Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 834 Old-fashioned classic fried noodles

Yang Zhiyuan's family background, although his face looks very simple and honest, but in fact, before joining the army, he never left behind in eating, drinking and having fun.

When Liu Yunong heard this, he knew he was being polite.

Private restaurants are different from ordinary restaurants. They usually follow the mood of the chef. Although the dishes served every day are not the same, but what kind of dishes customers can eat depends on fate and luck.

They are a large group of more than a dozen people. It is estimated that today's menu is to serve all the dishes once, which can just make up a table.

Yang Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Boss, just watch the dishes being served."

Liu Yunong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly responded, "Okay, no problem."

At this time, Yang Shunwei suddenly said: "Just cook the dishes slowly, serve me a bowl of noodles first. I'm busy with meetings this afternoon, so I'm really hungry."

Yang Shunwei lived in the army for many years when he was young. Now that he has changed his career, he has been used to eating in the canteen of his unit for many years.

After all, with his identity, it is not convenient to participate in some outside parties.

So I don't know much about the characteristics of private restaurants.

He was able to know Liu Yunong because of the Sanjiang Tourism Festival held on November last year. At that time, their department sent people to assist in security.

After being introduced by an old friend, I found out that Liu Yunong was a very successful young owner of a catering company.

Speaking of it, it is a one-sided relationship.

Liu Yunong listened to Yang Shunwei's order, and hurriedly responded, "Okay, Minister Yang, what kind of noodles do you want?"

Yang Shunwei said casually: "Let's have a bowl of Zhajiang noodles, don't mention it, I'm really a bit greedy when I mention this, just make me a bowl of authentic old-fashioned Zhajiang noodles!"

When Liu Yunong heard it, the smile on his face faltered obviously.

Jajang noodles?

Still have to be the authentic old-fashioned Jajangmyeon?

This range is a bit wide!

Fu Yu watched Liu Yunong welcome the customer to the box, knowing that this order must be next.

So I hurried over to the back kitchen.

Wang Yulong and Liu Zhangpeng brought a few small workers and they have almost packed everything.

Hearing that Fu Yu said that another customer came to the door, several people were taken aback.

Wang Yulong asked curiously, "Who is here?"

Fu Yu shook his head: "I don't know him, but the master calls him Minister Yang."



If you guessed right in this department, the official position is not small!

They were gossiping, and a waiter came to inform that the customer ordered today's menu, and all the dishes were served again.

Wang Yulong said helplessly: "Come on! Come on, everyone, act quickly, it looks like you have to work overtime tonight."

All the packed ingredients and seasonings were taken out, including the original benefits, a few bags of hand-caught ribs.

They are preparing here, and Liu Yunong is back.

Wang Yulong hurriedly asked, "Boss, are you cooking normally?"

Liu Yunong's brows tightened: "Yes, let's go through today's recipe. Minister Yang brought his son and a group of little brothers over. I'll send a bottle of wine over later."

Liu Yunong turned around and saw Fu Yu, and said, "Xiao Fu, it's getting late, why don't you go first."

Fu Yu still has to go to work tomorrow, so if he walks around the table today, he will definitely have to toss around until midnight.

Fu Yu looked at the big question mark on Liu Yunong's head, and with a thought, he said, "I'm not in a hurry, why don't you stay and help?"

When Liu Yunong heard Fu Yu's words, he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart, and his affection immediately burst!

【Ding! Gain the favorability of NPC master Liu Yunong +5]

Liu Yunong glanced at Fu Yu with satisfaction, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll thank you then."

【Ding! The task of NPC master Liu Yunong is to assist in the cooking of this table. Mission Completion Reward: Liu Yunong's Personal Skill: Private Kitchen Cooking Sauce Preparation (Advanced)]

Fu Yu heard the electronic notification tone suddenly ringing in his ears, and before he had time to be happy, everyone in the back kitchen was already busy with their duties.

Fu Yu also hurriedly got to the kitchen table and began to participate in the cooking.

This is how the back kitchen serves the dishes, racing against time.

Serve food early and call it a day.

The small workers are very skilled, and quickly prepare the urgently needed dishes and send them to the kitchen counter.

The three of Liu Yunong have already stood in front of the kitchen counter and started cooking.

Fu Yu followed Liu Yunong to help in the kitchen.

It's not that I don't want to be in charge, but it's not the time yet.

Liu Yunong hasn't done task distribution yet, so if he rashly joins it now, not only will he not help, but it will disturb their normal cooking order!

And Liu Yunong checked the preparation of the dishes, and then turned around to divide the cooking of the dishes with Wang Yulong, and told all aspects.

According to the previous arrangement, Wang Yulong was in charge of four of the ten dishes, and Liu Zhangpeng continued to cook the two dishes he was good at.

Fu Yu followed Liu Yunong and was about to help pass the ingredients, so he listened to Liu Yunong's order: "Xiao Fu, it's just right, you come to cook crispy raw intestines. I saw that your cooking was okay just now."

"When cooking, pay attention to the ratio of white vinegar and raw powder, and then there is the preparation of crispy sauce. How about this, I will prepare it for you later, what you can make, do it first."

Wang Yulong was about to heat the oil in the pot, when he heard this, he said quickly: "Boss, let me cook this dish!"

Crispy raw sausage is the secret special dish that Liu Yunong specially called Fu Yu to learn tonight.

This dish is ready, very distinctive, but the cooking method is complicated, and the requirements for the details of the spoon are relatively high.

Although Fu Yu is good at cooking, he hasn't cooked with a spoon himself. Time is urgent now. If there is a mistake in any step, it will affect the speed of serving the food.

Liu Yunong nodded firmly: "It's okay, let him come!"

Liu Yunong is very confident about the secret dishes in the store. Although the cooking method of this crispy raw sausage is complicated, as long as you are careful enough and master the preparation of the sauce, basically there will be no mistakes.

And making stuffed food is Fu Yu's strong point, this dish is actually very suitable for him to cook.

Liu Yunong has always been vigorous and resolute in the arrangement of the back kitchen. After assigning tasks, he began to take charge of the cooking.

What she cooks is the fastest-serving three delicacies in tomato sauce in the whole recipe.

Slaughter the abalone, wash it, cut it into small pieces of 1 cm square with Guangdu and Liaoshen, and put them in boiling water together.

Add cooking wine and salt to the water.

Blanch the water, remove and drain the water for later use.

Peel the tomatoes, cut into large chunks and set aside.

Heat the oil in the pot, add the tomatoes and stir-fry over low heat until the juice comes out, add the second soup and boil over low heat, then add the raw materials, add chicken juice, monosodium glutamate, sugar, and salt and stir-fry slightly.

Put the Yuhua stone into a container after it is heated, spread a layer of tin foil on it, and put in the fried dishes.

Others have just started cooking, and her side is ready to serve.

The waiter hurriedly served the dish to the table.

"Return the ribs to the soup pot to heat up, and put the sauce on the plate!"

"Is there not much marinated large intestine left? Make as many as you want first. Don't you have some fresh large intestine left? Clean it now and make it directly into a platter. Half of crispy raw intestines and half of slippery intestines share."

While Liu Yunong was busy cooking, he gave orders in an orderly manner!

At this time, we can see the efficient collaboration ability of a back kitchen, and all arrangements are fully implemented.

Fu Yu's method of filling was faster and more accurate than Liu Yunong's. Liu Yunong took a look at it and went about his own business at ease.

The large intestine has already been marinated, and Fu Yu only needs to handle the glutinous rice directly.

Although the glutinous rice has been soaked, it still needs to be seasoned.

The secret recipe of this seasoning was taught by Liu Yunong himself. In addition to the necessary soy sauce, chicken essence and monosodium glutamate are also added to achieve the purpose of seasoning.

The glutinous rice was mixed well with seasoning, and Fu Yu started to make stuffing.

This is something he is very good at. Fill the glutinous rice into the large intestine, tie the two ends with a string, and put it in the crispy water.

Crispy skin water is the key to cooking this dish. Liu Yunong's ancestral recipe is to use authentic red Zhejiang vinegar, white vinegar and maltose to mix thoroughly.

This taste is the most classic and authentic.

It is best to fill the large intestine with glutinous rice until it is 70% full. If it is too full, the glutinous rice intestines will swell and burst during marinating. If you pour too little glutinous rice, it will not stick to the large intestine and it will fall apart when marinating.

Also note that both ends of the large intestine should be tied with string to prevent the glutinous rice from falling out.

These are the detailed operations that Liu Yunong personally guided, and Fu Yu paid special attention to this.

Fu Yu's technique is very skillful, and the filling speed is extremely fast.

The stuffed large intestine is soaked in crispy water for a while, then taken out and put in brine, covered and simmered over low heat.

Taking advantage of this time, Fu Yu took the initiative to ask: "Master, what else can I do?"

When Liu Yunong heard this sentence, he suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but change his expression: "By the way, Minister Yang said he wants to eat noodles with fried sauce."

When Wang Yulong heard this, he hurriedly said, "Is it okay to stretch normally?"

Liu Yunong wondered: "He said he wanted to eat authentic old-fashioned noodles with fried sauce. I don't know if there is any difference between the fried noodles made here in Bei'an and ours?"

Shangshi private kitchen restaurant cooks special private kitchen dishes, so the dishes in the store are different from those on the market in terms of taste and cooking methods.

Let’s say it’s fried noodles, they also have this staple dish in their shop.

However, normal jajang noodles are made of vegetables and noodles mixed with jajang.

Cut or boil cucumbers, Chinese toon, bean sprouts, green beans, and soybeans, and make them into dishes for later use.

Then fry the diced meat, green onion and ginger in oil, and then add yellow sauce or sweet noodle sauce made from soybeans and fry to make fried sauce.

After the noodles are cooked, take them out, pour them with fried sauce, and mix them with vegetables, which is fried noodles.

However, the Zhajiang noodles in Shangshi’s private kitchen will add secret chili sauce, and the noodles will be specially soaked in cold water before adding Zhajiang and vegetable codes.

And in order to enhance the freshness, the fried sauce is served with fresh shrimp and eggs, and the arrangement is quite delicate.

Noodles are placed in the middle, and a pinch of dark brown fried sauce is in the center, like a handicraft.

However, Yang Shunwei said before that he wanted to eat a bowl of authentic old-fashioned classic fried noodles.

Whether Yang Shunwei is a native of Bei'an, Liu Yunong is not sure about this matter, but this person has worked there for decades, and his living habits and eating tastes must have long since followed suit.

Liu Yunong came to run the store because the branch opened in Bei'an, and he didn't stay for a long time.

She knows a little bit about the local cuisine, but Zhajiangmian was not a special delicacy, so she really didn't pay attention to it.

Wang Yulong also followed from the main store, so he is not very clear about this matter.

It’s a new recruit, a local from Bei’an, who heard them talking, couldn’t help interjecting: “The fried noodles in Bei’an are hand-rolled noodles, served with meat sauce, and Chinese toon, Cucumbers or something."

Fu Yu has really eaten the local fried noodles in Bei'an.

But they were all in the back kitchen of Qianlima, Zhao Meng got excited, took noodles from Baian, made fried sauce for everyone for breakfast.

Although Zhao Meng has been working in the back kitchen for many years, but when he was young, he traveled all over the world with his master and went to many places.

As far as the fried noodles are concerned, when Fu Yu was fighting with Zhao Meng, he heard him say that even if it is fried noodles, a thousand people can make a thousand kinds of flavors.

Moreover, the noodles are divided into north and south. Southern-style noodles are mostly prepared with bean paste, while bean paste is often used in the north.

What Zhao Meng made at the beginning was very authentic, authentic sauce, authentic yards, and authentic noodles!

When cooking at that time, Zhao Meng said that the local noodles in Bei'an are very authentic, especially the most important sauce of the noodles, which is fried authentically.

The pork belly is half fat and thin, served with chopped green onion, garlic cloves and minced ginger, mixed with a good diluted sauce

Speaking of this sauce, I said it again. It is best to use the old-fashioned yellow sauce. Ordinary yellow sauce will become bitter after a long time, and it does not have the old-fashioned sauce.

The most common one on the market is Liubiju’s dried yellow sauce. What’s hard to find is Guixinzhai’s dried yellow sauce, which is produced by the same manufacturer.

The rise of Zhao Meng's nagging, Fu Yu was working as a kitchen assistant, and he was very enterprising, so he remembered Zhao Meng's words very firmly.

In his spare time, he searched the Internet deliberately, and found that it was really difficult to buy authentic Guixinzhai dried yellow sauce. It is said that the factory production volume was not high in the first place, and it was probably monopolized by some well-connected restaurants.

However, even though he had a general idea of ​​the authentic method of Zha Jiang Noodles, Fu Yu deliberately searched for the classic old-style recipes.

Not to mention, this search really allowed him to find a very similar cooking method.

Taking advantage of the discussion between Liu Yunong and Wang Yulong, Fu Yu quickly memorized the cooking methods on the classic old-flavored recipes.

Shangshi’s private restaurant also sells pasta, and it’s not difficult to make a hand-rolled pasta.

The main reason is that I am not sure about the taste of the fried sauce in Bei'an.

Liu Yunong thought that his fried sauce was a bit southern, and added hot sauce, so he wondered if Yang Shunwei could get used to it.

After all, in other branches, some customers have commented that the noodles in the store taste really good, but it is not very appetizing.

The difference in taste between the north and the south is most obvious in the diet.

So, don't look at the branches of Shangshi private restaurant, but each restaurant actually has some changes in the taste of the dishes.

The ingredients and cooking methods are still in accordance with the method of the store, but the seasoning will be more or less in line with the taste of the local people.

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