Dong Juntian asked with concern: "Uncle Liu, is there something temporary? Why did you suddenly change the itinerary?"

Liu Yongping took a sip of porridge and explained: "I plan to stay one more day, and I have a special arrangement tonight!"

Dai Zijing also only got the news last night. Although it is a bit troublesome to temporarily change the ticket, but considering the arrangement of the master, he is still quite looking forward to it.

Liu Yongping turned his head to look at Dong Juntian: "I'm going to invite some old friends to Bei'an for a good get-together, and I'm going to book a bigger box in your store tonight."

Dong Juntian heard the words and hurriedly said: "Okay, I will arrange this matter, you can rest assured."

Liu Yongping smiled and explained his arrangement: "Let Xiaofu come over at that time. After I communicated with him yesterday, I also feel that I have benefited a lot. This trip is really not in vain!"

As he said that, Liu Yongping suddenly exhorted: "Juntian, your back chefs are really full of talents. Needless to say, Xiaoyao and the others are all culinary experts. For such outstanding talents as Xiaofu, you must definitely You have to win people over!"

Liu Yongping himself runs a restaurant and is very experienced in these matters.

"Actually, I suggest you, it's best to bring up Xiaofu. Being a chef at his level is a bit of a shame!"

"He can be a chef now and be on his own. The young man is really good. Whether it is his attitude and understanding of cooking, or his level of cooking and cooking skills, he is very good!"

Dong Juntian hurriedly said: "Uncle Liu, in fact, I have already had this idea, but Xiaofu's situation is really special. He has only been working in the back kitchen for a year, and he became a full-time employee not long ago, so I thought about waiting. However, now the back kitchen has let him take charge of the baking area, wait until the second half of the year, and then find an appropriate time to promote his position depending on the situation."

What Liu Yongping said was nothing more than a pity for his talents.

Since Dong Juntian has his own arrangements, it's fine for him to say what he says. As for other things, it's not easy to intervene too much.

Liu Yongping nodded, and briefly introduced to Dong Juntian the few old friends he had invited to participate in the evening activities.

Hearing that the few people who came were all bigwigs in the circle, Dong Juntian was immediately excited, and almost patted his chest on the spot to promise: "Uncle Liu, don't worry, I will definitely arrange everything for you when the time comes."

Liu Yongping nodded: "Okay, I don't worry about your work."

After having breakfast with Liu Yongping, Dong Juntian hurried to the store.

Knowing that Liu Yongping was leaving today, Dong Juntian would definitely be going to see him off at the airport, so Yao Shi came to the shop early on purpose to arrange all the matters in the back kitchen.

He was discussing with Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu about purchasing goods. At this time, Dong Juntian hurried over.

"Old Yao, it's great that you're here. I happen to have something to talk to you about."

Yao Shi followed Dong Juntian out of the back kitchen, and while the two were walking towards the front hall, Dong Juntian said, "Uncle Liu won't be leaving today, and the ticket has been rebooked for tomorrow."

Dong Juntian told about Liu Yongping entertaining some old friends at Chollima at night.

Yao Shi was very surprised when he heard this: "Really? Even Wang Chef and Criminal Chef are coming?"

Just mentioning the names of Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang, Yao Shi may not be able to react for a while.

But when it comes to Wang Kui's Old Hotel, there is also Tonghe Tower, which is almost a well-known large hotel chain in the circle.

When mentioning this matter, Dong Juntian also looked excited: "Yes, they are all here, I just want to tell you, although Uncle Liu said that he is going to let Fu Yu go to participate in the exchange meeting, but I think this opportunity is really rare, If you have time, come and join us."

It wasn't that Dong Juntian was more concerned about Yao Shi, but that his own level of cooking was really mediocre, so Yao Shi had to come forward on such a critical occasion.

Yao Shi is also well aware of this, but he is very happy to participate in this exchange activity.

Especially the few celebrity chefs present tonight, he also admires very much. If he can get in touch with them, it will definitely be of great help to him in the future.

Yao Shi nodded: "Okay, I will explain to Lao Zhao and Lao Gu at today's meeting, and I will also participate in the event. I will explain to Xiaofu carefully, there should be no problem."

Dong Juntian said sincerely, "I'm at ease when you handle things."

Yao Shi smiled noncommittally, followed Dong Juntian to the front hall to explain something, and then went back to the back kitchen alone.

Hearing that Liu Yongping was going to entertain friends in the store at night, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu cheered up immediately.

Yao Shi will go to the front hall to accompany him when the time comes, and Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu can only be responsible for the meeting.

However, considering that Fu Yu also needs to go to participate in the exchange meeting, and it happens that Gu Yunwu is in charge of the baking area, and there are not enough people.

Therefore, when Yao Shi customized the table menu, he deliberately leaned towards the special dishes of frying and cooking that Zhao Meng is good at.

Seeing that Yao Shi was about to let Zhao Meng take the lead, Gu Yunwu felt jealous.

After all, this is a demonstration of cooking skills in front of a crowd of bigwigs in the industry, how can Zhao Meng stand alone?

In desperation, Yao Shi simply re-adjusted the contents of the menu. The specific dishes were finalized one by one after discussion among the three people.

Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu originally had their own strengths, and tonight's dinner can just show their strengths.

After arranging the dinner, Yao Shi went to the baking area and asked Fu Yu to come aside and talk.

Fu Yu was pleasantly surprised to hear that Liu Yongping called several famous chefs over to hold a small culinary exchange meeting tonight.

Although there are many famous chefs in the national culinary field, it is estimated that there are still a few who can reach the level of Liu Yongping.

There is no doubt that the few people Liu Yongping specially invited here must be bigwigs in the industry.

Being able to discuss and exchange culinary experience with such a group of people is simply a blessing that cannot be wished for!

Fu Yu said happily: "Great, thank you Chef Liu for giving me such a chance."

Yao Shi smiled: "The main reason is that you are really good."

Yao Shi is a smart person, he sees the problem very clearly, Liu Yongping will suddenly have the idea of ​​holding a cooking exchange meeting, it must be because the discussion with Fu Yu yesterday made him feel very rewarding and aroused his interest.

And I was able to have this opportunity to meet a group of bigwigs, in fact, I borrowed Fu Yu's light.

After all, Yao Shi really felt that Fu Yu was his nobleman!

Fu Yu's future and prospects are absolutely limitless.

And I was lucky, I was able to make friends with this person in advance before Fu Yu got up.

Or else, life is an investment again and again, and your bargaining chip is yourself.

Yao Shi made up his mind that he must deal with Yu better, not to mention treat him as his own son, at least he must treat Yu Yu better than him.

It's just a pity that I don't have a daughter of the same age as Fu Yu, otherwise...

Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang arrived at Bei'an Airport first.

Dai Zijing has been with Liu Yongping for more than two years, and he is very familiar with several old friends of his master.

Seeing these two people coming out one after the other, Dai Zijing quickly greeted them with a smile, greeted them, and helped carry the luggage.

He borrowed Dong Juntian's private car when he came to the airport. Although the space was average, Dai Zijing and Xing Zhaokang didn't intend to stay for a long time at first. They only brought simple clothes for a change of clothes with them. There were not enough things in the trunk.

After receiving someone, Dai Zijing originally planned to go back home directly, but Wang Liduo said, "My son's flight is coming soon, and it's half an hour away, why not pick him up later."

Upon hearing this, Dai Zijing quickly agreed.

So the group simply waited outside the airport.

Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang are looking forward to this meeting.

Xing Zhaokang had a bright personality, and it was not convenient to talk to each other on the plane just now, but now that there were no outsiders, he immediately opened up the chatterbox and started chatting with Wang Liduo.

"Brother, tell me, why did the third brother suddenly think of organizing a cooking exchange meeting? Originally, I was thinking of waiting for the opening of your branch to be completed, so I asked my brothers to go to my place to have a good gathering. I didn't expect the third child to take the lead!"

Actually, Wang Liduo didn't know either. After confirming the itinerary, he made a special call to Liu Yongping, but the old boy was mysterious and refused to say anything.

Several of their old friends have different personalities, but they are very persistent in cooking methods.

To make Liu Yongping so solemn, it is estimated that some important person will be there.

However, no matter how curious he was, Wang Liduo's airs were still stable. After all, they were very proud of their status and status! Also very stubborn!

Since the other party refused to tell, then he could hold back from asking.

Anyway, sooner or later you will know.

However, no matter how clearly he thought in his heart, he still looked forward to it after all.

Wang Liduo couldn't help but smile when he thought of Liu Yongping's deliberate trickery: "Maybe. I really invited a master who can teach us how to cook!"

After chatting for a while, Wang Liduo's cell phone rang.

He answered the phone and directed his son to come over by remote control.

Wang Ruozhen is not tall, but she looks very energetic, especially now that she runs a catering company, she always wears a neat business suit when she travels, and she looks quite elegant.

For today's exchange meeting, Wang Ruozhen took the time to fix her hair and put on her favorite watch.

This is the first time he has been officially invited to participate in a cooking exchange meeting organized by several elders, which is of great significance to him.

Wang Ruozhen was dragging a large suitcase with a large cardboard box on top of it. He was always polite and thoughtful, and all the things in it were hastily prepared gifts for the elders when they met.

Seeing his father and Xing Zhaokang waiting outside, Wang Ruozhen walked over quickly, with a bright smile on his face, and it was obvious from the movement of waving that he was very excited.

Dai Zijing stepped forward to help with the luggage.

After Wang Ruozhen greeted him, he walked up to the elders first, and greeted Xing Zhaokang first: "Second uncle!"

Xing Zhaokang nodded, and said with a smile: "Yo, Ruozhen, we haven't seen each other for a few days, why do I look at you like you are handsome again?"

Wang Liduo and his son hugged each other, and said with a smile: "It's so ridiculous, how long have we met, what changes can there be!"

They just got together during Chinese New Year, and less than half a month has passed.

Xing Zhaokang said cheerfully: "Why can't it, you are just jealous that Ruo Zhenqing is born out of blue, who is more handsome than you!"

In a word, Wang Liduo made a joke.

Dai Zijing was also extremely excited seeing that everyone had arrived. He was looking forward to what would happen when the famous chefs met in a while!

Just thinking about it makes people feel excited!

After packing up the luggage, several people boarded the car and drove towards the Maxima Hotel.

Before driving, Dai Zijing specially sent a message to his master Liu Yongping to report the itinerary.

When Liu Yongping received the news, he immediately showed a smile, and called Dong Juntian instead, informing him that it was time to prepare the dishes.

He himself got up to pack up and prepared to go to Maxima.

Like everyone else, he is also very much looking forward to meeting old friends this time.

Of course, after all, it was an exchange meeting that was finalized after staying up most of the night. He has made careful preparations. The purpose of organizing the cooking exchange meeting this time is to introduce everyone to each other and provide such an opportunity for all People can sit face to face and communicate well.

The purpose is naturally to pass on the skills of cooking operations!

Dong Juntian entrusted Yao Shi with full authority over the arrangements for the meeting, while he himself waited in the front hall early, waiting to welcome the distinguished guests.

Liu Yongping's hotel is very close to Maxima, so he rushed over when he was notified.

When Dai Zijing drove him back, Liu Yongping had already arrived.

Although the few people just got together during the Chinese New Year, for this meeting, whether it was Liu Yongping, Wang Liduo, or Xing Zhaokang, they were looking forward to it, and there was an inexplicable feeling of reunion after a long absence.

Because of the need to entertain distinguished guests, the work in the back kitchen was obviously a bit busy. Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu even showed their talents and showed off their special skills!

Under Yao Shi's instruction, Fu Yu personally cooked several seafood barbecues.

Yao Shi stayed in the back kitchen all the time, and he showed his skills by cooking a Shunde Yusheng.

Anyone who has tasted this dish will not fail to praise its authenticity and deliciousness!

Yao Shi is very confident in his cooking skills.

After a busy afternoon, all the dishes were prepared, and the cold dishes that could be served in advance were also placed on the dish delivery table.

Yao Shi looked at Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, you have to work hard for the cooking exchange meeting in a while. It is said that the few people present are all bigwigs in the industry. It will definitely benefit a lot if you can communicate with them, and you may get a lot of inspiration Such an opportunity is really rare, you must cherish it!"

Fu Yu nodded: "I understand, Chef Yao, don't worry, I will definitely learn from several famous chefs."

The two were chatting when Yao Shi's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Dong Juntian.

[Everyone has already arrived, I'll take them to the box now, you and Xiaofu should hurry up too. 】

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