Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 805 I will do my best

In the final analysis, he is just the owner of a restaurant with too little background and no backing.

It's useless to reason with those villains who are rich and powerful.

But Yao Shi wasn't worried either, he didn't think such a thing could really turn into something serious.

After all, this deputy bureau is the new official's third fire, so it's normal to be strict with the investigation.

As for whether they will take this opportunity to beat this side, maybe, but it will not make too much noise.

After all, when I first took office, there will be some concerns in many aspects.

Yao Shi has always considered things in the long term, saying that if he doesn't fight, he doesn't know each other. Maybe he can use this opportunity to get a relationship with the deputy director.

After all, if people want to communicate with each other, they need an opportunity to get acquainted.

Who can guarantee that this incident will not be a blessing in disguise?

As for Gao Wenjing, Yao Shi really didn't blame him.

Even if this matter is handled by him, it will definitely be like this in the end.

After all, this is the right way to deal with emotion and reason.

So, after understanding the cause and effect, and who was trying to hit him, and giving a warning, Yao Shi didn't take this matter to heart.

Maxima can't do anything else, but it's impeccable in terms of food supervision and sanitation, which is very good.

Yao Shi is very clear about this matter, so he is very confident.

However, just because he doesn't care, doesn't mean others don't care.

Obviously not many people knew about this matter, but the news spread unknowingly in the store.

On the first day of work after the new year, everyone reunited for a few days apart. There were many topics to talk about, and I didn't know who it came from. But in a short morning, almost everyone heard the news.

The waiters in the front hall were very angry after hearing this!

Xiaohui felt guilty after learning the news.

After all, the foreman was trained by the boss because of himself, and he also attracted people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. If something really happens at that time, it will be blamed.

Xiaohui was worried. At first she was afraid of being fired, and later she was worried that Gao Wenjing would be hurt. After all, as the foreman, Gao Wenjing had always been very kind to her, and this time she stood up to defend herself.

If something happened to Gao Wenjing because of herself, it would be too unworthy!

After the entire back kitchen heard the news, they were also very angry.

Although Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu usually don't deal with each other, they still take care of things in the store.

The two got together to make a total calculation, and without waiting for Yao Shi's order, they took the initiative to check the purchases in the store, and then sounded the alarm for the people under their hands.

It is said that if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. Now that you have the news, it is better to be careful for a while.

Just when everyone was in danger, a small thing happened.

On the first day of work after the new year, if it was a previous year, Yao Shi would definitely go to Maxima to make some arrangements, and then find time to go to the music restaurant.

But this year, he went to the music restaurant early in the morning and told him inside and out before he was ready to drive to Maxima.

Just halfway through the drive, Yao Shi suddenly received a call from Ren Yuchang. Yao Shi was a little surprised when he saw the caller ID.

After all, since the last time we met at the music restaurant, except for the New Year's Eve, he took the initiative to send the other party a carefully edited New Year's greeting text message, and the other party did not reply at that time.

He originally wondered if this contact was about to be cut off, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to contact him today.

Yao Shi hurriedly connected the phone.

Ren Yuchang greeted with a smile: "Boss Yao, Happy New Year!"

Yao Shi echoed, "Thank you Ren Yuan, and Happy New Year to you, Ren Yuan."

Ren Yuchang said: "Boss Yao, I'm looking for you today because I need to trouble you."

Upon hearing this, Yao Shi asked curiously, "Yuan Ren, what's the matter?"

Ren Yuchang then said: "I have a friend, I don't know if you recognize him, Gao Jinbo from the Industry and Commerce Bureau."

Yao Shi was stunned for a moment, Gao Jinbo Director Gao!

Anyone who runs a restaurant in Bei'an knows this name!

Yao Shi quickly said: "I know! Director Gao?"

Ren Yuchang smiled and said, "Yes, it's him. He and I are good friends. Didn't he contact me this morning, saying that his son wanted to treat his hair loss."

Before Yao Shi had time to speak, the other party continued: "But this kid has never taken traditional Chinese medicine since he was a snack, no matter what kind of medicinal soup, he vomits as soon as he drinks it, and he faints from the needle. There is really no way. I just thought of you, Xiaofu’s medicinal diet can treat hair loss, right? I want to introduce them to your custom-made medicinal diet, when is it convenient for you to receive them?”

After Yao Shi finished listening, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he keenly realized that this is an opportunity!

Without even thinking about it, he hurriedly replied: "Okay, I can welcome you anytime!"

Ren Yuchang was delighted when he heard it: "That's great, I'll make an appointment with that side first, and then I'll reply to you."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Shi was about to search for the address book and was about to call Fu Yu. After thinking about it, he decided to wait until he had gone to Maxima, and we would talk about it when we met.

Yao Shi originally drove the car at a leisurely pace, but now he is driving straight ahead at the speed limit.

When he arrived at Qianlima, Yao Shi went straight to the back kitchen.

Zhao Meng didn't expect Yao Shi to come so early, so he rushed forward to meet him, and was about to inquire about the rumors, when Yao Shi asked, "Where's Xiaofu?"

Zhao Meng hurriedly said: "Oh, he went over to the baking area."

All the ingredients and sauces in the store were emptied years ago, and I just went to work today, so I need to replenish everything.

Yao Shi nodded, and said: "I have something to do with Xiaofu, I'll come back later."

After finishing speaking, he hurried to the baking area and left.

Zhao Meng was taken aback, what's the matter?

However, Yao Shi didn't ask him to join him, probably because he wanted to talk to Fu Yu alone, so he didn't follow, and stayed at Hongan's side, continuing to busy himself with his own affairs.

When Yao Shi went to the roasting area, Fu Yu was busy preparing the barbecue sauce.

Yao Shi saw Fu Yu, called him aside, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Fu, there is such a situation. Just now, Ren Yuan was the vice president of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ren Yuchang. He contacted me and said that a friend of his called Gao Jinbo, the other party's son wants to customize a medicinal diet to treat his baldness, can you treat this symptom?"

Just as Fu Yu was about to speak, an electronic prompt sounded in his ear:

【Ding! NPC music restaurant owner Yao Shi's task: Successfully accept the order of Gao Jinbo's son's baldness treatment medicinal diet, task completion reward: a random reward]

Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment!

Medicinal diet for alopecia treatment?

He really hasn't studied the medicinal diet in this aspect.

Especially since he didn't know the specific situation of the customer, he didn't dare to make a guarantee now.

However, isn't Ren Yuchang the vice president of Chinese medicine?

Logically speaking, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals can also receive treatment for this kind of alopecia treatment, right?

Why did you introduce him here on purpose?

Yao Shi listened to Fu Yu's inquiry, so he explained: "Yuan Ren said that Gao Ju's son can't take traditional Chinese medicine, throws up when he eats it, and faints from acupuncture, so I want to introduce him to try the medicinal diet."

It turned out to be like this.

However, the customization aspect of this medicated meal

Although speaking, even if there is no special medicinal diet recipe for the treatment of alopecia, he now has a complete list of Chinese medicine effects (1) and detailed cooking explanations for some soups. These two can be used as reference materials.

At that time, you only need to find Chinese herbal medicines that are effective in treating alopecia, and then refer to related dishes cooked with soup, and then you can customize a special medicated meal table.

However, when cooking medicated food, not only the efficacy of the medicine must be considered, but also the taste and the shape of the plate.

There are many medicinal materials with the same curative effect, but their tastes are different. Which one has a better taste and is easier to match with ingredients, which needs to be judged based on experience.

But for a disease that has never been exposed to before, the difficulty of this choice is a bit too great!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu also took a deep breath.

However, at the same time, he was keenly aware that this was an opportunity.

Years ago, Gao Wenjing was implicated because of Xiaohui, the front desk clerk, and Fu Yu had also heard about it.

He is very supportive and appreciative of Gao Wenjing's approach.

Similarly, he also looked down on the behavior of the middle-aged couple.

If it can help Gao Ju this time, it may be a good thing for Gao Wenjing!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu looked at Yao Shi and nodded: "Don't worry, Chef Yao, I will definitely do my best!"

Yao Shi looked at Fu Yu, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Xiao Fu, you don't have to be too stressed about this matter. We will see the situation and if we can accept this order, we will accept it. If not, we can simply push it away." gone."

Fu Yu's heart warmed, and he smiled: "Don't worry, Chef Yao, I want to try!"

Yao Shi nodded: "Okay, then you can deal with the work here first. After a while, I will confirm the meeting time, and you can go directly with me."

Fu Yu responded, "Okay."

After Yao Shi explained to Fu Yu, he hurriedly left Maxima, and drove to the long-term copying agency over the music restaurant.

He held the steering wheel, tapped his fingers unconsciously, and murmured: "How can I promote this medicinal food for treating baldness? Once the market for this is opened, the audience base will be huge!"

When I arrive at the copying agency later, let them help you to check the relevant promotional materials in this area. It is best to ensure that it can attract the interest of customers and improve the grade. The most important point is that you can set a high price and make a lot of money. Stone thought.

Hearing Fu Yu's promise with his own ears, Yao Shi felt at ease. He was not in a hurry to contact Ren Yuchang, but called the copying agency first, intending to ask the other party to help him find the relevant information first.

Taking advantage of this time, while driving, he made a phone call to the music restaurant, and explained to Li Xintong, the front office manager, that he was going to receive custom-made medicinal meals.

After Yao Shi arrived at the photocopying agency, he had a detailed discussion with the other party about the specific content design of the promotional image page.

An hour later, the leaflet of the baldness-curing medicated table was finished, and the artist worked skillfully. Before the afternoon, Yao Shi successfully got the design sent by the printing factory.

Different from the previous leaflets of medicated food seats, this time it is a well-made magazine-style brochure.

The above is full of deceptive propaganda.

"The efficacy of this set of medicated diet seats perfectly integrates traditional diet and traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy culture. Through medicated diet conditioning, it can maintain the scalp and stimulate the growth of hair follicles. As long as the diet therapy is customized by the medicated dietitian, it can effectively grow hair and improve hair growth. Very troublesome."

"Since the effect of this medicinal diet is very significant, it has been widely loved by customers since its launch, so now we are holding a pre-order event."

"The regular price for a set of medicated food seats is 380,000 yuan, and the discounted price for old customers in the store is 350,000 yuan, with a profit of 30,000 yuan! This event is quite cost-effective. It can not only experience the deliciousness of medicated food seats, but also achieve effective The purpose of hair growth. It is hundreds of times safer than hair transplant surgery, which has certain medical risks and is very painful."

Hair loss is common among people over half a hundred, but because it is too common and not painful, the need for hair growth of middle-aged and elderly people is obviously not as urgent as that of young people.

Due to the actual situation of receiving customers this time, Yao Shi looked at the ink-smelling brochure in his hand, rolled his eyes, and turned his target to another group of people.

"Nowadays, young people generally have high academic and work pressure. Some young people in their twenties have more serious hair loss problems than older people."

"There are also some who are deeply troubled by family genetics. Their hair is no longer good at a young age. We have received many customers. After customizing the medicinal diet, the hair loss situation has been effectively improved. When taking the medicinal diet , you don’t need to take any risks, and you don’t have to worry about the side effects of the medicine, so you can feel more at ease in treatment.”

"Young people tend to pay more attention to their appearance, but they don't know how to take care of their bodies like the old people. Customize a safe and effective medicinal meal for their children. Even if they don't say it, they will remember it in their hearts. Now you can also get A free set of our popular secret pearl powder mask. The quantity of secret pearl powder mask is limited, while supplies last.”

In order to achieve an eye-catching effect, two contrasting publicity pictures were specially selected for the cover of the brochure.

Very viciously, I posted a real bald photo of my old friend who has emigrated abroad, with three big characters in red and gold in Song Dynasty next to it: before use.

Next, the photo below is a photo of an old friend wearing a wig after dressing up, and there are still three large characters with hot eyes in color matching: after use.

Yao Shi has always been very talented in this area, and the artist of the photocopying agency has countless advertising lexicons in his hands. The two conspired to compile this kind of deceptive slogan, without blinking an eye, a set of deceptive propaganda The design is as smooth as flowing water, flowing for thousands of miles.

Yao Shi drove back to Maxima with a freshly released brochure and waited for news. Ren Yuchang just called and made an appointment to order medicinal meals at the music restaurant at two o'clock in the afternoon.

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