Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 828 This situation is quite special

After Yao Shi replied the message, he turned to Fu Yu and said, "Everyone is here, let's go there now."

While talking, the two greeted Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu, and rushed to the box in the front hall.

When Fu Yu followed Yao Shi into the box, the scene in front of them made the two of them pause involuntarily!

When people in the room saw them, they got up and looked over.

This posture, this battle!

Not only was Fu Yu flattered for a moment, even Yao Shi didn't know how to deal with it.

The two subconsciously looked at Liu Yongping who took the lead to stand up.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the box suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Suddenly, Liu Yongping burst out laughing, and introduced: "The one in front is the chef of Maxima, Yao Shi, and the one behind him is the Fu chef, Fu Yu, who I specially invited to participate in the exchange meeting."

It was okay when there was no introduction, but after the introduction, Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw the incredible dumbness in each other's eyes!

Originally seeing Yao Shi who came in first, they thought that this person who looked like he was only in his early forties could be invited by Liu Yongping to participate in the exchange meeting, so young and promising!

As a result, I never expected that it would be the young man following behind.

This is too young, it looks like he is in his early twenties at most!

Everyone present looked at Liu Yongping together, and after getting a definite answer, they looked at Fu Yu again.

Liu Yongping solemnly introduced: "I came to Maxima this time to visit Lao Dong's son, and I wanted to meet Xiao Fu. As a result, we hit it off right away! Yesterday we exchanged cooking skills, and I think it has benefited a lot , has inspired me a lot in terms of cooking skills, so I just want to call you all over, let's have a good discussion and exchange."

"Let me tell you, don't underestimate Fu Yu, he is really amazing! I only met him when I saw his entry video in this year's Provincial Cuisine Annual Cooking Competition. Xiao Fu was He has achieved particularly excellent results, and he is also a member of the Provincial Gastronomy Association!"

Yao Shi did not specifically tell Liu Yongping about Fu Yu's role as a consultant to the research team of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association.

The main reason is that Dong Juntian's side is not easy to explain.

However, the fact that Fu Yu was able to join the Provincial Gastronomy Association at such a young age was enough to surprise several people present.

After all, not just anyone can join the Provincial Food Association, and there are many rules and regulations.

There are not only the assessment of culinary skills, but also the standard of years of experience, and someone needs to be introduced to guarantee membership.

It is not easy to meet these conditions.

Especially since Fu Yu is so young, it is obvious that the Provincial Gastronomy Association made an exception to admit him. It can be seen that Fu Yu himself is amazing!

In fact, even if Liu Yongping didn't specifically introduce these things, Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang would not despise Fu Yu because of their age.

After all, with their experience and vision, they would not casually reveal the truth in their hearts.

Moreover, they themselves are also very talented chefs, and they are well-informed, and they understand what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and someone beyond the human.

If it weren't for this, Liu Yongping wouldn't have come here to discuss cooking skills with Fu Yu because of a cooking video.

What's more, because of Fu Yu, Liu Yongping specially summoned them all the way here, just to organize this cooking exchange event. Based on this alone, Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang will not underestimate Fu Yu. Yu.

Liu Yongping and Dong Juntian's father are old friends, but Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang are friends he made in the later stage of his business, and they don't know each other.

So Liu Yongping introduced Dong Juntian again, and everyone sat down happily and chatted enthusiastically.

While chatting lively, a waiter suddenly came in to deliver a message.

The waiter said, "Chef Fu, I took an order from an old customer. Chef Zhao said that if you can spare time, you'd better take it. It's the customer who suffers from anorexia."

Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly responded, "Okay, I'll go there now."

Fu Yu turned his head to look at the elders, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, a regular customer came here temporarily, and I'm the only one who can take his order. I'm really sorry, I might have to go there."

Upon hearing this, Dong Juntian frowned before Liu Yongping and others could speak, and asked, "What kind of customer? Can't Lao Zhao and Lao Gu take orders?"

To know all the dishes in the store, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu are not familiar with cooking, and the cooking in the back kitchen always pays attention to the consistency of the taste of the dishes.

It is impossible for customers to have different tastes of the same dish every time they come to the store.

Even if there are some differences, it can be seen that the craftsmanship is not from the same chef, but the gap should not be too large.

So even if it is a regular customer ordering, as long as they are not particularly tricky, they can help take the order.

Fu Yu hurriedly explained: "It's my regular customer. The situation is a bit special. He suffers from anorexia. I understand the situation better, so every time I come to the store to eat, I arrange the cooking."

Liu Yongping and others were also surprised when they heard Fu Yu say that.

A table for anorexics?

This situation is quite special!

After all, anorexia is not like other diseases, the main symptom is the inability to eat.

Let an anorexic patient take the initiative to eat in the restaurant, this is somewhat mysterious!

I don't know, I thought that Maxima had some special recipes, such as a medicinal diet specially for treating anorexia, otherwise, this situation would be unrealistic at all!

Thinking of this, the three old friends looked at each other, and Liu Yongping quickly said: "Xiaofu, so you can customize the table for anorexic patients? I really haven't researched it. If you don't mind, let's go and have a look." ?”

Just as Fu Yu was about to speak, Dong Juntian took the lead and said, "Okay! It just so happens that the food hasn't been served yet, so I'll accompany you to the back kitchen to have a look."

The boss had already spoken, so Fu Yu naturally had no objection.


Yao Shi meant that he would not say anything to the public about his cooking of medicinal food, but if Liu Yongping and others followed him to watch, would he be found out?

After all, the dishes he cooks have nothing to do with the special dishes of Maxima.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu quietly looked at Yao Shi.

The two looked at each other, and Yao Shi nodded calmly.

Fu Yu understood, and then hurriedly got up.

The others followed closely behind, and they went to the back kitchen together.

The back kitchen of Maxima was renovated and rebuilt. A lot of new kitchen utensils and equipment were added, the area was expanded a lot, and all the details were well designed.

Several people came to the back kitchen, except for Liu Yongping who had already visited, the others took the lead in looking around, and then nodded approvingly.

If a store wants to be upscale, the decoration of the front hall is one aspect, and the cleanliness of the back kitchen is also very important.

Maxima has done a good job in this regard.

A group of people suddenly came over from the back kitchen, the boss and the head chef took the lead, and everyone in the back kitchen looked over in surprise.

I have long heard that there will be a big person coming to the store today, but I didn't expect that they would come to the back kitchen now.

Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu looked expectantly at the few old men walking behind.

These few people are all bigwigs who have made a career in the gourmet circle.

Any one of them is one of the best chefs in China.

Taking advantage of Fu Yu's approach, Zhao Meng hurriedly asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Fu Yu smiled, just as Liu Yongping and the others followed, so he made a special introduction for Zhao Meng.

Zhao Meng didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to meet several famous chefs, and at the same time he was pleasantly surprised, and hurried to help entertain them.

Fu Yu is now the chef in charge and has his own independent kitchen counter. Liu Yongping stands in front of the kitchen counter. This position has the best view and will not affect Fu Yu's cooking.

Wang Liduo, Xing Zhaokang and the others also walked over. Although they were all excellent cooks, this was Fu Yu's territory after all, and they originally planned to observe from the sidelines.

Fu Yu asked, "Chef Zhao, where's the order?"

Zhao Meng handed over the list, and Fu Yu took a look at it. It was still the same, three dishes and one soup, let him watch and cook.

The mother and son have come here for dinner several times. Fu Yu actually thought about introducing them to the music restaurant to order medicinal meals, but when discussing with Yao Shi, Yao Shi rejected it.

Yao Shi wasn't worried about poaching Maxima's corner, but thought that the boy was young and was currently undergoing regular treatment in the hospital.

Medicinal diet can only serve the purpose of effective conditioning in the treatment of anorexia, and there is no possibility of a complete cure.

So it's better to wait for the boy's own family members to come to the door after hearing the news, and take the initiative to customize the medicinal diet.

The main reason is that boys are still underage after all. The treatment of anorexia is not like the treatment of acne. The curative effect is slower and the effect is not obvious.

If this anorexia is not well adjusted and eats people badly, then things will be settled.

After all, the patient had no desire to eat, and if he went on a hunger strike because of the medicinal diet, it would be fatal!

Moreover, the medicated diet itself has its own unique taste of traditional Chinese medicine. Anorexic patients can't even eat ordinary dishes, let alone medicated diet!

Yao Shi believes that the promotion of medicated food seats has just started, and it is best to focus on safety.

Fu Yu always listened to people's advice, not to mention Yao Shi was very considerate.

However, when cooking on Maxima's side, you can't make medicinal meals. You can only use the limited ingredients in the back kitchen to make dishes that can be eaten by teenagers.

The amount is small, the dishes are novel, and the taste is light.

Fu Yu's cooking these few times has mainly focused on these three points. Fortunately, the young man is still saving face, and he can eat more or less every time.

But what should I cook for him today?

While thinking about it, Fu Yu secretly flipped through the recipes that anorexic customers like.

This treasure book is tailor-made for him to solve his urgent needs. It contains all kinds of dishes, soups, sweets, and medicinal foods.

When the boy came here before, Fu Yu picked the dishes and soups that were pleasing to the eye to cook from here, and the results were very good.

Today's time is a bit rushed, and there is no time to choose carefully, Fu Yu casually checked two pages, and then confirmed the dishes to be cooked.

Pineapple shrimp balls, sweet and sour lotus root slices, tomato and egg multi-bacteria soup, mango pudding.

Just three dishes and one soup.

Through these few times of cooking, Fu Yu has discovered that the most suitable dishes for anorexia patients are tomatoes, hawthorns, and pudding.

So for the selection of dishes these few times, Fu Yu will basically arrange a light pudding as an appetizer, and let the food passer deliver it to the table first for the teenager to taste.

Fu Yu was busy customizing the table, and Zhao Meng took the opportunity to chat with Liu Yongping and the others.

Liu Yongping was very interested in this old customer of Fu Yu. Seeing that Fu Yu was busy, he turned to ask Zhao Meng about the situation.

There is nothing to hide about this matter. Although Fu Yu's dishes have nothing to do with Qianlima's original menu, they all use ingredients from the back kitchen, and the prices are charged as usual, without any delay.

Even in front of the boss, Dong Juntian, don't worry.

Zhao Meng said truthfully: "He is a young man. I heard that he is a high school student who suffers from severe anorexia. When he first came to the store, it was because he refused to eat. His family was worried, so they brought him out specially, thinking See if there are any dishes here that he can eat. It was Xiaofu who took the order at the time, and after learning about the situation, he weighed and cooked a few dishes, but unexpectedly let the boy eat."

Speaking of this matter, Zhao Meng couldn't help sighing: "Later, the boy often came to eat with his parents, but every time he would directly place an order for Xiaofu, explaining how many dishes he wanted, and Xiaofu just watched it by himself. Cooking and the specific dishes are all his own ideas, and the customers have no opinions."

Liu Yongping and others were amazed when they heard it.

This is anorexic!

Certainly not just cooking a few special dishes can coax people to take the initiative to eat.

Thinking of this, several people suddenly became more interested, and wanted to see what special dishes Fu Yu was going to cook.

After Fu Yu quickly listed the dishes, he made a list of the dishes to prepare, and handed it over to Zhang Jinyu to prepare the dishes.

I habitually posted the order list on the kitchen wall.

Liu Yongping was close, and he stretched his head to look at the recipes on the menu.

What caught my eye was a few lines of unsightly broken characters like dogs crawling.

I can barely make out the names of the dishes written: pineapple shrimp balls, sweet and sour lotus root slices, tomato and egg multi-bacteria soup, mango pudding.

Although he has advanced skills related to various languages, Fu Yu can only ensure that there are no typos in his writing, and there is really no way to do it in terms of handwriting.

Liu Yongping finished reading the recipe with a look of disgust.

Although he was also a cook since he was a child, and his education level was average, but at least when he was studying, he practiced a decent handwriting.

Fu Yu's handwriting is really not as good-looking as the old cockroach's crawling!

However, although the writing is ugly, the recipe is quite interesting.

At first glance, several dishes are quite ordinary, at least not unusual dishes.

But if you take a closer look, they are basically sweet and sour dishes.

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