Liu Yongping's tone of voice when he talked about this matter was extraordinarily serious because of nostalgia.

At that moment, the people in the back kitchen were all quiet. I didn't expect Liu Yongping to say that suddenly.

The best-selling special dishes in his store were actually learned from Liu Yongping, and he didn't even say hello to him.

This matter is indeed unreasonable!

Mr. Dong never mentioned this matter back then, and Dong Juntian didn't know about it at all.

Yao Shi was even more taken aback, he couldn't say anything at this moment, he was very surprised.

When Liu Yongping himself talked about the events of the year, he was also a little shocked and uncomfortable. He unconsciously clasped his hands together and clenched them hard, his face flushed with excitement: "Speaking of which, if it weren't for the fact that Old Dong took me, Taught me a few tricks of cooking, I would never be where I am today!"

Dong Juntian said awkwardly: "Uncle Liu, you are all relying on your own strength, otherwise, my dad would not have borrowed your innovative dishes as our restaurant's specialties, that's why you treat my dad well."

Liu Yongping blurted out and interrupted Dong Juntian: "No, your father was really good to me back then!"

Dong Juntian: "."

Liu Yongping said with emotion that since he made his fortune, he often mentioned a sentence: "For so many years, I have always remembered your father's kindness. When he was setting up a stall, he enthusiastically taught me how to cook seafood. When there are no customers, you will still give me pointers! Let's tell you the truth, even if the master guides the apprentice, he is not so dedicated, your father is really good to me!"

"Later, I was able to have the funds to start a business. Today, it is all thanks to your father's support and help. I have received favors and I have always remembered them in my heart. In my heart, he is my big brother!"

Everyone in the back kitchen was silent for a while, all of them were extremely excited.

The meaning of Liu Yongping's words is to show that he will cover Dong Juntian in the future, that is, he will always pay attention to helping their shop?

To be favored by Liu Yongping is a good thing that no one can ask for!

After Liu Yongping finished his words, it also brought back many memories of the year, and the strong nostalgic friendship was stirring in his chest, which added a bit of sincerity.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit too sensational, Yao Shi glanced at Fu Yu who was cooking, and suddenly said: "Hey, this noodle dish is authentic! I even ordered a mixed vegetable to kill raw fish!"

Sure enough, everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

Liu Yongping had been paying attention to Fu Yu's cooking before, and now he was very emotional. He had come to attend the funeral of his late friend, and when he remembered what happened back then, his heart was filled with grief, and his eyes were faintly red.

At this moment, being interrupted by such an interruption, he couldn't help but look at Fu Yu, and his attention was immediately distracted.

Chollima's mixed vegetable and raw fish is a special signature dish handed down from Mr. Dong.

This dish, together with the colorful salad dish, is an indispensable appetizer on the wine table.

As for the mixed vegetables and slaughtered fish, although it is a Taoist dish, after Mr. Dong's innovation and improvement, both the recipe and the taste of the ingredients have been changed, and it can be called an exclusive private dish.

When Liu Yongping looked over, Fu Yu was making this special dish.

First wash and remove the scales of fresh river fish, the blade enters from the back of the fish, cut the fish slices into filaments, and then soak them in vinegar essence.

The method of this dish was taught to Fu Yu by Zhao Meng at the beginning. When cooking, he repeatedly told him to keep the time of soaking the fish in vinegar essence within two minutes.

If it is less than two minutes, the raw fishy smell is difficult to remove.

If it is exceeded, the fish will lose its tenderness and elasticity.

Just looking at the precise control of time, you can realize how rigorous the cooking operation was when Mr. Dong innovated to cook this dish.

Without repeated trials and cooking, how could it be possible to customize the time so precisely!

Whenever Zhao Meng mentions Mr. Dong, he always shows reverence on his face. Following his precepts and deeds, Fu Yu also respects Mr. Dong very much.

After the fish was soaked, Fu Yu put the boiled potato shreds, together with onion shreds, cucumber shreds, and cabbage shreds, sprinkled with chili flakes, sugar, refined salt, and monosodium glutamate seasoning and stirred back and forth.

Seemingly simple cold side dishes, how much vinegar should be used, how thin and thin the fish should be cut, and how to mix other ingredients, all have very strict standards. Make sure that every dish you make can be the most popular dish on the table. Welcome, the one that satisfies the taste buds the most.

When Fu Yu was doing the mixing, Dong Juntian still felt a little hard to calm down after what happened just now.

The main thing is the ups and downs, he clearly realized that as long as Liu Yongping is willing to remember his father's friendship back then, then he will have a strong backer in the future.

And in the past few years, because he complied with his father's last wish, he has mailed New Year's gifts to several elders who are still alive every year, so even if some of them have not had the chance to meet each other for several years, there is no real relationship between them. broken.

Just like Liu Yongping, Dong Juntian mails gifts to each other every year, and even makes a symbolic New Year's phone call during the New Year.

But in fact, in his own opinion, the relationship is already very weak.

It turned out that Liu Yongping's attitude was so kind and familiar when they met again after many years.

While Dong Juntian was surprised by this, he was flattered at the same time!

He glanced at Liu Yongping who was standing upright in front of the kitchen counter to observe the cooking, and he had nothing to say: "Uncle Liu, how do you see how the raw fish is cooked?"

When Dong Juntian asked the question, he was still full of confidence. He was sure and affirmed that this dish was created by his father himself.

Moreover, the taste is more in line with the preferences of contemporary people than the original classic taste. The sales in the store are particularly good, and it is very popular among customers.

As soon as Dong Juntian opened his mouth, everyone around him turned their heads to look at him.

Ever since Fu Yu started cooking, Liu Yongping just stood by and watched without making any unreasonable comments.

Now what Dong Juntian meant was clearly hoping to get Liu Yongping's advice.

This is within everyone's expectations.

After all, Fu Chengchun has always been famous for his Jiangyu banquet, and Liu Yongping is even more outstanding in this regard.

It must be a great benefit for the Jiangyu cooking in the store to get his advice.

However, Zhang Jiaxin and Zhu Wan couldn't help but feel worried. The two of them looked at Fu Yu in a rare tacit understanding, and thought to themselves: "How is the cooking level of Chef Fu?" It shouldn't be too big of a problem to be singled out, right?

On the other hand, Zhao Meng is calm and relaxed. To be honest, he usually gets along with Fu Yu day and night, and he has long been familiar with his cooking techniques. Unknowingly, his own vision has also improved.

Looking at Fu Yu's cooking now, I just feel that everything is perfect everywhere. I don't know what others think, but he looks good anyway.

Fu Yu quickly finished mixing, and the waiter took the plate away.

Liu Yongping didn't make a sound before, and only now did he answer Dong Juntian's question: "Well, this dish has really improved a lot!"

But as soon as the words were finished, another sentence continued: "However, there are still defects in cooking operations. In fact, when selecting ingredients for this dish, it is best to use crucian carp. The meat of crucian carp is chewy, with a good taste and sweet taste. The raw sashimi is in good color.”

The raw fish that Fu Yu made was actually carp, which was handed down by Mr. Dong himself.

This time, without waiting for Fu Yu to answer, Yao Shi couldn't help but said: "The crucian carp is really good, but it has too many thorns. If you don't remove the thorns carefully, it will affect the taste when customers eat it. And if you remove the thorns, the cooking time will be too long." If it is too long, it will delay the speed of serving the dishes."

Liu Yongping himself runs a restaurant, so he naturally understands the truth, so he nodded: "That's true, so like in my shop, as long as it's the opening month, there will be special small workers to do thorn picking."

Although the scale of Maxima is not bad, it is definitely not as good as Fu Chengchun.

Dong Juntian has heard before that in Fuchengchun, there are as many as eight chefs in the back kitchen, and there are so many chefs, one can imagine how many small workers there are!

Anyone who knows how to cook seafood dishes knows that crucian carp is the top-grade fish, while carp can only be regarded as the middle-grade fish, and its meat quality and taste are quite different.

And the slaughtered fish is eaten cold, so the quality of the meat has a great impact on the taste.

However, no matter how delicious the meat of crucian carp is, it has a disadvantage, that is, the spines are small and dense, and it is very difficult to remove them.

Raw food is not like stewing or frying. When the fire is in place, the fishbone can be cooked and softened.

Therefore, when people like Maxima make vegetables and kill raw fish daily, they always use carp with good meat quality and few spines that are easy to handle as the main ingredients.

While the few people were talking, Fu Yu had already started to cook the stewed fathead fish in an iron pot.

This fish can be called the most important dish in the Jiangyu feast.

The fat head fish has a large and fat head, and the meat is white and tender. Stewing is the best cooking method.

The fish stewed in an iron pot has a strong smell of the pot, and it tastes very delicious!

To make this fish delicious, the fishy smell must be removed first, and the scales need to be removed. Most of the fishy smell remains in the cracks between the fish scales.

After changing the flower knife, marinate it again, and cook it after the fishy smell of the fish is perfectly removed.

The stewed fat head fish, peel off the skin, the snow-white fish meat is covered with rich sauce, the meat is thick but not sticky, the entrance is delicious, and it is instantly occupied by the aroma of the sauce. The unique freshness and sweetness, after a taste, the more delicious it becomes, you can't stop chopsticks at all.

Because of its delicious taste, the order rate of this dish is very high.

The more times of cooking, Fu Yu is familiar with the whole operation process.

While cooking with the spoon, he paid close attention to the conversation between Liu Yongping and Yao Shi.

Picking crucian carp spines is actually not difficult, if it is done well, although it will delay a little cooking time, overall, the impact is not great.

But this matter must first be based on the chef's cooking techniques, and secondly, the price of the ingredients must be considered.

The restaurant must be for the purpose of profit. The market price of carp is cheaper than that of crucian carp, and the amount of fish meat is large.

A carp with a good knife skill can make two to three servings of mixed vegetables to kill raw fish.

The crucian carp is small in size and the meat is thin. If it is Kaijiang at the moment, the crucian carp is generally only the size of an adult's palm, and three or four carp can make a dish.

Comparing the two, carp is definitely more suitable as the first choice food.

Liu Yongping finished his casual sentence without paying attention to it.

On the contrary, Dong Juntian was in a complicated mood for a while. He naturally knew that what Liu Yongping said was right, but this method was not applicable to Maxima.

The current staff in the back kitchen is actually just enough. In his opinion, there is no need to increase it at all.

After all, hiring more people requires more capital, which can save a salary, which seems inconspicuous, and it will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year.

But even if you don't agree with it in your heart, you can't really show it on your face.

Dong Juntian laughed along with embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a while.

Yao Shi interrupted just now, but now he was silent too.

Liu Yongping's words really couldn't be answered, if he answered well, it would be able to liven up the atmosphere, but if he failed to answer, wouldn't that be a blow to the other party's face?

Yao Shi frowned, and before he could come up with a countermeasure to answer the question, Fu Yu suddenly said, "Crucian carp is really good for cooking and killing raw fish, but in fact, the taste of shredded is not as good as sliced, because the texture of the fish is smooth. Shredded, not chewy, reversed shredded, the strips are too short, and it looks broken when sandwiched.”

Liu Yongping frowned, and before he could refute, Fu Yu had already ordered, "Jin Yu, go and catch two more crucian carps, and bring them here after you've dealt with them."

Liu Yongping looked at Fu Yu, his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound.

The implication is very clear, that is: there is no basis for what you say, you can do it, you can come!

After all, practice is the only criterion for verifying truth!

The back kitchen is busy, and Gu Yunwu has already returned to his kitchen counter, busy taking orders and cooking.

Zhao Meng is not idle, but he has a high level of cooking skills, and he can do two things at once. While cooking, he keeps his eyes on Fu Yu's side.

Hearing that Fu Yu wanted to use crucian carp as cold salad, he hurriedly took over the order list, picked up the order that needed to be served urgently, and started cooking, so as to avoid delaying the serving time by making an extra dish.

Zhang Jinyu hurriedly brought over the neatly packed crucian carp. After Fu Yu inspected it, he took it over with satisfaction and was ready to start cooking.

Since Zhu Wan followed Zhang Jiaxin to welcome Liu Yongping back, he didn't go to work again. At this time, no one called him, so he quietly stood behind the crowd, looking out at Fu Yu cooking.

After all, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity cannot be missed.

At this time, seeing that Fu Yu was about to take the helm, Zhu Wan couldn't explain why, but he was also a little nervous.

This was the first time he watched Fu Yu's cooking up close, and he felt somewhat uncertain.

Even though Fu Yu was very proficient in cooking the two dishes just now, they were all routinely cooked in the back kitchen, so there was really no difficulty.

Now it is suddenly replaced by Liu Yongping's suggestion of killing raw fish with crucian carp, and I don't know if Fu Yu can do it well.

Is Fu Yu really as powerful as the teacher said?

But thinking of his unyielding posture of arguing with Liu Yongping just now, it seems that it should be okay!

Zhu Wan is very conflicted now.

For Fu Yu, is there a higher degree of support or a higher degree of hostility.

But now it seems that the support is higher after all, right?

After all, he really has no reason to be hostile to Fu Yu!

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