Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 818: The Benchmark of Omnipotence

Liu Yuqing went to the baking area first, and handed over the orders ordered by the customers who dine in the store.

Maxima's grilled seafood is now fully operational.

Many customers will order two special barbecues to try when they come to the store to eat.

In particular, the classic sauce developed by Fu Yu before is extremely popular.

It's still early, and the baking area is busy preparing dishes.

On Zhao Meng's side, Zhang Jinyu took Sun Mingze to fill in seasonings, kitchen utensils, and various side dishes for baking.

After all, two people work faster.

Fu Yu didn't come over in the red case area. Seeing that everything was ready, Zhang Jinyu took Sun Mingze away from the baking area.

They were done with their work here, and Zhu Wan was still concentrating on sorting out the messy seasoning boxes.

Since going to work after the new year, whenever Zhang Jiaxin comes to the baking area, he will bring Zhu Wan to help.

He felt that Zhu Wan was quick at work, very winky, and very easy to handle.

Zhu Wan was a little reluctant, mainly because Zhang Jiaxin had a good personality and was easy to get along with. The only thing was that he was too sloppy.

As long as it is the kitchen counter he has used, it will be like a strong wind passing through.

It was also baked to order, although Fu Yu's side was also a little messy, but it would not make people feel at a loss to clean up like now.

Zhu Wan frowned and wiped the sticky sauce with one hand. The work was dirty and boring. When she was anxious and irritable, she saw Liu Yuqing walking in.

I have to say that Liu Yuqing is really pretty, just seeing each other like this makes people feel bright.

Zhu Wan looked at Liu Yuqing in astonishment, and couldn't take his eyes off. He took a deep breath, and couldn't help but want to talk to Liu Yuqing.

Especially through the past few days of getting along, he found that Liu Yuqing is really a very good girl, she looks so beautiful, but she has a very good personality.

How do you say something?

Anyway, he thinks that Liu Yuqing looks exactly as he likes from head to toe!

Seeing that Zhu Wan was the only one in the baking area, Liu Yuqing handed over the reservation order and said, "This is today's baking reservation, please keep it first."

Zhu Wan took it and pasted it on the kitchen wall.

After Liu Yuqing delivered the order, she was about to leave when she heard Zhu Wan suddenly ask, "Xiaoqing, do you know what cook Fu is best at?"

As soon as Fu Yu was mentioned, Liu Yuqing regained her spirits immediately, and she was not in a hurry to leave. She replied with great interest, "Ah? Are you talking about Fu Yu?"

Zhu Wan nodded: "Well, I found that although Fu Chu is just a chef, he usually has the same workload as a chef, and he seems to be able to do any kind of cooking. What is Fu Fu most proficient in?"

Zhu Wan's question was very sincere. He really didn't see which aspect of cooking Fu Yu was best at.

As a cook, there are always two skills that he is best at.

For example, Zhao Meng is best at frying and cooking.

And Gu Yunwu is obviously more accomplished in stewing.

Things like this are obvious at a glance, as long as you get along with them, you will find them easily.

However, Fu Yu seems to be able to take over in any aspect, and he has never found out that there is anything he is not good at.

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she couldn't help thinking, what is there to doubt?

Fu Yu is a culinary genius that even her sister praises!

Not to mention proficient in anything, it is hard to find something that is not proficient in it!

Fu Yu is the benchmark of omnipotence, he can do everything, and he is good at everything!

"Chef Fu is good at cooking everything!"

In a word, Zhu Wan was speechless.

Is this what beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

There are dozens of cooking skills, how can it be possible to be proficient in all of them!

Zhu Wan couldn't help but repeat her question: "I mean what Fu Yu is best at, do you know?"

When Liu Yuqing was questioned, she actually felt a little guilty in her heart, why is Zhu Wan asking about Fu Yu's affairs?

After all, Fu Yu is from Zhao Meng's side, while Zhu Wan is from Gu Yunwu.

The two chefs have always been at odds with each other. Does Zhu Wan have any purpose for this?

However, while secretly pondering, Liu Yuqing couldn't help thinking: What is Fu Yu best at?

Liu Yuqing's eyes lit up when she thought of what happened to the two of them in the secluded corner downstairs after sending her home last night.

Of course I know!

However, you can't tell outsiders about this!

I definitely can't say it, this kind of sweet thing, I'd better keep it for myself and savor it slowly.

After thinking about it, Liu Yuqing didn't continue to answer the phone, but excused that she still had something to go to the red case, ignored Zhu Wan, turned and left.

As she walked, she couldn't help feeling: Excellent people are always easy to be missed!

After being ignored by Liu Yuqing again, Zhu Wan was inevitably a little embarrassed, and at the same time a little baffled!

Did you say something wrong?

It seems not?

What the hell is going on here?

Zhu Wan's mood became more and more irritable. He glanced at the sauce on his hand, rubbed it on the paper towel randomly, and couldn't help sighing!

Alas, women are so complicated, it's hard to know what they are thinking all day.

He was muttering, when the phone rang suddenly.

Zhu Wan quickly picked it up and took a look. Seeing that it was his teacher, he immediately pulled himself together and connected the phone.

"Hey, Teacher Teng!"

A familiar voice quickly came from the microphone: "Well, Xiao Zhu, how is the internship? Are you getting used to it?"

Zhu Wan's heart warmed, the teacher was still thinking about herself!

He said with a smile: "It's good. I'm usually a little busy at work, but this is just right. I can have opportunities to learn and practice."

Teng Xue agreed: "Indeed, the work of the back kitchen will definitely be busy, especially the Maxima Restaurant. Their family is a century-old restaurant, and their business has always been booming. This internship opportunity is rare, you should cherish it!"

Zhu Wan was very moved, and quickly responded: "I know, don't worry, teacher!"

After chatting for a while, Tengxue suddenly asked: "By the way, Xiao Zhu, I have something I want to ask you."

Zhu Wan was taken aback, and quickly said, "Teacher, what do you think?"

Teng Xue said, "Where did you learn that set of techniques you posted on Moments a year ago? Is it the kitchen of the Maxima?"

Zhu Wan was surprised: "What method?"

Teng Xue: "It's about the operation skills of shelling gobies. It is said that the chef in the shop created it himself. Is it the chef of your family's restaurant, or the one from Maxima?"

Zhu Wan's family owns a barbecue restaurant, and it is said that the local business is pretty good.

What he said in his circle of friends was ambiguous, making it impossible to guess which chef he was referring to.

After Zhu Wan was reminded like this, he just remembered that he did post a Moments a few years ago, and he forgot about it!

Unexpectedly, the teacher also saw this circle of friends.

Zhu Wan hurriedly explained: "Oh, it's the chef from Maxima's side. He made it himself. I saw it was very creative, so I posted it on Moments."

When Teng Xue heard this, she was a little excited: "Xiao Zhu, let me tell you, since I saw the circle of friends you posted last time, I tried it in private. It is so easy to use, it not only saves the original steps, but also saves time, the most important thing is that it saves trouble!"

"This method is more effective than the methods taught in our school. It significantly shortens the time for seafood processing and improves cooking efficiency. Moreover, the split goby meat is very complete, and the corners are very neat!"

"So, I thought that this method might also be applied to other seafood treatments, but the effect may not be satisfactory due to lack of experience!"

"I was wondering if you could help introduce me. I want to get to know this chef. If I have the opportunity to have a good conversation, I should benefit a lot."

After hearing Teng Xue's words, Zhu Wan was completely dumbfounded!

real or fake?

Why do I feel that this matter is a bit mysterious!

Teng Xue is a very well-known and excellent teacher in their school. I heard that she worked in a big restaurant before and her cooking skills are very good.

He is still their grade leader now, and he is very prestigious in the school.

Such a person would actually want to entrust him with a relationship and get acquainted with Fu Yu?

After Teng Xue finished speaking, she couldn't help but praise: "Xiao Zhu, you are still very talented in cooking. You have a good eye. If you don't pay attention to details like this, how can you observe so carefully? ?Also, your attitude of being willing to share is not bad, but only one thing, if you post other people's operating skills on the Internet, won't that chef mind?"

After all, chefs are not like other industries, they pay attention to exclusive skills.

Like some cooking experience and operating know-how, they are always passed on inside but not outside, and the chefs keep their own housekeeping skills.

Never spread it easily!

Otherwise, there would be no tradition of apprenticeship.

However, when these words reached Zhu Wan's ears, the meaning changed.


Why should you mind?

And what did he share?

He didn't intend to share that post on Moments, did he?

Zhu Wan swallowed her saliva!

He almost believed it himself!

This was not his intention at all.

And when Fu Yu was in the back kitchen, he casually pointed out this set of unpacking coups in front of everyone. Not only him, but everyone else heard it too. If you want to learn it, you can remember it with a little attention.

This is not a personal secret technique, is it?

Could it be that Fu Yu really casually took the cooking experience that the teacher said to him, which sounded very precious, and casually used it to guide the people under his hands?

Just like an ordinary cooking operation!

Thinking of this, Zhu Wan felt that she might have misunderstood the meaning. The teacher probably didn't mean that?

Maybe it's because I don't know the situation in the back kitchen, so what misunderstanding does the teacher have about the definition of the back kitchen's personal cooking skills?

"Teacher, it's okay. In our back kitchen, if we ask about cooking skills like this, under normal circumstances, the chef who guides us will give a few pointers."

What Zhu Wan said was a bit reserved, and he didn't say that Fu Chu usually gave advice to his subordinates casually, and he was able to hear this because he happened to meet him.

After all, he was working with Gu Yunwu, and he was in two camps with Fu Yu.

He was worried that after he told the truth, the teacher would think that he was dissatisfied with the internship opportunities arranged by the school.

Sure enough, when Teng Xue heard Zhu Wan's words, she said with emotion: "Really? Then I really didn't expect that the working atmosphere in the back kitchen of Maxima is really good. Like when I was working in the back kitchen, everyone always It’s all hidden, for fear that my unique skills will be learned by others, if I don’t worship the master, I don’t even want to get in touch with cooking experience and tricks.”

"It seems that the working atmosphere of Maxima's kitchen is really good. No wonder our school has been cooperating with them for a long time!"

Teng Xue's words were full of longing and admiration!

The admiration is mixed with a kind of yearning, only regretting that life is not at the right time!

This made Zhu Wan not know how to start.

The main reason is that the atmosphere he described was only found on Zhao Chu's side, and the Gu Chu's side like him is not the same thing at all!

However, other than that, is this Fu Yu really as awesome as you say?

It's just a casual pointing sentence, but it can attract the teacher's admiration and appreciation?

At this time, Zhu Wan was a little dazed.

Teng Xue said suddenly: "By the way, Xiao Zhu, if it's convenient for you, can you give me the chef's contact information? I want to find a time to discuss this matter with him in detail."

Hearing this, Zhu Wan couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Teacher, I really don't have his contact information, but how about this, you wait a moment, I will go to him to talk about this matter, and then ask him to call you back? Sample?"

When Teng Xue heard this, she nodded, that's fine.

However, before hanging up the phone, I still didn't forget to say a few words: "Xiao Zhu, this internship opportunity is very rare, you are a very talented person, but it is because you are very good, so you are inevitably somewhat arrogant. You must remember that you must be humble and diligent in all affairs, and you must maintain a humble heart at all times."

"Don't underestimate the chefs in the back kitchen. They all have several years or even decades of work experience. No matter how talented they are, it is difficult to accumulate them in a short period of time based on their own personal ability. "

"And, to be honest, you are lucky to be able to go to such a restaurant and the back kitchen. Originally, the teacher thought that in such a big restaurant, the internship in the past was just to practice cutting and doing some work. At best, I can familiarize myself with the entire workflow of the back kitchen. Now it seems that my thinking is too old-fashioned and my ideas are too extreme!"

Zhu Wan really wanted to sigh when she heard that, teacher, you have not misunderstood, this is actually the case in the back kitchen, Zhao Chu is a special case.

Especially there are very few people like Fu Chu!

Let's just talk about himself, now he stays in the back kitchen every day, just doing odd jobs.

Occasionally, he can work as a helper in the baking area with Zhang Jiaxin, but that's because his family is in this industry, and he is very familiar with this area, and he can do it neatly.

But on the red case, he really didn't have much benefit.

"Since you have such an excellent chef by your side, then find a way to build a good relationship with this person and learn more from him! He can create such cooking skills, which shows that his cooking skills are very high, at least Especially good at cooking ingredients, far above you, you should study hard!"

After Teng Xue gave some instructions, she hung up the phone.

Zhu Wan was left in a daze.

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