Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 817: If I Had Known Now, Why Was It Back then?

After Hao Zhenqi finished speaking, Yuan Zixiang remained silent for a long time.

What is it called?

Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness?

Because of opportunism, I didn't want to offend my relatives, but also wanted to take this opportunity to make friends with the owners of time-honored restaurants in my jurisdiction, so I didn't refuse on the spot.

The result led to this series of follow-up events.

Who is to blame for this?

Not to blame himself!

I don't blame his aunt for hating iron for steel, for being so angry on the phone!

It is clear that his official career has gone too smoothly in the past two years, and he has become a little swollen. In the end, he can't play smart anywhere, and he has to go to Maxima!

But the restaurant owner is an acquaintance of Gao Ju!

this luck, really

Hao Zhenqi didn't mention this matter before, and he probably didn't expect Gao Ju to take this opportunity to show off his power!

But it's too late to say anything now.

Yuan Zixiang looked at Hao Zhenqi who had a concerned face, although he was panicking in his heart, he didn't show it at all.

He nodded: "Okay, then you can find a time to help me make an appointment. It was just a misunderstanding at first, so it will be fine if you make it clear."

Hao Zhenqi nodded in agreement, seeing that Yuan Zixiang had no other orders, he left.

After leaving the office, Hao Zhenqi sighed. Although Yuan Zixiang didn't get angry or scold anyone, neither of them is a fool. Both of them are responsible for this matter.

However, even if he told Yuan Zixiang about meeting Gao Ju's family in advance, it would not help the matter. After all, Yuan Zixiang seemed too indecisive in handling this matter, with obvious connivance.

Otherwise, knowing that your relatives are being unreasonable, why didn't you refuse on the spot?

I don't want to offend anyone, but I also want to befriend the restaurant owners in the jurisdiction.

I want to occupy all the good things in the world, is it possible to do something?

Hao Zhenqi couldn't help but start to murmur in his heart, Yuan Zixiang just took office, and in just a few days, he has upset the high bureau, can the situation be reversed in the future?

Is it really reliable to put your treasure on such a person?

And no matter how frightened the people under him are, walking on thin ice.

In the past two days, Gao Jinbo has been refreshed. His son has successfully ordered the medicated meal table, and there is hope for the treatment of hair loss. His wife is in a happy mood, and the atmosphere at home has become harmonious and beautiful.

When a man is working hard for his career, he is most afraid of unrest in the backyard.

it's good now!

After all, being a successful bureau chief!

As an excellent father, you must grasp both the family business and both hands.

When she woke up in the morning, Lin Yu put on a mask in front of the mirror, and complained: "Oh, my face is swollen, I didn't restrain myself from eating too much last night, it's all because the food from Maxima is so delicious! I heard that innovative The big harvest is made by Fu Fu himself, and it is so delicious!"

When Gao Jinbo heard it, he laughed and said, "Don't talk about you, I'm full. The dishes served this time are all personally selected by Chef Yao, and they are all their specialties!"

Lin Yu said hastily: "I heard from the waiter who served the dishes that there are two dishes that are made in secret, and there are no recipes at all."

Gao Jinbo smiled more and more comfortably: "Yes, their boss also said at the time that this is specially made for VIPs to be cooked by the back kitchen, because it takes too much time to cook, even if ordinary customers want to eat, the back kitchen will not take orders. "

Mentioning this incident, Gao Jinbo felt a burst of complacency.

Since he held an impromptu meeting two days ago, everything has started to progress slowly according to his expectation.

First, the task force for implementing the "12315" campaign was formally established.

Just after the first year, everyone in the bureau began to get busy, actively preparing for the activities in early March.

Secondly, Hao Zhenqi helped to set up the line, and Yuan Zixiang personally took his two relatives who were fake and powerful to Qianlima to apologize.

Later, in the following work, both of them acted like humans with their tails crossed.

Yuan Zixiang also put away his original drive to spread the net widely and frantically develop his network, and began to really focus on his work.

The people under him worked hard and carefully, the pressure on Gao Jinbo's body dropped sharply, and he began to have time to spend with his family during his daily breaks, and he had a small gathering with friends.

Now everything in the bureau is in order and in order, so that it is safe and sound, and when I am transferred in the fall of next year, I will definitely pass the review smoothly.

At that time, I may be able to advance to another level, or even if I am lucky, I may be able to hold some other position concurrently.

This was revealed by a leader above!

Thinking of this, Gao Jinbo naturally felt more and more that his time is really lucky now, and good things happen again and again!

This week, Gao Shaoyuan went to take another medicated diet. Although his hair didn't change significantly, his complexion was getting better and better, and his work and rest schedule became more regular.

Because he knew that the medicated diet would be effective this time, he had hope in his heart. For Fu Yu's request, Gao Shaoyuan would consciously try his best to fulfill it.

The curative effect of the medicated diet is excellent, and Gao Shaoyuan is particularly cooperative. Even his parents who live with him every day can see obvious changes in him.

While the old couple was deeply relieved, they were also very happy!

What's more, yesterday morning, the owner of the Maxima Hotel took the initiative to contact and invite them to express their gratitude to the customers for finding fault with their family.

If it was normal, Gao Jinbo would definitely refuse, but the owner of the Maxima Hotel was very enthusiastic, and they were concerned about Fu Yu's relationship, so they happily went to the banquet.

The guests enjoyed the meal and opened two bottles of good wine.

However, the only people accompanying the table were the owner and chef of the restaurant, and Fu Fu was not present.

Everyone in Gao Jinbo's family is very shrewd. Seeing this scene, they understood a little bit.

So at the dinner table, only comments were made around the dishes, and no extra words were mentioned.

But in the middle of the meal, taking advantage of the time when the restaurant owner went out, Yao Shi once expressed his thanks on Fu Yu's behalf.

This is considered to be a favor for Gao Jinbo to help.

After this incident, it can be said that both parties have benefited and are happy.

After entertaining Gaoju's family last night, everyone in Qianli immediately let out a long sigh of relief.

Especially Gao Wenjing, since the beginning of the New Year's Eve, the heart that has been hanging high has finally completely fallen to the ground.

In gratitude, she specially brought two packs of cakes sent by her friends from other places to Yao Shi.

After the year, the business in the store has obviously calmed down, not only the Maxima, but also the orders received by the music restaurant have also slowed down significantly.

In the past few days, Yao Shi has always come to clock in and go to and from get off work on time because he is worried that someone will cause trouble.

After receiving Gao Wenjing's pastries, Yao Shi hummed a little tune and went to the back kitchen with his things.

He gave Fu Yu a portion of the pastry separately, and the portion he kept was directly disassembled and shared among the people in the back kitchen to eat together.

After everyone laughed and laughed, Yao Shi briefly checked the work of the back kitchen and left.

He went to the front hall and was about to go to the second floor when he met Dong Juntian who was about to get off work.

Yao Shi couldn't help being a little surprised: "Boss, why are you here so early today?"

Dong Juntian hesitated to speak: "Old Yao, I just wanted to find you, do you have time now?"

Yao Shi was taken aback, looked at Dong Juntian, and nodded: "Yes, are you going to your office?"

Dong Juntian agreed, turned and walked back.

As soon as he got into the office, Dong Juntian just sat down and said quickly: "Old Yao, tell yourself, how do I usually treat you?"

When Yao Shi heard this, he was stunned, how do you treat me, you don't know what to say in your heart?

All these years, in order to tie me down, have you made less trouble?

But recently it has indeed restrained a lot, and I probably know it, and I really can't stop it.

Yao Shi felt that there was no need to put it on the table and discuss things like this, which each other knew well.

Especially since he never did the kind of thing that stretched out his hand to hit the crying face, so seeing Dong Juntian's bitter and bitter look, he finally said reluctantly: "Well, it's okay."

When Dong Juntian saw Yao Shi, he was against his will!

After all, we have worked together for more than twenty years.

To put it bluntly, Dong Juntian knew Yao Shi better than Yao Shi's ex-wife!

Dong Juntian said awkwardly: "Old Yao, we have been brothers for many years. Thinking about it carefully, we really haven't had a long conversation. I just want to call you over today and have a good chat with you."

"In fact, I have not done well these years. I have also reflected on this aspect for a long time."

Listening to Dong Juntian's heart-breaking remarks, Yao Shi was a little dazed.

What's going on here?

What made you do this all of a sudden?

People are chasing wives crematoriums, is Dong Juntian planning to chase kitchen crematoriums?

Seeing Dong Juntian sincerely expressing remorse and retention, Yao Shi was filled with emotions for a moment, and he was still a little uncomfortable!

When the two fell out, Dong Juntian's attitude hadn't been lowered to such a low level.

Seeing Dong Juntian's complete 180-degree transformation recently, Yao Shi laughed at himself.

If it was half a year ago, maybe he would have been shaken, but now

Yao Shi sighed for a long time, hey, why bother now?

After the dragon rises on the second day of February, the business of Maxima has continued to flourish again, just because this year is a warm winter, and the river is open ahead of schedule!

As soon as the fish and shrimp in the river are on the market, the seafood-based restaurants begin to fill up with guests.

The back kitchen receives a lot of orders. In addition to the chefs who get a share, the chefs in charge and the small workers are also very happy.

Zhu Wan was naturally very happy when the back kitchen sold out.

After all, there are many orders, and the kitchen staff are too busy, so there will be more opportunities to learn and practice.

And the most important thing is that the customers who come to eat in the store order the newly launched Jiang Lao Seafood. There are not many opportunities to order such dishes, so it is just a good time to learn how to handle and cook them.

However, although the back kitchen received a lot of orders, the inclination was also very obvious, especially when many regular customers came to the store, they actually ordered Fu Yu's orders, which made Zhu Wan very curious.


Could it be that Fu Yu's cooking skills are better than Gu Chu and Zhao Chu?

What is so special about him!

However, Fu Yu was Zhao Meng's chef in charge, and he was usually completely different from them, and the well water did not interfere with the river water.

And Zhu Wan usually stays at Gu Yunwu's side as a handyman, who can be ordered by anyone, and all he does is simple tasks such as cutting and cutting.

Realizing the gap between herself and Fu Yu, Zhu Wan was naturally envious, but at the same time unwilling.

If he could learn to cook two years earlier, it would definitely be more than what he has now!

Although he felt that he was no worse than Fu Yu, but because of his curiosity, he still wanted to find out, and take a good look at Fu Yu's operation level when he was in charge of the spoon.

The back kitchen is full of orders, and everyone in the front hall is also very busy.

At the beginning, Liu Yuqing was only sent to the front desk to cooperate with Jiang Mo in taking orders for barbecue takeaway.

As the takeaway business in the store became more and more popular, they were even assigned the task of receiving barbecue orders in the store.

After going back and forth, Liu Yuqing and Jiang Mo started to take charge of each stall, Jiang Mo continued to take charge of the barbecue takeaway orders, and Liu Yuqing started to process the barbecue order orders of customers who came into the store.

Several people at the front desk divided their work, while Liu Yuqing sorted out the newly received barbecue orders and prepared to send them to the back kitchen.

In addition to the list, she also took a wireless lavalier microphone.

This was when she went back to the headquarters for the New Year, and she bought it specially for Fu Yu, who usually used it for recording videos.

With the experience of last year, Liu Yuqing and her sister have specially discussed and concluded that what Fu Yu needs most now is to improve his reputation.

It is particularly important to participate in various food activities, especially those competitions and professional title evaluations with relatively high gold content and high traffic attention.

Now that he has this plan, the cooking videos he usually recorded for Fu Yu became candidates for the temporary competition.

After all, when chefs are cooking, they often have super long performances, or occasionally have a flash of inspiration and develop innovative dishes.

In this way, video recording and replaying sometimes become a very necessary thing.

After Liu Yuqing gets off work every day, almost all her time is spent on learning and creating video post-editing.

Fu Yu only needs to do normal cooking and work every day, and pay attention to keeping himself in the camera lens at all times.

And Liu Yuqing is responsible for charging the camera, editing the video, and preparing for various details.

For example, this radio effect is very good, but the price is relatively expensive wireless lavalier microphone.

After a busy day, it is actually very troublesome to be occupied when you rest at night.

However, as long as she does things for Fu Yu, Liu Yuqing is happy to do anything, and she does it with great satisfaction.

Especially the video recording, Liu Yuqing would not be at ease if it was really handed over to others.

Although she is not a professional, but during this period of time while studying and editing, she has become very skilled and sophisticated.

The purpose of Liu Yuqing's practice of this skill is very simple, just to help Fu Yu edit all the cooking videos.

Therefore, she had no idea that because of this high-level editing operation, she had attracted the attention of the Provincial Food Association, and even thought of recruiting her to join the association to specialize in editing.

Liu Yuqing carried the wireless lavalier microphone in a small bag, and walked briskly to the back kitchen, intending to give Fu Yu a small surprise.

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