Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 804 Encountering a turning point

As a result of a trip home, Fu Yu found that his trouser waist was obviously a little tight.

This is really my own parents.

Fu Yu stepped on the bus back to Bei'an, and his parents sent him to the passenger station in person.

On this trip, he also carried a bunch of big and small bags. In the suitcase were the seasonal clothes, food and drink supplies his mother usually bought for him.

In addition to these, there is also a large luggage bag and a large backpack, which contain a lot of hometown souvenirs brought to Zhao Meng, his master, and several colleagues who have a good relationship.

Fu Yu's luggage was very heavy, and there were sauced beef stewed by his mother himself and roasted pork jerky in it.

The craftsmanship is not particularly good, but the taste is what Fu Yu has been used to since he was a child, and it is very easy to eat.

Mama Fu earnestly warned: "After you go back, don't focus on working and earning money, but also rest more. You must eat in a timely manner, don't spoil your stomach, and don't worry about it at home. Your dad and I are on good terms!"

Fu Yu repeatedly agreed.

This time on the return journey, without Zhao Meng's help to manage the relationship, Fu Yu carried the luggage to the station by himself, checked the ticket, and queued up to put it.

Under the busy schedule, the original feeling of parting was also diluted a bit.

As soon as he got in the car and found a seat to sit down, Fu Yu's cell phone rang, and Liu Yuqing called in time.

Originally, the two sisters planned to fly back to Bei'an today, but there was something urgent and they changed the time to tomorrow morning.

So Liu Yuqing had to ask the leader for leave in advance and go to work one day late.

Fu Yu was somewhat disappointed that he could not see Liu Yuqing immediately.

Surrounding his parents at home, he didn't feel much better, but after getting on the return bus, he was about to return to his familiar working environment, and he began to miss Liu Yuqing crazily again.

I have never felt this way before, but now I suddenly realize that she has become my concern, besides my parents, she is the only concern in my life that I can't let go of.

Qianlima is open normally on the eighth day of the day, and Fu Yu arrived in Bei'an in the afternoon of the seventh day of the day.

Zhao Meng made a special call to ask about the arrival time before, and took Fu Yu back to the store that day.

Zhao Meng is no longer single than before when he was single. During the Chinese New Year, he just went back to live in the house alone, alone with nothing to do.

Now that he has a family, he has more things to do.

Fu Yu got out of the car, and when he moved his luggage, he left all the special products for Zhao Meng.

"My parents asked me to bring these, and the small bags contained snacks for Bao'er."

Zhao Meng glanced at it, filled two shopping bags, and couldn't help nagging: "Oh, I made your parents think about it, why did you take so much!"

Fu Yu looked at the unconcealable smile on Zhao Meng's face, and said cheerfully, "Because you are so kind to me, my parents are Ai Wu Ji Wu, Zhao Chu, you are borrowing my money!"

Zhao Meng was a little embarrassed at first, but after being told by Fu Yu, he let it go: "Then the light is worth it!"

As he said that, he left the things behind, and told Fu Yu a few more things about the purchases in the afternoon, and then left in a hurry.

Years ago, all the inventory in the store was emptied, and all the ingredients needed to be replenished before opening.

Ordinary employees go to work normally in the morning of the eighth day of the lunar new year, and the kitchen staff need to arrive at work in the afternoon of the seventh day of the seventh day to cooperate with the purchaser to carry out inventory checks.

On Zhao Meng's side is Sun Qingning who stayed in the city, and on Gu Yunwu's side is Qi Shun.

Now that Fu Yu is back, he will assign matters in the back kitchen.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Yao Shi came to the back kitchen. He first checked the stocking situation, and then asked the buyer Sun Wei to fill in the replenishment form.

Once everything has been settled, we are ready to leave.

Just as Yao Shi walked to the corner of the stairs leading from the back kitchen to the front hall, Dong Juntian just walked towards him.

During this time, the relationship between the two became a bit awkward.

Dong Juntian walked up, looked at Yao Shi, and said straight to the point: "Old Yao, nothing happened to our store recently, right? Did you offend someone?"

Yao Shi frowned when he heard this, "What do you mean? Did something happen?"

Although Dong Juntian was dissatisfied with Yao Shiduo in his heart, he could still use him right now, there was no need for a cold war, and he should establish a good relationship for the time being, so he patiently explained: "That's right, I went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau on the first day of junior high school. Deputy Director Hao gave a new year gift, and he told me that it is best to strictly control the recent incidents in the store, and they have news from the bureau, and they are going to come down to investigate us."

"I've been working hard at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, so there shouldn't be any problems! Could it be that something happened in the store?"

Yao Shi couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

Nothing happened in the store recently?

At least no one responded to him.

You can handle things by yourself without disturbing him. It should have nothing to do with the back kitchen.

Yao Shi asked, "Didn't you ask Xiao Gao? There should be nothing wrong with the back kitchen."

Dong Juntian nodded: "I'm about to contact her. By the way, the ingredients have already been arranged for purchase, right?"

Yao Shi responded, "Well, I just took stock and added some more. Sun Wei has already filled out the form and left."

Dong Juntian nodded again, and the two were relatively silent for a while.

In fact, speaking from the bottom of his heart, Dong Juntian is still very convinced of Yao Shi's ability to handle affairs. As long as he is there, no matter how big or small, he doesn't need to worry about it.

It's just that if the human heart grows grass, it will be a little difficult to force it to stay.

Thinking of this, Dong Juntian felt a headache.

The atmosphere was awkward, so Dong Juntian simply called Gao Wenjing in front of Yao Shi.

Gao Wenjing was taken aback when she received the phone call, and said in surprise, "Didn't anything happen in the shop a year ago?"

She has always been rigorous and conscientious in her work, and she is also very strict with the people under her command.

If something happened in the front room, she would know for sure.

Gao Wenjing couldn't help asking: "Boss, is something wrong?"

Dong Juntian briefly explained what happened.

who messed with recently

Suddenly, Gao Wenjing suddenly recalled that on the morning of the New Year's Eve, she strongly rejected a customer's order request.

Could it be them?

Is this someone going to sue?

Thinking of this, Gao Wenjing couldn't help frowning.

It is said that it is better to provoke a gentleman than a villain.

It is really frustrating and frustrating to meet such unreasonable people.

Although he was not sure whether it was the two people who were causing trouble, Gao Wenjing told Dong Juntian what happened that day in detail because he was worried that it would cause trouble to the store.

After Dong Juntian heard it, his expression changed immediately, and he couldn't help complaining: "Why didn't you tell me about this at the time? If a customer wants to make a reservation for the New Year's Eve dinner, then he should find a way to solve it, how can he push him away? "

Gao Wenjing argued: "There is no place in the store. There was no problem with the receptionist at the front desk at that time. The customers are just messing around. I definitely want it here."

Dong Juntian interrupted: "Look, how can you comment on customers like this! Xiao Gao, you have a bad temper, how can you have such an attitude with customers? Besides, why is there no seat? Didn't 401 just happen to be free that day? Is it right? Director Qin contacted me before and wanted to book a table, so I left it to him, but didn’t he change it temporarily in the end?”

Gao Wenjing didn't know what to say for a while.

Dong Juntian himself said that 401 has already been booked out.

Although Bureau Qin returned the order later, there has always been a rule in the store that box 401 does not accept foreign customers.

And at that time, she had contacted Dong Juntian to inquire about Bureau Qin's temporary chargeback.

What did Dong Juntian say at that time?

"Let's keep it for now, in case there is any change in Qin Bureau's side again?"

It's better now, but she complained about her inappropriate handling of things!

Without the boss's order, how could she, a front office foreman, have the guts to entertain customers into 401 casually?

really interesting!

But these words can only be slandered in my heart, Gao Wenjing would never dare to say them in person.

It's not that I really don't want to do it anymore, I have to endure this kind of grievance, who wants to earn this money.

Gao Wenjing took a deep breath, and took the initiative to review: "It is true that I did not handle this matter well, boss, what should I do now."

Dong Juntian complained, and now he has calmed down.

He thought carefully about his contacts in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

The person who can make Deputy Director Hao unable to intervene must be the leaders of the higher levels.

But he really has no way out in this regard.

The main reason is that the industrial and commercial bureau has a special location. In order to facilitate the daily work and complete the tasks assigned by the above, it treats almost all the restaurants under it equally, especially the leadership team, which dare not easily accommodate in private.

If it weren't for his father's acquaintance with Deputy Director Hao's family back then, he wouldn't have the face to let the other party tip off the news.

Dong Juntian had no choice but subconsciously pinned his hopes on Yao Shi.

This is also a habit that has been gradually developed unintentionally over the years, mainly because Yao Shi is really good at dancing with long sleeves and has a very wide social circle.

Not to mention Bei'an, even in the provincial capital, he has a very wide network.

If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have passed the assessment of the head office in the provincial capital, and would have become an agent of the Bei'an branch without anyone knowing it.

No matter how dissatisfied he is with Yao Shi, Dong Juntian is still convinced on this point.

Thinking of this, he entrusted this matter to Yao Shi.

The two are well aware of each other's abilities.

As long as Dong Juntian can solve this matter, he will not find Yao Shitou.

The reason why he came here to inform Yao Shi first was to hope that he could help find a solution.

After Yao Shi heard this, he sighed, and said helplessly, "I don't have any good options at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. I can only find a way to see if I can find someone I know from there."

Since he didn't refuse on the spot, Dong Juntian believed that Yao Shi had already made up his mind.

In the final analysis, Yao Shi still has deep feelings for Maxima. Even if he himself does not intend to continue to work here, he still hopes that Maxima can continue to operate well.

Yao Shi left the shop, not in a hurry.

He was sitting in the car, looking through the address book with his mobile phone.

What Dong Juntian said to Gao Wenjing just now is actually quite chilling.

How can a boss treat his employees like this?

Especially the old man in the shop like Gao Wenjing.

Yao Shi was very disapproving of Dong Juntian's actions. If it was in the past, he would have warned him on the spot.

But now!

advise? This is not necessary at all.

They are all in their forties, and they have been working in the mall for so many years, so no one has any ideas and ideas.

Moreover, there are some things that cannot be persuaded at all, nor can they be persuaded.

However, Dong Juntian could ignore it, and Yao Shi still called Gao Wenjing.

He comforted the other party first, and then promised to help find a way to see if he could solve this matter.

Gao Wenjing was very pleasantly surprised when she received a call from Yao Shi.

Yao Shi's attitude of support also gave her special comfort.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Wenjing turned to look out the window and shook her head.

There is really no way to compare people and people, and they can't be compared.

Although she was severely hurt by the boss, will she regret her handling of this matter?

sure not?

Even if everything starts all over again, Gao Wenjing will still do the same.

Besides, I am the foreman in the store, and if there is anything, I also come towards the store. If the sky falls, there is a tall person to support her, what can I do with her?

Moreover, even if she is involved, it is a big deal to leave.

Anyway, I have a lot of experience now, and I can easily find a job anywhere. Maybe the salary is not so generous, but with my ability, I will be promoted sooner or later, so what is there to worry about?

In front of the boss, you can be wronged, you can admit cowardice, it's all forced by the situation.

Only she knows what she really thinks in her heart.



If something happened in the store, Yao Shi had the ability to settle it, so he would definitely take the initiative to deal with it.

However, Gao Wenjing was very appreciative and touched that he could make this special call today to comfort himself.

Therefore, when Yao Shi asked her about the specific situation and information of the two customers, Gao Wenjing hurriedly contacted the receptionist Xiaohui who was there at the time.

Xiaohui was so impressed with the middle-aged couple that she directly mentioned the other party's name on the phone.

This is also because the other party became angry at the time, claiming that she had applied for a discount card in the store, and insisted on asking her to look up the records.

Because I was too angry, I remembered the other party's name very clearly.

Pan Ying!

After Yao Shi inquired around, he realized that this person really has a background!

Pan Ying's father turned out to be the leader of Bei'an, with a lot of power, while his husband set up a construction company in the name of his father-in-law, and often contracted some government projects.

Because the business was booming, he simply expanded his business in the neighboring province.

This time, I came to Qianlima for the New Year's Eve dinner, and I was planning to have a good gathering with the partners in Bei'an. After all, after the new year, I will go to the next province to develop.

I have money and connections.

No wonder I was able to contact the people from the Industry and Commerce Bureau.

And when he found out that the person who wanted to find fault turned out to be the newly appointed deputy director, Yao Shi couldn't help but shook his head.

Even if it is the director, he may still find a way to accommodate it.

But the deputy director had just taken office not long ago, and even he didn't take the opportunity to get to know him well and build a relationship.

It was helpless to encounter such a thing.

Although he has become a boss, Yao Shi has worked hard step by step. His personal connections and right to speak are definitely not as good as these officials.

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