Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 833 Secret Dishes Arrangement Skill

Nothing to do in the afternoon, Fu Yu said hello to Zhao Meng, and rushed to Shangshi Private Restaurant in advance.

There are two secret dishes of Liu's family in today's recipe. Liu Yunong means to let Fu Yu come over to observe and learn about the specific preparation and cooking methods.

Fu Yu came early, and there were not many customers in the store at this time.

Zhang Conglin was sorting out the customer's reservation form. When he saw Fu Yu coming, he smiled and nodded: "Chef Fu is here!"

"The boss is in the back kitchen, you can go directly."

Fu Yu nodded in greeting, went over to change his clothes, and then walked towards the back kitchen.

This is the case with back kitchen work. They start working from the moment the restaurant opens, and when they are busy, they spend the whole day standing in front of the kitchen counter.

Just as Fu Yu entered the back kitchen, Liu Yunong just lifted the lid of the pot, and Wang Yulong and Liu Zhangpeng were approaching the kitchen counter and looking at the finished dishes.

Seeing Fu Yu, Liu Yunong immediately smiled and said, "Xiao Fu, you came just in time, let's have dinner first, you'll be busy tonight."

Fu Yu hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay, I didn't eat there on purpose, so I wanted to come here to try something new!"

Wang Yulong followed beside him, and said with a smile: "Xiao Fu, you can eat more later. Your master is going to show you his cooking skills today. Looking at this posture, I really wish I could teach you everything!"

Liu Yunong also laughed when he heard the words: "That's necessary, I'm training him as my successor now!"

When Liu Zhangpeng behind him heard this, he felt sore in his heart.

The boss has never taken a fancy to me, and now the master doesn't care about me, and their hearts have been taken away by Fu Yu, why am I so miserable?

The working meals of Shangshi private kitchen restaurant are always the dishes cooked in the restaurant that day.

However, the sauce, stew, and boiled dishes are generally the main ones, and those dishes that take a lot of thought are done after business every day. If there are any leftover ingredients, the kitchen staff will taste them separately.

Ever since he came to Shangshi's private restaurant every day to learn how to cook, Fu Yu seldom had lunch at Qianlima.

In addition to the time being too close, the main reason is that the quality of the dishes is too different.

Just like today's hand-caught ribs, because the cooking time is too long, a large pot is cooked in advance at one time, and then put in the pot to simmer. When customers order, they directly put the ribs on the dipping sauce.

Hand-caught ribs are a specialty of Shangshi's private restaurant, and Fu Yu had tried them last year.

Their back kitchen cooks hand-cooked ribs with high-quality ribs, all of which are not cut off. When cooking, the ribs are directly separated one by one, and after the blood is removed, they are directly stewed.

The rib meat is extremely soft and rotten, and the taste is particularly good.

However, the most classic part of this dish is the secret sauce that goes with it.

There are two seasonings in it. If Liu Yunong hadn't told Fu Yu himself, he wouldn't be able to taste the specific ingredients without dipping his hands.

Obviously it is a very common seasoning, but when combined together, it can make a very strong and fragrant sauce.

The culinary wisdom from the ancients is sometimes really amazing!

Fu Yu always eats very fast. After eating two big pieces, he felt that he was not satisfied enough, so he scooped up two more pieces for himself.

I don't know what's going on recently, maybe it's because of the improvement of physical strength in all aspects, or because of the old saying, twenty-five has to run around, anyway, Fu Yu's appetite has obviously increased recently.

Fortunately, there are always too many dishes to prepare in the back kitchen. After eating four ribs in a row, Fu Yu felt that he could last longer, so he scooped up another piece.

Seeing that Fu Yu could eat so much, Wang Yulong couldn't help but smiled and sighed: "It's good to be young, it doesn't matter how much you eat. At that time, I could eat so much in one meal."

Liu Zhangpeng was stunned when he heard this sentence!

Glancing at Wang Yulong, he felt extremely complicated for a while.

Master, I ate two pieces of ribs just now, and when I wanted to eat another one, you said that I was an idiot. You also said that after eating so much for a while, would the smell of oily smoke make my stomach sick?

How come Fu Yu is here, so there is no problem at all?

After dinner, the kitchen got busy.

Liu Yunong and Wang Yulong were in charge of the spoon, while Liu Zhangpeng and Xiaogong were helping each other, and Fu Yu was watching from the sidelines.

Liu Yunong checked the preparation of the dishes, and turned to Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, to cook private dishes, you must first have a good understanding of the ingredients and flavors of the dishes."

"Because to put it bluntly, cooking is to use the combination of ingredients and seasonings skillfully, and to divide the shape and taste of ingredients reasonably!"

"There are only two ultimate goals. The first is to avoid the shortcomings of the ingredients themselves through cutting and cooking, and the second is to maximize the seasoning and fully bring out the best taste!"

"Actually, private cooking is like this. If you say it is difficult, there are indeed many secret recipes and tricks. However, if you learn it, it is nothing more than a few special operations. If you practice hard, you can't learn it. "

Fu Yu couldn't help nodding and smiling at Liu Yunong's words.

This is very reasonable, but in fact, just a few special operations are enough for some people to study for a lifetime.

After the cooking started, Fu Yu could see the difference.

When Liu Yunong cooks, he always concentrates on it, except for giving Fu Yu a few cooking tips that need to be paid attention to, he doesn't say a word.

Wang Yulong is leisurely and content, chatting and amusing while cooking, looking particularly comfortable.

Cooking a difficult secret private dish in his hands is like a very simple ordinary stir-fry.

After Liu Yunong gave instructions, he started to cook, while Wang Yulong continued to explain: "Come here, have a look at my Coral Icelandic Shrimp. This is a hot-selling dish in our store. This season, the river shrimp is just on the market. It is fat and tender. , it’s just right to make this dish.”

"Look, when processing fresh shrimp like this. Remove the head, remove the shrimp line and leave the tail, and blanch it in 30-degree water."

".That's how it's burnt. Now take it out immediately and use gauze to absorb the water."

"It is a learned step to mix flour, cornstarch, baking powder, salad oil, salt, and water into a crispy paste. This crispy paste must be adjusted to this level."

Even though Fu Yu knew the operation of blurring very well, he still listened very carefully.

When Wang Yulong made the batter, he handled it very carefully. While making it, he instructed Fu Yu: "Pour the shrimp meat with the crispy batter. Be careful with the thickness. Look at what I did, and then look at yours." The master cooks, everyone has different habits, and the taste and taste are also different."

After Wang Yulong finished operating, Fu Yu turned to watch Liu Yunong cooking.

"The presentation of this dish is very important, the price positioning of the dish, the taste is one aspect, and the shape is also very important."

"Dip the fried shrimp with salad sauce and place them on the side of the plate. Pay attention to the distance between the shrimp and the direction and position of the shrimp. Then put the fresh strawberries on the shrimp and look at the cut strawberries. Angle, the strawberry leaves also need to be trimmed, so that in the end, there will be some French incense around.”

Liu Yunong explained in great detail!

Fu Yu watched Liu Yunong's operation intently, and followed Liu Yunong's explanation and operation in his mind, following the simulation and constantly exploring.

Cooking this thing does not have to be learned step by step.

Fu Yu was in the red case area, and followed Zhao Meng to take orders. He usually cooks mainly by frying and frying. He has not specially practiced stewing operations, but it does not mean that he does not know how to cook this kind of dishes.

Cooking is sometimes a one-size-fits-all thing!

After understanding the specific cooking process and operation methods, Fu Yu has been able to cook many dishes independently through his own understanding and perception. Even if it is a dish that has never been cooked before, as long as he has seen it once, he can cook it like a cat. .

Although it is possible that the operation in some details is not in place.

What Liu Yunong talks about is always the key details.

Fu Yu concentrated on observing and comprehending carefully.

After a dish was cooked, an electronic notification sound suddenly sounded in Fu Yu's ear:

【Ding! Reward for the title of Rookie Chef: Congratulations for obtaining the personal skills of NPC famous chef Liu Yunong: secret dish creative plate skill (primary), skill point +1]

Fu Yu was overjoyed!

Another personal skill of Liu Yunong.

Although it is only a beginner, it already looks very powerful. The presentation technique is one aspect, and the creativity is also very important.

The ability to creatively arrange secret dishes that can be recognized by the system already shows that this skill has passed the test of the system.

And, in addition to this, 1 skill point was also rewarded!

Today's luck is really good.

It was only half an hour after one dish was cooked, and the kitchen staff continued to cook other dishes without stopping.

Tonight, there are two secret special dishes, which are said to be the cooking methods passed down from the ancestors of the Liu family, Mrs. Liu.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, or the tableware used is an antique style. Anyway, the cooked dishes look exquisite and have an antique feeling.

After cooking the two dishes, for Fu Yu, it is a learning of cooking skills for new dishes, and it is also an insight into the details of operation again and again.

After finishing the final arrangement, Liu Yunong looked at Fu Yu and said seriously: "Xiao Fu, in fact, special secret dishes like today's are not very representative."

"The so-called secret dishes are nothing more than cooking based on some improvements in seasoning and cooking techniques, which are basically derived from classic old-fashioned dishes."

"If you want to develop innovative dishes, you must first be proficient in the basic cooking of old-fashioned dishes, so you must pay attention to this in the future."

Fu Yu nodded.

Tonight was very fruitful for Fu Yu, and he learned a lot of cooking details, which are the dry goods summed up by Liu Yunong's years of cooking experience.

Not only applicable to Fu Yu, but even Wang Yulong took the opportunity to exchange a lot of operation methods with Liu Yunong, and both parties felt that they benefited a lot.

The orders for the back kitchen have all been completed. Shangshi Private Kitchen is different from ordinary restaurants. The number of orders received per day is limited, and they will only be sold out.

However, because customers take a long time to eat, usually after 9:30, the back kitchen will start to tidy up, and you can get off work around 10:00.

As usual, Fu Yu stayed in the back kitchen to organize the ingredients, and after get off work, he took Liu Yunong's ride back to Maxima.

Like Maxima, Shangshi Private Restaurant has very strict requirements on ingredients. Generally, the ingredients purchased on the same day are used on the same day, and occasionally there are not many leftovers.

If there is any surplus cooked food after cooking, it has always been eaten by the back kitchen staff, or packed and taken home.

Today's hand-caught ribs, because it takes a long time to stew and is more popular, Liu Yunong deliberately bought an extra batch.

When preparing the dishes before, they had already been cooked. Fu Yu and Liu Zhangpeng obeyed the instructions and packed the remaining hand-caught ribs into several portions.

Liu Yunong plans to distribute it to the staff in the store as a welfare.

After they finished packing here, they carried them to the front hall together.

Just after explaining the benefits, a customer suddenly came to the door.

There are seven or eight people here!

They are all young guys, in the cold weather, wearing thin sportswear, leather calipers with watery hair, tall and handsome.

There was a waiter in the front hall to greet her and politely explained that the store is no longer taking orders.

Fu Yu and Liu Yunong looked at each other, ready to go back to the back kitchen.

The front office is handled by the waiter, and the back kitchen is off work when it is time to get off work.

Anyway, there are regulations in the store, and the number of orders received every day is limited.

As a result, before they could leave, another person entered the store from behind.

The one who took the lead was an old man who looked to be in his early sixties, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and took great strides.

Behind him were two young men who stood upright like little Bai Yang.

As soon as the old man appeared, Liu Yunong, who had already taken a step, only took a look, and immediately turned 180 degrees, with a very bright smile on his face, strode forward happily, and greeted him actively: "Yang minister!"

Hearing the sound, Yang Shunwei turned his head and looked over. When he saw Liu Yunong, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled joyfully: "Oh, Boss Liu, so you opened this store?"

Liu Yunong hurriedly smiled and said: "Yes, this is my new branch, I didn't expect you to come here, hurry up, please come inside!"

Liu Yunong personally brought the group into the private room, and without waiting for the other party to order, he took the initiative to say: "I will arrange the cooking in the back kitchen now, what a coincidence that you came today, there is just a secret special dish of our restaurant on the menu, you can try it Try it out."

Yang Shunwei laughed and said, "That's a good thing!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger to the young man sitting on his left, and introduced: "This is my youngest son, Yang Zhiyuan. He just got out of the army this year and was assigned to Bei'an. It just so happens that I have time tonight, so I will bring these boys over for dinner. Meal."

Yang Zhiyuan is a tall, long-legged young man with a simple and honest face. He looks somewhat similar to his father Yang Shunwei.

Hearing this, Yang Zhiyuan said cheerfully: "I also heard from friends that the dishes made in this restaurant are very delicious, so I thought of coming over to have a taste."

When Liu Yunong heard that he was introduced by someone, he hurriedly said politely: "Really? Then bring the menu. You can see what dishes you want to eat, and I will arrange for the back kitchen to cook."

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