Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 819 Fu Chengchun's No. 1 Person

Zhu Wan is really a little confused!

Could it be that my rank is too low to realize how good Fu Chu is?

Thinking of this, Zhu Wan fell silent.

Even if he was unwilling to believe anyone, he couldn't help but believe in his teacher's ardent exhortations.

During the nearly two years of studying with the teacher, all his understanding and mastery of cooking came from the teacher.

Zhu Wan could not help but sigh.

Maybe I'm just a little too proud of myself.

After all, he just walked out of school now, so he is completely like a frog in a well.

At this time, Zhang Jiaxin hurried into the baking area, and told Zhu Wan, "Xiao Zhu, I've assigned you a task."

Zhu Wan got up quickly: "Chef Zhang, what's the matter!"

Zhang Jiaxin hurriedly said: "I just received the notification from Yao Chu that Chef Liu is coming. It is said that he will arrive tomorrow, and he will come directly to the store the day after tomorrow! At that time, the back kitchen will send a few good-looking personnel to serve Reception, I plan to take you as the assistant cook!"

After hearing this, Zhu Wan was stunned for a moment: "Chef Zhang, who is Chef Liu you're talking about?"

Zhang Jiaxin excitedly said: "Liu Yongping! You have heard of it, the number one person in Fuchengchun!"

After one sentence, Zhang Jiaxin also realized that he was a little too excited!

But there is no way, the person who will come to the store the day after tomorrow is Liu Yongping, Chef Liu!

Here in Bei'an, no, in the entire provincial capital, no one will be unfamiliar with the three words Liu Yongping when it comes to Jiangyu feast!

The first person in Fuchengchun, after five generations of inheritance, the founder who listed the cooking skills of anchovies in the Songbei District Intangible Cultural Heritage List!

He is also the first one to promote the concept of Jiangyu culture, and integrate it into every scene of the restaurant and the dining process of diners, making tasting Jiangyu a kind of cultural influence of food.

The spokesperson who officially promoted the Kaijiang fish cooking in this province and was loved by the Chinese people.

All in all, he has too many halos and honors.

Speaking of Kaijiangyu, one has to mention Chef Liu.

Although Zhu Wan is not a local, but his hometown is also from the province. Before learning to cook, he had heard of Liu Che. Although he couldn’t remember his name, he was the first person to mention Fu Chengchun. Son, is also familiar.

Fu Chengchun is a very famous river fish restaurant in the provincial capital, with a longer history than Maxima.

Since the successful application for intangible cultural heritage, more and more branches have been opened, but when it comes to the time-honored brand, the authentic Kaijiangyuyan, the first thing people think of is the head office in the provincial capital.

Hearing that he had the opportunity to meet Liu Yongping, Zhu Wan was also a little excited: "Really? Chef Liu wants to come to our place?"

Zhang Jiaxin quickly smiled and said, "Isn't that right? I heard that Chef Liu was good friends with the father of our shop owner. This year, we just have time, and the boss specially invited him over!"

After receiving Zhang Jiaxin's confirmation reply, Zhu Wan suddenly became excited.

To be able to meet Chef Liu!

This is really something to be excited about.

After all, in the local area, as long as they learn to cook, there is no one who does not worship and love Liu Yongping. This is the idol of all local chefs!

Zhang Jiaxin looked at Zhu Wan, smiled, and asked: "Work more quickly these two days, and then spare time, what I mean, you understand?"

Zhu Wan nodded: "Understood! Don't worry, I will definitely handle all the work quickly!"

"But... Chef Zhang, are all the people from the back kitchen going to receive him?"

Zhang Jiaxin shook his head: "That's not true. On the back kitchen side, Zhao Chu and Gu Chu must be inseparable, and Fu Fu has to stay, otherwise there is no one in charge of the baking area. I just went to greet them, really Chef Yao has to do the reception."

Zhu Wan excitedly said: "It's okay, Chef Zhang, you can just order me around when the time comes!"

Zhang Jiaxin just liked Zhu Wan's cleverness, so he hummed: "Okay, I'll tell you the specific arrangement later, and you should pay attention to the specific time when the time comes."

Liu Yongping, as the person in charge of Fuchengchun's head office, is also the leader in the province's catering industry, and he is a household name in the country as a food promoter!

His usual schedule is very busy.

This time when I came back to my hometown in Bei'an, I was invited to attend the funeral of a deceased friend.

His life has been smooth and smooth, fame and fortune seem to be destined, he has a family background, and noble people to help him, and he walks steadily and freely step by step.

When a person is rich, famous, and profitable, and lacks everything, family and friendship become the most important things to him.

This is often the case with people, the older they get, the more they value friendship.

After Liu Yongping attended the funeral of his old friend, all kinds of scenes in his youth could not help but emerge before his eyes.

Those few old friends who made good friends were either deceased or dying. Thinking of them, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

This time I want to come to visit the descendants of my late old friend, and I was also driven by the sadness at the funeral.

I want to see the descendants of my old friend, if there is anything that needs help and care, and how they are doing now.

Liu Yongping's identity was there, and his every move was followed by people, and he hugged him during the trip.

As soon as he asked to go to the Maxima Hotel, someone immediately gathered all the current big and small news about Maxima and handed it to him.

When it was learned that this year's annual meeting of the Provincial Food Association, Maxima had also sent people to attend, this matter immediately attracted Liu Yongping's attention.

Because his apprentice happened to be the judge of the provincial food association video competition this year, and he also participated in the award ceremony at that time.

And the cooking video that Fu Yu participated in at that time, the content was very novel, and the cooking operation was particularly exquisite!

Liu Yongping's apprentice was full of praise for this, and specially sent this entry video to Liu Yongping.

I heard that the contestants are from Chollima, but what they cook is not the special dishes of their own restaurant.

Liu Yongping's first thought at the time was that the store was not well managed and people's hearts were unstable!

In fact, the reason why Fu Yu didn't choose the restaurant's special dishes in the video contest was mainly because he considered two factors.

For one thing, he is not well-known. If the content of the cooking video is not novel enough, it may not be enough to attract the attention of the judges. It is estimated that he will not be able to pass the audition, because others may not recognize the cooking operations of common dishes.

The second is that he himself is not very outstanding in culinary skills. As he does more and more tasks, the types of skills he acquires become more and more comprehensive. This makes him suddenly realize that there is no limit to the world of cooking and life Learn from time to time, this sentence is the truth!

With his culinary skills, maybe in the eyes of those around him, he is already very good, but there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, maybe in the eyes of others, he is nothing at all.

Reaching the sky in one step is extremely rare in the culinary industry, and most of them are steady and steady.

And Fu Yu caught the attention of the judges by relying on the very eye-catching content selection in the competition video, and was then recommended to Liu Yongping.

In fact, Liu Yongping didn't know that after his apprentice watched Fu Yu's cooking video, although he was a little surprised by Fu Yu's cooking skills, he was somewhat undecided about whether to recommend it to Liu Yongping.

Do you want to show the video to Liu Yongping?

To be honest, the two dishes Fu Yu chose for the competition are very distinctive, and because of the high difficulty of cooking, they are usually rare.

And famous chefs like Liu Yongping are well-informed and have the opportunity to witness and taste any rare dishes.

Even the apprentices who followed him were all very insightful.

It is precisely because of his understanding of the dishes cooked in the video that his apprentice was surprised to find that the participating chef was far superior to himself in the operation of certain cooking techniques after watching it.

This is also the reason why Fu Yu, a little-known chef, was able to stand out in the cooking video competition of the provincial annual meeting.

Liu Yongping's apprentice struggled with the cooking video for a while, but decided to send it to his master to have a look.

Because he remembered that Liu Yongping was very interested in the cooking method of one of the dishes.

And sure enough, as he expected, after watching the whole cooking video, Liu Yongping did have a very strong interest in this young chef.

Only the cooking operations of these two dishes completely attracted Liu Yongping.

Especially in the grasp of some details, even Liu Yongping was very amazed after seeing it!

After watching it twice, Liu Yongping had to admit that this contestant was even far superior to himself in terms of ingredients binding skills.

Liu Yongping has never seen this kind of wonderful binding technique before, and never imagined that he could do it like this.

Holding this kind of awe-inspiring thought, Liu Yongping watched a cooking video that was nearly forty minutes long even after editing. Liu Yongping watched it no less than five times that day.

After watching it, he felt like he was brainwashed

That's right!

After watching it carefully, he felt a lot of approval and appreciation for the other party's many cooking operations. Even the other party's handling of many details, if he hadn't watched it repeatedly and pondered it carefully, he would not have even discovered the mystery of it!

This made Liu Yongping a little shocked!

When watching the video for the first time, because the operator is very young, he just watched it with the idea of ​​admiring the outstanding juniors and commenting on it.

But now, his thinking is completely different from before watching it just now!

Because he found that this young chef who participated in the competition is really good at it!

This gave Liu Yongping a rare thought of paying attention.

Liu Yongping directly called his apprentice, and asked straight to the point: "Zijing, what do you think after watching this competition video?"

Dai Zijing hurriedly said truthfully: "Master, I feel that this person's cooking techniques are much better than mine in many aspects of cooking, and to be honest, I feel like learning from his videos and benefiting a lot. "

After Liu Yongping listened to it, he couldn't help laughing at that time: "The works that can be selected for the selection of the Provincial Food Association and compete for the top three must have a certain level!"

Because Fu Yu's entry video left a very deep impression on Liu Yongping.

So this time I happened to come to Bei'an, and planned to visit the son of an old friend in Qianlima. Liu Yongping couldn't help remembering this young and excellent chef.

Liu Yongping also brought his apprentice Dai Zijing with him on this trip.

When there were no outsiders around, Liu Yongping confessed: "Zijing, when you go to buy a meeting gift, buy an extra gift suitable for young people. I'm going to meet that chef named Fu Yu."

Hearing that Liu Yongping was going to the Maxima Hotel, Dai Zijing was very shocked at that time. He never thought that Liu Yongping would really plan to meet the participating chef.

The next time is to contact Dong Juntian, the boss of Maxima, to inform the friends who are going to accompany him, to prepare the itinerary of the vehicle and so on.

With nothing else to do, Liu Yongping called up the competition video and watched it carefully several times.

Every time he looks at it, he will find something different!

I feel more and more that the participating chef is actually very high-level.

If it weren't for the image of a cooking chef in the video, no matter what Ren Liu Yongping thought, he would never have expected such superb cooking skills to come from such a young chef.

The man looked to be in his early twenties at most.

To be so outstanding at such a young age, this should be the descendant of a family of chefs, or else he is also the personal disciple of some famous chef, right?

As the number one person in Fuchengchun, Liu Yongping has never given up on perfecting his cooking skills in addition to studying Jiangyu cooking these years.

The improvement of cooking skills is not just to study one cooking skill, but to understand in many aspects. The more cooking skills you master, the more delicious dishes you can cook.

And this young chef has a lot of details and ideas in cooking operations, as well as cooking techniques, which made Liu Yongping greatly admired, and even had a very appreciative idea.

Even if there are some deficiencies, it can be exchanged and discussed.

After watching the video, Liu Yongping put down his phone, leaned back on the car seat, and looked out the window.

This time's itinerary really made people feel a little bit of hope in addition to sadness.

He is now very much looking forward to meeting and communicating with this young chef named Fu Yu!

The Maxima Hotel learned that Liu Yongping was going to visit the store, and immediately organized a grand welcome ceremony.

The banners, with big gilt characters, were quickly produced and hung directly on the Rainbow Bridge at the gate of the hotel.

This may be Dong Juntian's happiest time after taking over Maxima.

Being able to let Liu Yongping come to the store in person shows that the relationship between the two is in place, and my nephew has also been recognized by the other party. Maybe this meeting will lead to some opportunities.

Especially a celebrity chef of Liu Yongping's level!

Therefore, this time, Dong Juntian attached great importance to it, and specially called Yao Shi back, and asked him to take charge of the preparations for the reception, and he must do it well.

This move made everyone in the store look forward to it and get nervous.

But with Yao Shi in charge, everything was arranged in an orderly manner, which made everyone feel relieved from the bottom of their hearts.

The main reason is that Yao Shi is indeed very capable. With him, there is a backbone.

In the hearts of everyone in the back kitchen, the boss pays himself the wages, and as for the work distribution, he must follow Yao Shi's arrangement.

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