubbed her head depressedly, Liu Yunong noticed it, and stretched out her hand to help her rub it with concern.

Liu Yuqing's heart warmed up. Just as she was about to speak, the phone's message sounded suddenly. She lazily picked it up and looked at it. It was a message from Fu Yu. There were only a few short words: [I accidentally fell asleep, just now Awake. 】

Liu Yuqing sat up straight, her sense of boredom and sleepiness was swept away, she looked at this text message, and happily replied: [You have slept for a long time this time! 】

【Who said it wasn't? I didn't even realize that I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, I realized that it had been so long. 】After a long time, Fu Yu's news came back.

Liu Yuqing guessed that it should be on the highway and the mobile phone signal is not good.

Before Liu Yuqing could reply, Fu Yu immediately sent another message: [What about you? What are you doing? Are you there? 】

Liu Yuqing lowered her head and pressed the keyboard: [Well, I went to the main store by car, and when you sent me a message, I was missing you! 】

After Fu Yu finished reading the message, the corners of his mouth turned up: 【What do you miss me for? 】

This question is asking, I miss you just miss you, what else do you do?

Think what you can do?

Liu Yuqing complained, and typed out a line of words: [I don't do anything, I just want to play! 】

You say you boy, you are smart when you are smart, but you are also slow when you are dull!

She knocked on her phone in agitation, but it rang loudly.

Fu Yu actually called.

Liu Yuqing pressed the answer button, and heard a deep and cool voice say in the hustle and bustle over there: "Is it convenient to talk?"

"Inconvenient!" Liu Yuqing couldn't help laughing: "What secret do you want to say?"

"It's not a big secret, even I have been thinking about you."

"Humph really?"

"Well, how could I lie to you?"

"It sounds quite chaotic over there, have you got there yet?"

"Just got off the bus, and I'm queuing up to get my luggage."

"Then hang up first, you take your things, there are many thieves at the station, so be careful with your luggage!"

"Understood, don't worry."

Liu Yuqing felt refreshed after talking on the phone.

Liu Yunong looked at her sister's worthless look, and felt really complicated for a while

Fu Yu brought a lot of things home this year, filling the car with large and small items for his parents.

His family is not a rich family either, his parents are both retired workers, living on that little retirement salary, they will not be in distress, but they definitely cannot be called rich.

His parents are in good health, and there is nothing wrong with the family. He is not the kind of child who makes people worry. Generally speaking, the family of three lives happily.

That is to say, Fu Yu now has a system and has a lot of income, behind his parents' back, he buys food and food for them and mails them back from time to time. He never dares to let them see things like shopping receipts, otherwise he has to be in a hurry .

The old man is used to living economically, and can't see extravagant expenses.

Especially from their point of view, Fu Yu had just bought a new house, so he must be very tight on money, and he couldn't wait to tighten his belt and save money from his teeth to support his son.

When he got home, he brought the things he had brought back into the house. Before his parents could talk about it, Fu Yu hurriedly separated the relationship.

"I didn't buy these with money! These fruits and seafood are the new year's goods from our store. These two boxes are given by Zhao Chu. Oh, and this bottle of wine, he also asked me to take it. And this Nutrients, and cosmetics, these are given by my master, and I specially asked me to bring them back for you."

"Hey! Why did Chef Zhao and your master take so many things?"

Fu's father and mother looked through the samples. Even if they didn't know the brand, they knew that they were all good things just by looking at the packaging.

"Next time, you can't ask for it. If you take something from someone else, you have to find a way to return it. Zhao Chu and your master usually take care of you well, so how can you let them spend more money!"

Fu's father and mother sorted out the things Fu Yu brought back, and gave Fu Yu's uncle a box of hairy crabs, a box of cherries, and the bottle of wine and cosmetics to take back.

If it was in the past, Fu Yu must have been impatient for being naughty by his parents.

But now, seeing his parents proudly sort out the new year's goods to his uncle, he also feels very comfortable.

The more I grow up, the more I begin to understand why people run home during the Chinese New Year, no matter how far away or how hard it is, they still want to go back.

Because this is the real place to stop, other than home, no matter how lively the city, no matter how prosperous the neighborhood, no matter how much luxury and money, sensuality, it is called a foreign land.

Going home for three and a half days, except for the night of the second day of junior high school, I went to my aunt’s house for a reunion dinner. Fu Yu stayed at home, occupying the kitchen, not letting his mother reach out, and cooking three meals a day in different ways. Speciality cuisine.

Watching TV shows with his mother, watering the flowers for his father, and tidying up the warehouse.

His parents looked forward to him coming back, and caught him stuffing all kinds of New Year's goods prepared by the family for the New Year into his stomach.

Finally, before he was about to leave, his mother counted all the food left at home, and said regretfully, "If you hadn't steamed the rest of the hairy crabs tonight, you still have to fry lamb chops and serve them tomorrow." You have to eat noodles again in front of the car, in fact, there is still a big goose given to you by your aunt in the refrigerator, which is not for you to eat!"

Seeing that his mother was obviously disappointed, Fu Yu hurriedly used Liu Yuqing's trump card.

Sure enough, when his parents heard that he had a girlfriend, they laughed from ear to ear, and said that they would definitely bring it back for them to see when they had time.

Fu Yu told Liu Yuqing about his experience of being used as a cannon at home on the phone, which made her smile coquettishly.

When I heard that Fu Yu's parents welcomed her as a guest, Liu Yuqing was no longer as shy as before, and she was seriously thinking about what kind of gift she should bring when the time comes.

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