Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 809 Race Against Time

Seeing that Fu Yu stewed several medicinal meals in a short period of time.

At this moment, Chef Lin couldn't help but said, "Chu Fu, don't you need to measure the water level in advance?"

In fact, when they are in charge of cooking, veteran chefs like them also make judgments based on experience.

Operations such as seasoning and water volume, the more times you do it, the more you will naturally know it.

As long as you get started, you can roughly estimate the amount of seasoning and water used for how many ingredients to put.

However, what is being cooked right now is medicinal food.

But when it comes to medication, shouldn’t the dosage be considered?

And when Fu Yu was cooking just now, his technique seemed a bit too casual.

When Fu Yu heard this, before he could speak, Liu Chu shook his head at Lin Chu to signal: Don't disturb Fu Chu.

Generally speaking, if you want to estimate the permitted water consumption, you will directly use a measuring cup to hold clean water. There is a scale on it, and it is clear at a glance how much you want to use.

But Fu Yu didn't need to do this at all, he just filled the water directly, and didn't pay attention to the scale at all.

Because after the ingredients are processed, medicinal materials and water will continue to be added later, and no matter which one Fu Yu adds, he can clearly judge the amount to use, and even use the amount accurately to the extreme.

For him, what really matters is how to shorten the cooking time, and every minute counts.

Zhang Zhen and Liu Chu, who often follow Fu Yu, understand these things!

Although Chef Lin is good at cooking, he doesn't care much about these details.

So he didn't understand some of Fu Yu's usual cooking habits.

It's like mastering the amount of water required for cooking various ingredients.

This step of operation cannot be imitated by others. It requires a sufficient understanding of the ingredients and medicinal materials, as well as a very precise touch and rich cooking experience!

The amount of ingredients and medicinal materials, the amount of water when cooking, the size of the fire, and the length of time are the most important links in medicinal cooking.

Fu Yu has his own standards, as long as the system prompts that the dosage is not accurate enough, he will adjust it at any time.

But in the eyes of others, Fu Yu's actions are extraordinarily decisive, confident, skilled and extraordinarily precise!

Every step of the operation and the handling of the ingredients are in place.

It is unavoidable to be amazed!

In a cooking of medicinal food, from the very beginning of the stewing operation, Fu Yu has already conquered the two chefs present with his strength.

Fu Yu cooks the herbal cuisine mats with strict requirements on materials, a large number of dishes, and the same requirements on taste and presentation, like a precision instrument.

About an hour has passed since the Polygonum multiflorum Astragalus egg pot and the cold and refreshing frozen sand puree were cooked continuously.

In order to be able to get rid of the disturbing effect of the frozen sand and fruit puree on the taste completely, it is necessary to serve several medicinal meals with strong taste of traditional Chinese medicine on the table.

Fu Yu inevitably became more serious!

Every minute saved means that it is difficult for customers to detect the taste of traditional Chinese medicine when tasting the medicinal food. This is related to whether the whole table of medicinal food can be eaten normally by customers, and it is also related to whether the order can be officially signed.

This cooking process is very anxious and urgent. While the action is fast, my heart is also anxious.

very tired!

Fu Yu's forehead was a little sweaty. After all, these cooking operations seemed simple and ordinary, but whether it was the amount of ingredients and medicinal materials, or the amount of water, they needed to be precisely controlled, and every centimeter more might affect the efficacy and taste of the medicine.

Such complicated and delicate operations, precise trade-offs, and decisive control of the heat and time cannot be guaranteed by the two chefs present!

But how old is Fu Yu?

Even if it looks very calm and composed at first glance, in fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that it is actually very busy.

Fu Yu adjusted the shape of the frozen sand and fruit puree, and said to Liu Chu: "This fruit puree and egg pot with Polygonum multiflorum and Astragalus are ready to be served. Be sure to tell customers to eat the fruit puree first, and then try other medicinal foods."

Chef Liu didn't dare to be careless, so he hurriedly took Chef Lin to serve the dishes, and instructed the passers-by carefully.

Fu Yu turned to Chef Lin and said, "Bring me the wheat bran, and I'm going to start cooking fried alisma with bran."

Afraid of wasting time, Chef Lin directed Zhou Yesong to bring all the ingredients needed for cooking this dish to the kitchen counter.

Alisma diuresis promotes water, expells dampness and relieves heat. The more classic formula is to appear as one of the "laxative" medicines in "three tonics and three diarrhea".

It can effectively alleviate the greasy property of Junyao Rehmannia glutinosa, and play an important adjuvant and synergistic role in exerting the efficacy of prescriptions.

Stir-fried Alisma with bran has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, expelling wind and dampness, reducing swelling and diuresis.

This is also the value of wheat bran as an auxiliary material for processing, changing and enhancing the efficacy of medicines.

Although they don't know medicinal food cooking, Lin Chu and Liu Chu are very good at cooking operations, so they pay great attention to the details of the operation!

Following Fu Yu's side to observe, there are details everywhere, and Fu Yu's grasp of the details is also very good, which made the two chefs also feel a little bit.

When the ingredients are ready, Fu Yu first heats up the pot, pours in the wheat bran, spreads it evenly, and waits for smoke to rise from the bottom of the wheat bran, then adds Alisma, mix well and stir fry.

When stirring, Fu Yu's hand speed was very fast, seeing the wheat bran in the pot being turned into a swirl shape, it looked like a special effect, and it was so exciting!

Both Chef Lin and Chef Liu were stunned!

Fu Yu didn't notice it at all, he focused on the heat of Alisma's stir-fry, and carefully followed the prompts in the dialog box to operate!

Stir-fried smoked bran, when Alisma is turned from yellow-white to deep yellow, it will be cooked quickly.

Stir-frying wheat bran and Alisma is the most important step in the whole medicinal cooking process, and it is also the most test of the chef's operation skills.

When the bran is heated and stir-fried with Alisma, attention should be paid to controlling the heat, generally with the degree of fire.

In fact, an experienced cooker will put a pot of water next to it, and the bran is prone to sparks when heated, which can be immediately sprinkled with water to extinguish it, and then continue to stir fry.

But Fu Yu didn't know this. He was able to avoid the wheat bran from catching fire purely by relying on his hand speed and precise control over the temperature of the fire.

And Lin Chu and Liu Chu are laymen, and they never thought of this at all.

The cooking of the whole dish was successfully completed under the care of good luck and strength.

Unaware that he had just survived the crisis, Fu Yu saw that the mixture was almost ready, so he directly sieved the bran with an iron sieve and spread it out to dry.

Wait for it to cool completely before serving on a plate.

But in the eyes of Lin Chu and Liu Chu, the cooking had just started, so they looked at Fu Yu seriously, waiting for him to continue to operate!

However, while they were waiting intently, Fu Yu turned around and started cooking mutton bone porridge.

Chef Lin has always been outspoken, and couldn't help but ask, "Chu Fu, don't you need to continue cooking the herbal meal you just made?"

Fu Yu filtered out the boiled mutton bone soup, poured it directly into a new casserole, and started cooking porridge.

While operating, he said casually: "Oh, don't worry about arranging the dishes, just wait for a while to cool before processing."

Chef Lin nodded, Zhou Yesong raised the rice, and Chef Liu was confused!


Is it so casual?

This medicated diet is simply fried and finished?

Customers know that their high-priced customized medicinal diet is a plate of fried wheat bran, will they be crazy?

The cooking of medicinal food, not to mention the toss of frying and stewing, should at least use some high-grade medicinal materials, right?

Where is your careful cooking?

This is clearly a random collocation customization!

However, at this moment, he turned his head inadvertently, and saw Fu Yu filtered out the stewed mutton bone soup, and then used the soup as water to start cooking rice porridge.

The previous thoughts were suppressed because of this process.

It’s all so delicate, isn’t it serious cooking?

Even making a bowl of porridge, you can put so much effort into it!

What is elaborate cooking?

This is called high-grade medicated diet customization!

And Zhang Zhen, who happened to have time to observe this scene, also showed an unbelievable expression on his face.

Fu Yu's creative and unique cooking techniques immediately caught the eyes of everyone present!

Everyone has cooked porridge, stewed lamb bones, and even cooked lamb bone porridge.

However, just because he had done it and seen it before, he was even more surprised, how did Fu Yu think of it!

It even smashed the sheep bones and then boiled them.

Everyone will never think that this is a whim!

At their level, instead of believing in whimsical ideas, it is better to believe in the real strength.

Fu Yu's seemingly random manipulations of these herbal recipes are actually reflected in the most subtle aspects.

Chef Liu was stunned at first, and then began to observe seriously.

He himself didn't think that Fu Yu was improvising and cooking innovatively.

After all, not to mention that this is custom-made high-priced medicinal food for customers, even if it is ordinary cooking, Fu Yu will definitely not mess around!

This must be true talent and learning.

All of Fu Yu's medicated food cooking is not done at will, but has a reason to follow, and there is an internal key.

Thinking of this, Chef Liu realized that all of Fu Yu's cooking operations are in the details, seemingly unintentional, but hidden secrets. In fact, this is also the most critical point.

Fu Yu used mutton bone soup to make rice porridge, and took advantage of the interval between the casserole to cook the pork belly soup and Atractylodes Poria cocos chicken.

It was obvious that there were still several medicinal dishes to be completed, but it seemed that in a blink of an eye, there was only one porridge, one soup and one cake left.

The seaweed duck soup stewed by Fu Yu has no fancy cooking operations.

This medicated meal is very well-prepared.

The old duck is tidied up and cut into pieces.

The kelp knots are washed and set aside, and the old ginger is chopped into large pieces.

Cut the old duck into pieces, ready to be stir-fried.

Fu Yu stared at the old duck, and skillfully began to remove the bones. He opened the neck of the duck with a knife, and cut off the duck's neck bone, shoulder bone, wing bone and leg bone in turn. The meat is completely separated from the skeleton, and the main duck skin must not be broken.

Fu Yu's operation is very skillful, holding a knife in one hand, and constantly pressing with the other hand to feel the specific position of the duck bone, and then according to the feel of the knife, he completes the deboning of the whole duck without breaking the flesh.

After completing the deboning operation, Fu Yu began to cut the duck pieces.

The whole set of movements is clean and neat, and the knife is fast!

But Chef Liu always feels that Fu Yu's technique is a little familiar, this kind of action of judging the position of the skeleton through the touch of fingers, and accurately cutting the angle of the knife and applying force.

Chef Liu frowned!

He promised that he must have seen this technique before, but he couldn't remember exactly where.

Soon, Fu Yu cut the duck meat, poured the duck pieces and kelp into a dry pan and stir-fried.

At the same time, he ordered Chef Lin to add water to the purple casserole, and when the water boiled, the oil in the duck skin fried by Fu Yu also burst out.

At this time, put the fried duck pieces and kelp into the purple casserole, add the prepared ginger, simmer on high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer until the meat is rotten.

At this time, Fu Yu glanced at the time on the wall, and another 15 minutes had passed!

At this time, it should have been nearly ten minutes since the frozen sand puree was served.

This means that Gao Shaoyuan has successfully eaten the Polygonum multiflorum and Astragalus Egg Pot after tasting the frozen sand puree, and is continuing to taste the Atractylodes Poria Chicken with the strongest flavor of medicinal materials, and the Pork Ling Soup.

If Gao Shaoyuan can eat the several medicinal meals that have already been served and does not vomit, then there is nothing to worry about for the medicinal meals that will be served next.

Because whether it is lamb bone porridge or seaweed duck soup, although they have medicinal effects, they are only cooked with ingredients, and no Chinese medicinal materials are added.

So in terms of taste, it is also easier to accept.

Even because of the superb cooking techniques, Gao Shaoyuan can taste the wonderful taste of the dishes, so he is no longer so repulsive to medicinal food conditioning.

Of course, as of now, there is still no feedback from the food passer, saying that Gao Shaoyuan experienced vomiting symptoms after taking the medicated diet, which means that his coping strategy this time is very perfect.

However, this does not mean that the cooking of the medicated meal was successful.

After all, if you don’t have all the dishes on the table, you can’t represent everything.

After working for so long, Fu Yu understands very well, don't take chances in everything!

However, some medicinal dishes that are most difficult to be accepted by customers have been cooked and served on the table smoothly.

Then for the cooking of the remaining medicinal dishes, every step that Fu Yu has to do is to save time and ensure the taste effect of customers!

Just when Fu Yu took the cooled wheat bran and fried Alisma, and was about to cut into thick slices, a reminder came from beside him.

"Fu Chu. You don't seem to have seasoned it!"

This sentence immediately made the other onlookers feel bad in their hearts.


Among the few people, especially Chef Liu, who has always been careful, was the first to recall that Fu Yu really didn't put seasoning in the previous operation!

Even if it is a medicinal diet, it is necessary to ensure the texture and taste of the ingredients during the cooking process.

The purpose of the medicated diet is to improve the disadvantages of traditional Chinese medicine soup that is difficult to swallow, and it is also to achieve a positive effect on the health and disease prevention of the human body, a good nutritional effect on the human body, and arouse people's appetite when regulating diseases. Appetite, giving people the charm of endless aftertaste.

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