Seeing Liu Yongping's movements, Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang also leaned over to look at the menu.

Looking at it, I also saw the name.

Among other things, Fu Yu's customized dishes are quite ingenious.

The main characteristic of anorexia patients is that they can’t eat anything, so the few dishes he chose are mainly the most appetizing sweet and sour tastes.

However, if it's just a simple sweet and sour dish, customers can eat it and don't need to seek medical advice.

There must be something else going on here.

The three of them looked at each other, and they all had guesses in their hearts.

Liu Yongping had been away from home for many years, but he came back suddenly, and he didn't understand the various reasons.

It is unknown that Yao Shi has already opened his own restaurant, and Fu Yu was even hired by the music restaurant as the head chef of medicinal food.

He only knows that Fu Yu is very good at cooking. Since he can make anorexic patients take the initiative to eat in the restaurant, it means that he has his own special skills in cooking, or this customer is not seriously ill, and he just happens to eat the right food for Fu Yu. The taste of the dishes.

When Liu Yongping and others started their business, they often encountered customers who came to dine specially for their cooking skills.

Even if it is the same dish, it is made with the same ingredients and cooking methods, but often the chefs are different, and the taste of the dishes will be more or less different.

This is why, as long as conditions permit, when customers come to the restaurant to eat, they often order different chefs to cook.

During the preparation of the dishes, Liu Yongping and the others began to whisper about the dishes Fu Yu had customized.

Fu Yu was listening to them talking, when he suddenly saw Yao Shi winking at him.

Fu Yu leaned over, approached Yao Shi, and asked, "Chef Yao, what's the matter?"

Yao Shi glanced at Liu Yongping and others who were chatting enthusiastically, and motioned for Fu Yu to come with him.

Yao Shi went straight to the warehouse.

Fu Yu nodded, and casually explained to Liu Yongping and others, saying that he was going to check the food preparation, and then followed Yao Shi.

After entering the storeroom, Yao Shi brought it to the door, and then said: "It is fine to order the noodles normally. If there are medicinal materials that need to be used, I can also have someone deliver them directly."

In a word, Fu Yu was stunned.

The noodles must be customized according to the needs of customers. If you can customize the medicinal food, it will definitely be better for your body than ordinary ingredients.

But if that's the case, with Liu Yongping's eyesight, you can definitely see that what he cooks is medicinal food, not ordinary dishes at all.

What's more, the boss Dong Juntian was present today. He changed the medicinal diet without authorization and used Chinese medicinal materials. These are serious violations of the store's regulations.

How to explain it at that time is a problem.

Yao Shi was able to ask him like this now, because he was going to help him deal with the aftermath.

Let him cook with confidence, as long as he can satisfy the customers, he doesn't need to worry about other things.

Fu Yu understood Yao Shi's meaning, his heart warmed, he thought about it, and said, "I know this customer's eating habits very well, and he doesn't need to cook medicinal food, but some of the specific dishes are not available in our store."

Yao Shi nodded: "It's okay, I'll explain it for you then."

Fu Yu nodded, it was really heartwarming to have someone beside him who could take care of things for him.

In the back kitchen at this time, Liu Yongping and the others were also discussing the cooking and operation of the dishes.

None of these dishes are unusual dishes, and they are not difficult to cook.

However, because it was customized for patients with anorexia, Liu Yongping also checked the information on purpose.

After this investigation, I found out that once anorexic patients need to be diagnosed, it means that the situation is already very serious.

It's not like they thought before, the disease is mild and the eating status is not serious.

Moreover, the diet of anorexic patients should be gradual, with small meals and frequent meals, and should not be completed in one step, otherwise it will become a psychological burden and aggravate the condition.

The chef should also pay attention to keeping the color, fragrance and taste when cooking, so as to stimulate the appetite of the patient, and the diet should be light.

In order for anorexic patients to gradually accept their diet and supplement their nutrition, the first step is to eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.

In the early stage, it can be made into salad or fruit pudding to attract patients to eat.

Eat more foods containing zinc, because foods containing zinc can help promote digestion, such as seafood shells, and many nuts are very suitable for patients with anorexia.

After looking through the relevant information, and looking at Fu Yu's custom-made noodle dishes, you will find that these dishes are indeed very suitable for anorexia patients.

It is light and easy to stimulate the appetite of patients, and it also uses fruit pudding to help customers eat more easily.

After Liu Yongping found out, he discussed it with Wang Liduo and Xing Zhaokang.

These dishes are basically sweet and sour, and the ingredients are brightly colored, so there should be no major problems in terms of taste.

If Fu Yu wants to attract customers to dine with the characteristics of the dishes, it is estimated that the focus will be on the presentation of the dishes.

After all, it is also said in the information that when cooking, you must keep the color, fragrance and taste, and find ways to stimulate the appetite of customers.

However, these few dishes are really nothing special, and I really don't have a clue what tricks they can make with the dishes.

The three of them got together to discuss, and even Wang Ruozhen and Dai Zijing also participated.

No one expected that they would come all the way here to participate in the culinary exchange meeting. As a result, the first topic of discussion turned out to be the custom-made noodle dishes for anorexic patients.

Moreover, Fu Yu, the special guest of this exchange meeting, hadn't had time to attend yet, and they had already had a heated discussion.

Due to their personalities, Liu Yongping and Xing Zhaokang each expressed their opinions, and the dispute was heated. Wang Liduo was listening and expressing his opinions from time to time.

Although Wang Ruozhen was young, she was well-informed and very assertive when she was with her father since she was a child.

Dai Zijing, on the other hand, was simple-minded, and said whatever came to his mind, and he didn't have too many worries in front of the seniors, so he spoke freely.

After a long time, everyone had their own ideas about the arrangement of the table.

However, no matter how big the difference is in the shape of the final ingredients, the same point is to reduce the serving weight and focus on the exquisite and beautiful shape of the plate.

The presentation of the dishes will affect the beauty of the dishes, and even affect the appetite of customers. Therefore, the presentation of the dishes is very important to the popularity of a dish.

Although Liu Yongping and the others were all mixed up in the wild back then, relying on their excellent cooking skills, they stood out from the crowd of restaurants, large and small, and developed their own signature specialties, which were loved by the majority of customers. The catering company expands its operations and opens branches.

However, as the business grows bigger and bigger, the store's requirements for the quality of the dishes have also become higher and higher.

As the bosses, Liu Yongping and the others keep an eye on the trend of the catering market. Apart from ensuring the quality of the special dishes in the store, they will also improve other dishes and introduce innovative dishes.

In order to improve their plate presentation aesthetics, they have also studied and studied around. The management staff and outstanding chefs in the store will also conduct regular training, and hire professional lecturers with high salaries to give lectures and guidance.

After long-term exposure, coupled with his own willingness to study and research, Liu Yongping and the others also have their own opinions on arranging dishes.

Fu Yu was not there, after they had a heated discussion, Liu Yongping suddenly wanted to know what dishes Fu Yu had cooked during the previous customer visits to the store, but when he turned around, he found that Fu Yu hadn't come back yet, and Yao Shi was not there either.

Dong Juntian was there, but when asked, he didn't know anything.

"Old Zhao, do you know which dishes Fu Yu cooked when the customer who ordered food came to the store before?"

As the boss, Dong Juntian would definitely not stay in the back kitchen, so he didn't know much about these things.

Hearing this, Zhao Meng hurriedly responded, "I know! The dishes that Xiao Fu cooks are all his own innovations and research, but although the dishes are simple, he didn't spend much time in cooking."

The back kitchen was busy, and Zhao Meng kept busy, so he briefly introduced the dishes that Fu Yu had cooked.

He was beaming as he spoke, and his attention was mainly on the pot in his hand, so he didn't even notice that Dai Li came to the back kitchen.

Today the shop was going to entertain distinguished guests, even though Zhao Meng was on the night shift, he got up early and rushed to the shop.

Since Dai Li established a relationship with Zhao Meng, the two have lived together with Dai Li.

After living together for a period of time, we got to know each other better.

Knowing that Zhao Meng's stomach is not good, Dai Li would use a pot to boil hot water and make steaming Pu'er tea every day, and then find a chance to bring it to the back kitchen for Zhao Meng.

However, Zhao Meng worked in the back kitchen for many years. In order not to delay work and reduce the number of times he went to the toilet, he unconsciously developed the habit of not liking to drink water.

So whenever Dai Li came to the back kitchen, she would urge Zhao Meng to drink tea.

Since Zhao Meng arrived at the store in the morning, he has been preparing dishes, and now he is so busy taking orders that he doesn't even care about drinking water.

The tea that Dai Li brought over had already cooled down, and it looked like it was still full, and she hadn't touched her mouth at all.

Putting the cup back to its original place, Dai Li was dissatisfied for a while. If she knew that finding a chef would be so busy, she might as well have chosen the information officer for the school logistics after listening to the neighbor's introduction.

However, Dai Li was just complaining in her heart. To be honest, being a family member of a chef is really not a very happy thing.

Don't think that if you find a chef, someone will take care of the kitchen at home in the future.

In fact, the fact is that when you find a chef, you need extra meals and vegetables for the three meals a day at home because of an extra pair of chopsticks.

And the chef usually cooks in the store for a day, and he doesn't want to go into the kitchen at all when he goes home.

In particular, the work is extremely busy, and I wish I could work all year round, regardless of whether I work in the morning or evening, or if there is something in the store, I can work overtime at any time.

I earn a lot, but I also have a lot of work-related diseases accumulated in my body.

Backaches are sore all day long, people in their forties are almost as healthy as those in their sixties or seventies.

However, who made me fall in love with others in the first place!

Although she is busy with work, she knows that she cares about others in private, and she really treats her well, especially if she can treat Bao'er as her own. This alone is enough to satisfy Dai Li.

Moreover, husband and wife should support each other and understand each other. The second half of life is so long, and the two of them have to carry each other through the end.

Dai Li took away the cold tea, and then quietly brought over a cup of warm tea.

Just as he put the teacup away, Zhao Meng turned his head inadvertently, just in time to see this scene.

Dai Li whispered: "Drink more tea, Pu'er nourishes the stomach."

Zhao Meng smiled, picked up the cup and poured half of it in one go, his thirsty throat from talking eased a lot, and his heart became warmer as the tea entered his stomach.

Zhang Jinyu quickly collected all the dishes Fu Yu requested.

He handled all the ingredients properly, Fu Yu checked and confirmed that they were correct, and then started cooking.

Through Zhao Meng's introduction, Liu Yongping and the others had some understanding of Fu Yu's custom-made table.

Especially the improvement of several of the dishes, they were quite amazed.

Whether it is the choice of dishes or the creativity of the plate arrangement, Fu Yu's thought is very ingenious.

Even if you don't see the real thing, but only through Zhao Meng's description, you can still think of the exquisite and unique dishes.

This made them look forward to Fu Yu's next cooking.

In front of Fu Yu's kitchen counter, Liu Yongping, Wang Liduo, Xing Zhaokang, and Wang Ruozhen and Dai Zijing who had to stand on tiptoe were crowded at the back.

The attitudes of several people are very serious, without the airs of a famous chef at all.

For them, the current state of observing and learning has not been experienced for many years.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, they gathered together for the first time to observe a young junior in his early twenties cooking.

However, such an idea didn't take long, because soon, everyone's attention was focused on Fu Yu.

The customer's order list is customized by Fu Yu, and the dishes on it are all from recipes that anorexic customers like.

And this pineapple shrimp ball is a dish that Fu Yu has been thinking about for a long time. Ever since he found it by accident, he has been thinking about cooking and trying.

In fact, the recipe of this pineapple shrimp ball is very similar to the pineapple sweet and sour pork, a dish in the Maxima restaurant. The main difference lies in the grasp of the tomato sweet and sour sauce.

What made Fu Yu unforgettable at a glance was the presentation of this dish on the recipes that anorexic customers like.

Half a whole pineapple, with the pulp removed, is placed in an oval shallow porcelain plate, and the hollowed out pineapple contains crystal clear pineapple juice.

There are two red shrimps floating in the pineapple juice, as well as golden coral and seaweed carved from the pineapple pulp. At first glance, it does not look like a dish, but a miniature underwater landscape.

But such a dish is called pineapple shrimp balls.

With a curious attitude, Fu Yu looked carefully at the cooking method of this dish.

After watching it from beginning to end, Fu Yu was surprised to find that the two "shrimps" were eaten in this dish.

Because the seemingly ordinary boiled shrimp actually has a universe inside. What is wrapped in the shrimp shell is not the shrimp itself, but the shrimp balls wrapped in pineapple puree after cooking.

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