Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 832 - Chef Fu

Liu Yongping's goal was achieved, so he was naturally smiling and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Dong Juntian was also secretly glad that he seized this rare opportunity.

A table of people toasted and staggered, having fun.

Only after a while, Dong Juntian poured two glasses of wine into his stomach, and in the comfortable feeling of being slightly drunk, he felt inexplicably that there seemed to be something wrong

Yao Shi, who was sitting next to him, toasted quietly, and touched Fu Yu in the air.

This kid is really lucky!

Always meet noble people!

In this way, under the advice of Liu Yongping and several industry leaders, Fu Yu can be promoted to chef in a few months, and he can also have his own independent cooking space, and even his own assistant chef.

Although in Dong Juntian's heart, he always felt that this matter seemed to be oppressed.

But if he doesn't actively contribute money and effort to plan this matter and complete the construction of Fu Yu's private kitchen as soon as possible, he will never even think about participating in this project.

Dong Juntian felt sorry for his money, but at the same time felt that the money was worth it.

And Fu Yu looked at Liu Yongping and the others with an attitude of, yes, we are just blackmailing you to fight for benefits and promotion opportunities for ourselves.

This made Fu Yu feel really warm inside.

After all, Fu Yu was really grateful that these big bosses could help him in this way.

In fact, in Fu Yu's view, it's okay even if Dong Juntian doesn't want to. After all, the music restaurant has its own place. With Yao Shi's vision and mind, how can he not let himself be in the top position?

This is impossible!

Of course, these words of Liu Yongping and Wang Liduo were mainly for Dong Juntian, telling him that Fu Yu is the core person who can be invited to participate in the activities of Maxima, and is the leader of their store's research and establishment of the restaurant, and there must be someone who can get it shot position.

After all, Fu Yu represents Maxima, and each store finally submits the application under its own name.

This allowed Dong Juntian to dispel the idea of ​​delaying Fu Yu's promotion, and also avoided other people in the back kitchen who might be dissatisfied with Fu Yu's promotion.

Both Liu Yongping and Wang Liduo are the big bosses of the company, and they have a very thorough understanding of this aspect, so they naturally know what things can be completely avoided from the very beginning.

They can not only achieve their own goals, but also sell Fu Yu a favor, which can be regarded as a good thing for mutual benefit.

Moreover, Dong Juntian is not an outsider. Even if he fell in love with Fu Yu, he actually wanted to support the Maxima Hotel because of the face of Mr. Dong.

Fu Yu listened, and while being moved, he also felt very satisfied.

As for being a chef, he is not willing to take over right away, you know. Although he is now able to take charge of the chef independently, his foundation is still too shallow in terms of personnel management and the source of regular customers at hand. .

Occasionally, Zhao Meng needs to come forward to settle things when encountering things, and sometimes I feel at a loss.

What's more, he has to go to Shangshi's private restaurant to learn how to cook, and he goes to the music restaurant to cook medicinal meals every week.

As a chef in charge, he can have more free time. Once he is promoted to chef, how can he go wherever he wants?

In fact, the chef is more suitable for an experienced chef!

Moreover, Fu Yu didn't want to hang around in Maxima.

Now might be the best option, right?

For half a year, let him improve his cooking skills and cooking experience.

When one's own strength and level rise, then one will be able to gain both fame and fortune.

However, he was able to have today in Qianlima all because of the promotion and support of Zhao Meng and Yao Shi.

Looking at the opposite Yao Shi who had already smiled into a flower in his heart, but his face was calm, Fu Yu was really convinced from the bottom of his heart!

If the two of them hadn't sneaked a sip of wine just now, just looking at Yao Shi's state, I almost believed it.

Liu Yongping and others did not stay for too long.

A group of people ate and chatted in the private room. First, they exchanged the details of Fu Yu's previous cooking operations, and then chatted about some authentic old-fashioned dishes in the province.

Seeing that the meal was almost finished, several people left early together.

People like them have a lot of things going on with them, and they can't leave as they please, or stay as long as they want.

It's not easy to come all the way this time.

And it is enough to see how good the relationship between them is and how much they value this matter.

For this meal, Dong Juntian was very generous and brought out the good wine he had collected.

Fu Yu is okay, he can drink well, he is not greedy, and he stopped drinking when he got a little drunk.

On the contrary, Yao Shi is more or less on top!

The two went back to the back kitchen together, and Fu Yu hurried to his kitchen counter to help take the order and cook.

This time is the busiest time in the back kitchen.

With Fu Yu helping to take the order, Zhao Meng's pressure dropped sharply.

Yao Shi was in a good mood, he followed Fu Yu with a smile, and came directly to Zhao Meng.

As soon as he approached, Zhao Meng smelled a strong smell of alcohol, and immediately asked with interest: "Hey, are you happy after eating?"

Yao Shi nodded, and said with a smile: "Dong Juntian brought out all the Xifeng wine. This wine must have been twenty years old, right? It's really delicious, not spicy at all, and has a hint of sweetness when you sip it. Fragrant! Really fragrant!"

Zhao Meng listened enviously: "Drinking Xifeng wine? Oh, it's been more than 20 years, tsk tsk! Why don't I have such luck!"

After expressing emotion, what did Zhao Meng think of, and asked with interest: "Didn't you drink less? What's the matter? Are you so happy?"

Although Yao Shi was good at drinking, drinking too much depends on the occasion. Today's scene, no matter how you look at it, doesn't seem like a situation where you can drink too much.

Yao Shi smiled mysteriously: "Of course something good has happened!"

Zhao Meng hurriedly stepped forward, urging in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Yao Shi didn't hold back anymore, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Fu, I'm going to be promoted to chef soon!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Meng was stunned.


How long has it been since Fu Yu became a regular, and he can be directly promoted to a chef?

According to the store's regulations, there has never been such a precedent.

Moreover, Dong Juntian had only reserved a quota before, but he had never made any indication in this regard. It was clearly impossible to implement this matter in the short term.

Zhao Meng was overjoyed, and asked curiously: "What's going on, you should tell me quickly!"

Yao Shi was also very happy when this matter was mentioned, and explained with a smile: "Liu Yongping and Wang Liduo want to pull Fu Yu together to fight for the only project in the province to apply for the World Heritage. They plan to cooperate with several stores to customize the application. We plan to let Maxima join them! If we can really join in and get a place to apply for the world heritage, then Maxima will be completely famous this time."

When Zhao Meng heard this, his eyes lit up. This is a good thing for the development of Maxima!

It is also a good thing for the entire Bei'an that the Maxima can be upgraded to a higher level. After all, there are more tourists waiting for the name, and many local specialty restaurants and industries of various sizes can also take advantage of this wind to follow. A hot sale.

Zhao Meng said directly: "Dong Juntian will definitely not refuse such a good thing."

Yao Shi chuckled: "They want to directly build an independent private kitchen here, so that Xiaofu can use it alone. It will definitely cost a lot of money. Dong Juntian is so distressed that he was not very willing at first."

Zhao Meng frowned.

Sometimes Dong Juntian does have a little bit of stinginess, otherwise Maxima would have already opened several branches.

This person has neither the spirit of risky investment nor the little money in his pocket.

"However, Liu Yongping and the others exerted pressure and insisted not to let Fu Yu participate, so they would not include Maxima in it. This is a good thing that can't be asked for, and Dong Juntian can't help it no matter how reluctant he is."

"Later, I decided to start planning to build a new private kitchen next month, and when I started submitting materials in the second half of the year, I would promote Fu Yu as a chef."

"If this application is really successful, the old Dong's ancestral grave will really be smoked."

Zhao Meng suddenly laughed: "That's right, this is a good thing for the store and Xiaofu, but... if you leave the job in the future, it may be difficult, right?"

Yao Shi smiled indifferently: "It's okay, this little difficulty is nothing compared to the present opportunity. I wish Fu Yu could improve his reputation, now it's all right, let nature take its course, Dong Juntian has nothing to say."

Zhao Meng sighed: "Fu Yu, that stinky boy, don't say it, he's really pretty lucky!"

Yao Shi also laughed, and sighed with emotion: "You are quite lucky, you old boy. You have spent your whole life taking care of such an apprentice, but in the end, you are really going to be successful!"

Zhao Meng laughed loudly: "No, this is fate!"

There are no secrets in restaurants.

The content of the conversation in the box had spread before the afternoon.

Everyone still called Fu Yu "Fu Chu" as usual, but the tone of voice was always deliberately elongated.

Fu Yu didn't notice it at first, but when he realized it, he couldn't help laughing and said: "People who don't have an accent yelled it, and you guys who have an accent should keep it up? It sounds like calling Fu pig!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Building a new private kitchen did not happen overnight, and the related matters had nothing to do with Fu Yu. This was something the boss needed to worry about.

For Fu Yu, life has to go on!

There is no shortage of single copies that should be picked up during the day.

Every week, I go to the music restaurant to cook medicinal meals.

However, Fu Yu's current reputation is inexplicably good. The order list of regular customers has increased significantly. Whether it is Maxima or the music restaurant, after seeing him, all the staff members still call him "Fu Chu", but their attitude But it became more and more respectful.

Suddenly aware of this, Fu Yu was somewhat uncomfortable.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in this world, not to mention the fact that things in the store always spread very fast.

In fact, it's nothing, it's always a good thing to be respected.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, when Fu Yu was dodging his laziness, Liu Yunong called, but the voice that came out of the microphone was Wang Yulong.

"Xiaofu, today I'm going to make a secret dish in my own house. Come here early. The boss is busy preparing the dish. Let me let you know." Wang Yulong said.

When Fu Yu heard this, his eyes lit up.

Liu Yunong even prepares the dishes by himself to make a private dish, which shows how rare this dish is.

How can such an opportunity be missed?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu quickly responded, "Okay, Chef Wang, I'll go over soon."

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yu turned around and met Liu Yuqing's curious eyes.

"Chef Wang? Are you going to my sister's place?" Liu Yuqing approached Fu Yu and asked in a low voice.

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, let me go there early."

Liu Yuqing hurriedly said: "Chef Wang said so? Then you should stop eating indiscriminately in the afternoon, save some stomach, and probably have delicious food over there in the evening."

Fu Yu said with a smile: "Okay, if there is something delicious, I will remind the master to bring you a copy."

Liu Yuqing waved her hand: "No need, I'm eating a diet meal at night, and I've gotten a little fat recently."

Fu Yu smiled slightly, and said shit in his heart.


He just came across this short question-and-answer video last night, and he happened to borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

Fu Yu looked sincere: "Do you still need to lose weight with your figure? One point more will make you fat, and one point less will make you thin. Let me tell you, with your conditions, you don't have to pursue perfection in everything, and give it to others Ordinary people have a way to live, don't they?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yuqing was immediately elated.

Look, why is my boyfriend so honest and so attractive!

Liu Yunong is trying to lose weight during this time, and she teaches Liu Yuqing every day that a woman's maintenance must start when she is young.

Skin care is like this, and so is the body.

Once a woman is over twenty-five years old, her body starts to decline. If you don't pay much attention to it, it will be difficult to lose weight when you eat fat.

Liu Yuqing felt that she should strengthen the maintenance of her skin and body. After all, Fu Yu is so good, she will definitely face temptations in the future.

If I don't have any sense of crisis, if there is any change in my relationship in the future, I won't be able to find a place to cry if I want to cry!

Thinking of this, Liu Yuqing suddenly didn't worry about whether to eat or not for supper, but suddenly became curious, what kind of woman Fu Yu likes?

Liu Yuqing looked at Fu Yu, and couldn't help asking: "Do you like your girlfriend to be fatter or thinner?"

At this time, Fu Yu's brain turned into sparks: "Since I like you, no matter how fat or thin you are, as long as it is you, I will like you!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yuqing blinked her eyes, her pretty face flushed slightly: "Really?"

Fu Yu nodded firmly: "Really!"

Liu Yuqing laughed and said, "Me too, I like you the most too. Chirp Chirp Chirp."

If it wasn't for someone from the back kitchen suddenly coming over, Fu Yu, who was almost hypoxic, didn't know whether he should feel happy or ashamed.

It's just that after Zhao Meng came in, he pretended to take something, and immediately turned around and left, as if turning a blind eye.

Liu Yuqing blushed even more, quickly moved her mouth, and said to Fu Yu, "I'm going to work!"

Fu Yu nodded his head with a lot of thought: "Okay."

Liu Yuqing's eyes were full of affection, and she said teasingly, "Remember to breathe next time!"

After speaking, he got up and left.

Fu Yu tugged at the waist of his trousers and sighed, this is the result of not having a relationship.

Facts have proved that it is useless to watch pigs walk without eating pork. The key lies in actual combat practice.

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